One Last Kiss: A Second Chance Romance

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One Last Kiss: A Second Chance Romance Page 18

by Lauren Wood

  I have to protect Angela no matter what.

  Chapter 17


  I couldn’t help but feel worried for Jaxon. My heart was racing when I started overthinking things. Would Jaxon be alright?

  Suddenly there was a knock at the door and without even hesitating I dashed towards the door. I was about to throw myself at the person who knocked on the door thinking it was Jaxon but I quickly stumbled back because it wasn’t Jaxon, it was a woman. A very good looking woman.

  She had beautiful black hair that was long and straight that came up to her hips. She even had a big boobs and an hour-glass shaped body. She looked intimidatingly beautiful. She looked as if she didn’t expect me to answer the door then her look turned sour.

  “Who the fuck are you?” her high-pitched voice asked.

  I was taken aback by the woman standing in front of me. Maybe she’s one of Jaxon’s previous girls. “I’m Angela.” I told her as I stood awkwardly in the doorway.

  “And what are you to Jaxon?” she asked as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. “I’m his girlfriend.” I said as I copied her by crossing my arms as well. She let out a sigh and said “I should warn you that he’ll dump you sooner or later. He tends to do that a lot. You should stay away from him.”

  “I appreciate your concern but I’m fine.” I told her, she’s not going to intimidate me. “Oh, I’m not concern about you. I want you to stay away from Jaxon because he’s mine.” she said so casually. My fists clenched tightly, I was starting to feel more emotions. My hormones were going crazy and I have my pregnancy to thank for. I remained calm but you could still detect the poison laced in my voice.

  “If he’s yours then why don’t you take him away from me?” I asked her. She looked shocked from my reaction, it wasn’t the reaction she was looking for. “If Jaxon sees me again then he’ll definitely want me.” she tried sounding confident but failed. Still I remained calm and said “How long have you been with Jaxon? I’m sorry, I don’t know who you are. Jaxon would get mad if he knew I was talking to a stranger… Oh, Jaxon is mine by the way.”

  She looked irritated and said “Oh yeah? Can you prove that Jaxon is yours? I bet he treats you the same as every other girl.” She sounded proud for some reason. I let out a sigh as I started feeling tired already.

  “I don’t want to brag but if you really want proof then I’m fine with that. I’ve been Jaxon’s girlfriend for about three months already. And—” she didn’t let me finish. “That doesn’t prove anything!” she quickly pointed out. This woman is already getting on my nerves.

  “Jaxon is mine! I got him first! I saw him first!” she started rambling, now she was starting to sound like a child. I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Shut up!” I shouted angrily making her instantly shut up. I then calmed down and said “I don’t care if you have feelings for Jaxon or not. If you say he’s really yours then take him from me, and if comes willingly then I won’t stand in your way.”

  In my head I’ve already killed her several times. I wanted to go nuts and start pulling her hair, thanks to my hormones, but I was more afraid that she might kick me in the stomach or something which would hurt the baby. I can’t only think of myself anymore, I have to think of my baby as well. I mean mine and Jaxon’s baby.

  The woman in front of me was now trembling but I couldn’t tell if she was trembling from anger or sadness. “What do you have that I don’t?” she suddenly whispered enough for me to hear.

  Before I can utter a reply Jaxon suddenly appeared and said “She has me… that’s what you don’t have.” Both of us were shocked to hear his voice as he walked towards us. The woman’s expression quickly changed and was smiling widely as she stared at Jaxon with sparkly eyes.

  “Jaxon!” she called out as she opened her arms wide for him. What she didn’t expect was for him to walk past her, completely ignoring her presence, and up to me. He held me by the shoulders and asked me “Are you hurt?” I gave him a soft smile and shook my head. He sighed in relief as he leaned in and kissed my head.

  His head suddenly snap towards the woman and hissed “What are you doing here, Irina?” The woman named Irina looked startled by the question and said “I came to visit you baby.” I almost gave out a literal growl when she called him baby. I’ve been feeling more possessive lately, this definitely has something to do with my pregnancy.

  “I’m not your baby or even yours nor will I ever be. Irina I don’t want you here.” Jaxon told her. She looked at him with a frown, she looked like a spoiled rich girl whose just been told no. “But I could give you so much more than that tramp.” she growled as she pointed at me. This woman won’t take no for an answer.

  “Why does she get to be your girlfriend?” Irina cried out.

  “She’s not my girlfriend.” Jaxon told her which made Irina and I shock. Both of us stared at Jaxon intently. Last time I checked I was his girlfriend. Did he change his mind? My heart started racing again.

  Irina smirked as she looked at like I’ve lost.

  “Angela is my fiancé,” he unexpectedly said.


  “And she’s pregnant with my baby.” he added.

  “What?” this time it came from Irina.

  “So I would appreciate it if you would leave me and my soon-to-be-wife alone before I result to violence.” he said as he stepped back into the apartment with me in his arms and slammed the door in Irina’s face.

  What the hell just happened?

  Chapter 18


  I didn’t really know why I just did that. I just wanted to stake my claim on Angela even more. For the first time Angela and I stood near my front door awkwardly. She looked up at me with confusion written all over her face.

  “Uh… Jaxon, what do you mean I’m your fiancé?” she asked me. I sighed and said “It means I’m going to marry you.”

  She gave a small but cute frown and pointed out “But I never agreed to marry you.” Nothing comes easy when it comes to this woman but like I said I’d do anything for her. “You’re carrying my child so naturally we would get married.” I said.

  “We haven’t known each other for very long.” she said.

  “Yeah but we’ve been sleeping with each other not to mention the sex. You’re even pregnant with my child and I want to be with you and the child. So… you don’t want to marry me?” I asked.

  She was quick to answer “No, that’s not what I meant. I just… I meant… you didn’t ask me.” she shyly said the last part as she avoided eye contact with me. God, she was truly adorable that I wanted to ravish her at the moment. I then did what she wanted, I got down on one knee which made her shock. She didn’t expect for me to ask so quickly.

  “I don’t have a ring and I might not have one for a while but I promise I’ll get you the prettiest ring there is. We haven’t known each other for a long time but it feels like we’ve known each other forever. Angela… Angel… would you be mine forever and marry me?” I asked her as I held her hand.

  Her eyes were still wide as they suddenly were filled with unshed tears. She smiled widely as she nodded and said at the same time “Yes! A million times yes!” She then threw her arms around me and tackled me to the ground with her on top of me. When she said yes, even though I expected her to, I couldn’t help but smile like an idiot.

  I wrapped my arms around her even when we’re on the ground. I would truly do anything for this girl. She pulled away from our embrace with her smile still plastered on her face. “We have to tell Stephan and Fran.” she said excitingly. I didn't get to say or react to what she said when she suddenly stood up and grabbed my hand then proceeded to drag me towards her apartment. She didn’t bother to knock as she twisted the knob and slammed her fist on the upper part of the door which made her door open. I stared at their door with an ‘Are you serious?’ look. They definitely need to fix that since anyone could enter their apartment.

  We walked further into the apartment to
see Stephen and Fran sitting in the living room. Once they noticed our presence they both stared at us. Fran immediately smirked and asked “Had fun?” she was thinking something dirty. Angela was quick to retort “Not as much as you and Ciel.” Which made Fran immediately turn red. I remember Angela told me that she walked in on Fran and Ciel naked on the kitchen counter.

  “Putting that aside, Jaxon and I got some great news.” Angela said happily. I bore no expression on my face. I’m happy that Angela said yes to my marriage proposal and I want to shout to the world that Angela is mine but I must show her friends that I’m not weak.

  “What? You guys are getting married?” Stephen asked jokingly which made both him and Fran laugh. When they noticed that Angela wasn’t laughing, Angela smiled sheepishly as she asked “Is that a bad thing?”

  Stephen bolted up and cheered “Congratulations!” While Fran stood up at the same time and shouted “What?” Angela smiled and said “Thanks Stephen!”

  Fran had a scowl on her face which wasn’t a surprise, it’s almost like her resting face. “How can you get married Ange? He’s a total stranger.” Fran opposed. This made me frown, Angela didn’t look too happy as well.

  “So? Ciel is also a total stranger.” Angela pointed out.

  “Yeah, but I’m not marrying him.” Fran pointed out.

  “Fran, why can’t you be happy for me?” Angela asked angrily. Fran sighed and replied “I’m happy Ange, marriage is a huge milestone in one’s life. But why now? Couldn’t you wait for a few years?”

  “Fran, I understand your concern but if this makes Ange happy then we should support her rather than scold her.” Stephen spoke up.

  “A true friend would slap her friend so her friend could see the truth.” Fran argued.

  “I’d rather you literally slap me.” Angela mumbled which made Stephen giggle. “I volunteer to slap you.” Stephen said as he raised his hand.

  “Give me at least one good reason why you should marry him besides being superbly in love with him?” Fran asked as she crossed her arms in front of her chest as she awaited Angela’s answer like a mom. Angela bit her lower lip as she fiddled with her fingers. This peeked my interest since I always enjoy seeing Angela all nervous.

  Fran let out an impatient sigh as she started saying “If you don’t have any reason—” But Angela cut her off by saying “I’m pregnant.” This shut Fran up really good. Both of her friends stared at her in shock. Then they both spoke at the same time.

  “Omg! Congratulations you guys! I can’t wait to be the god-mother!” Stephen cheered.

  “What? You’re pregnant? Didn’t you guys wear protection?” Fran asked.

  Another pregnant silence sat between all of us as Fran sighed in defeat. “I guess it can’t be helped,” she then glared at me and pointed a finger at me as well and continued “You! If you hurt or leave Ange then I swear to God I will find you and kill you, and I’ll make sure nobody will find your body.” For some reason, I believe her.

  Just like flipping a switch, Fran and Stephan stared at each other for a few seconds then suddenly turned towards Angela. They then bolted towards Angela as they squatted down to the level of Angela’s stomach. Each of them had a hand on her stomach and this startled Angela.

  “Can the baby kick?” Fran asked like an idiot. Stephan smacked her head and said “Idiot! The baby is still a fetus.” Angela started relaxing from their touch. I silently grabbed Angela’s hand which grabbed her attention, I gave her a soft smile which she returned as well.

  I’d definitely do anything for her.

  Chapter 19


  After having dinner at my apartment we all discussed about me living at Jaxon’s place rather than my own room at the apartment I shared with Stephan and Fran. At first Fran was against it but Stephan managed to persuade her while Jaxon threw insults at her.

  When night time came Jaxon and I returned to our apartment. He even managed to bring a few stuff of mine over. I was exhausted by all the emotions I went through today. I felt like I was on a roller coaster of emotions. I changed into a nightgown as I laid down in Jaxon’s bed snuggling into his pillows which smelt of him.

  I felt the bed dipped and felt his hands brushed along my legs. “You don’t know how much I missed having you here.” he softly said. The way he said those words sent ripples of pleasure down my spine. I looked over to where he was, he was on top of me with one hand caressing my bare leg and the other holding his weight. He stared at me with longing and it spiked up my horniness.

  He noticed my lust filled gaze making a slow, lazy smile spread across his lips. He slowly and most agonizingly leaned towards me to connect our lips. Immediately I was lost in this most addicting kiss. I could feel my body heat up as his body pressed closer to mine, but it wasn’t enough. I wanted, no, I needed him closer to the point it became painful.

  The kiss wasn’t like any other we’ve shared before, it wasn’t rough nor filled with desperate lust. It was passionate but slow and most importantly love. He kissed me like I was fragile, like I was the most precious person to him. His hand on my leg started reaching higher and higher which only added a desirable heat to my core.

  He pulled away to stare into my eyes as his hand removed from my leg to caress my cheek. I could still feel his touch on my leg as it tingled with pleasure. “I’m so glad to have you back.” he said with relief as he closed his eyes looking totally relaxed. He pressed his forehead against mine and said “I won’t ever let you go.” When he opened his eyes I was once lost again in those silver orbs of his.

  “Promise?” I asked, afraid he might disappear any moment. He smiled as he pressed a kiss on the tip of my nose and said “Promise.” You could tell by the tone of his voice that he was sincere. I could feel that my face was flushed with need. Only Jaxon could do something so trivial and fill my every being with a heated desire. Jaxon smiled lovingly at me as he placed a soft, sweet kiss on my forehead.

  He suddenly stood up from the bed and removed his clothing which also included his boxers. My face instantly heated up as I stared at his naked glory. Even though I was embarrassed by his sudden action I was also filled with lust just by staring at his big dick.

  He started crawling onto to the bed to get to me. The way he crawled towards me was the sexiest I’ve ever seen him, it made him sexier that he was naked and each time he moved his muscles would flex.

  I can’t believe I’m a perverted pregnant woman… Well, I’ve always been a pervert.

  He smirked and said “I bet after so long you’ve been craving for the D.” I tried smirking back but I bet it came out as a regular smile and tried teasing him back. “I also bet your craving for the pussy.” But it only fired back.

  He leaned forward to whisper in my ear “I’ve been fantasizing about you in so many ways and tonight I’ll make them a reality. So you can say that I’ve been craving for your pussy. I’ll stop for nothing to have it tonight.” I blushed at his forwardness. His hand glided up my leg once more as he reach over to my panty making me jump a bit just by the feeling of his touch.

  Before a gasp could escape my lips he was quick to silence it by pressing his lips against mine. His hand continued to grab onto my panty and slowly slide them off. The kiss was slow and passionate. His long dark hair fell over his face tickling my neck. I couldn’t resist but to run my hands through his long soft hair. I felt his piercing on his lip pressing against my lips which felt weird but good.

  Once he was able to throw my panty somewhere in his room his hand slowly glided up my leg once more to arrive where he said he’ll have tonight, my pussy. He gently put pressure onto it, rubbing it in circles. There was no stopping myself from moaning into the kiss. The desire I felt for him was going crazy, I felt it jumping around in my stomach.

  His lips left mine as they trailed over to my neck, each time he pressed a kiss to my skin he would suck it enough to leave love marks. When he arrived at the crook of my neck he started sucking even more.

  This want I have for him is driving me insane.

  He unexpectedly ripped my nightgown making me gasp in surprise. He managed to rip it without hurting me but I could see that his hands were a dark red. My hands instantly reached out to his to check on them to see if they’re alright, but instead of checking them he managed to entwine our hands instead.

  His lips continued to assault my neck then he moved on to my body which included my breasts. His lips and tongue painted my body once again with a burning flame of desire. In that moment I felt his member hard against my thigh which made my whole body burn even more with desire. Increasing this want I have for him. He brought his lips back to my panting lips and inserted his tongue into my mouth.

  I noticed that even though he was on top of me I couldn’t feel his weight. It was like he was holding his weight which should be tiring for him but he showed no signs of exhaustion. I guess he didn’t want to put his weight on top of me.

  He aligned himself at my entrance, I felt the tip of his member slightly enter my entrance. He hissed as he pulled away from our kiss as he grunted “You’re extremely wet tonight.” His hands removed themselves from mine as he leaned on his elbows to support his weight more while my hands wrapped around his neck and played with his long dark locks.

  I stared at him completely dazed and filled with lust. His eyes connected with mine and his eyes instantly widened. “I need you now.” he quickly said as he slowly pushed all the way into me making me moan while he let out a heavy groan. I missed this feeling of being filled. Once again I couldn’t tell where he started and where I ended, it was like we were one once again.

  He just buried his face into the crook of my neck. His hair was sprawled over my chest which increased his scent of flowers. It was absolute bliss. He pulled all the way out only to slam himself back in making me a mess of moans. He was gentle tonight like he was extra careful. Well, we were never careful to begin with since I ended up being pregnant.


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