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One Last Kiss: A Second Chance Romance

Page 42

by Lauren Wood

Shelley grabbed his hand and pulled him down the stairs away from forces that were beyond their control. “My name is Shelley and I try to keep my alternate personalities similar to that of my real one. I should be getting paid right about now, but I imagine that the $10,000,000 that they’ve already given me has been taken away from my account. It was on a hold, until early this morning and now that time has elapsed. I would say that I want you to be worth the sacrifice, but I think I already know that you are.” “I never thought that this day would come. I always thought that this would happen to somebody else and not me. I’d watched movies that would end exactly like this and I would shake my head in disbelief. I guess I have a lot to learn and hopefully Brent and I can learn it together.”

  They moved down the stairs jumping two steps at a time and sometimes three when they were feeling more adventurous. Brent looked towards Shelley and couldn’t believe that she was the one that they had sent to take him out. If it wasn’t for matters of the heart, he would most likely be dead and wouldn’t have even seen it coming. He wanted more time to get to know her and to see if her love for him was strong enough to keep her from going back to bad habits. The one thing that he wouldn’t condone is her killing for money. The past was the past, but what happened from this moment on concerned him, almost as much as it concerned her.

  Brent had his gun in hand and he was using it to lead the way. He felt hot lead streaking through the air. He barely ducked out of the way by pure instinct. He had done what most men would do in that situation. He had grabbed Shelley and pulled her out of the way of certain harm.

  Shelley stumbled down the stairs and twisted her ankle. She did not fall to her knees, but she did show discomfort. This was not the way that it was supposed to be and she was now wondering if maybe her heart was the problem. It felt too good to try to deny herself that this was meant to be. She would protect the both of them and he would do the exact same thing in return. They were both well prepared and trained. They were an unstoppable force.

  They came out into the lobby with a fuselage of bullets. They walked into the fray with a determination and conviction that was shown by how easily they had dispatched of those that were standing in their way. Those people that were trying to kill them felt that nail in their coffin, flying backwards and lying with vacant stares in their eyes.

  They came out into the open and a black SUV have now screeched to a halt in front of them to shield them from an attack that came from across the street. The door opened and the senator and a posse of secret servicemen were right there to motion them into the vehicle.

  “We heard some chatter that there was going to be trouble and we decided to intervene. The information that you have in that case is everything on all of our undercover operatives. If that were to fall into the wrong hands, then those that are trying to keep our freedoms would have to keep one eye open.” The senator opened the case and smiled, knowing that this needed to be placed into a safe and locked. There were no electronic copies. This was a kind of information that had to be kept in a soon to be redacted hardcopy.

  Shelley heard the bullets ricocheting off the armored glass, as they sped down the road. “I got involved with a man that I was supposed to kill and now I’m sitting in what constitutes the Lions’ den. I can play the game and if I do this right, I can give them high profile targets that make them offer me complete immunity from all charges.”

  “I’m glad to see you, senator and now that I know what was in that package, I can rest easy knowing that those men’s lives are now safe from retribution on behalf of our enemies. I know that this is going to be a strange thing for me to say, but Shelley is not exactly an innocent bystander. She was supposed to kill me and let’s just say that things didn’t go according to plan.” The story was told and then Shelley was brought in without handcuffs. That debriefing led to the arrest of several assassins and a few of her clients that had the reputation of having a squeaky clean record.

  “I’m glad to see that all of us are on the same page. I’ve given you these people on a silver platter and now I expect a reward. I want my record expunged, my name completely extinguished and a new identification and life. I also want William to be a part of it, but only if he agrees. I would never presume to tell him what to do.” “I knew that we had not talked about it, but deep down I figured that he would know that being with me was better than going back into the field.”

  Shelley was a woman of her word and she did track down that taxi driver and set him up with the money promised.

  The agreement was signed by the district Attorney and by the senator who gave his personal blessing to the document in question. She signed it and it was agreed that she would never have to testify. The evidence that she gave them was damning. She had photographs and videos and even names and dates of transactions that could not be weaseled out of.

  Commander William Lester and Shelley Coleman were now known as, Stephen and Marcia Cross of Connecticut. They were going to play house and try to have a normal life. They both knew that there was nothing normal about them. They closed one chapter and opened a new one with the possibility of a third if things didn’t work out.



  Chapter one

  I had him on the couch and again he wasn’t saying much. We had delved into the accident that had claimed his wife. It was 3 days from Christmas and I knew what I wanted for a present. I just couldn’t have it. It was a conflict of interest.

  Evan was a private man with more money than the national gross product of some third world countries. It had been six months. He was still dealing with the aftermath of his wife’s untimely demise.

  “I don’t know what to do with him. Daniel is barely sleeping and when he does he wakes up screaming from nightmares. I've tried to be there for him, but his mood swings are becoming more erratic by the day.” I watched his tongue move around his mouth. He was giving me insane and obscene ideas about what he could do with it.

  “The wound is still fresh and it’s no wonder he’s manifesting nightmares from the ordeal. I know it can be difficult for children of his age. The only thing you can do is be there for him when he’s ready to talk about it. It’s frustrating as a parent not to know what to do when your child is hurting.” He was lying on the couch with his legs stretched out in a pair of dark pants. My eyes were zeroed in on the target of his manhood.

  One arm of my glasses was currently clenched between my teeth. My green eyes and my overactive imagination were working inappropriately to see him naked in my mind’s eye. It was wrong, but my body was betraying the good sense I had in my head.

  “Daniel turned five the other day and it’s hard for him to recognize his mother is never going to walk through the door again.” Evan Duncan never talked about himself. It was always his concern for his child that reared its ugly head.

  I was crossing my legs and thankful he couldn’t see under the desk where my panties were practically on fire. I wondered how easily he could turn my body into a musical instrument.

  “I’m not here to treat your son, but I can give you my unbiased opinion. You’ve never been much of a father before the accident. You were always too busy with work and you missed some of the more special moments in his life. Money has always been the only thing to wake you up in the morning. I get the sense you didn’t even want a child.” I hated to be blunt, but his therapy wasn’t going to work unless he opened up.

  “I admit I was never really there for him. I didn’t think I was going to be a good father and I tried to keep my distance. It stems from my father running out on us when I was too young to understand.” This was the first real insight into the man and I wasn’t going to allow him to shelter his feelings any longer.

  “I believe we have made a breakthrough. I would like to hear more about your childhood, but I’m concerned about your son. He sounds like he’s withdrawing into himself.” I had seen several cases where the child without therapy would become mute and unresponsive.

  “I was always traveling when he was growing up. I’m kicking myself for losing those five years. I gave my father the power to make me ineffectual in my own son’s life. I didn’t even realize I was doing it. Gillian was the one who pulled me aside and told me to get my head out of my ass.” It was anatomically impossible for him to do that, but I understood the sentiment.

  “I’ve listened to you talk about her and the love you shared with each other was timeless. You made something out of that love and he is begging for your attention. Of course, I know you feel guilty for what happened, but there was nothing you could do to stop fate. It’s normal to think of the things you could have done in the moment that you didn’t do.” My black skirt had inched up and I was biting my bottom lip looking at the fine specimen of a man in a compromising position.

  “I never thought that I would find a love that was as strong as the gold diamond I put around her finger when I asked her to marry me. She made me feel like I wasn’t a waste of space.” He had her to thank for giving him a home.

  “You haven’t talked much about your past.” I was giving him the key. It was up to him to use it.

  “I’ve been fighting for everything I have from the moment I was old enough. My mother did her best to raise me as a single parent and I gave her nothing but grief.” His light blond hair was short and I wanted to run my hands over his skull, pressing his head to my bosom until I was crying out for more.

  He was cleanly shaven with baby boy good looks.

  My flaming locks cascaded over my shoulders and tickled the nape of my neck. I was a little reserved. I didn’t go out of my way to attract the opposite sex. I was more content working to fix other people’s lives never once thinking about myself. It was a lonely existence with the other side of the bed vacant of male companionship.

  “A love like yours doesn’t come around very often. I would say you were lucky to even have it for any length of time, but I know how insensitive that might sound. People spend most of their lives searching for what you had. They sometimes settle for second best because they think living alone is going to kill them a little more each day.” I was referring to myself and my loveless life of regret.

  “I’ve been bending your ear for the past few months. In that time, I have learned to trust your judgment and I have a favor to ask.” There was complete silence and he was trying to formulate the words into something legible.

  “I think I know what you’re going to say. Let me save you the trouble. I would be pleased to help your son. I thought you would never ask. I suppose you had to find out if you could trust me with the bundle of joy you brought into this world. I wouldn’t expect anything less from a man of your character.” Evan had surrounded his son with extravagance, but no amount of money was going to solve his problems.

  “I wasn’t sure about therapy and I thought it was a bunch of nonsense. You proved me wrong. Every day I leave this office and I feel a little bit better. I want the same thing for Daniel. The only way this is going to work is if you live beneath my roof. I’m essentially asking you to move in with me for an undisclosed amount of time.” I was a little floored by his statement. It had never occurred to me that he would want me in the intimate setting of his home.

  “I understand he would be more comfortable in familiar surroundings. To bring him here would probably be counterproductive. Adults are different than children. I will need to draw up some ground rules. I’m going to need my own room with a connected bathroom.” I didn’t want to lose control by seeing him in the buff, but the idea was conjuring vivid images in my head.

  He swung around with his feet firmly planted on the newly polished wood floors. The color was a little lighter than normal. I wanted everything about my office to be upbeat. I’d done my research and the color scheme was perfect for mental health.

  “I’m sure something can be arranged, but I would like you to be in walking distance of his bedroom. I can even sweeten the deal by offering home cooked meals made by an accomplished chef. I’ve been known to dabble in the kitchen and my wife taught me a thing or two.” He was proud of his culinary talents and I was looking forward to what he could whip up in the kitchen.

  “It would be advantageous to be in close proximity when he begins screaming after a nightmare. By your own admission, you are working at home and I hope my being there isn’t going to hamper what you do on a daily basis. I do have other clients and I will have to go into the office half the day.” I wasn’t going to neglect my other patients even for the chance to see him in his own environment.

  “I would suggest bringing your clients to my home, but that would be uncomfortable for all of us. I would never ask you to give up on helping others. You’re very good at what you do and I’ve seen that for myself.” He was standing with his over 6-foot frame making me swallow with this nervous energy in the air thick enough to cut with a knife.

  The way that his clothes were constricting confirmed the way that he treated his body like a temple. He stretched his hands over his head and locked his fingers together. I was mesmerized by the movement of a ballet dancer in front of my eyes. His strong arms and shoulders were easily able to lift my 115-pound body with relative ease. It would be nice to test how nicely we could fit together under the cover of the sheets.

  “This is my home away from home. I take what I do very seriously and I would never compromise my values for anything. I’m glad you understand, but I swear my work will not interfere with treating Daniel. I will need to pack some things up, but I don’t think I will need much more than my clothes.” I already felt naked in his presence like he could easily see through what I was wearing.

  The pendulum of my clock was informing me the session had come to an end. I couldn’t believe I had actually agreed to live within the same gravity of the man who made me yearn for something I couldn’t have. I was never going to act on my feelings no matter how much my virginal body was begging for his loving arms to be wrapped around it.

  He did look damn good in that tailored dark suit made from the finest Italian silk money could buy. His expensive taste and style were hard to ignore. He wore his success to make people look at him and respect the man underneath the suit.

  “I won’t ruin the surprise, but tonight is going to have a very special menu in honor of you. Dinner will be at 6:00 PM. Wear something casual. It will be interesting to see you let your hair down.” He looked at me and I felt like I was going to burst into flames. Spontaneous combustion wasn’t possible, but it sure the hell felt like it was.

  “You have piqued my curiosity.” I escorted him to the door and purposely put my hand on the small of his back to feel his muscular physique rippling under my fingers. I had free will, but around him, it was almost like he had me under his spell.

  His phone began to buzz and when he looked down at it his face faded into a frown. His whole demeanor changed in the span of seconds. It wasn’t the first time it had happened in my presence. I had questioned him, but he was amazingly able to sidestep it by changing the subject.

  “I have something to do before dinner. I don’t condone someone who arrives fashionably late. I do have to warn you that I’m a bit of a night owl. You might find me walking the halls late at night and there’s no reason to be concerned.” My mother and father raised me to be self-sufficient, but nobody knew of my dark secret.

  I closed the door and leaned back against it with my heart beating wildly in my chest. I was a virgin at 25 of my own choosing. I had seen some bad things happen to classmates. Their first time was unrewarding and it scared me to think of bringing a child into the world without the necessary tools.

  Time had gotten away from me during my quest to get that diploma from Harvard on my wall. I was proud of my accomplishments, but it left me with an aching for something of the masculine form. He would be perfect gift wrapped under my tree.

  Chapter two

  I wasn’t sure what I was going to bring with me. I decided at the last moment that one suitcase woul
d suffice for what I would require. I drove up to his estate surrounded by a black iron gate. There was no guard stationed, but there was a call box to announce my arrival. I was going to press the button, but the gate suddenly swung open like it had sensed I was there.

  I didn’t bother to change and was wearing my intellectual superiority over others like a badge of honor. I was a study of human nature. Watching them in their natural environment was fascinating.

  It was most likely the reason why I was never invited back when somebody was having a party. I was very cynical and found fault with just about anybody. It was easy to pick at the scab when I had the tools of a surgeon to dig into their minds.

  I drove my sedate black town car up the winding driveway covered with a thin layer of holiday snow. I knew he was loaded, but to see it up close and personal was a revelation of Biblical proportions. The place was enormous and had the look of a southern plantation. I parked and got out with my heart in my mouth. I felt like I was disturbing the natural order of things.

  I took a deep breath and steadied my nerves. My white blouse was sticking to my flesh. It was warm, but I was feeling like his hands were on me.

  I used the old fashioned knocker in the shape of a lion’s head. The sound echoed and was followed by footsteps and the man himself wearing his sophistication with a cardigan sweater draped over his magnificent body.

  “I do like punctuality and you are 10-minutes early. Daniel is upstairs playing video games on the big screen television he has in his bedroom. I didn’t grow up with much and I have made up for it by surrounding myself with every convenience.” The white marble floor was pristine, but there was no sign of any staff to look after the place.

  The decorations were perfect. Lights glittered from the tree in the living room. The blinking different colors put me in the holiday mood.

  “I don’t take you for the type of guy to do windows or wash the kitchen floor on your hands and knees. I would pay to see that.” I was making mention of how quiet it was.


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