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Becoming A Knight (The Knights of Knightingale Prep Book 1)

Page 3

by K. L Hart

  “Whatever you want to ask, just ask!” he says, turning his head to face me,

  “I need a dealer.” I whisper, he smiles,

  “I can get you whatever you want, but you would need to fight for us!”

  “Nope, rather be sober!”

  “What do you need?” He asks, seriously,


  “I'll sort it!” He says and turns back to his phone, huh, did not expect him to actually give me a dealer, let alone sort it out! Today is looking up.

  Chapter Six

  “Railey, someone's at the door for you!” Lisa shouts through to the dining room,

  “Who?” I shout back, Lisa pops her head in the dining room,

  “Go and see,” She wiggles her eyebrows. I stand and walk to the door; I open it to find Tyler standing there with a huge grin on his face. I step out and shut the door behind me.

  “Hey, Rails, I have the stuff you asked about.”

  “Shh!” I say as I drag him off the porch and start walking down the street, “Jesus Tyler, you trying to get me kicked out now!” He cringes,

  “Sorry, but here.” he slides a baggy into my hand, there must be a half here and it looks like good shit too.

  “How much do I owe you?” I ask getting the last of my cash out of my pocket, Oliver was right I do need some money and soon.

  “It’s on me, but I do have a favor to ask you.”

  “I'm not fighting for you and you can't buy this for me, here!” I shove One hundred dollars to him and he puts his hands up,

  “It's from my own stash, honestly its fine and the favor isn't about fighting. I have to go to a race tonight and I kind of want a chilled night without girls being all over me, you are one scary girl, if you're with me I think they might leave me alone.” I narrow my eyes at him, but fuck yeah, a race, haven't been to one of them in a while!

  “Ok, but first tell me, why did you and your brothers target me in the first place?”

  “Keep it a secret?” I nod, “There’s shit going down in the town and we think a few kids from school are involved, it could cause a major kink in shit we have to deal with, we needed a show of power, Rick chose you because you bumped into him, we wouldn’t have known who you were if you didn’t, wrong place, wrong time! It wasn’t anything personal.” He shrugs,

  “Ok!” I mean I don’t agree with their actions but I accept his explanation.

  “Really?” I nod, he gets out his smokes and offers me one, I take it and he hold the lit lighter for me before lighting his own.

  “My cars just down the street a bit, shall we get going?”

  “I need to let Ms. Ellie, know,”

  “I'll text her, come on.” I furrow my eyebrows,

  “How do you know Ms. Ellie?”

  “Don't worry about it, but she will know you’re with me so you can be late home too!” I don’t question him and walk with him to his car, which he points out at soon as its in view.

  “Thats your car, no fucking way!” I exclaim, he has a cherry red Ferrari F8 Tributo, “How do you even own this year's Ferrari?” I ask running my finger down the side of the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

  “So, you like cars?” He asks with an unbelieving smile,

  “Duh, please tell me the 3.9 litre twin turbo engine feels as good as it sounds?”

  “Get in and find out.” Tyler wiggles his eyebrows as he opens the passenger door for me, I flick my smoke and get in melting into the leather seats. Tyler gets in his side and starts the car, the engine roars before settling into a loud purr. “Buckle up Railey, this I going to be the best ride of your life, so far!” He winks and I do as he says. The ride is smooth even though we are speeding round corners and weaving through traffic, fuck me this car is a dream! It only takes ten minutes to get to the race and when we pull up, we are next to more fucking sports cars and my jaw drops, this is the stuff my good dreams are made of.

  “Railey are you ok?” Tyler says with a chuckle

  “Uh huh!” I reply, Tyler gets out and I snap out of my haze, getting out of the car too. He joins me round my side of the car and leans back onto it.

  “My brothers will be around here somewhere.” he says his gaze looking around.

  “Wonderful!” I drawl,

  “They’re not that bad,” he chuckles and I shrug,

  “If you say so.” I join Tyler in leaning on the car, I spot Harv first and then the other two come into view, they spot us and walk over.

  “Railey.” Harv greets with a nod, Oliver and Rick blank me but that’s ok,

  “So, who’s racing?” Oliver asks,

  “I was going to but I have a better idea.” Tyler smirks in my direction and I roll my eyes,

  “What?” Rick asks, looking between us,

  “I think we should make a bet,” Tyler says lighting a smoke and handing it to me before lighting his own, I am not going to like this am I? “I think that Rails here should race in my car, if she wins, she keeps the car, if she loses, she fights for us.”

  “Are you insane?” I ask, “That’s a Three hundred-thousand-dollar car!” Tyler shrugs,

  “If she crashes?” Rick asks,

  “I have a feeling she would never crash a car!”

  “What do you have to lose?” Oliver asks and I try to think of a reason not to race my dream car and nothing I can think of is enough to stop me.

  “Fine, I win, the cars mine, I lose, I fight for you!” I put the cigarette in my mouth holding it with my lips as I reach up and secure my hair in a ponytail with a tie I had on my wrist, “When does the race start?”

  “Ten minutes.” I nod, Tyler hands me the keys and then all the boys head off to find somewhere to watch the race,

  “Be in position in five, the starting lines over there!” Tyler shouts back, I finish my smoke slowly making the most of the calm before the adrenaline of this race hits.

  When the girl wearing little more than a bikini drops the flag to the floor, I put my foot down, changing through the gears easily. This car is fucking fast, but I don’t sweat it, you can't steal cars and be afraid of the speed. I'm neck and neck with the canary yellow Lambo but I'm sure I can pass him in the next corner, we start to turn and I pull out Infront and take the inside, but now we are on a road with oncoming traffic, I weave through the oncoming cars like its nothing and whoop when we get back to the land where the race started, the finish line is just ahead and the lambo is gaining, I put my foot down to the floor and in three, two, one. I pass the finish line, and I fucking won! I slow the car down, drifting it as I turn back to the crowd and park up. I open the door and look around the cheering crowd for the knights who all look the same as they did when I won the fights at school, when will these boys learn not to underestimate me. Tyler sorts himself out first and smiles before whistling loudly with the crowd. The owner of the lambo gets out and nods his head at me, I nod back the guy in the black Ford GT stalks towards me, he tries to grab me but I dodge him ending up being grabbed by his friend who is behind me, he pulls my arms behind my back!

  “A fucking girl! I want my fucking money, that win was mine!” he steps closer to me and I prepare to headbutt him but Rick grabs him from the back of the next and throws him to the ground, Harv takes the one holding me and when I'm let go, I stumble and Rick catches me. Tyler punches the guy who Rick threw and his nose breaks and blood pours out.

  “Fucking get out of here now! Take your friend with you and never come back!” Rick growls, the two guys scramble into their car, so fucking quickly I hold back a chuckle. I realize I'm still being held up softly by Rick and he’s staring down at me weirdly.

  “Uh, thanks.” I say pulling myself back and standing on my own two feet.

  “No one touches you, never again!” Rick growls and I can feel the pure anger radiating from him.

  “I'm ok, Rick, honestly!” I say, not sure why I feel the need to reassure him. He nods and turns to Tyler,

  “Well enjoy the car.” He pouts and I chuckl

  “I will! Look how about this, I will fight one fight for you, to say thanks for...” I wave my hand at the spot where the guys tried to attack.

  “A bet is a bet and you won.” Oliver states, he is so cut and dry. Oliver is actually wearing a suit, the rest of us are in jeans and tee’s but not him, he looks like a business man and I would love to know what he is constantly typing into that phone of his.

  “And this is not because of the bet, this is me offering to fight with you the one time, because you helped me and you didn’t have too.” I reply,

  “Ok.” Harv says, Tyler swings his arm around my shoulders,

  “Aww, Rails, are you starting to like us?”

  “Not a fucking chance.” I reply but actually I think I am, well Tyler anyway.

  Chapter Seven

  “And where were you last night? I heard you come in early hours this morning.” Jules asks with a raised eyebrow as I sit down for breakfast,

  “Out doing some business.” I wiggle an eyebrow and she cocks her head to the side wanting more. “I was with the Knights.”

  “What? So, your friends now, even though they tried to have you beaten up by half the school?” Katie asks in horror.

  “Not exactly. They made me a bet, I won that’s it! Don’t worry about it.”

  “Just be careful, wouldn’t want to explain your murder to Emma.” Jules says and I nod.

  “Be careful of who?” Ms. Ellie asks as she brings in some waffles,

  “The Knights, Railey is getting herself mixed up with them.”

  “Oh, well I know them boys, they are good boys really, when you get to know them. Speaking of Tyler told me about the car, he didn’t want me to think you stole it. It was very nice of him to lend you it.” It takes me a moment to work out my response, he didn’t lend me it, I won it. But maybe Ms. Ellie wouldn’t like me racing, or betting so lend it is.

  “Yeah, he said he didn’t want me walking the streets, it could be dangerous, but to lend me a Ferrari, I just think it’s a bit much, he wouldn’t take no for an answer!” I lie,

  “Yes, well, them boys can be very extravagant, I'm sure if he had a more subtle car, he would have given you that one.” I nod and everyone eats breakfast in relative silence, Me and the other girls say bye to Ms. Ellie and leave for school.

  “Who wants a ride?” I say swinging the key around my finger.

  “ooh, me!” Emma says jumping from one foot to another, I spark my joint and start walking down the street where I parked the car last night, Jules falls in step with me.

  “He lent you a car?” she asks with a narrowed look,

  “Nah, he lost the car!” I smirk, Jules shakes her head and I pass her the joint, we all get into the car and I blast the radio, some pop song comes on but Emma sings to it in the back so I leave it on so she can enjoy it. We get to school before the song even finishes, I park near the front as were early, there are loads of spaces free. Just as everyone gets out cars park either side of us, Rick and Oliver park to the left in their cars and Tyler and Harv on the right side, Tyler has a sleek back 2018 Ferrari with him today so he isn't to put out. The girls all walk quickly away, waving to me as they flee. I start to walk towards the dumpsters as I have time for a smoke before class today.

  “Hey, Rails!” Tyler says as he falls in step with me and throws his arm over my shoulder, I roll my eyes at him.

  “You know I'm not your friend, right?” Tyler mocks hurt by clutching his chest and I chuckle,

  “I don't know, I think we could be friends if you weren't such an ice queen!”

  “I don’t do friends, ever.”

  “Well, that’s pathetic.” I shrug,

  “What's the point, they either die, turn on you, or one of you leaves, it just a pointless attachment.”

  “How about this, I promise to be your friend even if you're not mine and I promise not to die in the next twenty years, not to turn on you and if you leave, I'll write every week for the rest of time!” I chuckle again,

  “You're an asshole!”

  “I'll take that as an ok.” I roll my eyes again. We get to the dumpsters and do the usual, lean back and smoke. “Oh, here.” Tyler shoves a large wad of cash at me, I furrow my eyebrows.

  “I don’t want your money, Tyler.”

  “No, it's your winnings, you won a race, you get money!”

  “Yeah, but I didn’t buy in, so how can I get any money.”

  “Rick paid the buy in and took it back out of the winnings, he said the rest is yours, he will be pissed if you don’t take it, you earned it fair and square.” I warily take the money and shove it in my pocket. “You not going to count it?” he asks,


  “Theres One Hundred and Thirty-Five Thousand dollars there, don’t fucking lose it.” My eyes go wide, no wonder the wad was so fucking big, is he for real.

  “Are you fucking with me, what the hell am I going to do with all that cash?” I ask,

  “Spend it, there will be plenty more where that came from, you're working with us now and we pay very well!” He winks and I just stand their gob smacked. I don’t even reply to him, I just finish smoking and head back to school, Tyler chuckles as he walks with me. It finally registers in my head that I have a shit ton of money and no idea how to shop but I know one girl who will, Emma!

  “Really?” Emma asks as I stop her from getting out of the car when we get back to the home,

  “Yeah, can you help me? I'll buy you stuff too!” I say as she climbs into the front seat. The excitement on her face makes me smile, I knew she would love this girly shit.

  “Sure, let's go!” we spend the drive her directing me to the mall, “That's it over there.” She points, it’s a decent size, must be a hundred stores in their easy. I park up and we both walk into the mall, “Theres a store that’s not long opened that I’ve wanted to go, it sells clothes, Primark, I think it’s called.”

  “Ok, we will start there then.” Emma looks at the mall’s map on the wall then speed walks in the direction I'm assuming the store is. It is one of the bigger stores in the Mall and it takes Emma Zero seconds to grab two baskets and hand me one then she browses through everything, she keeps throwing items in my basket.

  “Are these for me?” I ask as she throws another top in my basket,


  “How do you know my size; I barely know my size?”

  “I want to be a fasion designer, so I have a talent at guessing people’s sizes, you are a size four and only because of all that muscle.” I nod trusting her as I have not been shopping for clothes that wasn’t goodwill since I was maybe eight. An hour later and two more baskets we are finally at the checkout, Emma shops like a boss and she got everything I could ever need to wear from fancy lace underwear to joggers, she got a few bits for herself and she is so happy with them that her whole face lit up when I immediately said yes when she asked if she could have them.

  “Thats Five hundred and thirty-five dollars, please.” The cashier says as she hands me four massive bags stuffed to the brim of items.

  “Is that it?” I ask as I hand over the cash,

  “This place is affordable but good quality fashion, its great isn't it.” Emma says and I chuckle at her. We leave the store and I have no idea where to go next, I'm done, I have more than I needed.

  “Is there anywhere else you want to go?” I ask Emma,

  “You need a phone, so let's go over there!” Emma points at the Apple shop and I shrug, we are in and out within minutes and I have a new iPhone eleven, Emma knew what she wanted me to have straight away so I just let her do her thing and handed over the cash, it is going to take me forever to spend all of this money.

  “Anywhere else?” I ask and she shakes her head, we slowly walk back through the Mall and I spot a little fabric store, I hand Emma some money, “Go get us some food, I'll meet you there.” I say and she runs off, I go ingot the store and find a little old woman behind the counter. “Excuse me, what would I
need if I was wanting to make clothes?”

  “Oh, erm, well fabric, needles, thread, maybe a sewing machine, some patterns, some zippers and buttons.”

  “Can I have all of that please, it's not for me, it's for a girl I know, she wants to be a fashion designer.”

  “Certainly, may I suggest a mannequin as well, she would want one of those.”

  “Please, everything you would think she needs can you ring up; money isn't a problem.” I smile at the lady and she smiles back. She goes around the store and bags up loads of stuff, I hand over the cash and she passes it too me along with rolls and rolls of different fabrics. I officially can't carry anymore this stuff is heavy! I manage to get to Emma at the food court without dropping anything and her eyes go wide.

  “What’s all that?” she asks,

  “You want to be a fashion designer then you need to start making clothes, So now you can.” Emma looks like she is going to cry which makes me awkward but she doesn’t instead she leans over the table and hugs me tight.

  “Thank you, Railey.”

  Chapter Eight

  I'm awoken by knock at the door, I have had an extremely bad night's sleep and I really want to ignore her it being Saturday and all, but she is persistent.

  “Yeah.” I shout.

  “Rick is here for you, you need to get up and ready, he's taking you out.”

  “What? No tell him I said go away!”

  “He said if you said no, he will come up and get you himself.”

  “Ugh, fine. Tell the prick I'll be down soon.” I throw my covers off and grab a quick shower before getting dressed, I don’t bother washing my hair so I just tie it up in a ponytail, I chuck on some of the new jeans I got and the nude crop top and my new jacket with some white sneakers. I throw on some makeup so I don’t look like a tired wreck and head down stairs. I take the coffee Ms. Ellie hands me as I sit at the small kitchen table opposite Rick. I glare at him while he makes idle chit chat with Ms. Ellie, I don’t listen to their conversation instead I use my glare to really look at Rick, he is fucking hot, like perfect specimen kind of hot. His white tee, shows off every curve in his large arm muscles and broad shoulders, you can even see the outline of his abs! Then there is his face, Stormy grey eyes that get darker when he's mad, which makes him even sexier. Chiseled jaw line, perfect lips which is a weird thing to notice on a guy, in my opinion anyway, his hair is perfectly styled at the top where it is a bit longer then goes down into a skin fade.


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