Between Man and Beast
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2 He often worked alongside Henry Walter Bates: Du Chaillu to Murray, Sept. 26, 1866.
3 “a most amusing man, and very excitable”: Burnand, Records and Reminiscences, vol. 2.
4 “Nothing is more characteristic in his book”: “Ashango Land,” Chambers’s Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Arts, June 8, 1867.
5 “You have all heard how”: “Discussion on M. Du Chaillu’s Paper.”
1 “They think it will have immense sale here”: Du Chaillu to Murray, May 21, 1867.
2 five popular adventure books: Lysle E. Meyer, in his book Farther Frontier, stated that based on the sales and reprintings of these volumes, it was reasonable to conclude that Du Chaillu “had more to do with Americans’ conception of Africa for over a half century than any other author.”
3 “I used to be ashamed of hating him”: Darwin to Joseph Dalton Hooker, Aug. 4, 1872.
4 “The reader must bear in mind”: Owen, Life, vol. 2.
5 “It may be truth”: Huxley, Evidence.
6 “One of them says, after returning”: Barrie, Window in Thrums.
7 a close friend of Barrie’s: Du Chaillu even played, occasionally, on a cricket team formed by Barrie and called the Allahakbarries—a play on the Arabic phrase allah akbar.
8 “I have been unable to find the slightest trace”: Vaucaire, Gorilla Hunter.
9 the Philafrican Liberators’ League: “Slaves’ Unknown Friends,” New York Times, Sept. 20, 1896.
10 “She was so motherly to me”: Ibid.
11 When Judge Daly died: “Will of Ex-Justice Daly,” New York Times, Oct. 24, 1899.
12 “marked weight with the Scandinavians”: “Paul Du Chaillu in Politics,” Saint Paul Globe, Aug. 11, 1896.
13 Paul lobbied to land the position: Du Chaillu to Charles Daly, May 19, 1897.
14 “They are a grand, noble race”: “P. B. Du Chaillu,” New York Times, Dec. 30, 1873.
15 “Mr. du Chaillu’s books and explorations”: “Not Weary of Travel,” Washington Post, March 24, 1901.
16 “I am restless, curious to see things”: Marion Daily Star, May 20, 1901.
17 employing two teachers for lessons: Vaucaire, Gorilla Hunter.
18 “I hope good health will be granted”: Ibid.
19 “I can’t see,” he said: “Du Chaillu’s Last Hours,” New York Times, May 23, 1903.
20 “I am dying”: Ibid.
21 “Have the remains embalmed”: Ibid.
22 He had given away almost everything: “Du Chaillu Died Poor,” New York Times, July 5, 1903.
23 His body arrived in New York: “Du Chaillu’s Body Here,” New York Times, June 19, 1903.
24 “Now that the earthly ending has come”: “Funeral of Paul Du Chaillu,” New York Times, June 24, 1903.
25 “As an explorer, as lecturer, as author”: Ibid.
1 Paul Du Chaillu had accompanied Doyle: Redmond, Welcome to America, Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
2 When London died in 1916: Jack London Newsletter 21 (1988); and Alex Kershaw, Jack London: A Life (New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 1999).
3 “I made up my mind right then”: Interview with Merian Cooper by Rudy Behlmer, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University.
4 “This was unfortunate, for he was basically”: Schaller, Year of the Gorilla.
5 “allow us to perceive through him a historical”: Hombert and Perrois, Cœur d’Afrique.
6 One of his offspring, a boy named André: McMillan, “Robert Bruce Napoleon Walker.”
7 Raponda Walker perused the writings: Walker, Notes d’histoire du Gabon.
Selected Bibliography
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