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The Emblem Throne (The Runes of Issalia Book 2)

Page 13

by Jeffrey L. Kohanek

  “Then, I will start at the beginning.” She rested her elbows on the short wall, her gaze directed toward the city below. “Long ago, the clans came to the plains in search of refuge. There, they found fertile lands to feed their cattle. They also found herds of wild horses, but not just any horses. They were the fastest and most beautiful animals anyone had ever seen. Among them was a glorious white stallion, who led the largest herd. It was then that the head clansman, Garamon the Great, declared these lands to be our new home. Smitten with the beauty of the lead stallion, he vowed to tame the animal and become one with its spirit. The clans moved about the vast plains, relocating periodically so their cattle could feed on fresh grass. Their travels followed the herd of wild horses. Each time they got close, Garamon would attempt to befriend the white stallion, knowing that the horse was the key to gaining the trust of the herd. Days became weeks, weeks became months, months became years, and still Garamon pursued the wild white stallion, but was never even able to touch the beautiful animal. Two years after he had initiated his pursuit, Garamon followed the stallion and his herd into this very canyon.” She pointed toward the sunlit canyon walls before them. “The horse led the head clansman and his party up the narrow trail along the canyon wall. There, he discovered an abandoned city of rock, hidden from view.”

  She paused, looking at Brock as he digested her story. “But that was not all. The wild herd led Garamon down a long tunnel that opened to a secret valley filled with long lush grass and a spring-fed lake. Surrounded on all sides by steep cliffs, the tunnel was the only path to this hidden valley, which Garamon named Viridian. This is when Garamon knew he had truly found a home for the Tantarri, naming the rock city Mondomi, which means home in the mountain.”

  “Within Viridian, the lead stallion finally allowed Garamon to approach. With a slow and steady hand, Garamon greeted the beautiful creature. Amazingly, when he grabbed the stallion’s mane and mounted its back, it did not rear nor bolt. Instead, it remained calm and ready. With a thrill in his heart, Garamon bid the stallion to a trot, then to a gallop. Soon, they were racing across the green fields of Viridian, riding faster than man had ever traveled before.”

  “Garamon named the stallion Primus and proudly rode the stallion out to the plains to meet his people. When the clans saw Garamon approaching upon the white stallion, followed by the herd of wild horses, they were amazed. This is when they named him Garamon the Great. He led the Tantarri here to Mondomi, where we have lived ever since.”

  She smiled. “This is the legend of the Tantarri. How much is true, I do not know. What I can tell you is that the Tantarri raise the fastest horses in the world. Our horses are a great resource, much desired by your Empire. This resource allowed the Tantarri to exist peacefully and independently from the Empire for centuries. That is, until twelve years ago when Archon Ringholdt demanded the Tantarri join the Empire and share the herds for the benefit of all. Of course, the clans refused. Since then, the Tantarri have been at war with the Empire. Two years ago, we believed the war was nearing an end after an emissary from the Ministry approached to arrange a meeting with our leaders. When the Tantarri emissary, led by Juran, met with the Ministry, they were attacked. That act of betrayal further damaged the relationship while taking the lives of key members of the Tantarri. One of those lives was Juran’s wife, Minurri.”

  Brock nodded, now understanding. “Juran hates the Ministry for their betrayal and for the death of his wife. He hates me because he sees me as one of them.”

  Puri nodded. “It is good to see you can think logically. Since much rides on you, it gives me hope.” She smiled.

  “Wow. Thanks,” he replied, sarcastically.


  Turning about, Brock smiled when he saw Ashland hurrying down the steps and across the terrace, trailed by the others.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay,” she said as she approached.

  “Yeah. I’m fine.” He glanced at Puri. “I have some…new information though. It appears we now have a mission, but our future has become far more dangerous.”

  Ashland was staring at him with an odd look on her face. Benny stepped next to her, squinting through his spectacles, leaning close to Brock’s face. Parker, Cam, and Lars all stepped closer, looking at Brock over Benny’s shoulders.

  “What is that?” Benny said, pointing at Brock’s head.

  Ashland replied. “It’s another rune, Benny.” Her focus shifted from Brock’s forehead to his eyes. “Did you know you’ve been marked with a Chaos rune?”

  Brock was confused, trying to digest her words. “What are you talking about?”

  She touched his forehead. “Chaos. Its right here, embedded into your Order rune.”

  He glanced at Puri, who replied. “You did not know this? When Elder Yuranni touched your forehead, it appeared as was foretold. It marks the return of the lost magic, the magic needed to defeat our coming enemy.”

  Brock put his palm against his forehead, his mind racing. Yes, life was definitely going to be more dangerous.

  “You mentioned a mission. What mission?” Benny asked.

  Brock looked at Benny, refocusing on what was before him. “There is a prophecy that mentions me, mentions us.” His gaze swept across his companions as he spoke. “Something bad is coming, and we have been tasked with a quest that could stop it. Failure could mean the end of everything, of everyone.” He paused, thinking about the gravity of his statement. His brow furrowed. “Apparently, I need your help to find some throne of runes.”

  “The Emblem Throne?” Parker asked.

  “What?” Brock replied, turning toward Parker.

  Parker glanced around, seeing looks of curiosity and confusion. “The Emblem Throne. You know. The song you sing during knucklebones.”

  “Knucklebones?” Lars asked. “What are you going on about?”

  Everyone stared at Parker, waiting for a response. “Nobody else has played knucklebones?”

  Heads shook in response. Parker shrugged, explaining.

  “It’s a game you play, kind of like dice. However, it relies on quickness and dexterity rather than luck. I used to play it with my friends in Sol Polis when I was a kid.”

  Brock’s brow furrowed. “What’s this have to do with a throne of runes?”

  Parker sighed in response. “While playing knucklebones, we sing songs and play to the beat. One of the songs was called The Emblem Throne. Listen.”

  Parker began slapping his thigh to a beat, nodding his head as he sang.

  “People lie when they feel they must, though they hide behind truthful tone,

  Scheme and cheat those who trust, but no lie may pass The Emblem Throne,

  With runes gracing the rising sun, behind a seat of Tallinor’s own

  Gifting him with eyes of truth, no lie may pass The Emblem Throne.”

  Parker grinned. “There’s more, but you get the idea.”

  Brock nodded. It was a thin lead, but it was something. “So where is this throne and who is Tallinor?”

  Parker shrugged. “Tallinor was the King of Kalimar, hundreds of years ago.”

  . . .

  Pulling the curtain back, Brock held it to allow Ashland to pass before he followed through the doorway. A single torch on the wall illuminated their room, currently empty since their friends were still on the terrace eating lunch. Ashland had asked him to join her for a private moment, setting Brock’s stomach flipping between hope and anxiety.

  She glanced toward the swaying curtain before meeting his eyes. “I didn’t want to say anything in front of the others, but are you sure we should do this? We know nothing about these people, and now you’re asking us to run off on some crazy quest based on the words of an old man.”

  Brock sighed. “I know it sounds outlandish, but you weren’t there.” Stepping closer, he gazed into her eyes. “These people can wield Order in ways I’ve never seen. Perhaps they know things about Order that the Ministry doesn’t. I’m not sure how he did it, but
this Elder Yuranni showed me a vision. It was of the future, or at least a possible future. Death and destruction swept over the land, obliterating everything, even this city in the mountain. Everyone, every single person on the continent, died in this vision.” Brock could feel the emotion of the vision creeping back in, threatening to draw more tears.

  Ashland’s eyes searched his. “You seem convinced, Brock. Whatever it was, it must have been powerful.”

  He nodded. “There was something about the vision and the prophecy they read to me. I could feel the truth of it. Whatever’s coming is ominous. I can feel it building, somewhere out there. We have to find this Emblem Throne. If we don’t, I’m afraid that we will lose everything.” He wrapped his arms around her waist. “Part of me wants to take you and run off to hide somewhere, but I’m afraid it would just delay the inevitable for us while also dooming everyone else.”

  Ashland’s eyes drifted closed as she leaned in for a kiss, opening them when she pulled back. “I love the idea of running away with you, but the Brock I know couldn’t live with himself knowing that he abandoned everyone.”

  Brock smiled. “You’re probably right.” He paused, thinking about their discussion. “Nobody has said it yet, but I’m sure others will be questioning this plan as well. For now, they’re happy to be alive and to know that we are soon leaving. Once we are away, the questions will come and I might need your help in convincing them to give this a chance.”

  Ashland nodded. “Of course I’ll help.” She smiled. “We’re in this together.”

  Brock kissed her again. Looking back toward the closed curtain, he found that the tunnel outside remained quiet. His focus shifted, eying the hammock they had slept in.

  “We have a few minutes alone.” A smile crept across his face. “The hammock looks like it could offer some interesting possibilities.”

  A smile lit her face. “Brock Talenz, you are so bad.” Glancing at the hammock, her smile took a devious turn. “Let’s hurry before the others come back.”


  Cameron had done his best to bury thoughts of Tegan, trying to focus on the future rather than the past. However, when he looked at Puri, he couldn’t help but think of the fiery red-haired girl. She and Puri shared much in their physical stature and the way they carried themselves. However, Puri had an exotic nature that made her unique.

  Sitting at a table with his friends, he remained quiet as they bantered in conversation during their meal. Cam ate because he was hungry, but his eyes continually searched out the table where Puri sat with other Tantarri leaders. He noticed that the Tantarri respected her. He wasn’t sure if it was because her father was head clansman or if it was due to her skill as a warrior. Perhaps it was both.

  “Cam, do you want another slice of beef?” Ashland asked as she held the platter toward him.

  He nodded. “Sure. Thanks.”

  He slid a thick slab of meat onto his plate before passing the platter to Lars. Cam cut a section and took a bite, finding the meat juicy and flavorful. It went well with the boiled vegetables and flatbread served alongside it. The wheat ale provided was also good. He took another drink, enjoying the sweet hint of pumpkin that reduced the bitter aftertaste.

  As Cam ate, he scanned the faces of his companions. Smiles and laughter surrounded him, and everyone seemed to be in good spirits. They seemed to be enjoying the Tantarri feast as a welcome distraction from the dangerous quest before them. His eyes landed on Brock, and the new rune on his friend’s forehead. After a lifetime of seeing familiar vocation runes, it was startling to see a red starburst of Chaos stamped within the blue-tinted symbol for Order. It would be difficult for Brock to go unnoticed. Cam wasn’t sure of what had happened, but it was significant. Whether for good or bad, things had changed forever. He had the feeling that the future would require him to support Brock more than ever.

  Loud beats began to thump through the city, causing Cam to look about in confusion. He glanced down toward the Tantarri in one of the plazas below. All eyes were focused up past where Cam and his friends sat. He followed the direction of their gaze, turning toward the terrace overlooking the city, two stories above the rooftop plaza where Cam and his friends sat.

  The drumming stopped, and the city became quiet. The head clansman stepped to the short wall surrounding the terrace. He raised his arms and addressed the people below.

  “Good evening, Tantarri nation.” His voice carried amazingly well, echoing off the angled rock overhang above. “Thank you for joining in this feast. It is well that we pause and enjoy what we have, for the path the Tantarri travel is about to turn.”

  “As foretold long ago, the Reditus has come. The lost magic returns.” The announcement sent a buzz throughout the city. Turan waved his arms to urge quiet.

  “Yes, it is true. Tomorrow, a select group of Tantarri warriors will escort our outlander guests to the border of Tantarri lands. From there, my daughter will join the outlanders on a quest of great importance. The fate of the Tantarri hangs in the balance, determined by the success or failure of this quest.”

  Turan waved a fist high, pumping it. “However, the Tantarri will not sit idle waiting for the outcome. Instead, we will prepare for the future and the war that will surely come to our lands. I speak not of the pitiful disagreement we have with the Empire. No, this war will rival, or perhaps even surpass, the War of Wails. There cannot be doubt that war will come; it is merely a matter of time.”

  He held his arms wide, a welcoming gesture. “But this evening is not about war and death. Tonight, we celebrate life. I urge you to enjoy yourselves this evening, for tomorrow we begin our preparations. When the war comes, you will be asked to do everything in your power to preserve the lives and freedom of those you love.”

  A deafening cheer rose from the Tantarri. Cam could feel the energy of it within his chest. Turan stepped from the edge of the terrace, disappearing from view.

  A Tantarri woman came to the table with a large pitcher, refilling mugs with the pumpkin-spiced ale. With his mug refilled, Cam took a deep drink and wiped the orange-tinted foam from his lips.

  The loud beats of the drums began again, accompanied by the strumming of something sounding much like a lute. Looking for the source of the music, he spotted a group of Tantarri on a nearby rooftop. The sound of pipes joined in, filling in missing notes. A Tantarri woman, standing upon the rooftop, began to sing.

  Cam had heard music in taprooms in Nor Torin, which often involved a man with a lute singing some rhyme as he strummed. However, he had never heard anything like this. It was full of joy and energy. Glancing around, he noticed Tantarri everywhere were rising to their feet and dancing to the beat.

  Ashland’s eyes lit up. “It’s wonderful.” She grabbed Brock’s hand as she stood. “Come on, let’s dance!”

  Brock laughed. “Okay, if you want to.”

  The two stepped out into the open, joining the Tantarri who were dancing on the rooftop plaza. Wide smiles spread across their faces as they danced. Cam watched them for a bit, deciding that they danced well, far better than he could.

  “They are not bad.”

  He turned, surprised to see Puri claiming the seat that Ashland had just vacated. Her intense brown eyes watched the dancing couple.

  “Um…Yeah,” he replied, anxiety now brewing in his gut.

  Puri’s eyes flicked toward Cameron. She looked him up and down, appraisingly. The way her eyes measured him made him uncomfortable. He swallowed hard, not knowing what to say.

  “You must be a great warrior among your people,” Puri noted.

  Cam’s eyes shifted to see if she was addressing Lars, but he was busy talking to Benny.

  He cleared his throat. “Well, I was training to be one.” He was sweating. Why did she make him so nervous?

  She leaned forward, placing her elbows on the table as her piercing eyes locked on his.

  “I examined your weapons before we returned them to you. I saw the rune on the blade you claim
ed. The Tantarri know this blade. If you are not a great warrior, did you steal it?”

  Cam’s face clouded over. “No, I didn’t steal it. That would be wrong.” He calmed himself before continuing. “My father gave it to me.”

  Puri nodded. “The Calm.”

  Cam raised an eyebrow. He shouldn’t be surprised. His father was well known, and he’d been in skirmishes with the Tantarri late in his career with the Holy Army.


  She eyed him again. “You are among a great line of warriors then.” She smiled, nodding. “That is good.”

  She looked toward the people dancing. “Would you like to dance with me?”

  Cam glanced at Brock and Ashland. “No,” he replied.

  Dancing did not appeal to him, expecting he would do poorly. His eyes flicked back to Puri to find her eyes narrowed at him.

  He held his hands up in appeal. “Sorry. It’s not…I just don’t dance…sorry.”

  Her eyes softened. “I see.” Her gaze returned to the dancers as she spoke. “Among the Tantarri, everyone dances. It is part of us, as is the music we play.”

  Cam nodded. “Again, sorry.”

  She smiled. “If you don’t dance, perhaps you’d like to do something else with me?”

  Cam’s heart began to race. “What did you have in mind?”

  She stood, grabbed his hand, and pulled him to his feet. Her eyes scanned him from head to toe. When her gaze met his again, a smile spread across her face.

  “Come with me. I’ll show you. I think you’ll like it.”


  Watching Puri as she dressed, Cam appreciated her lithe and fit form. The evening with her had been wonderful, even therapeutic. He felt as if his torn heart had been patched over, now in the process of healing. In many ways, Puri was Tegan’s equal. In some, she was far superior. As Puri laced her leather vest, she spoke to him.


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