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Born of Fire

Page 6

by Danika Kane

  Sakima sighed. “Then we both know of tragedy. That is why you seem to understand me.”

  Caldre gazed into his eyes. “Yes.” He could see hesitation in Sakima, as if weighing what to say or what to do. When he spoke again, the moment had passed. Sakima was all business.

  “When I commissioned this house, I did so with my fighters in mind. I knew there were few gyms within Cleveland that could handle the type of training I wanted to provide for the men and women. Fortunately, I’m now involved in a business allowing me to design and build a state of the art facility in town.”

  “The area around the old warehouse district downtown.” Of course, Caldre had seen Sakima the morning of the fire. The long hair and the knowing look had been there, much like his look today. This man was more than spiritual. He was all knowing.

  “Yes. You know of the location?” Sakima stopped in front of a set of double doors.

  “There have been a series of fires in the surrounding area. Some firefighters believe there’s a serial arsonist involved.”

  Sakima narrowed his eyes. “That’s right. You’re a fireman.”

  “Yes, and two of my team almost died at the scene of a fire two weeks ago. I take arson very seriously.”

  “I’ve heard the rumors of the horrible blazes and that they were set to lower costs and make the selling of the abandoned space more profitable, Mr. Parker. The group of investors who own the entire area can be testy to work with. However, I assure you, I have no need nor will I tolerate anything illegal within my company. The investment has been an ongoing contractual relationship with the current owners of the group of buildings for some time. I will be announcing shortly that an acceptable deal for both parties has been reached.”

  The look alone was chilling, cutting Caldre to the bone. “Understood.”

  “I hope that you do. This is important to my life and my investment strategies. Perhaps my enemies won’t take kindly to what I’m planning, but they’ll learn to accept it or they will pay.”

  “Enemies?” The threat was very real.

  “And you didn’t think a man who pushes hard against everything would have enemies? Come, Mr. Parker, you should know better.” His eyes flashing, he smiled as he threw open the doors. “Welcome to the beginning of what you will see within my gym, my mecca for all types of martial arts.”

  As Caldre walked inside, he was consumed with the gleaming look of the facility, from the weight machines and punching bags, the mats sectioned off for practice fights, everything was pristine. “Amazing.”

  “Yes, and exactly where you’re going to train. I am assuming you’ve accepted?”

  There wasn’t a question but a determination made by a man who not only terrified him given his prowess, his obvious secrets, but also titillated him to the point he was hot and wet all over. His cock ached from hearing the man’s voice, let alone the very way he was studying Caldre, sizing him up. He was aware there was more to Sakima’s heated look. “Yes.”

  “Very good. We’ll begin your official training tomorrow. As I mentioned to you, my methods of teaching are perhaps a bit more avant-garde. I am assuming you can handle all aspects of physicality?”

  “If you’re asking me whether or not I can handle pain, the answer is yes. My tolerance is very high.”

  “Are you certain you know what you’re asking and what you’re telling me?”

  Caldre swallowed hard, his nerves on edge. Widening his stance, he nodded. “Yes, I’m certain.”

  “So certain of yourself. I appreciate your confidence. You will obey me in all things. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Then tonight we see what you are made of as a fighter as well as a man.”

  Caldre had no idea what to say. He shifted back and forth from foot to foot, now nervous as hell. An odd feeling remained in the pit of his stomach. This was nothing more than a test of pure seduction. There was no doubt in his mind. Should he be concerned? Perhaps, but the man and what he was offering was far too exciting and he’d never been so turned on in his life. Complete obedience he could do.

  “This evening I will begin molding you into becoming the man I can tell you long to be, one you’ve hidden your entire life.” Sakima inched closer, a slight husky sound slipping from his lips. He walked around Caldre in a complete circle as he took one hand and brushed the tips of his fingers up Caldre’s arm to his shoulder, down his back and to the edge of his waistband.

  Shivering, Caldre wiped his hand on his jeans as beads of sweat trickled from his hairline to his collar.

  “You crave becoming the man you’ve never allowed anyone to see, the man who is the true fighter inside. Correct?”

  “I…” Closing his eyes he groaned as Sakima rubbed his hand across Caldre’s ass, caressing for a few seconds before sliding his hand up to the small of Caldre’s back. Dear God, he was tingling all over, his left leg shaking involuntarily. “Yes.”

  “And you fear what others will say to you if they knew just how much anger and darkness you have buried inside of you.”


  “Mmm. You fight to alleviate the pain.” Lowering his head, he breathed a swath of hot air across the back of Caldre’s neck.

  “Yes, I do.” Laughing nervously, he continued to rub his hand up and down the front of his thigh.

  “You hunger for a man to take full control of you, train you, as well as allow you to become the creature you’ve longed to become.” Sakima eased back Caldre’s hair, exposing his neck.

  He was immobilized, the feel of Sakima’s closeness, his breath and the touch of his hand driving him into a heightened state of nirvana. “Yes. God, yes.” Why was it so easy to admit his inner secrets to this man?

  “You’ll give me everything about you, your complete inhibitions, your total respect and devotion as I draw out the strong man, introducing him to the world of total submission?”

  Caldre tried to fully understand the words and the meaning behind them. He blinked several times, unable to focus as a series of stars floated across his field of vision. Why was his body reacting this strongly? “Yes.”

  “Respect above all things, Caldre.” Sakima set down his glass and wrapped both arms around Caldre, pulling their bodies together. “Respect and submission.”

  “Yes, sir. I will.” He had to fight to keep his hand off his own crotch. Fuck! His balls were swelling.

  “I will take you to places of pure ecstasy.” Sakima lowered his head, easing his mouth over Caldre’s neck as he ground his hips back and forth across Caldre’s ass.

  His heart racing, he was shocked he was so turned on. He eased his hand back, touching and caressing Sakima’s leg tentatively. Tingles swept through his entire body until his heart was racing uncontrollably. “Yes. I want it so much.”

  “I know you do. I will show you pure ecstasy.”

  The next few seconds were nothing more than a blip in time. Caldre could no longer breathe, no longer feel his legs as an incredible series of electric jolts tore through his arms to his chest and down his legs. He could swear Sakima was biting his neck, drawing his very life’s blood and all he could think about was dropping to his knees and sucking his new Master’s cock. Master. The single word had a tremendous effect on him and the second his legs buckled, Sakima wrapped his hand around his arm, keeping Caldre in a standing position. What was wrong with him? Woozy, a moan escaped his lips. He licked his dry lips as a slight pain rushed down the back of his neck. He was lightheaded, his pulse racing. A few seconds later a complete sense of euphoria forced goose bumps on his arms and neck.

  Grunting, Sakima reached around him, cupping and squeezing Caldre’s cock.

  Caldre shuddered, electric shock washing into every cell in his body. As Sakima lifted his head he whimpered.

  “You will become mine and I will become the only man you hunger for. For tonight, you and I will become lovers.”

  Caldre jerked his head back as the most unreal blanket of warmth env
eloped his entire body. This had to be pure bliss. He heard a scraping sound, the noise interrupting his heightened state. Startled, he blinked furiously and tried to figure out what was going on.

  “I apologize for interrupting.”

  Sakima growled. “Tor. What is it?”

  “Dinner is ready.”

  Caldre heard Tor’s voice and the statement, but was having difficulty comprehending. What was Sakima really telling him?

  “Very well. Dinner indeed. We’re done here for now,” Sakima stated as he broke the hold, removing his hand from Caldre’s crotch.

  “Will you be needing other sustenance tonight?” Tor asked quietly.

  Sakima exhaled as he tilted his head. “No, thank you for preparing dinner. That will be all I need as far as your hospitality. However…” Nodding, he patted Caldre on the shoulder before breaking the connection. “Perhaps a demonstration of your skills later would alleviate any concerns our guest might have. He should garner a look at my preferred level of fighting.”

  “All right. I’ll wait for your call.” Tor flashed his eyes toward Caldre. “A blessed idea.”

  “Yes,” Sakima said as he breathed in.

  Caldre turned around slowly, Sakima’s telling statement flowing into the back of his mind. Had he heard the words correctly? “What did you say?” There was an odd look in Tor’s eyes, almost hatred.

  Smiling, Sakima lifted his gaze from Caldre’s cock to his eyes. “I said, tonight, you and I will become lovers.” The words hung in the air. “After that, you’re going to become my slave.”

  Shivering, Caldre realized he wanted nothing else as much in his life.

  Chapter 3

  Aroused, Sakima shuddered as he lowered his hand, merely caressing as he inhaled Caldre’s musky scent. The man was almost an enigma. There was no way of knowing if Caldre had any understanding of his pre-ordained life, but Sakima was going to remain cautious. Of what, he wasn’t certain. He could easily tell the fighter had been pulled into his spell by the way his eyes glistened. His cock was swelling, filling with cum from the small amount of blood ingested. He was intrigued by how much the man longed for more. The past was repeating itself. Stop. You can’t do this. You can’t take what isn’t yours. As if that could control him or his impulses. The sound of Tor clucking behind him brought him back into some sense of reality. He had to get control. Now.

  Rearing back, he dragged the tip of his tongue back and forth across his fangs until they retracted. Sinking his canines into Caldre’s neck had been a ridiculous choice, but the single taste of the man’s blood was enough to know he was right. Meeting Caldre was more than simple coincidence. This meeting had been planned by some angry God bent on revenge. Sakima had gotten away with living his life peacefully for far too long. One hundred magical years had passed. Those years had been filled with extreme loneliness. Now he was being tempted.

  Unfortunately, his actions might create a downward spiral. Their connection was far too strong and completely unexpected. The few drops of blood were setting a course toward destruction, but for which man? The way Caldre had reacted to the paintings was telling. They had a past together and their two paths were crossing again, being repeated. The freaking curse…

  He’d almost lost every ounce of control, to the point he could have fucked then turned Caldre. This hadn’t happened since Zamir. The scenario was the same. The same desires and the exact strangulation of his powers. He was possessed with need. Now their link was more akin to an insatiable desire, one neither man could avoid. This was no longer about attraction. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he studied Caldre, sensing so many questions. He was going to have to be very careful tonight. The future was something else entirely. “Thank you again, Tor. We’ll be down shortly.”

  “Yes, sir. I…”

  Sakima turned to face him. “Yes, Tor? Do you have something to say?”

  Tor locked eyes for a full minute before looking away. “No, sir. Nothing at all.”

  Tor had never been jealous before but he could sense sadness in his friend. Sakima moved to face Caldre, needing to break the trance. “I’m certain you’d enjoy a demonstration?”

  “Yes.” Caldre shook his head as if pushing cobwebs aside. He rubbed his hand over the now invisible bite mark, his eyes darting over Sakima’s face.

  “Let’s enjoy dinner together.” Sakima moved away quickly, a rush of adrenaline unsettling. They were both confused by their growing infatuation. He clenched his fists as he took the stairs two at a time. This was nothing more than unbridled and very dangerous hunger, one that could bring his ugly beast to the surface. He had to stop the madness or they’d both be lost to something Caldre wasn’t prepared for. Hell. He wondered if running from the devil had given him more of a sense of bravado or less given he was shaking.

  Sakima thoroughly enjoyed the time they shared, the discussions. He found Caldre an intensely intelligent man, capable of challenging him mentally. Through the centuries of living he’d found few men, or women for that matter, who he truly enjoyed spending time with. If Caldre noticed his lackluster appetite, he certainly didn’t allow the knowledge to show. The fighter enjoyed dinner, as well as the wine. No matter how hard he’d tried, he couldn’t get his mind off tasting more of the fireman, drinking his blood before feasting on his sex.

  Tor seemed to sense his difficulties, preferring to remain close by. His friend and former lover was the only human he trusted with a complete understanding of the beast living inside. Tor would die with the secret intact. Tor was cognizant of his growing need for blood and sex and his friend was no longer able to keep up with Sakima’s needs. The young men found and brought to Sakima were the only saving grace. Soon enough Sakima would be forced to concede what he was becoming. Unless…

  Shaking the very thought away, he concentrated as he stood on the mat facing Tor. The man was as accomplished of a fighter as any in his stable, but his advanced age prevented him from competing any longer. What a sad state of humanity. Crouching down, he held up his arms in a fighting stance. “Again.”

  Tor lunged forward, using the strength of his powerful thighs to catapult him into Sakima, the high kick catching Sakima in the face.

  Grunting, Sakima went down hard, the blow making him grin. He rose quickly, resuming the stance. “You’ve been practicing.”

  “I was taught by the best,” Tor huffed as he twisted and kicked out again, this time the angle shoving Sakima backwards and off the mat. “Point deducted.”

  “You’re cheating as well as showing off.” Taking a single step forward, he jumped, turning in a full circle and slamming against Tor’s body, bringing them both down to the mat. Instantly he placed Tor into a submission hold.

  Tor kicked out and try as he could, was unable to push Sakima off. “Ah!”

  “One. Two. Three. And that’s how you do it, my boy.” Rolling off Tor, he rose to his feet and held out his hand for his friend. “You don’t need anything but maneuverability.”

  “Excellent. I didn’t know you continued to fight,” Caldre said as he looked back and forth from Tor to Sakima.

  “Tell him, Tor.”

  “He doesn’t, but the demonstrations are good for the trainees. They need to understand he does indeed know what he’s talking about. The motivation is helpful.” Grinning, Tor bowed to Sakima and clapped his hands. “Besides, there are many things you don’t know about the Master.”

  “What Tor means is the men I train need to comprehend I can best them if necessary. Always. They must understand respect and in my world, respect is earned. Care to try your hand?” Caldre was very drawn not only to the fight but to the way Tor was acting. He could also tell Tor knew the connection between the two men was something unusual.

  “With you?” Caldre seemed taken aback.

  “Once you fight the master, you’ll truly understand the power of absolute control,” Tor offered. “Are you game?”

  Caldre looked back and forth between them. “I am.”
  Sakima beckoned. “Good. Then one round.” He was intrigued to see what Caldre would really do. Motioning to Tor, there was no need to request any action. Tor knew him well enough. “With my training, I allow the opportunity for failure, but I assure you, that’s not what you want to have happen.” As Tor brought the whip, the one he’d been using since beginning his foray into the world of martial art fighting, Caldre reacted, yet not in any way he’d anticipated. There was a look of pure glee.

  Caldre took a step forward and removed his shirt, tugging the material over his shoulders, pitching it to the floor. “I’m ready.”


  “Mistakes are costly,” Sakima said quietly as he tilted his head, smiling as Tor twirled the whip before handing the implement of punishment to Sakima. This was a very interesting side to Caldre. He feared little.

  “As it should be.” Immediately crouching into a fighting stance, he eased one foot out in front of him. Caldre appeared ready to take on his opponent.

  Sakima breathed in deeply as he brought the leather strap toward his nose, inhaling the sweet scent of the worn leather as well as the remaining odor of blood from a new fighter’s recent discipline. He could almost taste the copper, the incredible flavor of the younger man, one who wouldn’t remain on the circuit for long. The youthful man was terrified of the discipline, never embracing the need or the understanding.

  Here was Caldre, ready as well as eager and the fragrance of testosterone and sweat was an extremely powerful aphrodisiac. He was unable to keep his fangs from pushing through his gums.

  Whoosh! Crack!

  “Then we begin.” Giving Caldre no time to react, he hoisted himself into the air, slamming Caldre in the middle of the chest with both feet.

  Caldre went down hard, the thudding noise as he was thrown into the mat floating into the room.


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