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Miley the Stylist Fairy

Page 2

by Daisy Meadows

  “Oh, no!” Rachel gasped, staring down at the wet and stained shirts, skirts, and pants. “What is The Groove Gang going to wear for their concert now?”

  “Look what you did!” Kirsty cried, staring angrily at the boys. “You ruined all the outfits!”

  Laughing, the boys spun around and ran off, jumping in more puddles as they went. However, one of them was left behind because his boot was stuck in a big patch of sticky mud. Muttering to himself, he tried to yank his boot free. Instead, his enormous foot jerked out and left the rain boot behind. Kirsty and Rachel could hardly believe their eyes when they saw that his skin was green.

  “He’s a goblin!” Kirsty whispered to Rachel.

  “All those boys must be goblins, and we didn’t even realize!” Rachel replied. “But which one of them has Miley’s magic clef?”

  “Rachel, look at his boot,” Kirsty murmured as the goblin finally rescued his boot and jammed it back onto his foot. “It’s clean and shiny, even though it was stuck in the mud.”

  “His raincoat’s really clean, too, even though he’s been splashing around in puddles like the others,” Rachel pointed out. “Maybe he has the clef, and it’s keeping his clothes from getting dirty.”

  “I think he does, girls!” Miley exclaimed. “Don’t let him get away!”

  The goblin raced off now, looking for the others. He ran toward Star Village and then disappeared into the dress-up tent. Rachel and Kirsty were close behind him, but when they reached the entrance to the tent, they stopped.

  “There are lots of people inside,” Rachel whispered to Miley. “We don’t want anyone to guess what we’re up to.”

  “I’ll turn you into fairies, then,” Miley whispered back. “But hurry, girls!”

  Rachel and Kirsty dove behind a nearby trailer. There, Miley zoomed out of Rachel’s pocket and showered the girls with glittery magic that shrank them down to Miley’s size and gave them fairy wings. Silently, the three friends fluttered into the dress-up tent, keeping high above the crowd. They could see the goblin ahead of them, weaving his way between the racks packed with clothes toward the fitting rooms at the other end of the tent.

  “Where’d he go?” Miley asked a few minutes later. “Oh, no, I think we lost him, girls.”

  Rachel and Kirsty looked around anxiously.

  “I can see him!” Kirsty announced suddenly. “Well, I can see his feet, at least! Look, there are his big green boots poking out from under that fitting-room door.”

  “The goblin must have cut in front of everyone in line,” Rachel remarked as they flew over a long line of people who were clutching outfits and waiting for the fitting rooms. “I wonder what outfit he took in there.”

  A moment later, the fitting-room door

  flew open. Miley, Rachel, and Kirsty hovered above, watching as the goblin strutted out. He was wearing a glittering green jacket and pants, white gloves, dark sunglasses, and a black wide-brimmed hat pulled down over his face. He looked extremely stylish, and everyone in the line seemed to be admiring him.

  “That guy looks fantastic!” Rachel heard a teenage boy say to his friend. The boy was wearing a blue tracksuit that was too big for him and a baseball hat that was too small. “He has to be the best-dressed person here.”

  His friend, who was wearing a bright yellow tracksuit, purple sneakers, and a bowler hat, nodded.

  “Everyone else’s outfits look silly compared to his, don’t they?” he replied. “Including ours!”

  As Rachel stared at the goblin, her heart began to hammer with excitement. She could see the magic clef hanging on a chain around his neck!

  Silently, Rachel motioned to Miley and Kirsty. Together, the three of them flew down and landed on a shelf stacked high with colorful silk and chiffon scarves. Meanwhile, the goblin was parading up and down, pretending that he was modeling on a catwalk. Everyone watching applauded enthusiastically.

  “The goblin’s wearing the clef!” Rachel murmured to Miley and Kirsty. “But how are we going to get it back with all these people around?”

  Rachel, Miley, and Kirsty thought about it for a moment.

  “I think I have an idea,” Kirsty said slowly. “Listen, here’s what we should do . . .” And quickly she explained her plan.

  After taking several bows, the goblin had now headed back into the fitting room again, leaving the crowd to wait impatiently to see his next outfit.

  Quietly, Rachel and Kirsty flew down and landed on the floor behind a rack packed with clothes. Still perched on the shelf above them, Miley waved her wand and a cloud of magical sparkles floated down around the girls. Within seconds, they were back to their normal size.

  Suddenly, the crowd cheered. Rachel and Kirsty ducked out from behind the clothes rack and saw that the goblin had come out of the fitting room and was strutting around again. This time, he was wearing a glittery blue shirt, black dress pants, gold bracelets, and the same black hat.

  “Ready, Rachel?” Kirsty whispered, taking her camera out of her pocket. Rachel nodded and did the same. Then the two girls stepped out in front of the goblin.

  “Hi, we’re taking pictures for a new magazine called Star Style,” Kirsty said quickly. “We’d love to take some shots of you.”

  “Your outfit’s great,” Rachel added. “You’re so stylish. You have to be in our magazine!”

  The goblin adjusted his hat. “Yes, I am stylish, aren’t I?” he said smugly. He put his hands on his hips and posed, and Kirsty and Rachel began snapping away. The crowd watched with interest.

  “That’s stunning,” Kirsty said. “You should be a model!”

  The goblin looked very pleased with himself.

  “Can we try something a little different?” Rachel asked. She took a red sequined scarf from the shelf where Miley was still hiding. “I think this would look great in the photos. Could you switch it with that necklace you’re wearing now?”

  The goblin frowned and touched the magic clef hanging around his neck. Rachel and Kirsty waited patiently, trying not to give their plan away.

  Then, to the girls’ dismay, the goblin simply tied the scarf around his neck, over the necklace. Kirsty and Rachel exchanged worried glances. The plan hadn’t worked! Now they’d have to come up with something else.

  “OK, let’s see lots of different poses,” Kirsty called, trying to keep the goblin interested long enough to give them time to think. “Look this way and smile. Now wave at the camera. Stand on one leg . . .”

  The goblin was happy to do everything Kirsty asked. He loved being the center of attention! But Kirsty was beginning to panic because she couldn’t think of another way to get the clef back.

  “I have an idea!” Rachel whispered. She murmured a few words to Kirsty, who nodded, and then glanced up at the shelf. Miley was peeking out from behind a pile of scarves, and Rachel winked at her.

  “I want a really good shot for the cover of the magazine,” Kirsty called to the goblin. “Can you do a handstand?”

  “Of course I can!” the goblin declared. He threw himself onto his hands and balanced upside down, waving his legs in the air. Kirsty watched with wide eyes as the sequined scarf slipped over his head and onto the floor. Then the necklace did exactly the same thing!

  Rachel glanced up at Miley, who instantly flew off the shelf, hidden underneath a thin lavender-colored scarf. The scarf floated down and landed on top of the necklace. Kirsty breathed a sigh of relief and rushed forward. She quickly scooped up the scarf, along with Miley and the magic clef, which was now back to its Fairyland size. Then she dropped the fairy safely into her raincoat pocket.

  The goblin gave a shriek as he lost his balance and fell sideways. Rachel and Kirsty saw the glitter fade from his clothes, and the outfit that had previously looked so stylish now looked ridiculous and very sloppy.

  “I don�
�t know why we all thought that guy was so stylish,” Rachel heard the teenage boy murmur to his friend. “That’s the worst outfit I’ve ever seen!”

  The rest of the crowd lost interest in the goblin, too, as they began to discover all the gorgeous outfits now hanging on the racks. Rachel and Kirsty went over to help him to his feet.

  “No one likes my outfit anymore,” the goblin grumbled.

  “Oh, well, you know how fashions come and go,” Kirsty said to him.

  “But your style will last forever!” Rachel told him. “Remember, you just have to be true to yourself. Don’t follow the crowd!”

  The goblin nodded and hurried away.

  “That’s a quote from The Groove Gang’s song ‘A Style of Your Own’!” Kirsty laughed.

  “Speaking of The Groove Gang . . .” Rachel pulled a sparkly yellow hoodie and a pair of denim shorts off a nearby rack. “Wouldn’t this be perfect for Yvette to replace the outfit that got all muddy?”

  “Great idea!” Kirsty said. “And I can see something that would look good on Blake, too.” She showed Rachel a pair of baggy jeans and a shimmering blue shirt.

  “Keep looking, girls,” Miley whispered from Kirsty’s pocket. “The magic from my clef means that there are lots of wonderful superstar clothes to find!”

  The girls hunted around the clothing racks, and they soon found stage outfits in all The Groove Gang members’ special colors. They even found a couple of very glamorous dresses for themselves, one silver and one gold. Then they hurried out of the tent with their arms full of gorgeous clothes. Now the rain had stopped and the sun was shining down brightly.

  Just before the concert began, Rachel and Kirsty, wearing their silver and gold dresses, went back to the dressing rooms. The Groove Gang had asked them to help Suzy Sparkle with any last-minute adjustments to their outfits. When the girls arrived, they were thrilled to see that the band members were all wearing the clothes they’d chosen for them.

  “These replacement outfits are great, girls,” said Lila. She did a twirl in her short lilac skirt. “It was not at all nice of those boys to splash you with muddy water like that.”

  “But we actually like these new clothes even better!” Rick exclaimed, showing off the red T-shirt and red and black pants he was wearing.

  Smiling happily, Rachel and Kirsty helped Suzy Sparkle with the girls’ hair and makeup. They’d just finished fixing Paige’s hair when Blake suddenly exclaimed, “Hey, you girls wanted a photo, didn’t you? Give your cameras to Suzy, and she’ll take a few shots.”

  Kirsty and Rachel handed over their cameras, and Suzy took some photos of them posing with The Groove Gang.

  “Thank you!” Rachel and Kirsty said, hardly able to believe their luck.

  “Well, we’re on!” Yvette said, ushering the others out of the dressing room. “Enjoy the show, girls.”

  Rachel and Kirsty hurried out into the field to watch the concert. As The Groove Gang ran onstage to wild cheers and loud applause, Miley fluttered out of Kirsty’s little gold handbag.

  “You look very glamorous, girls!” Miley said with a smile.

  “It’s nice to dress like a superstar sometimes,” Rachel said with a grin, smoothing down her shiny silver dress. “But I think these clothes are for special occasions only!”

  “Hello, Rainspell Island Music Festival!” Blake shouted. “We’re really glad to be here, and we just have one thing to say to you — be true to yourself and don’t follow the crowd, be stylish and proud!”

  The crowd roared its appreciation as The Groove Gang launched into their big hit “A Style of Your Own.” Rachel and Kirsty sang along, dancing around while Miley hovered near them.

  “I have just enough magic to make sure The Groove Gang’s concert is a success,” Miley remarked happily. “Thank you for helping me find my clef today, girls.”

  “We still have three clefs to find,” Rachel said. “And we’re not going to give up until we have them back, are we, Kirsty?”

  Kirsty shook her head as she clapped along to the music. “We can’t let Jack Frost spoil the rest of the Rainspell Island Music Festival!” she said firmly. “We’ll be on the lookout for another clef tomorrow!”

  Miley has her magic clef back. Now Kirsty and Rachel must help


  the Makeup Fairy!

  Read on for a special sneak peek. . . .

  The sun was shining on best friends Rachel Walker and Kirsty Tate. It was summer vacation, and they had come to the Rainspell Island Music Festival as special guests of their favorite music group, The Angels.

  The girls were standing in the middle of a cluster of activity tents known as Star Village. There were tents of every shape and color, with fortune-tellers, singing teachers, musicians, and stylists offering their services for free. It was hard to know which one to choose!

  “Let’s try that one,” said Rachel.

  She pointed to a tent that sparkled in the morning sun. The sign hanging outside said GLITTER & GO, and people were lining up to have their faces painted.

  As the girls joined the line, a group of teenagers walked past, chatting about the famous people they had seen.

  “I heard that Dakota May’s here,” said one of the boys.

  Kirsty and Rachel gasped. Dakota May was one of their favorite superstars.

  “I hope she’s going to put on a concert while she’s here!” said Kirsty.

  They started singing Dakota May’s latest song, “The Faces of Me,” and they only stopped when it was their turn to have their faces painted. Giggling, the girls hurried into the tent and perched on high stools.

  “Hi, I’m Chloe,” said a bubbly dark-haired girl to Rachel. “What would you like today?”

  Rachel knew exactly what she wanted!

  “Could I have a rainbow across my cheek?” she asked.

  “Sure thing,” said Chloe, picking up her jar of makeup brushes.

  “How about you?” asked the red-headed makeup artist in front of Kirsty. “I’m Dora, by the way.”

  “I can’t decide!” said Kirsty with a smile. . . .

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  e-ISBN 978-0-545-52058-4

  Copyright © 2012 by Rainbow Magic Limited.

  Previously published as Pop Star Fairies #4: Miley the Stylist Fairy by Orchard U.K. in 2012.

  All rights reserved. Published by Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012, by arrangement with Rainbow Magic Limited.

  SCHOLASTIC and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Scholastic Inc. RAINBOW MAGIC is a trademark of Rainbow Magic Limited. Reg. U.S. Patent & Trademark Office and other countries. HIT and the HIT logo are trademarks of HIT Entertainment Limited.

  First Scholastic printing, March 2013




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