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The Taken (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 3)

Page 3

by Claire Merrington

  “Well if I don’t make any more arrest from the list that Perry gave me. And Perry doesn’t do anything else with his business transition. If he just keeps going with the low profile. Hopefully it will settle the calm for any urgency for action on their part. It might give us some more control while we organise what we need to arrest all of them.”

  “That sounds like a viable option but it does mean it will all have to be kept on the low. If one snippet gets out of the plan and back to the wrong people were done for.”

  “Ok well that is the only plan we have for the moment. So lets work on that. I’ll let Perry know the action plan tonight. For the mean time what shall I make a start on?”

  “To get the warrants for all the arrests we need we are going to need criminal charge files made up for all of the people involved. We need to start putting the case together ready for presentation.”

  “Ok I’ll get started.”

  “Detective one moment there is something else I need to ask and discuss with you first.”

  “Ok what?”

  “What do you know of Perry’s ex? His sons mum.”

  “She was a drug addict that struggled to get clean. She got clean and carried Parker to full term then fell off the bandwagon again. She got clean and stayed it again for a little while but eventually she left when Parker was four. And neither Perry nor Parker has heard from her since. Why?”

  “Well that is another piece of information that we have got wind of. Charlene is back in town.”

  “Charlene? So that’s her name then. But I am still confused as to what that has to do with the current situation?”

  “You have no idea of the events that took place with Perry and Charlene do you?”

  “What events exactly?”

  “Careful Detective Inspector Reynolds. This is getting personal now and not pertinent to the current situation. I think that it is enough and Jane should just get back to work.”

  “She deserves to know does she not? They are getting married. She needs to know where she is making her bed.”

  Jane did not like the way that sentence came out of Detective Inspector Reynolds mouth. It had such venomous energy and hostility in the tone.

  “Ok you need to tell me what is going on right this second. No more dilly dallying around the truth.”

  “As you wish Detective.”

  “Charlene wasn’t just a drug addict she was one of the girls that worked in Perry’s strip club. She was in deep. Anyhow a relationship between Charlene and Perry ensued and Charlene ended up pregnant. Perry stopped her from working and using. At first everything seemed fine, like he just wanted to take care of her, but he was controlling. He stopped her from doing anything. Charlene didn’t want the baby she wasn’t ready to become a mum. Perry convinced her to keep it and that she would feel differently once she felt better and had had the baby. That resulted in Charlene trying to commit suicide while still pregnant. After that Charlene was put under house arrest she couldn’t go anywhere without being under the watchful eye of Perry’s mum Angie. They forced her to have his baby and then tried to force her to be the perfect mum and housewife to Perry. When she did something wrong she was locked in the cupboard. She was a prisoner. Desperately lonely and desperately unhappy Charlene started using again. She turned up at Accident and Emergency high as a kite and severely beaten. Perry had done that to her. It was her final strike and she was cut off. The hospital called us and we went and took her statement. Which is how we got this story straight from her mouth. Unfortunately as she came down from her high and started to recover. I suppose you would call it her survival instincts, they kicked in. She retracted her statement and her will to proceed with charges. But without Charlene we had nothing. We had no evidence, no victim or witness. The case fell apart and the charges were never filled.”

  Jane was dumbstruck. What they were saying made no sense at all. It didn’t correspond with the person that Jane knew Perry to be. Jane couldn’t believe it. She didn’t believe it. Tears of frustration, denial and anger were beginning to pour at her eyes and spill down her cheeks. Jane would normally be embarrassed at such a display of vulnerability and emotion in front of a superior. But she was too far vexed for any other emotion.

  “Detective Inspector Reynolds. Why don’t you leave us for now? I’m sure you have things you can be getting on with.”

  The Inspector left with a nod of the head and without even a look back at Jane. He showed no signs of concern or remorse for the upset that he had caused Jane.

  “Frank I have a question for you before you leave. You have worked closely alongside Perry but still have more of an objective view of Perry. Do you believe George?”

  “Honestly sir I find it hard to believe that story. If it did go down the way George said Perry is a completely different man now. And that man is the one that I have came to know and respect. We knew when we met Perry that he had some criminal history. We knew who he was to a degree, I find it very hypocritical to now let that sway my judgement on someone who has worked so hard to prove himself.”

  “Thank you Frank your opinion is valid. Leave me with the Detective.”

  As much as Jane had heard what Frank said he himself still looked completely abashed by this new bout of revelations. He left the Superintendents office after placing one encouraging and sympathetic hand on Jane’s shoulder.

  “Detective comes take a seat. Would you like a glass of water or anything?”

  “No I’m fine.”

  The look on her Superintendents face was one of pure concern. His brow was furrowed with deep creases of angst and worry. His deep brown eyes conveyed a look of warmth and humility.

  “Detective I know you have heard a lot and taken in a lot of information but there is something that you need to hear and understand about Detective Inspector Reynolds.”

  “Go on.”

  “He has worked for organised crime for fifteen years. That is the longest standing officer within that department. He has started to take the cases personally. He has known for many of those years how high up Perry Fierce sat, but couldn’t touch him. Can you understand how frustrating for a police officer that can be? He doesn’t care that Perry has changed or is changing. He doesn’t care that he has put some fantastic work in with not only Frank’s department but our own. I am aware of the fact that he has helped capture, twice, one of the most dangerous criminals that the Essex Police has ever had to face. Add to that saving one of our best Detectives. And I myself find it hard to believe everything that George has come out with. So I can only assume how it has made you feel. I can’t be one hundred per cent sure but I believe that George has ulterior motives when it comes to helping. I still believe he would rather get the evidence that is needed to be able to arrest Perry for anything. I believe he told you and us that story to convince us that Perry is a bad person. To inspire doubt in us so we wont stand in his way when it comes to him making an arrest against Perry. Now rest assure I have known Frank a long time and I trust and validate his opinion completely. I also know that he did not buy one bit of that story. I know that he is rather fond of Perry after working with him so closely.”

  “Well that is nice to hear. I’m pleased that I have and that Perry has Franks support. In all honesty sir I don’t believe that story and it’s not just because I love Perry. It’s because of my police instinct as well. That is not the Perry that I have come to know. There is not one bone in his body that is that bad to do what he claims happened to Charlene. Perry is just a business man that fell into the wrong game.”

  “I believe you Detective. Now I know that it is going to take time to gain your trust fully after what happened with Andrew. But there is one thing I can’t stand for and that is a bent cop. I have a suspicion that perhaps maybe George could be a bit bent and working to get Perry off the streets for more than one reason. He wouldn’t be the first officer to be tempted by such bait. I promise I will do what it takes to help Perry and maybe then you will trust me. Not just
as your Superior but as a colleague and a friend.”

  “Maybe sir. What do I do for now?”

  “Well that depends on how much you trust your team?”

  “PC Ian Watson and PC Eric Stone with my life sir as well as PC Amy Wilkes if she were here. PC Joanne Wilkinson I am unsure of as I have only just met her.”

  “She was a new transfer into the station. I placed her straight with your team to save her from any of the gossip. She acts as a good press liaison so you wont have to worry about that anymore. She is great with people. I thought she would be a good member for your team in the absence of Amy who has a similar skill set. She is completely oblivious to any of the happenings of Thaddeus, the old Superintendent and Perry. She only knows what your other teammates have told her. So she should be fine.”

  “Ok I can’t see my team being an issue then.”

  “Ok why don’t you take your team for breakfast somewhere. Start some fresh team bonding and all that jazz, seen as your fresh back with a new teammate and all. Fill them in on what they need to know and what needs to be done to help Perry. Then start on making the case.”

  “Yes sir and thank you sir.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. Were be waiting until this has worked and is over with.”

  Jane smiled and nodded. She was still unsure whether he was trustworthy but he did seem genuine. Jane stopped at the bathroom to check her appearance before heading over to re-meet with her team. Jane sent Perry a quick text to check in and to let him know that they needed a serious talk when she got in. Jane’s eyes were a tad puffy and her cheeks had a tinge of redness from crying but there wasn’t much she could do about that. Jane headed over to her desk where Ian, Eric and Joanne were all dutifully waiting.

  “Jane are you ok?”

  “Everything is fine Ian. We have much to discuss so come on. We are going for team bonding over breakfast.”


  With that Jane walked out of the station looking forward to the cold morning air hitting her face and calming the buzz in her head. Trailing after her were the confused members of her team. What Jane needed more than anything was more time, time that she did not have. That and she needed coffee.

  Chapter 4

  Jane sat down in a booth in the nearest available café that she could find. The rest of her team looked slightly dazed and confused at the arrangement but gladly took their seats. Jane ordered a large cup of coffee, the thought of food was not appealing in that moment, but coffee was a necessity. Jane was not used to having to ask for so much help. All the way through when Thaddeus had escaped her team asked and begged her to trust them, to use them, rely on them, but it just wasn’t within Jane to ask for help. As a child with her mum and dads relationship being so turbulent and violent Jane had to learn to stand on her own. To rely and trust only herself, probably another reasons why her first marriage didn’t work, and another thing to work on with Perry. Jane knew that from a young age learning to stand comfortably on your own means that you can cope on your own. Meaning you never look to anyone else for help. Jane realised that more than ever when she ran off to meet a serial killer, who was hell bent on killing her, by herself. But this time round Jane knew she needed her teams help more than ever. It wasn’t her life on the line it was Perry’s. And that wasn’t something she was willing to risk.

  “Jane what’s going on? You’re awfully quiet and I can hear the cogs turning in your head. Do I need to get Amy down here?”

  “No Ian let Amy rest. Joanne I know you’re new to this team and I myself haven’t had the chance to work with you. I am unsure as to how much the guys have told you about our team history but I am going to have to go on a leap of faith here that I can trust you because I need all of your help.”

  “Ok now I am worried you don’t normally ask for help. As to telling Joanne we didn’t. Not because we don’t trust her because Ian and myself have been working closely with her. You can trust Joanne. We just didn’t want it to feel like we had been gossiping while you were off.”

  “Thank you Eric. Yes you can trust me whatever it is I’m here to help. And told me anything about your team history? I’m confused.”

  “Ok would have been easier if they had told you some. But I get why they didn’t so again thank you guys. I am not the kind of person that asks for help. Ian, Eric you will understand why that mean me asking, means there is a reason to worry, I am in a dire situation. For Joanne’s sake I’ll explain it from the beginning so bare with me.”

  “Not a problem and like always you can trust us, use us and rely on us to help you in anyway we can.”

  “Thanks Ian. Did you ever hear of the cases involving Thaddeus Mansfield?”

  “Yes it was a really high profile case. He killed three girls in North Yorkshire, three in Norfolk and two here in Essex. I believe he kidnapped a third and a Detective at the same time. Why, what has that got to do with you?”

  “I was the Detective.”

  “How did I not know this?”

  “We kept my name and the names of the team out of the press for safety reasons.”

  “Wow well it is an honour to meet and work with the team that put an end to Thaddeus Mansfield’s reign of terror. But why would you not tell me that? It’s a highly respectable achievement.”

  “Because it didn’t go down very cleanly. There was a lot of bad press surrounding the investigation.”

  “From the first case or from when he escaped?”

  “Both. Thaddeus was originally a low life drug dealer that I arrested. He got charged with a petty theft and drug related incident; he was sentenced to a minimal eighteen months in prison. This however inspired a personal vendetta in Thaddeus. He became obsessed with proving that he was smarter and better than me. Anyway years went by and I had completely forgot about that, inconsequential to me, arrest. Thaddeus on the other hand had gone to extremes to better himself. He changed his appearance, and trained as a psychologist with a speciality in linguistics. Which is how Thaddeus returned to me. I had no idea who he was. He was introduced to me as Doctor Tad Woodrow. The first kidnap and murder here in Essex had just happened, our young Jennifer York. We received a communication in the form of a letter from the killer. Doctor Tad Woodrow, AKA Thaddeus, was recommended to analyse the letter for linguistic markers. It’s how Thaddeus inserted himself into the case and how he was able to get to me to kidnap me. Once that came out of the trial Essex Police came under investigation. It was slammed with complaints and threats of sue against the department. People’s concern came in from the lack of safety protocols that were followed when an expert is brought in. Add to that the fact that the case could have been compromised and jeopardised by the killer working on giving advice for his own apprehension.”

  “I remember that now. It was very messy and a lot of bad press. But that wasn’t your fault the crime lab recommended and sent the letter to Thaddeus for analysis. That had nothing to do with your departments choices.”

  “Which was the departments saving grace. Didn’t help the crime lab as they then come under investigation but that was not our issue. The next problem came along when Thaddeus escaped. The prison obviously got the initial backlash from the press for the escape itself. We again were judged so poorly because he managed to elude us for so long. When his actions were not those of a hiding man. They were loud and ostentatious.”

  “Yeah he brutally murdered two women.”

  “Yes he did. But that wasn’t all Joanne. He rigged both of the body sites with bombs to explode. The first victim Helen Moore was bound tortured and hung from a tree. He delivered her body in a package, rigged to explode, to my flat doorstep. The second victim Lucy Wilson was bound tortured and burned at the stake. He set up a trip wire perimeter around her body. It was attached to four pipe bombs. He also brutally murdered a member of our own team PC Jack Collins as well as sending an explosive device to the station that caused the loss of PC Alan Henchman.”

  “You lost one of your own. I’
m so sorry and PC Alan Henchman. I’m very sorry for the loss he caused you.”

  “Me too. Everyday. But you can see how much heat from the press that would have received.”

  “Yeah I can only imagine, I have never worked on a case so big.”

  “Well, count yourself lucky for some respects, and I’m sorry to say its about to change. But anyway, once again the hunt for Thaddeus was on and we were under an enormous amount of pressure. We, like before, received communications in the form of letters from Thaddeus. From these and a hint that he had given to a fellow inmate. I managed to work out his location. I went after him alone. After loosing both PC Jack Collins and PC Alan Henchman, I didn’t want to risk anyone else. It was between Thaddeus and me. While there Thaddeus managed to get the upper hand and I ended up badly injured which was why I was off on health leave when you first started. One of the problems that caused a negative reaction from the press was the fact that in the apprehension of Thaddeus he was shot and he died. Because I had gone after him alone it was facilitated that it was a personal effort to have him murdered. But thankfully that story, which is grossly untrue, didn’t last long. Because quite frankly no one cared that a dangerous criminal like Thaddeus was dead.”


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