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Claimed By Light (A Bound By Hades Novel) (Entangled Embrace)

Page 21

by Reese Monroe

  They made it to the end of the cave and came onto the scene.

  To the right, there was an alcove with a barred door propped open. That had been where Addie was kept. In the center of the chamber was the floating glass box that housed the Gem, just like it was in the earlier vision. Votar stood holding Addie at arm’s length toward the Gem.

  The Oracle watched, eyes wide.

  Halena’s heart cracked at the sight of Addie in torn jeans, barefoot, and with knotted hair. She still had the black-and-blue eyes, swollen lip, and blood-coated cuts along her arms, hands, and face.

  She slumped forward and reached toward the Gem, her jaw set and eyes narrowed.

  “Look, more demons.” Slade pointed past the floating Artifact.

  Nearly lost in the shadows, at least seven stood dressed in black from head to toe.

  She finished scanning the room and didn’t see any more. “You count seven?”

  “Yeah. If there aren’t any behind them. We’ve got to hurry. Addie’s going to grab Votar’s knife—we can’t let her.”

  In the next breath, they were in the pitch black again.

  “Yvonne, seven on the far south wall. We need to move. Now.”

  Theo, get ready, Halena said.

  Hurried steps brought Slade and Halena farther into the darkness until a subtle glow lit the tunnel.

  Addie screamed. Slade took off running. Everything happened so fast Halena could barely keep up.

  “No!” Slade yelled.

  Halena rounded the corner and stopped beside Slade. Addie lay on the ground, knife sticking out from her chest.

  Halena sped at Votar, Mavet drawn. She buried her shoulder in his chest cavity, and it caved like a house of toothpicks.

  Grunts, moans, and even some bellowing echoed throughout the cave. Halena whirled around, holding her Mavet to Votar’s neck to take in the scene. She needed him alive, if anything to torture him for the location of the other Artifacts.

  “Lena, you’ve got to heal Addie.”

  Dust flew, telling Halena Yvonne was going to work on the demons.

  “You think I wasn’t prepared for this?” Votar grunted.

  A splice opened beside him and demons poured in.

  “That should keep you busy enough to lose the little girl.” He grunted. “Give me the Gem, and I’ll call my guys off to allow you to heal her.”

  Theo, now.

  Behind Halena, Theo appeared, wielding the Sword of Terentia. Sadie plowed through, swinging Mavets. Her first one met the neck of that asshole Bastian. But where was that Jace guy?

  Theo swung, severing three demon heads with one swipe.

  Halena shoved Votar at Theo. “Hold him.” She leaped for Addie. “Slade, get the Gem.”

  “Go, Slade, I’ll cover you,” Justin yelled.

  Halena landed with a grunt beside Addie. She drew in a deep breath and connected her palms to the tiny girl’s pale, bloodied cheeks. Leaning forward, she felt no breath against her cheek. She pressed her ear against the motionless chest. “Addie! Don’t you dare leave us!”


  She was dead.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Slade kicked out a demon’s knee, fighting through the wall of creatures keeping him from the Gem. Lena’s bellow nearly undid him. It was at that moment he knew Addie was gone, lost to him forever. That knowledge empowered him even more.

  He would not let her death be in vain. Or Grams’s death.

  A massive demon bent at the knees, readying to battle. Slade tossed the Mavet but didn’t say the vanquish, instead using the frozen creature as a step. One powerful push off the demon’s thigh, and Slade lunged over his head, tucked his feet to his chest, and after a quick revolution, landed on the sandy ground behind the demon.

  He stepped into the mystical bubble surrounding the Artifact. Sounds were muffled into white noise as he fixed his attention on the floating treasure. It shimmered as if the sun beamed on it. A gentle hum of electricity radiated from the ancient object.

  He threw a glance over his shoulder. A demon pounded on the protective bubble, and the creature vaporized. The other one about to do the same stopped, his fist inches away from contact. But suddenly he smashed, face-first, into the bubble. Justin came into view, his grin wide.

  Theo stood, his back to the wall, holding Votar with a Mavet jammed in his ribs. The demon glared at Slade as if he could murder him with his eyes.

  Slade’s attention dropped to Addie. She flopped beneath the pressure of Lena’s hands pumping his sister’s chest. Lena yelled something, and Slade didn’t need to physically hear it to know she was yelling Addie’s name.

  He tore his attention away from the devastating sight and retrained it on the treasure.

  For you, Addster.

  He curled his fingers around the small box and squeezed. Glass shattered, slicing his fingers, but he didn’t care. The Gem landed heavy in his hand. No bright lights. No foresight. No nothing. It was just a Gem, the size of a golf ball, but heavier.

  Without the Necklace, this was worthless, and Slade would leave it to the Gatekeepers to figure out how to get the Necklace back.

  He had Addie’s body to tend to.

  The bubble faded, crackling as if he’d thrown a rock through it, and the ripple shattered the protective barrier.

  And that’s when Lena’s gut-wrenching scream blasted through his mind.

  A demon that got past Justin lunged for Slade. He drove his fist through the creature’s chest, and just as the demon oozed to the ground, Lena did the same, a dagger wobbling from her neck.


  “Yvonne, get the Thata—shut that damn splice,” Justin yelled. “Halena!”

  She flopped onto her back. “Okay, I’m okay—” She coughed. “Get Addie. Found pulse.”

  “Got it,” Yvonne yelled. “It’s closed.”

  Slade didn’t know what was happening. All he saw was his Mate on her back, writhing in agony with a knife embedded in her neck.

  He fell between his sister and Lena. He took his shirt off, then pulled the knife from Lena’s neck. Blood gushed, drenching his fatigues. “Lena. Hold on to me. Touch my back.” He faced his sister. A cool hand landed on his spine, confirming Lena had followed his directive.

  He positioned his cheek above Addie’s mouth, feeling for breath. Nothing.

  Ear to her chest.


  He clasped his hands together and started counting out the beats.

  I heard a pulse. We can save her, Slade. Lena mentally coughed, and her other hand landed on his back. She’d inched up closer behind him. “Come on, Addie. You can’t die now, you stubborn little brat.”

  Yvonne fell to her knees a few feet in front of Slade, digging out her gloves. “Come on, Addie. You can do it!”

  Slade glanced up. Sadie had Votar pinned against the rock wall with what looked like Mavet daggers to each shoulder. Theo made his way to Addie.

  Slade tilted her head to open her mouth, and blew two long breaths. Come on, Addster. Please.

  Tears stung. Bile rose. The pain from Lena’s injury slowed him. Made him feel heavy. He had to fight through it. Save Addie. “Come on!”

  He resumed compressions, and then she coughed. Scooting back, he saw Lena’s fingers clamped onto Addie’s wrist. He hadn’t even noticed that her hand had moved from his back.

  But now, she lay still with her eyes closed. He had to remind himself that she couldn’t die taking in an injury, but still, she looked near death.

  “Here, let me in.” Theo waved Yvonne away, and she and Justin stepped to Sadie. “I’ll finish. Halena, release her.”

  Peeling her hand from Addie’s wrist, Slade pulled Lena into his arms. While cradling his Mate, he watched Theo finish absorbing Addie’s fatal injury.

  Slade pressed his lips to Lena’s temple as he rocked her, willing her his energy. They’d done it. They’d gotten the Thata and the Gem, saved Addie, and captured Votar.

  Now all t
hey had to do was find out where the last two Artifacts were—and face off with Lucifer to bind his ass to Hades…

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  The scream echoing through Halena’s dungeon didn’t curb the itch to cut Votar more. He had tortured her and Addie, and made Slade do unspeakable things. No, hearing his scream actually made her want to hear more.

  Blood spurted from his lip on that punch, and she smiled a little. It hurt her hand some, but not enough for her to care.

  “Any progress?” Slade’s voice engulfed Halena’s heart like a warm blanket.

  He stood in the open doorway of the cage they’d been keeping Votar in.

  “Demon’s tight-lipped. Might have to cut them open to get him talking.” She winked at Votar. He just grunted. Couldn’t say much without his tongue and half his teeth. “Theo did get a little nugget out of him, though.”

  Votar grunted.

  “He wanted us mated so he could kill me, then with Addie’s and Grams’s deaths, you would have rejected The Great One.”

  “Turned demon?” Slade shook his head. “Never.”

  “That’s what Bastian meant by the bet not paying off. If Votar could have turned a mated Shomrei demon, he would have gotten some serious power for sure. And for an already very powerful demon… It wouldn’t have been pretty.”

  “Then again, I can say never because you’re here with me now and Addie’s upstairs. Even if she’s not waking up, she’s here—alive.” He ran his hand through his hair. “If you were all gone…I would hope I wouldn’t turn.”

  “You wouldn’t.” She stepped toward her Mate and brushed her fingertips along his cheek. “Any change with Addie?”

  He shook his head. She’d been in some kind of coma for two days, but physically she was healed of all wounds from what anyone could tell. Both Halena and Theo had tried to crack into her mind, but somehow it was protected better than Area 51. Halena hadn’t figured out how the young kid had done that.

  “I don’t think she’s consciously doing it,” Slade answered Halena’s unspoken thoughts. “Her mind probably broke from everything she went through.”

  “And yours is getting stronger, pulling thoughts from me.”

  “Your shields are down.” Must be so focused on your torture. He offered a grim smile. I hate that he hurt you so badly. More so that I did nothing to stop it.

  Don’t, Slade. It’s the past. “Want to have a little fun with our prisoner?”

  Slade shook his head. “I’m going to go sit with Addie. Maybe let Theo have another crack at him.” The pain in Slade’s eyes said it all. She’d been spending too much time with Votar.

  Theo’s persuasion techniques were legendary. He’d get the job done.

  “Good idea.” She glanced over her shoulder at the bloody demon. She didn’t miss the flinch he offered. Good. She needed him to talk, and soon.

  Theo, can you take over with Votar?


  “Theo’s coming.” She squeezed Slade’s hand. “You haven’t been able to reach Addie through a vision?”

  “Not a peep.”

  “She was with that monster for days. We both know what he’s capable of.” She cleared her throat. “It may take some time for her to heal.”

  “No wonder she wanted to die so badly, wanted to go be with Grams.” Slade’s voice cracked. “What if she never comes out of this?”

  “She will.” She paused before the door leading out of the dungeon. “But she’ll be different. Never the same after that kind of torture.”

  He nodded.

  “She has you and me. We’ll help her through it.”

  Silence followed them up the three levels of stairs to the kitchen and while they picked up some food to take to Addie’s room.

  Halena opened the door. Sadie stood beside the bed, watching over Addie.

  “Hey,” Sadie said with a smile. “Thought little Noah might cheer her up.”

  The infant lay tucked beneath Addie’s arm, sucking his fist. His big blue eyes fixed on Slade, and a swirl of orange ignited.

  “Just like Theo’s eyes.”

  “Yeah, but Theo’s only swirl orange when things are intense. Makes me nervous it’s in Noah’s eyes all the time.”

  “Hey, kiddo.” Slade held the little bundle up. “You going to be a troublemaker?”

  Slade’s tense jaw relaxed, and a smile filled his face for the first time since they’d brought Addie home. At least the cute baby worked with one of the Bennets.

  “Looks good on you,” Halena whispered.

  Slade glanced at her as he brought the kid to his chest, holding him close. It really did suit him. Such a big guy, but he was nothing more than a sweet teddy bear.

  “Anything from Addie?” he asked Sadie.

  She shook her head and reached for Noah. “I’ll leave you guys with her.”

  Suddenly not hungry, Halena simply set the food on the table beside the bed and crawled in. She leaned against the headboard, draping her arm around Addie.

  Slade followed her lead on the other side of his sister and put his big arm around Halena. The three lay in silence, letting Addie’s even, slow breaths be the only sound in the room.

  Come on, Addie. You can do it, Halena whispered mentally. We need you here.

  Slade’s grip tightened, and she looked up. White eyes stared at her, and she was instantly transported to his side.

  They stood in the cave where they’d found Addie and gotten the Gem. It was dark, dank, and quiet. Somehow Halena could see, though, like there was a skylight above them, letting in the much-needed light.

  Slade turned a circle as he spoke. “We’re back here. Why?”

  “Addie?” Halena called out. “You here?”

  Slade stopped, pinning Halena with a stare.

  “This was where she was brutally tortured. We have her body, physically, but she hasn’t stirred since we took her from here.”

  “That’s why my vision brought us back.”

  Halena hurried toward the cage. “Addie?”

  “What am I looking for?” Slade asked. He came into the cell and nearly filled the tiny room with his presence. “I don’t know how this works.”

  “Me, neither. It’s just a theory. But we have to trust your vision. I know torture and what it can do to the psyche, but I’m going out on a limb here.”

  She touched the cot. The wall next to it had blood splatters, so she touched that, too. Her fingers went through everything. “Slade, you try. You’re the Oracle. Touch everything.” She stepped to the doorway and watched him kneel. “Addie, please. We’re here. Show us,” she whispered.

  His ghostlike hands flowed through the entire cot. The walls beside it. “Please, Addie,” he whispered. “Show us where you are.”

  A flash of her prone body appeared in the corner, opposite the cot. “There!” Halena pointed, but as soon as it appeared, it vanished.

  Slade froze, his hands on the bloodstained rock walls.

  “Go back a bit.”

  He eased his hands forward, watching the area where Halena had pointed. Another flicker.

  “It’s working,” she said. “Addie. You’re doing great. Show us,” Halena said as she inched toward the flickering image. “Slade, just keep doing what you’re doing. Open yourself.”

  The image held for a few seconds, then faded, but it lasted longer this time.

  “I’m here, Addie,” Slade said. “You’re not alone. We’ve got you.”

  “Slade?” Addie’s voice filled the room. No image of her, just her voice. “I can’t see you.”

  “Here, Addster. Right here.”

  Her voice sounded so small. Tense.

  “Come here, Lena.” Slade waved her over. “Hold my hand.”

  He was the only thing solid to Halena in his visions, but she instantly realized what he’d hoped for. More power. Back in the real world, they’d been touching when thrown into his vision.

  She quickly grabbed his hand. Addie’s image held longer this
time. “That’s it, Addie.”

  “Where am I?” she asked. Her image pushed up from the fetal position in the corner. She hugged her legs to her chest, then started rocking. “Slade?”

  “Over here, Addster. Look to your right.”

  She disappeared again. “Make him stop!” Addie’s small voice shattered Halena’s resolve, and the tears flowed. That monster had fractured Addie’s soul. Slade removed his hand from the wall and grasped Halena’s other hand so he faced her. He drew in a deep breath and closed his eyes.

  Addie reappeared.

  “He’s not here. Theo has him locked up. He can’t hurt you anymore,” Slade said.

  She peered from her perch and looked much like she had when they’d found her. Blood-splattered, torn clothes… Halena’s heart cramped.

  “You brought us here. To find you. You’re back home, sleeping, and won’t wake up.” Slade stood by Halena’s side now. “But you’re safe.”

  “Never safe,” she whispered, then batted at a nonexistent bug or something before her. “Artifacts. They hid them.”


  “Gatekeepers need them. Votar can’t let Shomrei get them.” Her image blinked out, then back in.

  “Addie,” Halena said. “Tell us. Where are they, hon? Did you hear them?”

  She scratched at her hair, her scalp. “Can’t get him off me.”

  “I know. We’ll help you,” Halena said. “We’ll help you.”

  “Inside.” Addie whimpered and started rocking again. “Inside Votar.”

  Slade looked at Halena and hiked up his eyebrows. Clearly Addie had cracked. She—

  “Wait, inside?” She squatted before Addie. “The Necklace and Ring are inside Votar?”

  Addie nodded as she continued to rock, her hair falling in front of her face. “Inside. Inside. Inside.”

  “I’m going to tear that monster apart.” Slade clenched his jaw.

  Addie’s screaming and wailing thrust Halena and Slade back to reality.

  They rolled off the bed and each touched a shoulder, to let her know they were there, while she flailed. “Shhh, Addster. He’s not here. You’re safe. Come on. Wake up. You’re safe.”

  The door burst open, and Theo plowed through, followed closely by Justin and Yvonne. Theo froze and held out his arms, stopping the other two. He stared at Halena, then his bottom jaw dropped. Inside?


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