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One Last Kiss: A Second Chance Romance

Page 12

by Lauren Wood

  This definitely wasn’t my first kiss, but damn, this is the best kiss I’ve ever received in my life. It wasn’t sloppy nor was it too firm, it had the right amount of passion and rhythm to it. He even went to the point in nibbling my bottom lip making me grip his shoulders like my life depended on it.

  His lips were soft and controlling, he made my lips move against his in the way he wanted it to. He licked my bottom lip as if to ask entry to my mouth which I happily obliged but as I opened my mouth for him he pulled away. He smirked as he stared at me who looked completely dazed from the kiss and my mouth was opened in want.

  “You might be fun… But as I said, you’re not my type.” he said as his grey eyes stared into mine. My heart broke from his words making me feel like a complete idiot. I wanted nothing more than to disappear into the wall, to be away from those alluring grey eyes that seem to lure me in every time.

  The smirk didn’t left his face as he casually turned around and walked back into his apartment. Before he could close his door he called out “Don’t worry, I will keep it down as you said. I’ll be gentle to her.” With those words he closed the door shut. I didn’t waste time as I stormed back into my apartment and slammed the door shut, even making sure to lock the door twice. But no matter how many times I would lock this door, even if I barricaded it his eyes would still haunt me.

  With my back against the door I slid down to the floor as I clutched my head. Everywhere Jaxon touched burned and ached an uncontrollable desire. My stomach was in knots. I’ve never felt something like this for any man before. This must’ve been what Fran told me about how she felt towards Ciel.

  Vacation was almost over and I should’ve been sad but I’m rather looking forward to going back to work. I would finally have something to keep myself occupied rather than daydreaming about my neighbor that’s irresistibly bad for me.

  Chapter 2


  I stormed out of the flower shop but not too far behind me was my annoying older sister, Kathy. “Jaxon, if you don’t get your shit straight then you’re fired!” she shrieked at me as she threw a bucket at me, even if it hit me it wouldn’t do any damage.

  Before I worked at my sister’s flower shop I used to do street fighting to earn my money. But with my controlling sister around she wanted me to get a regular job. I’ve been working at so many places but they all ended the same, with me getting fired because I was either yelling or beating up the customer.

  My older brother who is a lawyer told me that I was lucky not to get sued. So Kathy saying those words doesn’t really mean a big deal because by tomorrow I’ll come to the flower shop and start working as if nothing had happened.

  This time Kathy wasn’t mad because of me yelling or beating up the customers, it’s because I couldn’t arrange a bouquet of flowers correctly. I ignored Kathy as I kept walking, I suddenly heard her shout “Where the hell are you going?”

  I rolled my eyes even if she couldn’t see me and shouted back at her “I’m fired, might as well go home.” She shouted something back but I was already too far to hear her. It’s been a week since I’ve moved into my new place and sometimes my mind would think of that woman next door.

  I couldn’t seem to read her. One moment she’s speechless and the next she could be spunky. One thing is for sure though, my touch weakens her.

  I like it.

  I like it a lot.

  She’s not like most women I’ve been with that tries to be sexy and controlling during sex, the woman next door completely submits herself to me. She’s a submissive, and I wanted nothing more than to dominate every part of her. I tried running into her in the apartment complex but I was never lucky.

  I got a cigarette out of my pocket and lit it up. I usually smoked every time I’m frustrated either mentally or sexually. I left my days of illegal fighting and conning people, even if I’m trying to get my life to seem normal I can’t help but get pissed off at a few people. Then I end up communicating with my fists. It may seem silly, but my fists can speak louder words than my mouth ever could.

  I arrived at my apartment building but before I could turn the corner to go to the entrance I stopped dead in my tracks as I noticed a group of women standing in front of the doors. I panicked as I quickly jumped out of sight and made sure they didn’t see me behind the corner.

  Last time I remembered a group of women in front of my apartment they all confronted me asking which one I liked the best. In the end I ruined friendships but I can’t really take the blame because if someone like me can come between two friends then they weren’t friends to begin with. I took another puff from my cigarette as I peeked around the corner. I even could hear the women giggling and talking.

  I then noticed that I knew one of them, it was her. The next door submissive.

  She looked completely different than the last time and the first time I’ve seen her. She dressed fancy, her makeup seemed a bit too much, and the way she carried herself seemed more confident than during the time I was with her. I smirked, knowing exactly what she is now.

  A closet submissive.


  I will admit that the first time I saw her what caught my attention was her face that looked up at me with such gleaming hazel eyes. Her strawberry blonde hair was in a messy bun giving me a perfect downwards view down her cleavage. Her tits were bigger than most women but what gave me a boner that day was her curved body that led to a plumped bubbly ass. I taunted me every time she walked, almost like it was begging me to spank it.

  “You seriously don’t have a husband yet Angela?” one of the women asked. I continued peeking and eavesdropping. Suddenly my next door neighbor smiled sheepishly and said “I don’t think I’m suited for marriage.”

  So… her name is Angela.

  Absolutely perfect.

  “Well, if you think about it guys Angela was always… what you call that?” one of the women spoke. I even noticed Angela’s sheepish smile disappeared and was replaced with a look of dread. She even tried masking it with surprise but she’s not fooling me. She may fool those women but not me.

  Each woman was starting to contribute words on how to call Angela.





  The names just kept getting worse and worse. But what I didn’t understand was that Angela was just standing there taking each and every word in and doing absolutely nothing like a freaking masochist.

  “Don’t say that guys, we all know that the reason why Angela isn’t married is because she has low self-esteem.” one pointed out.

  “Fran is so going to kill us.” Another one said. “But she isn’t here.”

  “Or maybe it’s just that no man wants Angela especially since she’s not a virgin.” As one woman said those words all of them burst out laughing except Angela.

  I unconsciously clenched my fists tightly until my knuckles turned white. I couldn’t stand this, I couldn’t stand this at all. I threw my cigarette on the ground and stomped on it. I released my hair from my ponytail and started casually walking over towards the group of women.

  “Hey babe!” I greeted Angela catching everyone’s attention including Angela. I noticed that the women around Angela looked at me with glistening eyes or jaw dropped. I snickered as I remembered how they kept bragging that they were happily married yet here they were eyeing me like a piece of meat.

  Once I stood in front of Angela I cupped her face and pressed my lips upon hers, I kissed her for a moment too long making sure the women around us were shock, and at the same time I’m enjoying this myself.

  As I threw my arm around Angela’s shoulders and faced the women in front of us. “Sorry to keep you waiting babe, but I had to make sure the surprise for you tonight was ready.” I told her.

  “Angela… who is this?” one of the women asked.

  “I’m Jaxon King. I’m Angela’s boyfriend.” I introduced myself because for some reason I hav
e this nagging feeling that Angela was tongue tied again.

  “She never told us that she had a boyfriend.” One of them said while all of them nodded in agreement. I leaned towards Angela and placed a kiss on her head and said “That’s because you hoes didn’t give her a chance to explain. You all started throwing words at my girl, and I don’t like that.” My voice started becoming deadly. I even saw how the women shivered in fear.

  “I usually communicate with my fists with people who disrespect my girl. But since you all are women I’ll let it slide just this once but if you ever say another disrespecting word towards my angel then I won’t be as kind as I am now.” I growled making them all nod at me. Nothing but guilt and fear written across their faces.

  “Come on babe.” I said as I grabbed Angela’s hand and started dragging her into the building. We took the stairs up to our apartment floor. She tried stopping at her apartment door but I continued dragging her towards mine. Her hand was small in mine, reminding me how small she was only made my mind think of erotic scenes.

  Once we were inside my apartment I turned towards her and asked “Who are they?”

  “My friends.” she replied.

  “Friends? You sure have nice friends.” I said sarcastically.

  She frowned and said “They’re more like my classmates back in high school.”

  I then remembered the guy she was with back when I first met her. It could be her boyfriend but I don’t feel an ounce of guilt from kissing and touching her, if it were up to me then I wouldn’t stop at just kissing and touching.

  “Where’s your boyfriend?” I asked seriously. She looked like she was caught off guard by my question. Maybe the guy was an admirer or something. She scratched her head and asked “What boyfriend?”

  “The guy that acted like a kid with you and the day you damaged my property.” I reminded her.

  “A box isn’t property,” she mumbled under her breath but I was able to catch it. “He’s not my boyfriend. That’s my gay best friend.” she explained. I suddenly felt like a total idiot for not sensing that he was gay. It should’ve been obvious by the way he was checking me out.

  I crossed my arms as I leaned on the wall and asked her the most important question. “How come you let them talk to you like that?” She looked down and I expected her to cry but instead she looked back up at me with a fury look in her eyes. Her teeth were gritting against each other and her fists were clenched tightly, trembling with rage.

  “You expect me to cry, don’t you?” her voice was laced with venom. Never in my life have I ever heard such anger in a woman’s voice. “I’ve cried once, but that was long ago. I will not shed tears for such words. The words that they call me might be true but everyone who met me decided to judge me before they really get to know me. The only people who stuck long enough to know is my two best friends, Stephen and Fran.”

  Her words struck guilt into my heart but I managed to keep a calm mask on.

  Each time I see this woman she just keeps getting more interesting.

  “Then why don’t you tell them that?” I asked her.

  “They’ve already judged me to the point of no return. Besides, they aren’t important. I don’t want to go through all the hassle of trying to convince them that I’m not what they call me.” she replied.

  Now I’m intrigued. I wanted to trap her once again in my arms and to claim her lips. To make her completely submit to me, to make her mine in all ways possible.

  I casually leaned against the wall with my leg propped up. I smirked as I asked her “Tell me Angela, do you prefer to be at the bottom or top?” Her cheeks were madly blushing. She bowed her head as she stormed out of my apartment without another word.

  I will make her submit to me.

  Chapter 3


  Vacation was over. I was relieved to get back to work but I only ended up being extremely disappointed. I thought that work would keep my mind busy but instead my mind was filled with Jaxon and that stupid question of his.

  I wanted to ask him so many questions like why did he save me yesterday? Or why does he kiss me so randomly now? And most of all why does he smell like flowers? It was a never ending list of questions.

  “Yo Ange, are you alright? Your mind seems to be elsewhere.” Stephen pointed out as he wiped a cup with a rag. I sighed and said “I’m having boy problems.” This made Stephen’s eyes widened as he dropped the cup onto the floor making it shatter to pieces. Fran, one of my best friends just got back from vacation ran from the employee room once she heard the shattering of the cup.

  “What happened?” she looked at the cup then at Stephen who stood above the broke cup. I rolled my eyes at how dramatic he was being. Stephen looked over at Fran and said “Angela is having boy problems.” This time it was Fran’s eyes that widened.

  “What happened Ange? Are you okay? Did you get pregnant?” Fran attacked me with questions. I frowned at her last question and said “I don’t just go sleeping with random people Fran! Besides… it’s none of your business.” As I faced away from them.

  “Ah… it must be him.” Fran said teasingly. I frowned wondering what the hell they were talking about. Stephen smirked and said “Oh yes, definitely him.” How did they know about Jaxon? Were they watching? My pulse was racing at the thought of them spying on me.

  “I can explain…” I started out.

  “Aha! So it was him.” Fran shouted out in victory.

  “Jaxon is just—” but I didn’t get to finish when both Stephen and Fran asked together “Who’s Jaxon?”

  “Then who were you guys talking about?” I asked them, utterly confused.

  “We don’t know… we just teased you until you spilled the details. Payback baby!” Fran said happily as she gave a high-five to Stephen. I rolled my eyes at the two and said “Whatever, I’m not Jaxon’s type.”

  “But you’re every guy’s type.” Stephen said.

  “I wish that were the case.” I said softly. Tenderly remembering the moment Jaxon rejected me, telling me I wasn’t his type.

  “So you must really like this guy, Ange. You’ve never really been hung up on a guy like this.” Fran said as both of my best friends started leaning in towards me with interest written all over their faces. “Spill the details, what is he like?” Stephen asked.

  Suddenly the bell at the entrance rang, signaling that we had a customer. All three of us turned towards the entrance with smiles on our faces as we greeted our customer “Welcome to Fancy Cups!”

  As I opened my eyes I completely and most utterly froze to death. There standing near the entrance was none other than the source of my boy problems, Jaxon. Unfortunately, he was wearing a shirt just like last time. He was extremely handsome as he stood there looking uninterested in everything.

  Once again, he looked very handsome. He had his long dark locks in a ponytail that sat calmly on his right shoulder.

  “You work here?” he asked as he walked up to the counter. I looked down trying to hide the fact that his voice sent shivers down my back. I ignored his question not really wanting to seem like I was friendly with him so that Stephen and Fran won’t suspect anything.

  “Hey, it’s our new neighbor.” Stephen spoke up. Fran looked at Jaxon up and down then approached him. “Hi, my name is Francesca and I’m the owner of this place and your new neighbor as well.” she spoke cheerfully.

  Jaxon looked at them with a bored expression and said “I don’t really care, I just want my coffee.” When he was near me I couldn’t help but inhale his scent of flowers and a slight smell of cigarettes. Fran looked at Jaxon with one of her famous glares, I could tell she was absolutely ticked at him.

  Jaxon told me his order, he opened his mouth again as if he was going to ask me a question but Stephen suddenly asked a question that I dreaded the most. “Hey man, what’s your name?”

  Jaxon looked over to Stephen and Fran who were awaiting his reply as he raised an eyebrow. He then looked over at me and noticed
my look of dread, his glance went back over to Stephen and Fran, and said “Jaxon King.”

  I didn’t have to look at the both of them to know that they were staring at me. I could feel their stares burning through my skull.

  “Oh… I see.” Fran said, just by looking at her face I know she was planning something evil. “Wow, Ange. You sure got quiet when our customer came in… that’s so unlike you.” Stephen teased. I could literally choke these two to death, no matter how much I love them.

  Everything was suddenly awkward that’s until Fran got started on making Jaxon’s coffee. Stephen started cleaning a few tables. Jaxon still stood in front of me, I curse myself for being so quiet and submissive in front of him. Towards other men I could practically be the dominant one but when it comes to this sexy beast I find myself bowing my head.

  Jaxon suddenly leaned in towards me and said “You still haven’t answered my question… do you prefer to be the bottom or top?” his smirk look devilishly handsome on his face. I frowned as best as I could and replied “You have no business in knowing that.”

  “And what if I do?” he asked. His face was dangerously near mine, it’s unfair that he’s tall enough to lean over the counter. “You don’t.” I countered. His face was so near mine that his scent was overwhelming. I felt like I was drowning in flowers.

  “Here’s your order.” Fran said as she gave Jaxon his coffee. Jaxon gave a nod and turned away to walk out of the shop but before he could reach the entrance he turned his head to face me. “See you later… Angel.” As he smirked and left.

  Stephen and Fran started playfully shoving me, gushing over how Jaxon was practically taking my clothes off with his eyes. Stephen also complained that he claimed dibs but said that Jaxon wasn’t his type because Jaxon was too much of a douche.


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