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The Taken (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 3)

Page 9

by Claire Merrington

  Rest had surely followed but Jane awoke with no idea what the time was, a headache that felt like something was hacking its way out of her brain and eyes that were stingy and puffy. Jane could hear voices coming from the kitchen that gave the impression it were an appropriate time to get up. Heading out to the kitchen Jane found Ian and Amy sitting at their kitchen table.

  "What time is it?"

  "Just after six go back and try get some more sleep."

  "I don't think I can. What got you two up?"

  "Braxton hicks. Exceptionally uncomfortable but fine."

  "Are you sure they are just Braxton hicks?"

  “Yes I had them for the whole of the last month before giving birth to Lilly-Anne guess this time will be the same to. Don't worry how about some coffee then?”

  "That sounds like a plan but I'll get it you keep resting. Are you sure your well enough to keep Parker here?"

  "Yes Jane I wouldn't want him anywhere else."

  “Thank you Amy. I need to talk to him before we can do anything else today. I need to take his statement. Better to get it over with and then the poor lad can just try and get some solace from the whole situation. Then Ian were go head to the house check in there the rest of the team can meet us there when they are done with their tasks this morning.”

  “Not a problem as soon as you’re ready Detective. I’m with ya.”

  “So what happened after I left?”

  “Well quite a lot. As you know when I searched Perry’s office I found an envelope with a load of information and a phone. The phone was pre-programmed with numbers. It gave me access to all the people that work with Perry and especially his right hand man Eddie. The paperwork was Perry having investigated who could be behind the uprising against him. The man that has Perry named is Peter Ray.”

  “Ok so we know who is holding him but where?”

  “That we haven’t worked out we have devised a plan that is loud and in your face to let them know that ok we cant arrest them but we are not going away either. We want Perry back and I want justice for Angie.”

  “Ok what does this plan entail exactly?”

  “Something that is completely out of the handbook. The Superintendent is going before a board this morning to get special permission for the assignment. Basically we want to send in Perry’s associates rough up the guys on the list that Perry left and gain our own Intel. None of them will be seriously harmed just enough to remove them as players from the game. The plan is that the ones that get roughed up will be relocated into witness protection. We will do a press statement to say that it is for their protection to help control the turf war in Essex.”

  “Ok that could work on sedating the public and technically they aren’t under arrest so you haven’t broken their rules that they set. But it could still be off a big risk to Perry. And how on earth is the Superintendent going to get that past a board. And organised crime certainly aren’t going to go for this plan.”

  “The organised crime unit aren’t going to be involved. We have already discussed the fact that it would be too dangerous for them, as most of these people on the list will know their faces. And Perry’s people wont trust them. Where me hopefully they will.”

  “Ok it’s a good plan. Is there anything I can do?”

  “Rest up here, keep an eye on Parker.”

  “I’m sensing an and but you don’t want to seem to ask. What is it?”

  “I don’t want to ask because I don’t want to give you too much.”

  “Jane just asks.”

  “Your one of the best on our team with computers if I can get a laptop here will you look more into digging into the businesses and searching for a place that they could be holding Perry?”

  “That Jane I can do from the sofa. Not too taxing at all. Get me a laptop and I’ll be all over it.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Your welcome. My only major distraction will be going to have to go for a pee. Like I have got to go again for the fifth time since I woke up.”

  Amy got up from the kitchen table and wandered off to the bathroom leaving both Jane and Ian sitting there grinning at her. Laughing at her expense maybe but all in good faith.

  “Thank you.”

  “What for?”

  “Giving her something to do. You know full well she feels useless sitting here not being able to help you at a time when you really need it.”

  “And I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  …”But your welcome.”

  Ian burst into laughter. Jane knew full well what she had done. Giving Amy a distraction and something to give her a way to help. But Amy need never know that.

  “What were you two laughing at?”

  “Oh nothing.”

  “As long as it wasn’t at my small bladder.”

  “Never Amy.” With a wink to Ian.

  Jane, Amy and Ian sat in silence all appreciating the rest from what felt like the mammoth task that lay ahead of them. Jane was exhausted even though she had only just waked up. She was exhausted from the continuous hunt of all the mad men that seemed to have a personal vendetta against either her or her partner. Jane had had enough. Once she had found Perry that was it she was hanging up her gun and giving back her badge. It wasn’t something that Jane had ever contemplated before and considering that she had been looking forward to going back to work it seemed even more mad that her mind could have changed that quickly. But this was it. Jane was done. Sitting there nursing her cup of coffee all Jane could do was dwell on her thoughts while waiting for Parker to wake up. In the background Jane could hear Ian and Amy talking, whispering to each other Jane felt like she was intruding and it was also creating a sense of envy looking at the two of them together. Jane had drank two cups of coffee by the time Parker had wandered into the kitchen with a dazed half asleep expression. He had obviously woke slightly confused as to where he was but the minute he saw Jane he burst into tears and launched himself at her lap.

  “My dad?”

  “Not yet sweetie but soon. Would you like anything to eat?”

  “Ok. What can I have?”

  “Well we have toast, cereal as in coco pops.”

  “Coco pops please.”

  “Once you have eaten these were going to need that little chat I mentioned ok?”

  “Ok I want to help find my dad.”

  “I know you do and this is how you can help but eat your breakfast first.”

  “Have I got to go to school today?”

  “No, you are going to stay here with Amy if that is ok?”

  “Yeah I know your going to be busy looking for my dad.”

  Parker must have swallowed his breakfast in about two minutes. Eager to help Jane so she could find his dad. But Jane was certain he was unaware of how hard this was going to be. How brave he was going to need to be.

  “Are you ready then?”


  “Ok were go in my room in private so it will just be me and you talking. I am going to record it just so I can listen back to any important bits of information later. Don’t worry if you get upset and take your time. I’m right here you are safe and you are so brave for helping.”

  “Ok. I love you I would be just as upset if you were gone. You are my mum.”

  “Always kiddo. Take a seat on the bed and take a deep breath and close your eyes. Go back to when your Nan was picking you up from school.”

  “Nan picked me up from school after football practice and she took me to Dad’s restaurant La Luna. Blake he works behind the bar came over and we were talking and laughing about football and school. He was teasing me about girls. Nan told him off. It was funny. We ate dinner and then we got back in the car and drove back to the house.”

  “Ok so you went to La Luna and you spoke to Blake Jones did you notice anyone watching you in the restaurant or anyone following you as you left?”

  “No. I don’t think so there was a man as we were leaving. He gave my Nan a pen he sai
d she had dropped it but Nan said she hadn’t. He gave it to her anyway and made some naff joke about you can never have enough pens you can never find one when you need it.”

  “Ok that’s good Parker. What then?”

  “We got in the car and we drove home we was going to go straight back to Nan’s for the night but I needed some bits from home and I wanted to check in with Dad first. Dad’s car was on the drive so we went in and called for him, he wasn’t expecting us so he sounded shocked when he shouted that he was in his office and that he would be out in a second. Nan and me went into the living room to watch some TV while we waited and then the doorbell rang. Dad asked if Nan she could get it. When she came back the mad blonde lady had Nan at gunpoint. I screamed and dad came running. A bloke came out of no where from behind him.”

  “Wait from behind him. So someone else entered the house through the back door?”

  “They must have it was only the lady and Nan that came from the front.”

  “Are you certain Parker? Calm yourself and think hard.”

  “No I’m sure. Why?”

  “Crime scene didn’t check the back as the front door was open when I came home. We assumed everyone had entered through the front. What you’re telling me contradicts that and we need to have the back of the house checked.”

  “I’m sorry I should have told you sooner.”

  “Not your fault Parker you are doing great you’re offering so much help. Keep going. What happened then?”

  “Dad got hit over the back of the head he was unconscious. I tried shouting for him but he didn’t wake up. The man dragged dad out and told the mad lady to be quick. She led my Nan upstairs and told me to follow if I didn’t want to see her end up dead. We went upstairs and she pushed my Nan onto your bed and grabbed me. She made me sit on her lap and was stroking my face with the gun as she told me…”

  Parker had broken down in tears all Jane could hear were the wracking sobs in his chest.

  “Sshh parker everything is ok. Calm down sweetie I’m right here. What did she tell you?”

  Jane had moved over to take a seat next to Parker rather than in front of him. Clasping his hand tight Jane urged him to continue.

  “She told me the story of how I came to be born. How my dad had forced her to carry me to full term but that she never wanted me. How my Nan had helped keep her under house arrest till she gave birth and then they cast her aside when she was no longer needed. She, she didn’t want me. She tried to kill herself and me rather than have me. What did I do wrong?”

  “Sweetie you did nothing wrong. At the time when she was pregnant with you she was sick. Your dad did what he thought was best. What he needed to do to get you into this world safely. But Charlene is angry she saw it in a very different light. But there is nothing wrong with you, nothing that you did wrong. You are a lovely little boy that I am very proud of and it makes me so happy that I get to call you my son.”

  Parker hugged Jane and held her tight. The poor lad had been mulling over the information that Charlene had given him and all it had done was make him feel unloved and unwanted by a woman that biologically should feel some claim to him. Jane was glad she could reassure him on the matter of how loved he was, of how wanted he was.

  “When she finished telling me Nan was crying and then the mad lady shot her and she stopped crying and moving. The lady kept talking about things they were going to do to my dad to get revenge. Something about all businesses going south because of my dad and how Charlene wanted to show you what it was like to lose someone that you loved.”

  “What Parker?”

  “Charlene the mad lady she mentioned you. She said that you needed to learn what it is like to lose someone you love and rely on. She said that you took from her the only person in her whole life that she has ever truly relied on and that you needed to feel the same for it to be fair.”

  “Did she say anything else?”

  “She said if you were as smart as what they all say you are you will work out where they have Perry and that you will come for him.”

  “The key to working out where they are holding your dad is I?”

  “That’s what the lady said. So you know where my dad is right you can find him?”

  “I haven’t worked it out yet Parker but you can count on the fact that I will. Was there anything else that you can remember?”

  “No that is everything until you turned up.”

  “Ok well done Parker. You are so brave and you have been a great help. Why don’t you go watch TV while I talk to Ian and Amy?”

  “Cool. Is there anything else I can help with?”

  By this point they were back in earshot of Ian and Amy and Amy was quick to answer that question.

  “Well if Jane doesn’t mind Parker she gave me a job to do that you might be able to help with.”

  “What is it?”

  “I’ve got to look on the computer at some businesses that belong to the people that might have your dad. If I name them to you can you tell me if any of them sound familiar?”

  “Yes. I know all my dads companies I have been to all of them. Plus I visited a few of his friends.”

  “Excellent. Do you mind Jane?”

  “Please mum I can help.”

  “I’m sure you can and I’m sure you will. It’s a great idea Amy.”

  Parker hugged Jane and went and sat on the sofa to watch TV. Lilly-Anne still wasn’t awake yet but Jane was sure it wouldn’t be much longer. Jane, Ian and Amy moved out of earshot into the kitchen.

  “Did he know anything?”

  “Quite a bit and more than what I wanted him to. We need to get the back of the property checked. Parker was adamant someone entered through the backdoor and knocked his dad out. Angie was also given a pen outside La Luna. It is the restaurant of Perry’s where Blake Jones works. I think the pen may have had a tracking device in it. It’s what led Peter Ray and Charlene to our house. We need to look for that pen.”

  “What else is it Jane?”

  “Parker told me that Charlene had said I was the key to finding out where Perry is being held. Apparently Charlene wants to show me what it feels like to lose someone that I love and rely on. Apparently I took someone from her.”

  “So this isn’t just about revenge on Perry?”

  “No, this is about me too. But I don’t know why. I could tell she was very venomous towards me back at the house but I thought she just despised me for being with Perry. Perhaps maybe what I picked up on was more to do with me.”

  “Then we are going to need to find out what as soon as.”

  Talking to Parker had raised more questions than answers. What had Jane done?

  Chapter 12

  Jane sat in a slumped daze her whole mind rattling. This wasn't just about Perry changing his business ties or helping Jane catch Thaddeus or even Perry giving up names to Frank. This was revenge against her. Charlene had taken her revenge for what happened with Parker out on Angie. Now the rest of her anger was going to make Perry suffer because of her. Jane’s head was swimming and the bile was rising she couldn't hold it down or backs any longer. Taking a sprint to Ian and Amy's bathroom Jane locked the door and let out the little contents of her stomach she did have. Crumpling down on the floor Jane let the tears of grief guilt and fears over take her. Hearing a knock on the door but Jane didn't want to and couldn’t register it. Jane didn't want to talk she wanted to wallow but that wasn't going to help Perry. That wasn't going to fix this. Pulling herself together from her slumped mess Jane had to be brave like she told Parker to be. Jane stood up and unclicked the lock on the bathroom door. Amy was standing there with open arms ready to comfort her friend the way she always did best.

  “Sshh Jane don't panic and don't get overwhelmed and retreat in your head. I've told you a load of times before use your team. Let them guide and support you."

  “I know Amy you’re the best. It's just that thinking that anything that could be happening to Perry is a result of me, and not j
ust because of helping me with Thaddeus, but literally because I've pissed of Charlene is incomprehensible. I can't forgive myself for this. What do I do?"

  “Ok well think about what you need to do. Think about what new information you have gained and what else you need to learn from it. That way you can focus your brain into an action plan to work towards bringing an end to this and finding Perry. So what do we need to do first?"

  "Call crime scene techs get them over to my house to check the back for evidence. Then they are going to need to search for Angie's handbag sees if they can find the pen that was given to her. Then we need to learn as much about Charlene and any people she is connected to. That way we can learn how our paths crossed and how I upset her."


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