The Taken (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 3)

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The Taken (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 3) Page 6

by Claire Merrington

  Perry was just about to comprehend what peter Ray was saying, the seriousness of his threat, when the raining of the first blow interrupted his train of thoughts. It was a good job his mouth was covered, if Jane was really going to be watching this, it was better he had a way of controlling his responses to the beatings. It continued for that way longer than Perry could count. His head was ringing from knock after knock to his skull. Hi face felt like it had split in half and he was sure he was now missing some teeth. He was actually starting to choke and gag on swallowing his own blood. Peter Ray must have sensed that was an event that was likely that he ripped the tape of Perry’s mouth.

  “Wouldn’t want you choking on your own blood now would we and missing out on all the fun I have planned.”

  “Oh thanks Peter I knew I could count on you friend.”

  “I’m no friend, now give me a name.”

  “Never, I wont ever give them up I can take the beating you won’t break me. I can take it.”

  And down the blow came again.

  “A name Perry.”

  “I can take it.”

  Perry just hoped Jane understood. He wasn’t saying it to antagonise Peter Ray, even though it probably was, Perry was telling her. As the blows continued to rain down and parry was fighting the battle to stay awake all he could hear was the insane cackle of Charlene.


  “There is only one way to find out what’s on here.”

  “Were going to need to watch the DVD.”


  Chapter 7

  Jane left Parker sleeping on the sofa and moved herself, Ian and Amy into the dining room. There was a secondary TV in there that Jane would be able to play the DVD on without disturbing Parker. The apprehension bubbling in Jane’s veins at the thought of what might be on the DVD was overwhelming. As Jane reached to place the DVD in the player she had to steady her hand with a calming breath. Jane sat next to Amy and clasped her friend’s hand for comfort as Ian took care of the rest.

  Jane felt like all the air had been kicked out of her lungs as she was confronted with the sight of Perry tied to a chair and gagged with silver duct tape. Charlene was standing off to his right and the man at his left Jane recognised but a name in that instant was eluding her. But his voice as he spoke was one Jane instantly recognised as her mysterious caller from earlier. The cold sneer and pure and utter hatred in his tone seethed off him. Beads of sweat gathered on Jane’s forehead as the colour drained from her face when the first blow rained down on Perry. The silent scream of agony etched in his expression but the duct tape blocking and preventing it from getting out. It was too much to bear.

  “Ian turns it off.”

  “No wait, I need to know what they say. I need to know what they want so I can end this quicker for him.”

  “Jane you can’t watch anymore of this. It will haunt you for too long I know it. Right now you gain nothing from watching this but another bad dream.”

  “But they might reveal something?”

  Jane could hear the almost childlike whining in her voice and could sense the lack of conviction that she had put in it. Jane knew in her heart of hearts that Amy was right she couldn’t stand to watch anymore. She couldn’t stand to see the etched look of pain and fear on Perry’s normally so strong face ever again. Seeing it, even just that once, was going to take Jane long enough to forget.

  “Jane let me watch the rest of it. I will find out anything we need to know. Go be with Parker.”


  “Go Jane it’s ok. Let me do this for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  Amy followed Jane through in to the living room. Jane slumped herself down on the sofa next to Parker, with her head in her hands, Jane was exhausted from what had been such a harrowing day. It felt like it was never going to end. Jane sensed that she was just drifting from one bad dream to another. They sat in silence as Jane strained her ears trying to listen out for any outcries from Perry as Ian continued to watch the video. But it was to no use. Jane couldn’t hear a thing. Jane did have another idea but she had made a promise to Perry and vowed that she wouldn’t break it. But Perry’s life now hung in the balance. When they had moved into their home Perry had set him up an office to work from. He had asked Jane not to go snooping through all the files, as there were still some businesses that he was trying to turn round. He didn’t want Jane knowing all the details. Another way that Perry had been trying to protect Jane from his old world. Jane had promised him and told him that she had complete faith and trust in him. But this wasn’t about having any doubt in Perry now. Jane didn’t care what illegal details she stumbled upon from Perry’s life. She just wanted to find some information. One so that she could possibly find Perry faster. And two so that she could find Perry’s right hand man. He is the one person that Perry truly trusts to help him turn his empire around. Jane knew that if Perry could trust him then she could to help find Perry alive.

  “Amy will you stay here with Parker a minute. I just want to go look for something.’

  “Sure Jane. Are you ok?”

  “Yeah just an idea I had that’s all. I wont be a moment.”

  Jane quickly rushed off in the direction of Perry’s office. She had no idea where to even begin looking or really what she was looking for. But Jane knew she needed to be as quick as possible. She trusted her team but she didn’t want to put them in a compromising position when it came to any details that were in this office. And she certainly didn’t want Perry to be judged on anything in there. Jane headed straight for the big antique looking office desk hoping that he had kept some important information close. Jane was shocked to find that as she pulled open the first heavy draw on the desk there was a large manila envelope with her name on it. Jane pulled it out and rested back into Perry’s chair. What was this? Had Perry suspected and thought that one day Jane would go snooping through his things or had he foreseen this situation. Inside the envelope was a mobile phone with several pre-programmed contacts. Several pieces of paper containing information on people and places, Intel that would have taken her team ages to find out. And finally a letter addressed to Jane putting all the information into context.

  ‘ My dearest Jane, if you have found this envelope than I am in trouble. I have gathered as much information as I can on the people that are possibly responsible and different properties they own. It may help you to find me quicker. I know who is behind all of this. His name is Peter Ray. He was once a man I called friend. But don’t underestimate him Jane he is ruthless, callous and cold. He will not hesitate so you mustn’t either. Please take care of Parker. Keep him safe. And find me soon Jane. He has someone helping him that I can’t get a hold on to help you with. But you are smart you will work it out. I believe in you and trust you. Take the phone I have left. The pre-programmed numbers are my contacts. People I trust Jane. Use them and stay safe my future wife. I will come home to you.’

  Jane had to smile even when Perry was the one in danger he still did as much as possible to help. To think that he knew something like this was going to happen scared Jane. How scared and alone Perry must have felt to feel like all he could do was sit around waiting for them to come for him. Jane was scared for him but this gave her renewed hope. Perry was smart and strong he will hold out until she can get there. Jane headed back to the living room. Ian had finished watching the tape and was completely ashen in the face. Jane’s new sense of hope wilted at the sight of this.


  “He is still alive. He took quite a beating, just by the fists. They never gave names. I’m guessing the woman we saw was Charlene but the man we may have to use facial recognition to identify him. They want Perry to give up the names of all the people that have been helping him legitimise his company. They are going to kill them one by one and make him watch. But Perry didn’t give up any names on this video. So my guess is he will hold out as long as he can to give us more time but it also leaves us in the dark for the potential tar
get list. And I thought Perry was smarter than this. He kept antagonising them saying that he could take it. What is he playing at?”

  Jane shocked both Ian and Amy by laughing. They probably thought she was loosing it. Cracking under the strain of the fear for Perry. But her dear old stubborn fiancé, what ever was she going to do with him.

  “He wasn’t saying he can take it to them it was for us. Perry knows they were recording it with the plan to send it to us. He knows that means I am possibly watching. I can take it is so we don’t panic. Perry is telling us that he is ok. So lets just concentrate on everything else.”

  “Oh that’s a relief. But where do we start?”

  “First call the Superintendent. Get him to bring a laptop with access to all police systems; himself; Eric and Joanne back here with any information that they have gathered, and our work from earlier today. I have discovered the mother load of information here.”


  “Yeah Perry has helped us out big time. Ian if you go make the call. I’m going to go wake Parker up and see what he wants to do.”

  “If he doesn’t want to stay here I can take him home with me. He loves Lilly-Anne anyway. And I know that you know that I want to be here to help but I’m dead on my feet.”

  “I know you do Amy and I’m not surprised your fit to burst with your new baby. If Parker will go with you that will be great. I’ll go wake him.”

  Jane gave Amy a hug and went to Parker’s side. She knelt down on the floor in front of him and kissed Parker on the forehead and stroked his head and cheek.

  “Parker? Wake up sweetie.”

  Groggily Parker began to stir and open his eyes.

  “Daddy? Where’s my dad?”

  “Were looking for him sweetie. I’m doing everything I can to find him you know that.”

  “I know. But my Nan, she killed my Nan.”

  “I know, I know. I’m so sorry Parker I never wanted you to witness anything like that. But I promise I am going to keep you safe. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you. I am going to find your dad. You just have to trust me.”

  “That lady, that mad lady. She said she was my mum. But I don’t want her as my mum. I want you.”

  “You’ve got me sweetie. I’m right here.”

  With that Parker flung himself into Jane’s arms and cried on her shoulder, as she could do nothing but hug and hold him. They stayed like that for ten minutes. Neither of them saying anything, Jane just savoured the moment of Parker wanting her. Parker wanted Jane as his mum and Jane already thought of Parker as her own. They were a family just as they were. But it would not be complete until they got Perry home.

  “Parker to find your dad I have a lot of work to do. I’d like you to go home with Amy. Where I know you will be safe and where you can sleep undisturbed. Amy will be there if you need anything and if you need me you can call. Then in the morning you will have Lilly-Anne to play with and before you know it I will be round. What do you say?”

  “Ok. You will come if I need you to though?”

  “I’ll be there in a heartbeat Parker. You are going to be perfectly safe. In the morning I’m going to need your help. I’m going to need you to be brave and strong like your dad and tell me everything that happened before I got home.”

  “Ok. In the morning though why not now?”

  “Because my little man you need sleep. And because shock can make you forget things, things I need you to remember clearly. So you need rest.”

  Parker just nodded and then gave Jane another hug. Jane gave him a reassuring squeeze in return.

  “Come on then lets go pack you a bag for your sleep over.”

  Parker took Jane by the hand to lead her upstairs to pack him some clothes and anything else he wanted to take with him. But when he got to the base of the stairs he halted. This was what Jane was afraid of. That Parker was now going to be afraid in his own home. But Parker proved how strong and brave he could be because he swallowed that fear and mounted the staircase.

  Jane and Parker were back down the stairs in ten minutes with one packed bag and Parker who was looking rather proud of him self. The Superintendent and the rest of the team had arrived and were waiting at the base of the staircase with Ian and Amy. Pulling Amy in for a hug she whispered to her to take care of Parker and to be safe. Jane reached for Parker pulling him into one last bear hug and a kiss.

  “Be good for Amy and I’ll see you in the morning. Remember ring if you need anything.”

  “I will bye mum.”

  With that Amy and Parker left and Jane was left standing there trying to control the tears that were sparkling at the corner of her eyes from the term mum. It offered over so much love and endearment from Parker that Jane herself couldn’t help but be overwhelmed with emotion and love for the boy.

  “So coffee is made Detective. I brought the laptop you asked for and Eric and Joanne have all the information that we have found so far. What is the mother load that you have found and how can we help?”

  “Follow me.”

  Chapter 8

  Jane grabbed the envelope that she had found in Perry’s desk off the side and led her team through into the kitchen. Directing her Superintendent, Eric and Joanne where to place the pieces that they had brought with them she laid out all the information that Perry had given her so all the team could see.

  “Ok when Ian was watching the rest of the DVD we were sent I had an idea. Perry has an office in this house that he does business from. So I went in search of information. Contacts and business registrations of people on his side and any that may appose him, anything that could help us. I found this envelope addressed to me in the top draw of the desk. Perry foresaw that something could happen to him so he did some digging of his own and put together a case file for us.”

  “Why didn’t he ask for our help if he knew how serious and dangerous it had got?”

  “I think he was trying to do damage control. He was trying to protect everyone. I don’t think he would have foreseen what happened to his mum or Parker ever being put in the danger otherwise he would have acted differently. He was just trying to control the outcome of the situation.”

  “Even for Perry that must have been scary. He knows these people; he knows what these people are capable of. And to think that he maybe on the receiving end of what they are capable of soon. I’m surprised he wasn’t a nervous wreck.”

  “Yeah well my super cool, controlled over protective, macho man, stubborn ass fiancé has kind of done us a big favour staying so calm. This case file contains some information that would have taken us months to gather. He already knew who is behind it all. He identified the main man. His name is Peter Ray. According to Perry he is ruthless, callous and cold. If he says he is going to do something it is a guarantee and he wont hesitate. So we shouldn’t either. He is obviously a man with unparalleled senses for right and wrong. Joanne can you pull him up in our system so we can see what we have got on him.”

  “Yeah sure thing. Ok he has a rap sheet longer than my life. One Peter Ray fifty-seven years of age suspected of organised crime activity spanning over the last thirty-five years. He has served fifteen years altogether in prison. He was arrested and charged for fraud, racketeering and drug offences. He is suspected in involvement in other crimes but has never been convicted on them due to lack of evidence, mysterious disappearances of witness and police statements. He is what is known as an enforcer or a mechanic. He cleans up the mess basically. The mess being people that could hold evidence against you or testify against you, people that could potentially be a liability. Which is how I suppose they see Perry.”

  “Yeah a lot of what they were saying on the DVD was about the names of the people that Perry had sold out to Frank. And how Perry only became the king pin in the area because of all of them people putting him there. And they were upset because they were being cut out of all of the profit by Perry turning so many of his companies into legitimate businesses. They have viewed it as a slight again
st their people and way of life. They have taken it as a massive insult and want revenge.”

  “Ok well we have a list of other names and business addresses of people that Perry suspected could be involved in helping Peter. Plus we have the added bonus of dealing with Charlene.”

  “Yeah I saw her on the DVD too she is quite something.”

  “Yeah well I hate to say it but I can guarantee you that if she comes anywhere near Parker again she wont make it to a jail I will kill her.”


  “Superintendent I’m sorry but maternal instincts have kicked in with a bang. And she told him.”

  “Wait hold up I is confused. Told him what Jane?”

  “Charlene is Parker’s mum. And she told him. Not only did he have to witness her killing his Nan, taking his dad she then held a gun on him. And he now has to live with all of that knowing that she is his biological mother.”


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