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The Taken (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 3)

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by Claire Merrington


  Oh how the anger builds, oh how the wrongs have been so easily forgotten by those that perpetrated us. I have sat here watching him. I’ve seen him relaxing and enjoying himself. I’ve seen him fucking that whore of a cop like a dog. I’ve seen him shower and I’ve seen him shit. I’ve got to see the best of him that he puts on show. The front he displays to everyone else. And now I am going to make the worst of him. He is acting like he has done nothing wrong. But he has crapped in our faces and kicked us all to the kerb. I will make him realise who he is messing with. He is no longer the king pin in this town. My boys and me were taking it back and we are going to make his whole world crumble around his feet. Piece by piece he is going to realise that he no longer has control and that I am coming for him. I am going to take his players out of the game. I am going to take him from the life he loves so much and make him squeal like a pig. He will release the names of his people like he did mine to the cops. I will take his people out and one by one I will kill them and make him watch. And when I’m done and only when I’m done and satisfied will I permit him to die himself.

  I have the beautiful icing on the cake to really kick him in the gut. I have Charlene. Oh how she despises him for what he put her through. I wonder if his dear sweet Jane knows all of Perry’s misdeeds. Perhaps I should inform her. Charlene has so much anger, so much feist and such a beautiful twist in her mind that I can’t wait to unleash on him. He won’t know what has hit him. No matter where they look for him, no matter how loud they shout his name. Once I have him they will not find him. He will be mine until the day he dies. I will not rest until the company that he has tried to build on the backs of the people that he has stepped on and walked away from is nothing but a crumpled mess. I will see it in ruins before he dies. He will have nothing left. Before he dies I will make sure he knows that. He will have no business left, no future, no money, no friends and best of all no Jane. I will take away his whole world. And when I’m done, it will make him beg me to let him die. Only then will my anger be sated. When he has sat in the ruins of his own making, like he so happily left me. Perry likes to pretend that he is good and just but I know of all the bad things that he has done. He was no petty low life drug dealer, he played the part so well, but he controlled it all. He had his hands in every pot and drank the riches of people’s addictions and deaths. He laughed in their faces as he spent their money, never caring, and now because it suits him better to have a conscience we are left out in the cold. Well I think not, it is time the debts are collected in full.

  Karma is the devil Perry and it’s time that he is repaid.

  Hell is coming.

  And it’s coming for you Perry Fierce.

  You better be ready.

  Chapter 1

  Jane couldn’t help but relax and laugh with Perry. She had never been so happy, or at ease quite so. They had only been in their new house a week and it already felt like home. Parker had his own room already decked out how he wanted it so he could not be happier in himself. He was such a joy to have around. Jane was pleased they had finally been able to give him a settled home and a family life. They were all sitting around on the floor eating Pizzas out of the boxes they were delivered in, as it didn’t quite require the use of their new dining room table, it was more of a relaxed evening and meal. Jane was sipping on a glass of her favourite wine and Perry was drinking scotch. Parker was busy regaling them with stories of his past week at school. He definitely had inherited his dad’s gift of the gab. Life had finally settled into the happiness and bliss that it should be for all of them. Jane hoped that now there had been an end put to Thaddeus reign of terror that the bliss was going to last. Jane and Perry had so much to look forward to. The possibilities for their future together were only just starting to bloom. And with all the preparations made for the innimate arrival of Amy and Ian’s baby. Jane was practically overflowing with excitement. Life was in perfect balance.

  The first night all three of them had stayed in their new home enjoying pizza and Jane sipping on wine had created a new memory for Jane that she was going to treasure forever. This home family life that she had started was nothing like the one she had had as a child. The night had to be one of the best that she had had in months. Jane couldn’t help but sit there and think she was gutted to have to be ending it by going into work the next morning. But the station needed her and life went on. One of the most depressing parts about her life, or rather her job, was no matter how many bad people she caught there was always another ready to stand up and take their place. It was never ending and exhausting. But Jane couldn’t deny how much she loved doing her work.

  Jane’s former Superintendent Andrew Walden had been made to resign after he played a hand in helping Thaddeus. But he was lucky as he escaped any criminal charges. Jane now had a new Superintendent after turning down the position for herself. Superintendent Steve Barrow. Jane had gone into meet him a few weeks ago to discuss her reinstatement after the medical leave she had to take. Jane was going to be restarting back on desk duty for six weeks. Amy was already off on maternity leave. So her team was just herself, Ian and Eric. Her new Superintendent had told Jane that a new member was now working with them as well PC Joanne Wilkinson, but she was yet to meet her. Perry was now working steadily alongside Frank as a police consult and working on legitimising his companies. Frank had carried out many local drug raids and low life scum that Perry had named were being picked up. All of this gave Jane new things to worry about. Unsurprisingly Perry had to keep a very low profile. The last couple of months had been particularly rough on him. After all of Perry’s help with finding Thaddeus a lot of the wrong people had worked out that Perry was the former king pin for the area. And now there was a rather large bounty on his head for some of his actions. He played down the danger to him, keeping telling Jane that he had a handle on it. Jane was unsure whether this was to protect Jane from being scared or not wanting Jane to find out more details of his previous life. One thing was for sure Jane couldn’t help but continue to worry. Life never seemed to be simple for the pair of them. There was always one thing or another.

  “You’re frowning Jane. What are you thinking about over there? You have been very quiet since Parker went off to bed.”

  “Oh you know me this and that nothing of over consequence.”

  “Jane you must realise by now that I know when ever you become over blasé in a sentence I know you are over thinking things. And things I have told you not to worry on.”

  “Perry you have a bounty on your head from no offence drug dealers and pretty much mobsters. Your head is now in the proverbial noose as you so once told me. And you’re in this trouble because you helped me and now you wont let me help you. That is not fair and not equal either. If we are going to be married surely that is a sign to tell you that everything in this relationship has to be equal. I can’t always be the damsel in distress that you swoop in and save. I need to help you back as much as you give me or you will get bored. Let me help?”

  “There is nothing to help with because there is nothing you can do. Frank is picking up all the low life scum that I named. Once he has all of them you will see all this trouble will die down. It’s just a bunch of morons who are scared that they are being taken out of the game. My right hand man who manages all the companies has all our guys under control. None of them are angry it’s just one of them things that to be able to turn my life around for us that we have to wait out. Honestly there is no need to worry. And as if I could ever get bored of you, you give me more than you will ever know.”

  “I’m still not convinced and won’t be until this is over. Would you be?” />
  “Look rather than thinking on this and arguing over it why don’t you come argue with me on the wedding favours and budget for flowers or something.”

  “Only if you let me win.”

  “Not a chance.”

  Jane swatted playfully at Perry’s arm he was obviously glad to have re-lightened the mood. Jane’s fears and thoughts on the current situation were not gone but for now they were pushed to one side to discuss the wedding details. Jane and Perry had settled at getting married at the lovely hotel venue that they had stayed at as a treat from Perry. A venue both of them had fallen in love with on that night. Friern manor. A beautiful brick manor house covered with ivy that had an elegant mix of a quaint vintage style with modern flourishes. With complimentary pristine grounds and graceful lighting it certainly was made to be an exquisite venue. Perry and Jane had spent much of their time up to this point arguing on the menu. Food was one thing that was important to her man. In the end Jane had conceded and let Perry have the menu he had chose. By rights Jane had already made the call on the colour scheme and having a black tie elegant affair.

  “Ok wedding favours what’s your argument Mr Fierce?”

  “That it is a waste of money. They are an expense that at the end of the day half the wedding guests forget to take with them. So my argument is why inconvenience ourselves with favours.”

  “Ok well how about a compromise?”

  “I’m listening.”

  “How about instead of favours we put some disposable cameras on the tables for the guests. For their use that way we get some different shots and memories taken of their evening. It will show our wedding in a different light to us rather than just what the paid photographer can capture.”

  “Now that I like.”

  “Excellent were also have a sweetie cart. That everyone can just help themselves to across the evening.”

  “Oh will we now.”

  With that Perry pounced on Jane pinning her to the sofa seat. With a passionate kiss and deep wanting growl from the back of Perry’s throat Jane was overcome with emotions of love and lust.

  “Well you do know how to drive a hard bargain. Some compromise.”

  “Why Mr Fierce isn’t that why you love me?”

  “Maybe my future Mrs Fierce. Come let me show you how much I love you.”

  With that Perry led Jane by the hand into their new bedroom. It was still stark of any personal touches and void of much furniture. But they had their pride and joy. Sat centre in the middle of the room was an ornate designed dark oak four-poster bed. When they had bought it Jane had fallen in love with the design on the headboard. Perry how ever had come up with an idea to re-associate Jane being tied up with a nicer memory. Jane was unsure whether that was something she wanted to try. Perry had led Jane to the side of the bed and was kissing her deeply and passionately. Letting Jane forget any thoughts of uncertainty and any memories of fear. Perry stepped back and began to slip out of his clothes letting Jane take in the full-length sight of his well-chiselled statue standing before her. Jane couldn’t help but lick her lips in approval at the sight and at the greedy thought of him being all hers.

  “Do you trust me?”


  “Good I am going to tell you exactly what I am going to do to you but first I need you to strip.”

  Jane did as she was told. She had never seen this side of Perry before in the bedroom. All domineering. Normally it was always a flurry of clothes and passion that led to them both being satisfied. But tonight Perry was taking the lead. And Jane had to admit she liked it. Jane was standing before Perry in all her naked glory; Perry could do nothing but admire each and every curve and edge of Jane’s body. Staring at her as though to soak in and ingrain every detail of her body to his memory.

  “Sit on the edge of the bed. Don’t be nervous. Are you ok?”

  “Yes. Just curious as to what is happening?”

  “I am going to blindfold you. So you relax. So you trust your senses, to guide you into everything that you can possibly enjoy and trust in me. It is going to make every move on your skin tingle even more. It will be overwhelming in feeling and more sensual. You just have to trust me.”

  “I do.”

  “That will not be the last time you say those words.”

  With that Perry slipped a silk tie over and around Jane’s eyes tying it comfortably at the back of her head. Everything was blocked out apart from what she could hear and feel. It made Jane’s other entire senses stand on end in alert. Perry guided Jane further up the bed and rested her head gently on the pillow for comfort. Jane’s pulse was beginning to race with anticipation and excitement at the pure soft stroke of Perry’s hand at her side and at each of the kisses he planted on her skin. Jane had no reservations in that moment she was completely enraptured by Perry’s movements. He softly and slowly began to move each of Jane’s arms up to rest behind her head. Taking feather soft binds and sweet tender kisses at Jane’s wrists that were once so badly hurt by Thaddeus chains he tied each of them in a gentle bow. Kissing each one with reassuring tenderness. Perry continued to trail kisses down one arm and under into the nook at her underarm kissing and nibbling at the soft supple side of Jane’s ample breast. Moving across to take in a slow suck on Jane’s nipple causing her to suck in a breath of air fast at the excitement and the pleasure that it had caused. Perry was kneading one hand up her thigh while working her nipple with each expert flick of his tongue, each soft bite of his teeth and at each suck of the tender mound of tissue. Moving his hand up her thigh and across her abdomen he began to knead and play with Jane’s free breast that was aching with want for attention. He trailed his sweet kisses down her abdomen, licking and sucking in at each and every free space of skin to really take in the taste of Jane. Jane could feel the breath of Perry as he had come to a stop so close but not touching at her already slick with eagerness tissue that nestled between her thighs. Perry dove in with licking and sucking so hungrily as though it had been forever since he last tasted the excitement of Jane’s vagina. Perry was so eager he took in as much of the soft wet fibres of Jane’s vagina into his mouth with such avidity he carried on licking at the opening of her vagina and flicking her clitoris Jane was nearly overcome with all the sensations that she already wanted to climax. Perry inserted his hands underneath Jane’s bum to help perch her up higher for better access. He took one hand free and began to massage the fluid of Jane’s excitement slickening the opening of Jane’s vagina ready for him to be able to insert his throbbing member. Jane was practically begging him to fuck her now as each of her senses was so overcome by raw exposure she was in desperate need of the relief. Without delay Perry drove the length of his excitement into the awaiting depths of Jane. The ferocity of each drive as the excitement and sensations had overcome the both of them until they climaxed simultaneously. In a collapse of breathlessness with both of them having had their needs sated. Perry untied Jane and removed her blindfold so they both could relax. Each laying there soaking in the comfort of each other’s embrace.

  “Come lets freshen up and then we can get some sleep.”

  “I don’t want this night to end. I hope all the nights in this house are as pleasurable as this first night.”

  “As long as we have each other I make it my promise to you to insure that it is.”

  After ten-minute rush of them both freshening up they were back collapsing in bed ready for sleep. Jane couldn’t help but be hopeful that this was it, finally she had her happy ever after. That the rest of life was going to be as happy, and as blissful in moments as it had been for the whole night.

  Chapter 2

  Jane awoke with the same peaceful sense of happiness and contentment that she had fallen asleep with. Their morning routine for this first day in their house and all going to work or school was going to have to be one of a work of art. Jane was meant to be heading into the station for about nine and they needed to have Parker at school for half past eight. It was going to be all go,
go, and go, this morning. They had worked out their routine to a precise order. Jane was going to hop in the shower while Perry gets Parker up and makes breakfast. Perry then gets in the shower while Parker gets dressed and Jane gets to eat breakfast. Perry will then drive Parker to school and drop Jane off at the station where he is then to return home and continue laying low. Much to the annoyance of Perry until Frank his boss gives him the all clear that things have settled down he is grounded like a child. Perry’s mum Angie is even going to pick Parker up from school after football practice and take him for dinner. Which means that Jane and Perry have the evening to themselves. Which Jane needed, as much as she loved Parker, it was nice just being the two of them, as there were still so many thoughts and concerns that Jane had that needed easing.

  As Jane was standing in her shower letting the warm water run over her aching muscles. With her eyes closed taking in the sweet aromatic fragrance of her Decleor shower gel Jane’s mind couldn’t help but drift off to all the thoughts and memories she wanted to lose. Jane couldn’t help it though. She knew that Thaddeus was dead but for the most part she couldn’t make her mind believe it. Her memories couldn’t help but take her back to a time when Jane was in an unbelievable state of fear. Thaddeus had caused Jane so much pain. Not just physical pain but mental anguish each day. Jane still had to live with the loss of Pc Jack Collins from her own team and the loss of Pc Alan Henchman from the stations front desk. Jane tried to shake off all the horrible feelings that had been stirred up before she made her way out of her shower. Jane knew the fear she was feeling for Perry’s safety was stirring up all the reminders of fear she had felt before. Especially since Perry’s safety was only compromised by him helping Jane to track and catch Thaddeus. Jane knew that she definitely needed to lose all trace of those thoughts, as they were not welcomed around Perry. Jane stepped out of the shower trying to feel more ready for her first day back at the station. But it was so hard to do when you have no idea as to what the day was going to bring.


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