The Taken (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 3)

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The Taken (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 3) Page 7

by Claire Merrington

  “That explains the personal feel to the attack on Perry.”

  “Attack? How badly is he hurt?”

  “On the DVD it showed Perry chained to a chair and he was beaten. Only by fists and a few kicks but it was quite a severe beating. Peter explained why they were so angry and what they want from Perry. They want the names of all the people on Perry’s side. The people that work for him basically. Their plan is to take them people and murder them and make Perry watch. The beating was just the start to try and get some names from him. So far he held out and no doubt as stubborn as Perry is he will crack at some point, but he will try to hold out as long as he can to give us as much time to find him as possible.”

  “Well there is nothing more than that we can ask of him. And that is more than enough especially with all this extra information he left us as well. But where do we start with this.”

  “This is where we are going to need to be extra careful. Charlene threatened that if we made any arrests then Perry would be punished worse. But thanks to Perry we have names and business registrations of all of those people so we can look into them further. Plus I also have a mobile phone with all contacts of Perry’s. The people that will intentionally be targets by Peter Ray and Charlene. So I am going to reach out to them, and it will have to be me alone. As much as they are clean they do have criminal records and I doubt a load of cops will be trusted. But one that is in a relationship with their boss will probably make it easier. I’ll just warn them to be extra cautious and see if they have any extra information that they can add.”

  “Ok sounds like a plan.”

  “Good Joanne, Eric if you look into the people that Perry listed pull up as much information as you can get. Superintendent, Ian if you look into the businesses that were listed that would be great, I am going to make the coffee and make a few phone calls to some of the people listed in the mobile. I might be able to gather some extra information that can help you lot in the search.”

  “Excellent Detective we all have our work to do and will make quick progress I can promise you. Just one quick question when were you planning on speaking to Parker?”

  “In the morning. I just wanted some of the shock of everything to settle a bit and for him to try and get some more rest. But I will take a formal statement from him.”

  “Good I know the poor lad has been through enough. How old is the little mite?”

  “He is only twelve. A lot to handle for a kid his age but he is strong.”

  “Good he will need to be. I’m sorry she told him Detective.”

  “Yeah me to. Oh I have just one question as well Detective Russell? Does he have anything to do with organised crime unit or Frank?”

  “No why? He mainly works in custody.”

  “When I was leaving the station earlier and waiting for Perry he came outside. He was almost taunting me about the situation with Perry and how him and Superintendent Andrew Walden are good friends. He wanted to know what me and my team are working on. He was quite insistent on finding out. It all made me very uncomfortable and slightly dubious of his character.”

  “It is probably my fault he was antagonising towards you. Him being friends with the old Superintendent had given him quite a comfortable ride. But when I joined I worried about his integrity so I took him off certain duties. I have no idea how he found out about the situation with Perry. I have tried my best to control any such idle gossip. I will look into it further Detective.”

  “Thank you Sir.”

  With that Jane went to make the coffee. She decided to go and sit in Perry’s office and make the calls. One reason being she wanted the privacy and the second reason being that as much as she loved and appreciated her teams help she really wanted and needed five minutes alone. A lot had happened and once again there seemed to be so much to take in. Jane handed each of her colleagues a mug of steaming coffee and headed off to the office. Jane sat in Perry’s chair and his normal smell of cologne drifted up from the seat causing tears to prick at her eyes. Taking a deep breath and regaining control of her emotions Jane took out the mobile that Perry had left and dialled the number labelled one. Jane sat and waited with nerves that were wrought with apprehension when finally a man answered.


  “Hi this is Perry’s partner Jane.”

  “Perry said the only time you would get my number was if something was wrong. So what’s wrong? Where is Perry?”

  “Perry has been kidnapped and I believe your safety is severely compromised. And excuse me if this sounds rude but who am I speaking with?” Perry just labelled you in numbers for the order in which you should be rang and you were first.”

  “Oh sorry Jane. I don’t know how much Perry would have told you about me but I am Eddie his right hand man, and now I guess yours. I of course have heard so much about you. So what can we help with? And what do you mean about safety?”

  “Perry had been investigating himself the uprising in the people. He put together a file of information including people and businesses that could be responsible for taking him. Including in it was a mobile phone with all pre-programmed contacts of his alliances. Those people on this phone including you are in as much danger as what Perry is now. He also included the name of the man he believes to be responsible. We have confirmed through facial recognition from a DVD that was sent that Perry’s suspicions were correct.”

  “How are we in danger? What do these people want from Perry? And who did Perry name as being responsible?”

  “Peter Ray is the main man in charge working in conjunction with Perry’s ex Charlene. What they want from Perry is you lot. They want the names of all the people that work with Perry. Their aim is to cross you off, pay back for names of people that Perry ratted out to Frank. Peter Ray is planning on killing you all and making Perry watch without there being anything he can do about it. They have already killed Perry’s mum Angie.”

  “What? Oh no poor Angie. What about Parker?”

  “He witnessed it all. He is safe and unharmed but deeply upset. I need your help Eddie.”

  “Name it Detective?”

  “What do you know on this Peter Ray and Charlene?”

  “Both were before my time that I joined up with Perry so I only know what I have heard. I know that Charlene is Parker’s biological mum and by all accounts from Perry and other people that know her she is a nasty ass piece of work. Peter Ray and Perry used to be really tight at one point. Like brothers Detective. But don’t let that deceive you or comfort you in anyway. Never underestimate Peter Ray. If Perry has made it in to his bad books, then we are going to need to find him, sooner rather than later. He will do things to Perry that you and me couldn’t even dream off. If he wants information that Perry has got he will get it no matter the cost. So I believe you when you say that our guys and mine safety has been severely compromised. I will tell all that I can to cut loose everything and disappear for a while. Now what was this about a DVD?”

  “Perry was tied to a chair being beaten. They were trying to get names out of him, which thankfully to you he didn’t. Perry is strong. I couldn’t bring myself to watch it but by all accounts it was quite a severe beating. Perry isn’t going to be able to hold out forever.”

  “No he won’t. If beating him doesn’t work they will find another way to break him. I’ll let all our contacts and colleagues know that they could be in potential danger straight away. You won’t need to worry about ringing anyone else. Just concentrate on Perry. If I get any information on possible holding locations I will ferry all that information your way. But Detective you are used to working on the right side of the law I myself am not. Don’t get me wrong I am one hundred per cent behind Perry when it comes to changing the businesses but when it comes to finding my boy. Let’s just say my techniques may differ slightly from yours. Have you thought about that?”

  “Of course and to be honest good. I want to hit these fuckers from all angles and make them regret the day they ever thought they could ge
t away with taking Perry. But to do that I need your help. The less I know about what you do Eddie the better. But I need your help to get Perry back.”

  “You got it. Let’s get to work.”

  Jane headed back out to the kitchen to re-join the rest of her team with a long full look back at Perry’s office just wishing for him to be there. Jane now understood how hopeless and lost that Perry must have felt when she had been missing from him. Pulling her thoughts and herself together now was not the time to dwell. Now was the time for action.

  “Ok guys where are we at?”

  Chapter 9

  The team stood in the kitchen all overwhelmed by the amount of people and work they were looking at. And as the truth stood they still had no clue where to even begin looking for Perry. Jane knew that if Eddie, whom she had just spoken to, was taking the threat to Perry’s life as serious as what she was then the situation must be really dire. Jane still felt like Eddie had been holding back and knew more than what he had let on when she spoke to him on the phone. Jane guessed it was going to be one of them situations where she herself needed to earn his respect and trust. It wasn’t automatically granted because Jane was with Perry. These types of people including Perry ran on an old code. New people weren’t to be trusted until they had proven themselves and you protect you own people at all costs. The rest of Jane’s team were in deep discussions about different tactics to take to find out information and in the search for Perry without compromising his safety further.

  “Jane, Jane is you listening?”

  “What? Sorry. I was lost in thought. What did you say?”

  “That there isn’t anyway for you to be able to operate in the field without it compromising Perry’s safety as well as endangering yours.”

  “You have to be joking if you think that I am going to be stuck behind a desk all day while Perry is out there being tortured and who knows what.”

  “Look I get you want to be the one out there banging on doors feeling like you are doing something. But face it we can’t arrest anyone because it could cause more serious harm to come to Perry. Which means we need to work under the radar with this case. More surveillance and asking the right people the right questions.”

  “What the Superintendent is trying to say Jane is the likelihood of them knowing your face is high. Which means you can’t be the one asking the questions it’s too risky.”

  “Exactly. But there are plenty of other things that you can be doing. Now what did who ever you spoke to on the phone say?”

  “His name is Eddie he is Perry’s right hand man. He said he would warn all parties involved with working with Perry to be extra careful and to lay low. I asked what he knew about Peter Ray and Charlene but unfortunately not a lot. They were both before his time of working with Perry. He knows Peter Ray by reputation and by what Perry told him. Which was as much as the same information Perry already left us. He did say he would ask around and get what ever extra information he could for us.”

  “And what kind of methods did he say he would use when he asks around?”

  “In all honesty Eric I didn’t ask. Perry trusts Eddie and they have been working closely together for years. Including the work involved for legitimising the companies that Perry owns.”

  “I get that Detective. But you must understand the concerns that Eric and the rest of this team have. We don’t know this Eddie and in all fairness neither do you.”

  “Your right I don’t. But I feel it would be detrimental to this case if we question his loyalty and commitment to living a life without crime when he is offering to help. He doesn’t have to trust or help me. He doesn’t know me either.”

  “I concede to your point Detective. And I suppose in this instance it doesn’t really help us to ask. So what are we to do from here?”

  “From here I think our best bet is to isolate the property ownerships and movements of people that Perry thinks could be involved and watch them. See if that can lead to the property that they are holding Perry in. Ian you watched the DVD were there any defining features in the background that could help us narrows the search?”

  “Not that I noticed the first time round watching it but I wasn’t really paying attention closely enough at the details for that. I will take another look and see if anything jumps out.”

  “It might be an idea to give the DVD to an audio specialist they might be able to isolate and pull out any external noises from the background. The sound of traffic, a train anything like that could give us an idea of where to look.”

  “That’s a great help Joanne thanks. Hopefully all of that will lead us on to something. The coroner should be done in the morning as well with his preliminary findings for Angie. They may have left trace particles on the body that can be analysed and hopefully offer up some assistance.”

  “Ok well while you were talking to Eddie, the Superintendent and Ian started looking at the properties and Joanne and myself have been looking at some of the people. So from some of this information we can highlight a few targets to watch.”

  “Excellent so were be able to have some surveillance up and running in the morning as well?”

  “Most definitely. Detective how much do you wish to involve Frank and Detective Inspector Reynolds?”

  “Frank I will involve. He knows Perry and values the work he has helped with. Detective Inspector Reynolds may be of some help to us. But I am not feeling the most open and trusting. You know him better than I do to make a judgement call so I will leave it open to you to decide sir.”

  “Ok well for now I believe it would be safer to leave Reynolds out. As helpful as he could be I like you am unsure of his character. I believe he may have some ulterior motives when it comes to Perry.”

  “As you wish Sir. Ian, Eric, Joanne you have all been looking at the files what is your take on it all. Who and where do we start?”

  “I think we should get some plain clothed officers watching these residences and business properties. I think we should have plain clothed officers and undercover surveillance ready vehicles tailing these people. We can get all that organised in the morning.”

  As Eric was saying this he was laying out all the sheets of paper on the counter that were specific to the people and addresses that the team thought they should watch. Joanne and Ian were now giving the running commentary on the people and businesses as Eric continued laying them out across the side. Jane was beginning to feel that same sense of overwhelming panic beginning to bubble under the surface of her skin at the enormity of the search. And at the thought that there were so many people out in the world that hated her soon to be husband. But not just hated, hated enough to want him to suffer and die. The thought was beguiling and sickening.

  “Detective perhaps we should consider getting some rest. We are going to have a long, hard, busy day ahead tomorrow and all of us are going to need a straight head.”

  “Your right Superintendent. I am unsure what to do with myself though. I don’t want to leave here in case they chose to try and make any more contact. This is the one place they will come to. But then the rational speaking part of my brain tells me that it is then not safe for me to do so.”

  “Detective if it is not to rude to give my opinion and say so I don’t think it would be wise or safe for you to stay here. Why don’t you come stay at Amy’s and mine? Parker is already there and we can check back here first thing in the morning.”

  “Your right Ian and thank you for the offer that will be mostly appreciated. I will go put a bag together. If you lot wouldn’t mind gathering up all this information and then were get going.”

  As Jane walked out of the kitchen to head upstairs to pack a bag she realised that Eric had followed her.

  “Mam I hope I didn’t offend or upset you when I asked about Eddie. I don’t want you to think that I wont do everything possible to find Perry.”

  “Eric I know you would and I know you will help in anyway you can. You already are. You are a stand up Police Officer and I r
espect your opinion as part of my team and as a friend.”

  “Thank you Detective and you are a brilliant Detective. I just didn’t want you to have the wrong impression. I’ll let you get to your packing.”

  “I could never with you Eric your intentions are always so clear. And thank you. But Eric I may be your superior in the team but try not to call me mam. It makes me feel ancient.”

  Jane heard Eric laugh as he walked back off to the kitchen. Jane had to smile to herself. Eric really had one of the warmest of hearts.

  Jane headed up the stairs when she reached her and Perry’s bedroom doorway she had to pause. Taking a deep breath and cautioning herself for the sight of her new bedroom now turned into a fresh crime scene. Gone were the joyous memories from the night before of her and Perry in the throws of love. Now all she was faced with was a reminder of pain and despair. Gulping back that pain and swallowing her grief Jane busied herself getting a bag ready. Once again Jane was in the position of living out of a bag while she hunted another mad man. Trying her hardest to focus her brain Jane grabbed as many essentials for herself as she could. Swinging her bag up and over her shoulder Jane just needed to grab her laptop, her normal mobile phone and the one that Perry had programmed for her. Taking in a deep breath and sucking in her emotions so her friends and colleagues could not tell how raw all her feelings were she prepared herself to walk back down the stairs to be greeted by them all. As she turned the corner on her staircase all her colleagues including her Superintendent were waiting at the bottom for her. Each giving an encouraging looks of steely determination and strength. Jane had to stand there for a moment once again over taken with emotion as she took in what she had in life and taking comfort from the support of her colleagues. As Jane began her descent once more a massive thud came as something hard and heavy hit her front door making her freeze on the spot. Luckily the door was made of solid wood with only two small panes of glass high up. As Jane stood dumbfounded on the spot trying to comprehend what could have made the noise, her team all stood by as though frozen in time with confusion mixed with fear, a car could be heard screeching off from place. Quickly and without fear of having time to think on ones actions Jane wrenched open he door hoping to catch a glimpse of what car they had before they drove too far away. Jane was too busy concentrating on taking in all the details of the car she hadn’t even looked to her feet to see what could have possibly hit her door. It was only when she heard from behind her the gasp of shock that Joanne took in as she peered round the door that Jane looked down. There sitting at her feet on her doorstep was a horrific sight. Jane turned round to confront her team could what she was seeing be real. There sitting on her doorstep was the bottom half of someone’s leg. Removed from just below the knee joint sat the calf muscle and entire foot. But the question was of whose leg?


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