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Forsaken (The Shadow Chronicles Book 3)

Page 4

by K. R. Fajardo

  “You can’t be serious!” the youngest man shouted, “You are going to just lead him into Oasis… just like that. What if he kills someone? What if he is carrying weapons?!”

  “He’s right,” the other joined in, “I don’t agree with this at all, but if we are going to do this, I think at the very least a few precautions need to be taken.” Reaching into the bag strapped on his back, the man pulled out a pair of wrist shackles and held them up.

  At the site of the chains dangling in the man’s grasp, Jarod went rigid. His mind filled with visions of the years he spent shackled inside the holding cells of the Tower, beaten and starved within a final breath of life.

  “I don’t think so,” he growled.

  “Jarod,” Maya’s soft voice called to him as she pulled on his shirt to gain his attention. “Let them. If that’s what it takes to make them feel safe, then let them do it. Jaron will remove them once we get to camp.”

  “I wouldn’t count on it,” Jarod grumbled, but seeing the plea in her eyes, he relented with a slight nod. “Fine.”

  Begrudgingly, Jarod reached into his jacket and began to pull the blades out of the various pockets he had them stored in, handing them off to Maya as he went. When he finished, she held an assortment of thirteen blades varying in size and shape. Lifting her brows as he laid the final one into her waiting hands, she smirked, “What happened to the days of not carrying weapons?”

  “They ended when your head began to carry a bounty as well.”

  Maya smiled sweetly as she passed the pile of weapons off to one of Rigar’s waiting men. He moved to stash them in his bag, but Maya stopped him. “Hold on,” reaching into her pockets she pulled out her own set of knives and added it to the stash. “Ok, now we are done.”

  Mumbling something about stupidity, the man placed them all inside his pack, while the other with the cuffs looked doubtfully from Jarod to Rigar. “I’ll do it,” Maya volunteered, holding out her hand. Hesitantly, the man handed them over with a nod of approval from Rigar.

  Despite the fact that it was Maya who held them, once again, Jarod tensed at the site of the metal bands that would be shackled to his wrists. Taking a few calming breaths, Jarod closed his eyes willing the anger back down. “Jarod, look at me.” Maya soothed. Obediently he followed her command, his black eyes locking with her pale gray ones. “It’s just me and I would never do anything to hurt you. You know that, right?”

  “I don’t have a good feeling about this.”

  “It’s just your mind playing tricks on you. You’re remembering things that happened in the past, but we aren’t there anymore,” she said, her melodic voice helping to ease his anxiety. “Push up your jacket sleeves.”

  Once again, he listened without question, flinching as the metal clicked into place around both of his wrists. Looking down at the dark metal circling his wrists, he saw for the first time the flowing lines of the engravings etched in their sides, and immediately panicked. “These are blocking bands,” he shouted, his voice filling with rage.

  Seeing he was about to lose it completely Maya, encircled his bare forearms with her hands, sending a wave of her calming energy into him. Slowly his heart rate returned to normal and his breathing evened out. Once she was confident he was as relaxed as he was going to get, she turned her attention back to the Oasis crew standing with mouths gaped now several feet further away.

  “We should probably go now.”

  Nodding, Rigar turned to two of the men. “Run ahead and let Jaron know we are coming. Tell him to meet us near the Core.” Without a word the two disappeared into the darkness. Returning his attention to Maya, he motioned for her to follow as he led them off the path into the woods. Maya, her grip locked firmly on Jarod’s forearm, followed.

  Together they continued at a leisurely pace, weaving their way through the trees. In a futile attempt to ease the tension hanging over them like a dark cloud, Maya and Rigar made small talk, discussing how well the various members of the Vicaris group were adapting to Oasis. However, it did not go unnoticed by Jarod that Rigar conveniently diverted the conversation each time Maya brought up K’s name. Frowning he continued to listen and it wasn’t until after they had walked for well over an hour, that Jarod finally spoke. “You can let go now.”

  “Are you certain? I almost lost you for a minute back there.” She asked, carefully removing her hand from his arm.

  Focusing ahead, Jarod could make out a road becoming visible in the distance. “I don’t do well with chains.” He replied testing the strength of the links between the cuffs. Maya watched him silently.

  “We are almost there,” Rigar said slowing to walk in step with them. Worry creased his brow as he scanned the empty vegetable fields. “We shouldn’t run into too many people until we get to the Core. Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid it because every path runs through there, except this one, which leads to the housing area, and I really don’t think it would be a good idea to go there.”

  Past the fields, they veered off the road onto a smaller trail, which Jarod could only assume led to the Core. As they neared, they began coming across more and more people, most of whom froze in the midst of whatever it was they were doing with mouths gaped and stared as they passed. Many others dropped the various items they had in their hands, before bolting in varying directions. But it was when they arrived at the Core, that Jarod immediately knew he had made a mistake. Fidgeting with the shackles around his wrists, he stared out into the sea of faces as they one by one slowly turned in his direction. Within seconds the once bustling community hub had ground to a halt. Feeling the tension growing thicker in the air, Rigar halted, appearing unsure about proceeding any further.

  “Perhaps we should wait by the fields,” Rigar offered, slowly backing his way out of the Core.

  But before the three of them could retreat, a man, flanked by a group of very angry looking Full-bloods, pushed their way through the crowd. “Rigar, there better be a damn good explanation for this.” The man shouted, raising a chorus of agreeance from the surrounding crowd.

  Rigar, moved forward to intercept the man who nearly matched him in size. “Gregor, this is a matter to be dealt with by Jaron and the elders. Wait until they get here and we can figure out what to do from there.”

  “Like hell, that son of a bitch killed my father.” One of the men behind Gregor shouted, pushing his way to the front. “And I think it’s only fair we do the same to him.”

  The roar of the crowd swelled around them, filling the air with hundreds of angry voices thirsty for revenge. Meanwhile a few others stood back, appearing conflicted as to what they should do. Realizing what was about to happen, Jarod shoved Maya and Rigar away from him and they were swiftly swept to the back of the angry mob. Maya, fearing for his life, struggled desperately to get back to his side as she watched Jarod stand calmly, readily accepting of his fate. And when someone in the crowd blind-sided him with a large club and sent him crashing to the ground, it took mere seconds for the mass of the people to descend upon him like a pack of hungry wolves. Over and over again they bashed and kicked his head and body, while Jarod simply did what he could to cover and protect himself, not once attempting to strike back.

  “Why isn’t he defending himself?” Rigar shouted, as he and Maya continued to try and push through the wall of bodies.

  “He won’t.” Maya yelled back, “He feels he deserves this, he’ll let them kill him.” No longer able to see Jarod over the angry swarm, Maya screamed as loud as she could. “Stop, please!” she begged over and over again. But it was no use, no one could hear her, and even if they could, they didn’t care. They had waited for decades for their chance to get revenge on the Enforcer, and nothing she could say or do was going to deter them.

  “Enough!” Jaron’s booming voice echoed over them as he came flying down the hill into the Core. Behind him Tyran and Detrich, another one of the resistance soldiers, followed. Together the three of them tore into the center of the crowd tossing bodies
in various directions as they went. By the time they made it to the center where Jarod was, the crowd had finally stopped their assault and were edging away from his battered, kneeling body.

  “This is a sanctuary!” Jaron shouted, accentuating each word. Pointing down at Jarod as he labored to catch his breath, he continued. “We are supposed to protect those who seek refuge from the outside, not kill them. We are here to escape violence like this.”

  “But he is the Enforcer…” someone shouted deep within the crowd.

  “I know who he is,” Jaron snapped angrily. “And I know the things he has done. Hell, I know more about this man than any of you. But killing him is not the answer, trust me…”

  “Trust you?” Jarod’s voice rumbled as he unsteadily crawled to his feet. His entire face and body was littered in cuts and bruises, easily visible through the tattered remains of his shredded clothing. “Why the hell should anyone trust you?”

  Eyes burning red, Jarod snapped the chain between the blocking bands with ease. Instantly the once fervent crowd scattered, retreating several feet away to form a large circle around the brothers. But Jarod didn’t pay them any mind, his attention solely locked on Jaron. Reaching up, Jarod grabbed what remained of his coat and ripped both it and what was left of his shirt clean from his body. A wave of hushed murmurs began circulating the crowd at the sight of the scarring that littered his entire torso.

  “You lied to me.” Jarod ground out, his voice echoing the bitterness he had been holding inside, “For fifty years you have lied to me.”

  “Jarod, don’t.” Maya screamed. She rushed to move forward, only to have Rigar grab her and hold her back. “Let me go Rigar, I’m the only one who can stop him,” she shouted struggling in his grasp.

  “Jarod, relax. I don’t know what is bothering you, but I think it is better if we discussed this in private.” Jaron urged, cautiously stepping closer.

  “Why? Afraid they won’t stand behind you if they hear how their precious savior is just as big a monster as the Enforcer?” Slamming a fist against his own chest, Jarod shouted, “Because at least I have always been honest about what I am. But you…” Closing the gap between them, Jarod shoved Jaron to the ground, “You are a liar and a traitor!”

  In a flash Tyran and Detrich jumped between the feuding brothers and attempted to restrain Jarod, but even with the blocking bands, they were no match for his raging temper. Dodging their grasps, he elbowed Detrich in the back of the head easily rendering him unconscious. With Jarod’s attention still focused on his partner, Tyran landed a hard blow to the back of his head, stunning him for only a moment before he turned his angst on the seasoned warrior.

  “You best be rethinking whose side you are on.” Jarod growled, stalking toward Tyran as he backed slowly away. “One day he may betray you too.”

  “Listen man.” Tyran spoke calmly taking a few steps back with his hands held up in an unthreatening manner, “I don’t know what happened between the two of you, but I am sure it can be resolved without resorting to killing one another.”

  A dark laugh rumbled from deep within Jarod, sending a chill down the spine of everyone watching. Maya, still struggling against Rigar froze, “Rigar, you need to let me go… NOW.”

  “I don’t think so.” Rigar argued, tightening his grip on her arm. The crowd around them screamed and gasped, as Jarod lunged for Tyran, grabbing the Full-blood by his neck before he had a chance to dodge. Lifting his feet clear off the ground, Jarod held him suspended in front of him as an evil smirk formed on his lips.

  “Rigar, please…” Maya pleaded, nearly in tears. “He will kill him if you don’t let me stop him.” No longer struggling she looked on in terror knowing that it would take but a flick of his wrist for Jarod to snap the man’s neck, permanently ending yet another life.

  “Now what are you going to do “pretty” boy?” Jarod taunted as he tightened his grip on his struggling victim’s throat. Tyran put up a courageous fight, frantically working to pull the massive hand loose while his legs flailed aimlessly trying to connect with any part of Jarod’s rock hard frame. Unfortunately, even being the skilled warrior that he was, Tyran was no match for Jarod’s tremendous strength. It took but a few moments for his body to weaken from the lack of blood and oxygen rendering him unconscious in Jarod’s unyielding grasp.

  “That is enough!” Jaron roared.

  Jarod spun around to the sound of his voice just as a massive boulder slammed into the side of his head. The impact caused him to release his grip on Tyran and sent them both plummeting to the ground. Not one to waste an opportunity, Jaron brought his leg back behind him and rammed it into Jarod’s exposed side. The sound of ribs cracking underneath the heavy boot made Maya, and several others around her cringe. But even with his head heavily bleeding and his breathing hindered, Jarod still struggled to get back on his feet.

  “Stay down!” Jaron demanded, watching as the crumpled form pushed himself up onto his knees.


  Tears formed in Maya’s eyes as the impact of the single word answer hit her square in the chest. Since the day he had come into the world and taken his first breath of air, Jarod had been forced to fight for his life. But no matter how hard he had been hit, or how many times life had pushed him to the ground, Jarod never once stopped fighting, and he never would. Even now, knowing he was done and his brother had bested him, Jarod refused to yield.

  Jaron however was not impressed. Shaking his head, he landed another swift kick to Jarod’s side, this time flipping him onto his back and pinning him to the ground.

  “Let this rage go! You are better than this!” Jaron shouted. Though his face was contorted in anger, his eyes held a sadness that could have wrenched even the hardest of hearts. “Somewhere inside this thing you have turned yourself into still lives the honorable man I once knew. Bring him back to me.”

  “Like you know anything about honor,” Jarod spat. Jerking one arm free of his grasp, he slammed his fist into the side of Jaron’s head as he twisted his body rapidly. The sudden movement caught Jaron off guard and gave Jarod the opportunity to flip them over. Jaron, now pinned under Jarod struggled to get free as his brother encircled his neck in a deadly grip.

  “Look at me, old friend,” Jarod smirked. “Look into my eyes as I give you but a taste of the hell I have endured while you have been living here in your paradise.”

  Like the gates of a damn being released, Jarod opened his mind to his brother and allowed all the years of pain and suffering to hit him at once. As the first images flooded into his mind, Jaron immediately stilled. His eyes bulged from their sockets and his mouth gaped though no sounds emerged. Within seconds his breathing had become labored and his body rigid. All around them the crowd of people remained frozen in shock, including Rigar. Maya, noting his distracted state, kicked out behind her connecting with his shin. Buckling, Rigar released his grip and Maya ran across the open area to Jarod’s side.

  Slowing to a walk, Maya knelt before him and leaned forward trying to catch Jarod’s gaze. “Don’t do it Maya.” Jarod growled, “It will kill you.”

  “Then don’t make me,” she responded calmly, “but I can’t stand by and let you do this to him. I know you, you will regret it later.”

  Slowly he raised his gaze to meet hers and Maya gasped at the bloody tears streaming down his cheek. “Forgive me.” He spoke, his voice shaking with uncontrolled emotions, “He lied to me. I promise I didn’t know, please believe me.”

  Reaching to slowly remove his hands from Jaron’s neck, Maya continued to talk him down, “Didn’t know what Jarod?”

  He allowed her to pull his hands free, still straddling Jaron’s unconscious body. “What I was. I didn’t know, I swear, or I would have never turned you.”

  Maya furrowed her brow, suddenly confused, “What are you talking about?”

  Jarod dropped his gaze to his brother before once again meeting her pale gray eyes. A look of acceptance relaxed his features as he opened his
mouth to finally confess what had been bothering him since they had left Vicaris. Tyran, however, had other plans. Taking advantage of his distracted state, he lifted Jaron’s boulder over his head and slammed it full-force into the back of Jarod’s head. Maya cried out and scurried out of the way as Jarod’s limp body fell into a lifeless lump on top of Jaron. In a state of shock, she stared from Jarod back to the long-haired Full-blood standing over them angrily dusting off his clothes.

  Seeming satisfied that Jarod wouldn’t be causing any more problems Tyran turned his attention to a couple of nearby men dressed in sparring gear. “Go to the Pit and get me every blocking band and chain we have,” he directed, narrowing his eyes over his shoulder at Jarod’s unmoving body, “I do believe our large visitor is going to need some time to cool off.” The two men nodded and disappeared into the distance as Tyran’s steely glance then fell onto Maya, making her feel small and vulnerable. “I don’t believe we have had the pleasure. And you are?”

  Chapter 2

  Mallok stood in his bedroom studying the dark green eyes that stared back at him from the oval mirror. Finally managing to break free of the unforgiving glare of the stranger on the other side, he shifted his attention down to the star-shaped scar that had decorated the center of his chest since that fateful night. With slow purposeful movements, he traced the rough edges as question after question circulated through his mind. Did I push her too hard that night? Was I too rough with her? Did I say something that hurt her? But just as these questions had remained unanswered the last few decades, so too would they remain unanswered tonight.

  Not that any of it mattered anymore. What was done was done. He had loved her so much, he chose to ignore the warnings everyone around him had been giving him, foolishly wanting to believe the creature that she is was capable of love. Obviously, he had been wrong. With a deep sigh, Mallok pulled on his shirt and proceeded to button it; covering the symbol of her betrayal from prying eyes just as a knock sounded on his bedroom door.


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