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The Taken (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 3)

Page 5

by Claire Merrington

  “When this is over I’ll be coming for you.”

  “Until then Jane.”

  With that Charlene shoved Parker into Jane knocking them both over as she bolted down the stairs and out the door. Jane didn’t even have a chance to disentangle herself from Parker before she was gone. Jane needed to get Parker out of that room and call for help. Parker was just a crumpled mound of tears and wracking sobs of grief and fear. Jane picked Parker up of the floor and shielded his face into her chest and she guided him out the room and down the stairs. Placing him gently on the sofa Jane knelt down in front of him.

  “Parker I just need you to answer one question ok. Are you hurt?”

  “No. But my nan and my dad?”

  “Sshh, Sshh I know sweetie. I’m so sorry about your Nan ok. I’m going to get your dad back and I am going to catch the people that are responsible for this. But to do that I am going to need to ring for help. Don’t move from this spot. I’m going to be right over their where I can see you. You are perfectly safe I wont let anyone hurt you.”

  Jane stepped away and over to the kitchen area to ring Ian. She didn’t really want Parker hearing any of the details she was going to need to share on the phone. But she was too nervous to move any further she wanted Parker in sight.

  “Ian I need you its already started. Perry has been taken and Angie his mum has been killed. You need to get Eric and Joanne, crime scene technicians and the coroner over to my house now. And can you call the Superintendent as well. I cant do anything I have Parker.”

  “Is Parker ok? Are either of you hurt?”

  “No we are fine in that sense. I just feel empty and lost I don’t know what to do. Parker witnessed the whole lot.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  With that Jane went over and sat next to parker. Pulling him in close to her hip trying to offer some solace. Both of them sat there and crumbled into their tears. Jane hoped seeking comfort in the embrace of her future son would help with the feeling of loss for his dad. Both of them were engulfed in the fear for the one man they both had a love in common for. Perry.

  Chapter 6

  Jane had drifted off lost in thought, while waiting for Ian and her team to arrive, for her grief of Perry’s mum Angie. And the uncontrollable fear, that Jane had come to know so well, for Perry. There was something in Charlene’s eyes that told Jane no matter what, she wanted Perry to suffer, and to die. It made Jane once again contemplate whether the story she had heard earlier about Perry and Charlene and how Parker was bought into the world was true. Jane couldn’t help but let the shiver run down and over her spine at the thought of either Perry dying or that story being true. Parker, whom Jane was still cuddled up next to, had cried himself into a sleep. Jane was only awaked from her thoughts when the doorbell rang. Carefully Jane shifted Parker as not to disturb him and went to answer the door. Standing on her doorstep was Ian, Eric, and Joanne. And to a great surprise Amy.

  “Come on in guys. Thank you for coming. Amy it’s great to see you and have you here at a time like this. But what are you doing here?”

  “You didn’t just expect me to sit at home did you? I had to come check on you both. Plus I thought you might want someone you know and trust watching Parker when you need to work.”

  “Your right that’s perfect Amy. He is asleep at the moment on the sofa. Will you sit with him while I run the rest of the team through the case? I don’t want him hearing too much.”

  “Of course. Go do what you need to. And Jane tries not to worry. We found you twice we can find Perry.”

  Jane hugged Amy and beckoned for the rest of her team to follow her through to the kitchen.

  “Is the Superintendent coming?”

  “He is on his way along with the crime scene technicians and the coroner. Jane why don’t you explain from the beginning, what happened after we left you?”

  “Ok I waited out on the front steps of the station for Perry to come pick me up. But he never showed. While I was standing there Detective Russell came out and began to antagonise me about rumours he had heard concerning the situation with Perry. So I got annoyed and decided to check a police car out and drive myself home. By this point as you can imagine I was highly concerned about Perry. I hadn’t heard from him in a while and it was exceptionally unusual for him not to show. Like I mean, he has never done it before. I tried to play my panic down with a normal reason. Like he had fallen asleep. But when I got to the front door I knew something was wrong. It was already open. I did a sweep of the ground floor and then headed upstairs. The master bedroom door was closed so I checked everywhere else first. As I pushed the door to my bedroom open I saw Angie sprawled out on the bed so I rushed in to check on her. She had a gunshot wound to the abdomen and was already gone. There was nothing I could do for her. As I turned and checked the rest of the room Parker was in the grasp of another woman. She had one hand over his mouth and in the other hand she had a gun pushed up against his temple.”

  “Do you know who the woman was?”

  “Charlene. Perry’s ex and Parker’s biological mum.”

  “What did she say about Perry?”

  “That they are going to keep him until they have finished cleaning up the mess he has made. If an arrest is made against any of their associates or friends then I will receive Perry back piece by piece. Depending on how well Perry co-operates with their demands will determine the state of Perry when they release him.”

  “Ok well let’s concentrate on the things we can control. We can’t do anything about how well Perry co-operates but we can work the situation from our side the best we can. We will make sure that the Superintendent guarantees the no arrest on the associates list. Plus were work the case how we was planning to. Hopefully that will help lead us to a location for holding. Were get to Perry before anything happens ok? Crime scene technicians and the Coroner should be here any moment. Hopefully they left some evidence on Angie that can also help with possibilities of locations.”

  “Ok well that sounds like a workable plan Ian but where do we start?”

  “Ok Joanne, Eric I want the two of you to head back to the station. The files that we were putting together earlier for the associates, look into them. They are all of the people that are conspiring against Perry. So it makes sense to assume the person that has kidnapped him and is working alongside Charlene is in them files. Start looking into the property ownership of all of them. There must be a building, a warehouse, something that stands out and screams a great place to hide someone. While your working on that me and Ian will stay here and deal with the Superintendent, crime scene techs and the coroner.”

  “Ok Boss. Hang tight and have faith we will find Perry.”

  “Thanks guys. Check in regularly anything that stands out let me know.”

  With that Eric and Joanne left and it was just Ian and Jane standing in the kitchen. Jane motioned for them to move into the living room so she could check in on Parker and talk to Amy.

  “How has he been?”

  “Still sleeping thank god.”

  Amy got up and moved to sit on the sofa beside Ian and so that Jane could take her rightful seat next to Parker. Jane placed one hand and brushed his forehead and down his cheek. He did look so peaceful.

  “I think it has all been too much for him and I fear the worst of all of it is not over for him. You are going to need to know what he saw, what he heard anything that happened before you got home. It could help to know when it comes to finding Perry and the people that did this. It just means for this poor little mite that he is going to have to relive every little detail. Add to that the fear of his father not being around. He is going to be suffering Jane.”

  “I know Amy. I don’t know what to do. I am in way over my head. I don’t have a compassionate head like you do.”

  “Yes you do. Believe me as your friend I know you do. I have seen it and been on the receiving end of it enough time to know. You just need to level with him and to be as honest as you can with
him. It’s ok to let him know that you are scared to and that you are upset. It will make him feel more comfortable. He is going to want to find his dad so just make him understand without any pressure though that as much as he can remember will be a big help. The all you can do is be there for him. To be his shoulder to cry on when he needs it. He needs to know and see that you are doing everything you can do to bring his dad home. Kids are resilient and stronger than what we think. He will be ok Jane.”

  “Thanks Amy.”

  Jane and Amy were interrupted by a knock at the door. Ian went to answer it. Surprisingly and well timed by all they had all made it to Jane’s house at the same time. Jane pointed out to the crime scene technicians and the coroner as to where Angie was still laying at rest. The Superintendent was waiting in the hallway obviously anxious to hear what had happened here.

  “Would anybody like a drink?”

  “Jane you don’t need to play host.”

  “I’ll go put a pot of tea on Jane you fill the Superintendent in.”

  “Thank you Amy.”

  Jane took a deep breath and composed herself as she retook her watchful seat next to Parker. Jane couldn’t help but look at him with deep concern as Parker’s forehead creased with lines of worry and angst in his sleep. As Parker shifted and fidgeted restlessly, as though in the mix of a nightmare, Jane brushed his cheek with the back of her hand. Jane planted a tender kiss on his forehead hoping to soothe him back into his slumber. Jane didn’t want him to wake from his sleep just yet. Not with all these strange people in his home.

  “Perry’s son?”

  “Yes, Parker.”

  “He witnessed the whole thing?”

  “I believe so sir. I have not had the chance to take a full statement from him. When I came home Perry was already gone. Angie had been shot and had already passed. There was nothing I could do for her. Parker was in the grasp of another woman. She had her hand over his mouth and a gun pushed into him.”

  “Is he hurt at all?”

  “Not physically.”

  “Good I don’t want to discuss to much in front of the boy. I don’t want to disturb him form his much-needed rest and he no doubt has heard and seen too much for one day. You will need to speak to him at some point. And I can only assume how upsetting and hard that is going to be for the both of you. If you need any assistance at all do not hesitate to ask. A child councillor may be something to consider. Let me know it will all be available to you through the police force. I’ll personally see to it that he has the best care if it is needed. For now is there anything I can do?”

  “No arrests or police contact with any of the associates. We need you to make that a guarantee. Eric and Joanne are back at the station now going through some of the files. The person that is holding Perry must be in there somewhere. Would you mind looking through them as well see if any jump out at you?”

  “Of course. I’ll phone you with an update from Eric and Joanne as soon as I get back to the station.”

  “Thank you Sir.”

  Jane collapsed back down on the sofa next to Parker. Fresh tears steaming down her cheeks. The thought that Parker had been put in harms way was abhorrent to her, and the fear that Perry was still right in the middle of harm was overwhelming. This was worse than the fear Jane ever felt for herself. All Jane could do was sit and wait. The crime scene technicians had to finish their work and the coroner, Doctor Dave Berry, had his to do as well. Then herself and Parker could get out of here. After only one week in their new home it had already been tainted. The overspill of Jane and Perry’s business life away from Parker had spilled over and then some. It had invaded his innocence.

  “Detective we have finished upstairs. We are ready to remove the body. Would you like time to move your son first?”

  “He is sound asleep for the moment. Do it as quickly and quietly as possible, so not to disturb him. I would be ever grateful.”

  “Of course mam.”

  The team moved about quickly and quietly to finish of their work, Parker didn’t even stir. Before Jane knew it the only people that were left sitting in her house was herself and Parker and the watchful keen eyes of Ian and Amy. They sat there in silence for a few minutes, but it felt like a lifetime was passing. Jane was intently watching Parker, the way his chest moved up and down with his steady breathing. He looked like he was resting peacefully, which pleased Jane as it had been a traumatic evening and turn of events for him. Jane was finding it soothing watching Parker, seeing that he was ok. Jane was also consciously aware of the fact that both Ian and Amy were watching her. Jane’s intent gaze at Parker was only interrupted by the resonating sound of her phone ringing through the quiet. Jane was confused when she looked at her mobile to find that it was an unknown number calling. Jane had assumed it would be a member of her team checking in. Who else would be calling at this hour? As Jane answered her heart almost fell into her stomach.

  “Special delivery Detective.”

  And then the line went dead. The cold sneer in the mans voice as he said those three words made Jane’s insides curdle with fear and for what felt like cold ice forming in her blood. The colour drained from Jane’s face as she sat gripped in the overwhelming fear for Perry once more. Confusion spreading through Jane at the statement ‘Special delivery’ her brain had turned to sludge.

  “Jane who was it? What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know. It could be nothing.”

  “What did they say?”

  “All they said was special delivery Detective and then the line went dead.”


  Ian got up and made his way to the front door. Jane doubted that he would find anything out there as Jane had not heard a single noise coming from the street.

  “Jane there’s a package.”

  Jane’s heart stopped in that moment. Recanting the words of Charlene about sending Perry back to her piece by piece. They were the only thought’s that filled Jane’s mind, that and the sound of her now loudly beating heart thrumming with fear.

  “Ok Ian find some gloves and bring it in. Close and lock the door in case the person that delivered it is still out there.”

  The authority and calming influence of Amy had taken over. Quickly and efficiently Ian pulled out a pair of evidence handling gloves from his back pocket and retrieved the package. The he swiftly closed and locking the door behind him. Amy handed Jane a pair of gloves so she could take the package from Ian. Jane was relieved to find that it felt light in weight; it gave hope that it didn’t contain anything untoward. Wrapped in light brown parcel paper Jane carefully began to unwrap. As not to tare any of the outer packaging in case it contained any fingerprints. The relief continued when Jane pulled out a DVD case. Opening the case just to check it did contain just a DVD and no part of Perry had been removed. But there was still the fear. What was on the DVD?

  “What is it Jane?”

  “A DVD.”

  “A DVD of what?”


  Perry was blinking hastily; he was confused and dazed with a bright light shining down in his eyes. Perry wasn’t one to normally feel fear but he knew who had him, he knew what they would do to him. Perry needed time, time for Jane and her team to find him. As he pulled against his chains that they had him tied to a chair with the sudden grip of metal digging into his flesh at his wrists made him realise the pain that Jane had once been through. It gave him a more solid appreciation for her fear of being tied up, even if his only plans were for pleasure. These thoughts of Jane made a new twist in his gut. It raised the hideous question of would he ever see her again. Would he get the chance to be her husband, and Parker, he still needed a dad.

  The duct tape over Perry’s mouth was starting to pull on the skin and the feeling of restricted breathing was not pleasant, but the sounds of movement of to the side meant that things were only about to get worse.

  “Perry Fierce, the great King pin oh my how we have fallen from grace. Say hello to Charlene Perry I know how
you have missed her. Better yet say hi to the camera your dear Jane is going to get to watch this.”

  Perry struggled even fiercely in his chair and tried to talk but ended up just choking on his words.

  “What’s wrong Perry? Cat got your tongue. Well that isn’t going to be good for you. I want names. You sold people out to the police; people that you used to use to work for you, now you think you are better than them. That you could sell them out and there would be no consequences.”

  Perry sat there struggling once again. What did Peter Ray and Charlene expect from him in that moment. He was tied to a chair and gagged with no way to respond. Perry’s only choice was to listen to their rendition of events.

  “I want the names of the people that help you. I am going to kill them one by one and make you watch. You will beg me to let you die once I am through. You will have lost everything.”


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