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One Last Kiss: A Second Chance Romance

Page 27

by Lauren Wood

  I wasn’t sure, but it was an idea to really think about. How could this woman know so much about me and I knew so little about her? She was very observant, something that shouldn’t come as a surprise by the way she works.

  “Well I don’t like to look at it like that, but you could be right. I don’t like it when I don’t get my way.”

  I was thinking of her when I said that and I wondered if she knew that she was the one thing that was denied me. If I was real with myself, I would see how hard it had been to deal with that fact. The one person I wanted, I can’t have and that drove me crazy. It wasn’t right and I was still thinking of ways to rectify the situation.

  “You can’t have everything that you want Rick. What would be the fun in that?”

  I begged to differ, but I wasn’t going to argue with her. I was just happy that we were talking again and she wasn’t ignoring everything that was said between us. At least we were talking again. I was convinced that this was a good sign and I wasn’t going to see it any other way but like that. I just couldn’t. I was still trying to be optimistic and I still didn’t believe that she would be able to deny me very much longer.

  “It doesn’t mean that I can’t try. I usually get what I want Claire. I usually get who I want as well, so I don’t know how to take no for an answer because in the end I always get what it is that I wanted.”

  Now she realized that I was talking about her and I could see her face getting red. I really liked to see her like that and I loved the way she smiled at me and then looked away when my eyes were too tense.

  “Well I stand by what I said. No one gets everything that want, no matter how much money they have or how much charm they have. Some people are just not meant to be together and some just aren’t.”

  It was not hard to read through the lines with that. She was telling me to get over it because it just wasn’t going to happen. I should have learned then that I couldn’t have her, but it just made me want her more. I also thought it was adorable how nice she was trying to be about it all. She was turning me down for the umpteenth time, but at least she was doing it the sweetest way possible.

  “Never say never Claire. I think with enough time, I will get everything that I want and desire.”

  The woman had no idea how stubborn and persistent I could be.


  When we got back to work, it was easy for us to lose each other in all of the other people running around. I would have liked for us to have become closer while we were in Europe and in a way we had, but in some ways, we were further apart than ever before.

  I saw her only briefly in the hallways and a couple of times for meetings. The rest of the time, Claire stayed away from me like the plague and it was driving me rather crazy. Why was she denying me what I needed so much? It was becoming ridiculous and worse than that, there was nothing else that would do.

  First when I got back into town, I called up one of the many women I was seeing from time to time to see if she wanted to meet up. It should have been good since I hadn’t had any physical contact for days, but it turned out to be a disappointment. It wasn’t Ashlea that made it a disappointment, it was me and what I really wanted being someone else. It appeared as if no one else was going to do, no matter how hard I tried. It came down to I was meant to be with Claire or at least to get a taste of her so I wouldn’t think about her all of the time.

  So I did what any man would do, I manipulated the situation to get her next to me. I knew that she was going to see right through me if I didn’t have a good enough reason and I didn’t ask her in the right way.

  In the meeting we had at the end of the week, I was giving out assignments and I made sure that she had the best one. It was a huge client and a big job. It wasn’t enough for one person and I made it like she was going to be helping me, instead of me using it as a way to get some time alone with her.

  At the end of the meeting, Claire came to me with her concerns. She had several open clients at the time, something that I had forgotten about and I asked her if I could help her with what she already had on her plate. As I had suspected, she was quick to say that she was fine.

  “Good then Claire. I am glad that you are available to help. I know that it has been kind of tense between us. I think working together this weekend will help us out to getting back to a better working relationship.”


  She didn’t look happy about that at all, but I wasn’t going to give. This was literally the only way that I was going to get her alone and get her where I wanted her, so I was going to have to use methods that I wouldn’t normally use. Now it was a matter of getting Claire alone. I knew that all I had to do was get my hands on her again and she would be mine. I was sure of it now.

  “Okay Rick. I will see you tomorrow.”

  “I will call you in the morning before I pick you up. Around eight?”

  She agreed, but it was obvious that she didn’t want to do anything with me on the weekend. I tried to ignore it, but that was hard to do. I still didn’t understand what it was about her that made her so different, but I was going to have my way.

  Chapter 14


  “I haven’t had much time to prepare for this. Is there anything that you think I should be focusing on?”

  It was Saturday morning and instead of being home in bed, I was at the office in the conference room with Rick. I needed more sleep and I was a little cranky. I just wanted to get this done. I had a lot to do this weekend and none of it involved new clients.

  “Look at the depreciation and inventory data. I think that is where the leak is.”

  Rick reached over and I felt him leaning over me ever so slowly. His body was too close, too soon and I held my breath as he pointed out a few numbers on the logbook in front of me. I tried to pay attention but I couldn’t. His breathe was warm on my neck and I was suddenly wide awake.


  He stayed hunched over me for a little longer than I thought was possible, but I didn’t say anything. I didn’t need to because he was gone and I felt a slight lack once he did.

  “Do you want me to get you some coffee?”

  I shook my head, though I wasn’t even thinking about that. I was watching him leave and enjoying the view. I vowed to stay away from him and to make sure that we weren’t in a situation like this, but like always, Rick was making sure that he got his way. It wasn’t hard to see through the ploy. It was most of the reason I was annoyed, like I wouldn’t even know what he was doing.

  When he got back, his dark eyes watched me and I didn’t look up. I was determined to get out of this and I really hoped it was unscathed. The way he looked at me, it was hard not to react. I stayed away because if I didn’t, the curiosity that he made me feel would just get worse. It was already enough to take my mind from most things, most of the time.

  Rick moved to the chair and sat next to me for a time. The silence was deafening in the moment and I couldn’t help but wish that I was away from the office and Rick. Being alone with him was as dangerous as the man himself.

  “You are really quiet.”

  “Just trying to figure out what the problem is. Want to make sure it is all done today.”

  “We might have to come go back tomorrow. There is a lot to go over.”

  It sounded like he wanted it to take a while and I can’t say that I liked the idea of that at all. There was something about the cockiness that he had all of a sudden. The man really didn’t know how to take no for an answer and I don’t think today was the day that he was going to change.

  “Let’s hope not Rick. I am sure you have a lot of things that you would rather be doing than being stuck at the office with me on the weekends.” I was hopeful anyways. I know that there were other places I would rather be than right here right now. Literally anywhere else than here with him so close to me my insides were shaking would have been preferable.

  I would never say that out loud though.

��I don’t actually. There is nothing that I can think of that I would rather do than be here with you. I haven’t seen you around that much lately, so I am taking the opportunity as it comes.”

  “Just been busy with work and all. A lot to do. I am not avoiding you, just got a lot on my shoulders right now.” I looked up and made a gesture that I don’t think he was getting. I was feeling that way right now. He had dumped two reviews on me and that was a lot to do with my current workload, as well as the timeframe.

  “Well I think I will have to talk to your boss then and get you some time off.”

  I kind of shrugged and told him that I was fine. I didn’t want him to think that I was complaining. I needed the work and I needed him to get that. I was paid on a commission type sliding scale now. I was not going to say that I didn’t really like the compensation I was getting.

  “Don’t worry about it. I like to work. It keeps me busy and out of trouble.”

  “I wonder what kind of trouble you get into.”

  He could wonder all he wanted, but I didn’t really want to talk about it. Rick had a satisfied smile on his face and it made me shiver a little inside. What was going on in that man’s mind?

  “Nothing too major, but I find it better to stay busy and focused.”

  “Do I mess with your focus?”


  I answered too quickly because it surprised him and made him chuckle. I liked the deep sound, but my face started to get hot because I knew it was because of

  “I don’t mean to.”

  I looked up at him finally and asked him what he was doing right now.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I am here trying to get these reports done and you are killing my focus.” I didn’t tell him why or how he was doing it. I didn’t think that it was necessary.

  Rick smiled a little wider and if I didn’t know any better, I would have thought that he actually liked the idea of it.

  “Why are you smiling Rick? If we don’t get them done, you are the one that is going to be late.”

  “There is no timeframe on these. These reports have already been gone through.”

  I set the pen down and took a deep breath. Did he just say what I thought he said?


  “Now, now. Don’t get mad. You have been avoiding me like a leper for weeks. What was I supposed to do?”

  I knew that what he said was true, but I still was not okay with him lying to me to get me here.

  “Rick, are you being serious right now? You really told me that to get me here and this doesn’t even have to be done?

  I was sure that I had heard it wrong, understood it wrong, something. He couldn’t have really done that, could he of? I mean, that didn’t make any sense and I couldn’t imagine a grown man going to such lengths to get his way. I had underestimated his resolve in a big way.

  “It’s not like that Claire.”

  It felt just like that and I started to get up because I was so frustrated at him right now. I couldn’t believe that he had done it and the worst part was that he didn’t seem to have a lick of remorse. He was actually smiling and trying to defend what he did like there was really a reason to justify his actions.

  “It’s not like that, really.”

  “Then what is it like because I would really like to know what kind of excuse you have for this. You are taking advantage of the fact that you are my boss and I don’t appreciate it Rick. I thought you were better than this.”

  Rick sighed and I could tell he was as frustrated as I was. I didn’t know why though. It wasn’t like I had done something to him after all. He was the one that had tricked me to coming to work on my day off, all for what? Did he really think that I was just going to fall into his lap?

  “I just wanted to spend some time with you.”

  “I have told you before when we were in Prague that it wasn’t a good idea.”

  Rick told me that I didn’t know what I was talking about and so help me that pissed me off even worse.

  “I do know what I am talking about Rick. I know how I feel. I am the one feeling it. Just because it doesn’t fit into your plans, doesn’t make them any less true.”

  “Then why do you melt when I kiss you?”

  I got a little nervous as he asked me that question. I was worried that he would try to prove me wrong and I was sure that he was going to kiss me again. When he moved towards me, I took a step back.

  “If it means nothing, let me kiss you.”

  I shook my head even though the words didn’t want to come out. I wanted to feel his lips on me again, I really did, but he scared me to death. I don’t know what it was about Rick, but I knew that unless I did something drastic, I was going to fall into his trap again. Maybe I wanted to.

  “That is not how it works. That doesn’t even make sense.”

  “Yes it does. Kiss me and prove to me that it means nothing to you.”

  I wanted to do just that, prove him wrong, but we both knew what would happen if he got his hands on me. I wouldn’t be able to stop him because my body would take over and I would let him have his way with me.

  “I am going to go if there is not any work for me to do. I do have plans today and I would like to get to them Sir. I will see you on Monday.”

  Rick didn’t try to stop me and for a moment I wanted him to. Why was he so keen to let me go? I really didn’t make much sense some times.


  I opened the door and sighed to myself. “Thank goodness you are here.”

  “What is going on Claire? You sounded scared on the phone.”

  I was scared. Jack showed up out of nowhere and started pushing us getting back together. He pushed so much that I had called Rick out of desperation. I told Jack that he was my boyfriend and when he finally realized that Rick was on his way, he finally left. Now that he wasn’t there and Rick was, I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want to tell him the truth, but I knew I was going to have to give him something.

  “Sorry to have called you Rick. My ex was here and I didn’t know any other guy to call. I know that isn’t professional…”

  He stopped me and asked me if I was okay.

  “Yeah, I just wanted him to leave. I told him I had my boyfriend coming over and when I called you he finally left. I am sorry that I didn’t call you back and you had to come all the way over here.”

  “It’s okay. I didn’t know that you had an ex from here.”

  “I don’t. He is from my hometown. He was one of the things that I left behind when I moved here.”


  I felt embarrassed and the way Rick was acting, you would have thought I had exes coming out of the woodwork.

  “Is this the first time that he has been here?”

  “No, he came once before and I sent him away. That was a couple of months ago.”

  “He wouldn’t hurt you, would he?”

  I thought about how mad he would get. “I don’t think so. I just wanted him to go. Like I said, I am sorry that I dragged you into this.”

  “I don’t mind. Do you want me to stay around a little while to make sure that he isn’t going to come back?”

  “You don’t have to, really.”

  “I want to Claire. I don’t want anything to happen to you and I bet you will sleep better if I am here.”

  I started to tell him no. There was no way that I was going to feel safer with him here. I looked to the only bedroom in the place and he told me that he was perfectly fine to sleep on the couch.

  “No, I couldn’t ask that of you Rick.”

  “I insist. I go above and beyond for my employees.”

  I knew that it wasn’t because I was his employee. He had his reasons to stay, but I wanted him to. I didn’t know if Jack was going to do something stupid again or not. I really just didn’t know with him.

  “Well let me get you some pillows and a blanket. The couch isn’t that comfortable, especially for a guy like you.”

  “I will be fine. I have slept on worse.”

  I wasn’t going to argue with him because I really did want him to stay. I knew that I would feel safer this way. I may feel super bothered that he is here, but right now I wanted to feel safe.

  Chapter 15


  “Claire? Why aren’t you answering your phone or your door?”

  I sat up and thought I was seeing double. It was Claire standing there in the doorway and then I looked over and seen Claire lying next to me. She had woken me up in the middle of the night and had me come lay with her. I wasn’t sure why, but I took the opportunity to hold her for a little while before we both drifted back off to sleep.

  Now I was trying to figure out if I was seeing things or if there was another Claire.

  “Who are you?”

  The second Claire that was in the bedroom doorway wanted to know who I was, while I wanted to know the same thing as she did.


  I sat up and pushed the covers off of me. I wanted Claire to wake up and set this all straight because I didn’t know what the hell was going on.


  The woman shook her head and came towards me. “Haven’t I seen you before?”

  It was then that I knew who she was. “Amber?”

  “Guy from the club that came to my dressing room.”

  Now I didn’t want Claire to wake up and hear about me being in that kind of place. I don’t know why, but I didn’t want her to look at me like that.


  “So you finally told my sister that you like her.”

  “Your sister?”

  “My twin.” I was floored and I looked back to Claire’s sleeping form and her blue eyes opened, the same as the ones staring at me from the doorway. This was strange. There were two of them and apparently, they were very different.


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