One Last Kiss: A Second Chance Romance

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One Last Kiss: A Second Chance Romance Page 17

by Lauren Wood

  Like saying those words meant nothing to him.

  Like I meant nothing to him.

  I scowled at him and spat out “Then I hope you have a happy life.” As I ran away from Jaxon. Half of me was hoping he’d chase after me and the other half hoped that he regretted his words and realize his true feelings for me.

  He didn’t but this is all my fault because fool me once shame on you, but fool me twice shame on me, right?

  Chapter 14



  This is all his fault. Anger coursed through every vein as I paced back and forth in the flower shop. I didn’t expect Angela to overhear our conversation. My beautiful Angela who always had a smile on her face when she’s around me, she gave warmth and happiness into this empty life of mine. She made me enjoy being at home.

  Who knew she could’ve looked at me like I was the biggest scum in the world?

  It was because he found me and the only way to protect my Angela is if he thinks that I don’t care about her. Angela just had to confront me right in front of him and this only made me even angrier. I suddenly punched the wall making a hole in it. A glass shattered behind me and when I turned around I saw my sister, Kathy standing at the entrance. She just dropped the vase that she got and was staring at me angrily.

  “What the hell Jax!” she shouted as she stared at the hole in the wall that I just created.

  “Not now, Kathy.” I tried staying calm but it was obvious that I was extremely pissed. Suddenly Kathy looked at me worried and asked “What’s wrong Jax? I’ve never seen you this angry before.”

  I suddenly didn’t want to be here. I didn’t want to be anywhere if Angela wasn’t here. I wanted her in my arms as we laid bare naked while panting heavily from our love making. I wanted to feel her skin upon mine, to see her gasp out in pleasure as I touch her, and to have her lips interlocked with mine in a passionate intense kiss.

  “Remember I used to hang out with this rich chick?” I asked my sister as I leaned against the wall. She grabbed her chin and said “Yeah, was it the one that lasted for about two weeks, and when you told her she was just a fling she started acting clingy?”

  “Yes… Her name is Irina.” I told her.

  “Wasn’t her brother like a high bidder in one of your street fights and when he found out you broke his sister’s heart he started threatening you?” she asked. “Yes, this time he threatened Angela. I told him that Angela meant nothing to me and Angela overheard it.” I explained.

  “Then just explain to—” I cut her off by saying “She confronted me in front of him. So I told her exactly what I told him. I bet she won’t even talk to me let alone see me.” I said.

  “Why don’t you just live your life the way you want to? It’s not like he’s going to really hurt me or Angela.” She said. She doesn’t know how dangerous this man is. They can throw anything at me and I’ll welcome it with clenched fists, but when it comes to the people I love I would yield. Kathy suddenly gave me a bouquet of purple Hyacinths which mean ‘I am sorry’.

  “If you really feel strong for this girl then you should start from square one… First, go apologize.” she said. I smirked at my sister and said “You’re the best,” she crossed her arms and said “I know.” Proudly.

  But then I added “But you’re still ugly.” Before she can start yelling at me I was already out of the flower shop and on my way to the apartment complex. I couldn’t wait for the train so I ran all the way there. I knocked her door impatiently but when the door opened it was a frowning Stephen, thank God it wasn’t Fran.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked angrily. Did Angela tell Stephen what happened?

  “I’m here for Angela.” This time I didn’t have any insult to throw at him because all that mattered was seeing Angela. Fast. Now. I yearned to see that gorgeous smile upon her face and I’d do anything to keep it that way. I suddenly felt like a complete idiot for hurting her the way I did. I can even imagine her bright smile as she made her way to me only to hear harsh words coming out of my mouth, if only I could punch myself.

  “Look here asshole, I don’t know what happened between Angela and you but all I know is my girl crying and throwing stuff in her room. She won’t even come out so I think the last person she wants to see is you.” Stephan said. I growled when she called Angela his girl, she’s mine.

  “I just want to talk to her.” I said as I gritted my teeth. Trying my best not to punch this guy. I had to remind myself that if I do punch Stephan than Angela would hate me, well more if she already does. Stephan stared at me with a deadpanned look and said “She doesn’t want to see you.” Then he slammed the door in my face.

  I ran my free hand through my hair frustratingly as I clenched the flowers tightly with my other. I then kicked the hallway wall as much as I could then went into my apartment. I threw the flowers on the ground as I made my way to my bedroom. When I plopped onto my bed I heard sniffles coming from the other side of the wall.


  My pulse started racing at the thought of Angela being on the opposite side of this wall. I gently placed my calloused hand on the wall as if I could feel her warmth but there was nothing but the coldness of the wall upon my hand.

  “Angela.” I called out but I could still hear her sniffling behind the wall. I sighed to myself and said even louder “Angela.” The sniffling suddenly stopped and was replied with “I’m not crying.”

  I couldn’t help but smile at how adorable she is. “And besides we’re not together anymore so… go away!” she said. Although her voice is a bit muffled I could still hear her. I smirked even though she couldn’t see me and said “We’re still together. We won’t break up until I agree that we’ll break up.” But she didn’t reply.

  I let out a loud sigh and said “I’m sorry Angel… What I said to that man back there wasn’t true. I had to lie to him.”

  “Excuses! Excuses! Everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie!” she shouted angrily as something hit the wall but then she mumbled “Ouch.” My guess is that she punched the wall. I leaned my head against the wall and said “This time I’m telling the truth… I promise I’ll make it up to you. I’ll do anything you want me to do. Just please give me one more chance.” I practically begged.

  “How can I tell that you’re not lying?” she asked. It’s hard not seeing her face. I needed to see her. “Can we at least talk about it face to face?” I asked.

  “No.” was her short answer.

  “Please… And if you decide to not give me a chance then I’ll leave you alone for good. Heck, I’ll even move to a different apartment.” I assured her. It was silent for a while, I’m just glad that the sniffling stopped. I can’t stand to know that she’s crying and I’m the reason why.

  “Okay, I’ll come over. On one condition, no kissing.” She said.


  This is going to be hard.

  Chapter 15


  My legs were shaking from being too nervous as I stood in front of his front door waiting for him to open it. My head was shouting at me to retreat back to my room and stay away from him but my heart was in charge at the moment.

  When Jaxon opened the door I wanted nothing more than to jump his bones. The damn guy was not wearing his shirt and judging by that smirk on his face he was doing this on purpose.

  “Come on in.” he said as he gestured for me to come in. I timidly walked behind him into the all too familiar apartment that I still love coming into. His apartment always smelt of him which is flowers and cigarettes. He sat on one side of the couch while I sat on the other. I even couldn’t take my eyes off when he sat down making his muscles stretch.

  “So what can I do to make you forgive me?” he asked. Even after he said harsh words to me and even said them to my face I should hate him, I really should. But I can’t help but ogle over him when I see him and think of him when I’m not around him. If he really meant that he was lying then that would be a dream
come true, but people lie as easily as they change clothes.

  What makes Jaxon any different from the rest?

  Just because I love him doesn’t mean he won’t lie.

  “I don’t know.” Was my answer. He sighed as he clutched his head and said “Angela… I’m not great at expressing my feelings nor putting them into words.” He was silent for a moment as he avoided eye contact. “You mean a great deal to me Angel. I only said those words to that man was because I wanted to protect you. That guy was an old enemy back in my days, and he thinks I owe him. Not only that but he was threatening the ones I love including you.” he explained further.

  My heart was racing at his sudden confession. One moment I envisioned my life without him and now I can’t stand the thought of ever being without him. When did I get so dependent on one guy?

  I didn’t want to succumb to his words again but looking into those silver eyes I know he wasn’t lying. He turned towards me and I was lost in an ocean of silver. He then held out his hand and said “Please give me another chance, I can’t stand the thought of you not being in my life.”

  I stared at his hand for too long tempted to shove it away and tempted to grab it and never let go. As I stared into his eyes I was once again captivated, I then find myself inching my hand towards his. Tied by desire and overtaken by impulse I placed my hand in his, giving him another chance.

  This want I have for Jaxon is consuming me. Want for him to stay with me, want for him to love me, want for him to touch me in every way possible, and want for him to kiss me till I can’t feel my lips. It was an endless list of wanting.

  He smiled at me but we both didn’t waste time as we connected our lips for what seemed to be an eternity. Oh, how I miss these lips. I couldn’t help myself as I moaned loudly into the kiss. My arms were wrapped around his neck while his were wrapped around my waist. The kiss was so powerful that it knocked us off our feet, we both tumbled onto the couch with him on top of me.

  Of course, he made sure he didn’t put his full weight on me. Our kiss was rough but passionate, it was like we have been starving for a long time and now we finally get to fulfill that need. He was quick to insert his tongue into my mouth, and for once I can admit that I missed the taste of him. Our tongues danced with one another in a sweet rhythm.

  Without trying to break our kiss he removed his shirt. One by one our clothing was strewn upon the floor. When his hand caressed my abdomen my whole body tensed up and he even noticed. He pulled away to look at me and before he can say anything I started to feel nauseous. I pushed him away from me and dashed towards the bathroom where I puked up the food that Stephan forced me to eat.

  Unexpectedly, Jaxon was right behind me holding my hair while rubbing my back. That’s when I realized that I haven’t told him yet.

  About being pregnant.

  “Are you alright, Angel?” he asked with concern lacing his voice. I wiped my mouth with a tissue as I looked up at him. Would he be thrilled at the idea? Or would he react the total opposite? I was afraid yet excited to tell him.

  “I am… Hey Jaxon, one of the reasons why I was eavesdropping on your conversation with that man was because I wanted to tell you something.” I started out. My heart was beating so fast that I wasn’t sure if I was able to catch up. He grabbed my hand as he led me back towards the living room and gave me a bottle of water.

  “What did you want to tell me?” he asked.

  I bit my lower lip in anticipation. Should I really tell him? The whole time I locked myself in my room I was thinking of a whole life without Jaxon and raising the baby on my own. Now I didn’t know if he wanted to raise the baby with me or not. I was nervous.

  Even being only in my undergarments didn’t help me become less nervous. I took a deep breath as I stared in Jaxon’s silver eyes that comforted me and made my heart beat rapidly at the same time if that even makes sense.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  Chapter 16


  “I’m pregnant.”

  Before the information could process through my head there was a pregnant silence between us. I knew that Angela has always been different but I never thought of marrying her and starting a family, not that it’s something I wouldn’t consider but the thought just never crossed my mind.

  I was contented with just having Angela in my arms. Now knowing that she’s pregnant with my baby I wasn’t scared nor was I ecstatic, I was worried. I have many enemies and just the thought of them hurting Angela let alone our baby sends a whole new rage into my system.

  Unconsciously, I slowly pulled Angela into an embrace. Wrapping my arms tightly around her as if my arms could protect her from any harm. She noticed how tensed my body was and instantly wrapped her arms around my torso making me melt to her touch. I wanted to grab Angela and bring her far away from everyone but then I knew that I couldn’t because of her friends here.

  “You don’t need to tell me if you’re happy or sad about this. It’s pretty shocking news to me too. I just want to know if you’ll stay by my side or not?” she asked. How could she think such a thought?

  I pulled away just enough to stare into her lovely eyes. “Pregnant or not I’ll always stay by your side no matter what. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.” As I threw in a smirk. A beautiful smile made its way onto her face making her face beam with happiness.

  “I’m happy.” she whispered I barely caught it but I did. It made warmth spread through my body, and only Angela could make me feel this way. My hands trailed down her body to rest upon her abdomen. We created something together and that made me proud. Then his face burned into my mind and I was filled with rage like never before.

  Angela is now my family and I wouldn’t allow anyone to hurt her ever. I didn’t notice that I was trembling with anger that Angela pulled back with a concerned look “Are you alright, Jaxon?” she asked. I leaned forward to press a kiss to her head and promised her “I’ll always protect you… But first I have to eliminate the threat.”

  I turned around to leave but Angela quickly grabbed onto my wrist. “Jaxon, you don’t have to do this.” Her voice was filled with worry and hope. I don’t want her to worry every day for the rest of her life. I pulled her once again into an embrace and assured her “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I’m just going to have a few words with him.”

  “Yeah, but you always communicate with your fists.” She mumbled. I chuckled as I held her tightly. Oh, she knew me well.

  I pulled away and cupped her face to bring her plumped lips against mine in a tender kiss. “I will always protect you no matter what. If I have to kill someone for you then I would in a heartbeat. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” I told her.

  “Just be careful.” she told me as she looked down at the ground. I put my fingers under her chin to make her look at me. “Stay here and lock the door. I will come back for you, I promise.” I told her. She looked at me so innocently as she nodded. I didn’t want to leave her ever but I also don’t want her to be anywhere near him again.

  I looked over at the club where I used to hang out but nobody was there. I then started making my way towards the bar where Ciel and Zen hung out. When I stormed inside the bar all eyes were on me, even Ciel, Zen, and his attention as well. All of them started glaring at me while others cowered in fear.

  “What are you doing here?” Ciel growled as he stepped forward. I looked at Ciel with a non-threatening look and said “I’m not here for you. You have my word that we’ll have a rematch but not now.” As my eyes dangerously made its way to him, Brian.

  “So have you reconsider yet?” Brian asked with a smug look on his face, he must think that he won. My fury expression didn’t falter as I stormed up to him with my deadliest look and grabbed him by the shirt. Every one of his men started pulling out a weapon or about to back him up but my glare went to every single one of them as I growled menacingly “If you interfere then I won’t hesitate to kill you.” All of them stopped in their tracks.r />
  There’s a saying ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’ men also have a saying but it’s quite different and I definitely think it matches this situation. ‘Hell hath no fury like a man whose family has been threatened’.

  “I will only say this once,” I hissed at Brian as I’m inches away from his face. My glare still painted upon my face as his was filled with fear and shock. He thought I never had the guts to do something like this to him but I didn’t have a reason before, now I do. And that reason means everything to me.

  “I told you sister, Irina that she was nothing more than a fling. She even told me that she understood. Don’t blame me for you sister’s heartbreak, that’s all on her. I have a family now,” Once I said those words I can see the shock looks on Ciel and Zen. “If you dare threaten them then I’ll make sure your life will be a living hell. Not only you but Irina as well. I will break your mind and soul and show you what a real devil looks like.” I hissed.

  Brian has always been the one spouting threats at me thinking that he has always had the upper hand. Now he’s crossed the line and he has awoken the demon deep from within me. “Am I understood?” I growled as I stared deep into his disgusting eyes. He looked around as if he was seeking for help but no help was offered. He then looked back at me defeated and nodded.

  I slammed his head on the table and yelled “Say it!” he was dazed for a while but he managed to say “I understand… But my sister doesn’t.” I then looked at him in confusion. “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “My sister knows where you live. She might be waiting for you at your apartment.” he said not knowing that Angela was there. My eyes widened as I literally shove Brian away and started running back home.


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