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Cowboy on My Mind

Page 20

by R. C. Ryan

  “You know what I think?”

  She glanced over.

  “I think they’re good people who love their only child, and they’re probably as eager as you are to make things right between you.”

  “You’re such a forgiving man, Ben.”

  “I learned from the master. My father, Mackenzie Monroe, is the kindest man I know.” He set aside the rest of the muffin and gathered her close. Against her temple he murmured, “I kept my word. I fed you, a lot more than one bite. Now I want to feed something else.”

  “Not fair. I bet you take a whole lot more than one…”

  Her words were swallowed by his kiss. And then everything she’d been about to say was forgotten as he took her on the most delicious ride to paradise.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  What are you doing?” Rebecca awoke to find Ben leaning up on one elbow, watching her.

  “Thinking of words while I watched you sleep.”

  “Words?” She ran her hands across his shoulders, loving the feel of all those corded muscles. His body, honed by years of ranch chores, was perfectly sculpted. He could be a poster boy for the State of Montana. Cowboy. Rebel. Hell-raiser. Her father’s favorite description slipped unbidden into her mind. It suited Ben, until her father made it sound like something evil.

  “Words like beautiful. Sweet. Surprising. Soul mate. You’re all those things I never thought could be mine. For the past half hour I’ve been looking at the most beautiful woman in the world, and wondering how I managed to sweet-talk myself into her bed.”

  “Is that what you did?” She gave a soft laugh. “And I thought I was the one who’d dragged you here.”

  “I don’t care who did the sweet-talking and who did the dragging. All I know is, I’m where I never thought I could be, even though it’s been my heart’s desire.”

  “Heart’s desire.” She gave him a dreamy smile. “I love hearing you say that. And you’re mine, Ben. My lifelong secret heart’s desire.”

  He nodded toward the soft, dawn light just beginning to filter through her bedroom window. “It’ll be morning soon. Want to start the day with breakfast, or something else?”

  “That depends. What ‘something else’ are you suggesting?”

  “Pretty much the same things we’ve been doing all night. I don’t know about you, but I just can’t get enough.”

  She made a purring sound in the back of her throat. “I like the way you think. Why don’t we hold off breakfast for a while, and think about…something else?”

  “A woman after my own heart.” He rolled her over, until she was lying on top of him. At her look of surprise he said with a grin, “You have five whole minutes to do with me what you please.”

  “Five whole minutes? How generous, Deputy.”

  His smile grew. “I figure that’s just about the limit of my self-control. After that, I just might have to let loose and join in the activity.”

  She ran nibbling kisses down his throat, then lower, across his hair-roughened chest before making little murmuring sounds of approval as she continued a downward trail of kisses.

  His hands fisted in the sheets and he struggled to remain as still as a statue. Finally his arms came around her and he dragged her up the length of his body until her mouth was on his.

  “You promised five minutes…”

  “Sorry. I lied.” His voice was a growl of pleasure as they came together in a storm of passion that caught them both by surprise.

  “What’s this?” Rebecca opened her eyes as the wonderful aroma of freshly ground coffee filled the bedroom.

  “I made breakfast.”

  “And here I am, sleeping like a lazy slug.”

  “A beautiful, beguiling slug, I might add.” He leaned down to kiss the tip of her nose.

  She sat up and reached for his shirt. He paused, a steaming cup of coffee in his hand, watching her through narrowed eyes.

  Seeing the intensity in his gaze, she looked up. “What’s wrong?”

  He gave a slight shake of his head. “Nothing’s wrong. Everything is so right. Even the way you look in my shirt.” He grinned. “I like it better on you than on me.”

  She ran a hand up his arm. “Me too. I like you shirtless.”

  He affected a drawl. “I could say the same for you, little lady.”

  He held out the cup. “High-octane coffee and toast with scrambled eggs and bacon.”

  “All this food.” She took a bite before setting aside the plate. “I never eat breakfast.”

  “This isn’t just breakfast. This is fuel for our next round.”

  She arched a brow.

  He gave her a devilish grin. “Did I happen to mention that I don’t have to work?”

  “How did you manage that?”

  “The sheriff has my shift covered by the state police. So I can be as lazy as I please. And I’m hoping you’ll agree to be lazy with me. Think of all the things two lazy slugs could do in an entire day.”

  She gave a dreamy smile before shaking her head. “I wish I could. But I have to show up for work. There’s nobody to cover my shift.”

  “Could you be late?”

  She sighed, considering.

  Ben leaned in, nibbling a trail of kisses across her shoulder to her neck.

  She shivered. “You know what that does to me.”

  “Yes, I do. You think you might consider being a little late today?”

  “Oh, Ben.” She set aside her coffee and wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him in. “How could I possibly resist such an invitation?”

  They were both laughing as they rolled around the bed. And then their laughter turned to soft sighs and whispered words as they lost themselves once more in passion.

  “I really need to get to work, Ben.” Rebecca stretched before sitting up beside him. “I wish we could just lock the doors and keep the world away while we play, but I have a business to attend to.”

  “No need to apologize. From what I’ve seen, your business is really taking off.”

  His words warmed her heart as nothing else could have. “Oh, Ben. It means so much to me to hear you say that. Maybe because it’s all mine. Or maybe because even my own parents don’t believe it will amount to anything. They’re simply humoring me.”

  “But so far, they’re going along with your plans. And that’s a start.”

  “I don’t want them to just go along. I want them to cheer me on.”

  “Give them a chance, Becca.”

  She leaned over to press a kiss to his mouth. “You’re a good man, Ben Monroe.”

  “I only care if I’m good enough for you.”

  She took his face between her hands and stared down into his eyes before leaning close to kiss him again. “You’re the only one for me.”

  He gathered her close and took the kiss deeper.

  On a sigh she pushed free of his arms and sat up, her breathing shallow, her skin flushed. “One of us needs to be sensible. I’m getting out of this bed and going to work. Now.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He lay grinning as she hurried into the shower.

  Minutes later she felt strong arms slide around her and turned to find him standing under the spray.

  “Ben. What are you doing?”

  “Helping you get ready for work.”

  “Helping? Or hindering?”

  “Your choice, ma’am. What’s your pleasure?”

  With a laugh she poured herself into a kiss, and as the warm water played over them, they gave themselves up to yet another pleasure.

  “What are you doing, Ben?”

  He was standing at the front door, hat in hand. “I’m driving you to work.”

  “When will I see you again?”

  He touched a finger to the little frown line between her brows. “I was thinking I’d pick you up after work and we’d head to the Hitching Post for supper.”

  Her smile was radiant. “I’d love it. And then we can come back here for…dessert.”

  Her he
sitation wasn’t lost on him. He gave a warm chuckle. “Whatever you say, ma’am. We can have…dessert here. Or anything your little heart desires.”

  “Oh, Ben.” She raced up to him and threw her arms around his neck, hugging him fiercely. “I hope you don’t mind. I’m not used to any of this yet, and seeing you at the door, I was afraid you’d had enough of me and wanted to escape.”

  He lifted her off her feet, so her eyes were level with his. “Get this straight, Becca. I’m not interested in hot, mindless sex.” A look came into his eyes, and he couldn’t stop the laughter that broke free. “Wait. Let me start over. I love hot, mindless sex. But only with you. And I’m not going anywhere, unless it’s with you. I’m here for the long haul. Got it?”

  She felt absolutely weightless, held so easily in his arms. But it was his words that touched her heart so deeply, he made her feel light as air.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him full on the mouth. “Okay. I get it.”

  “Good.” He returned her kiss. “And if you don’t stop doing what you’re doing right this minute, you’re going to be late for work.”

  “Oh.” She pushed a little away and he set her on her feet before pulling open the front door.

  As she started down the front walk, he caught her hand.

  “The neighbors will see us.”

  “Good.” He winked, melting her heart. “Let’s give them something to talk about.” He paused at the passenger side of his truck and bent to kiss her before holding open the door.

  He circled around to the driver’s side and climbed in. Then, for good measure, he leaned across the seat and kissed her again. Finally he sat back and turned the key in the ignition. “I guess that’ll have to hold me until tonight.”

  She touched a finger to her lips. “You pack quite a kiss, cowboy.”

  “Just trying to take care of business, ma’am.”

  They shared a smile as the truck rolled down the street.

  When they stopped in front of the hardware store, Rebecca caught sight of her father just walking in the door. Hearing the truck, he paused and turned.

  “I guess another kiss is out of the question.” Ben shot her a grin.

  “I think it might be too much of a shock for my poor father. I’m sure, seeing you this early in the morning, his mind is already going into overdrive.”

  “You know I’ll want to talk to him.”

  She put a hand on Ben’s sleeve. “Not yet, Ben. Please.”

  “Just so you know. I have no intention of doing anything behind his back.”

  She sighed. “I know. I wouldn’t expect anything less of you. But give me a day or two to get him used to the idea of the two of us.”

  He nodded.

  “I’ll see you tonight.” She opened the door and hurried to catch up with her father, who stood frowning.

  As Ben drove away, he could see father and daughter in his rearview mirror, facing one another. Though he couldn’t hear their words, their body language told him more than enough.

  It was just one more hurdle, he told himself.

  He’d spent a lifetime climbing mountains. What was one more, when the prize awaiting him was worth more than gold?

  Spotting one of his ranch trucks approaching, he came to a halt and watched as the vehicle pulled up beside the hardware store. Otis and Roscoe stepped out, causing Rebecca and her father to hurry toward them.

  Puzzled, Ben backed up and stepped from his truck.

  The two old men circled to the rear of their vehicle and began muscling out an ornate piece of wrought iron.

  “Need some help?” Ben offered a hand, which the two men gratefully accepted.

  Under Roscoe’s direction, Ben hauled it toward a break in the fenced area.

  “Right here will be perfect.” Roscoe stood back, pointing as Ben set the heavy arch in place.

  When he stepped back, Rebecca studied the arch before clapping a hand to her mouth in surprise.

  “I figured, since Otis was supplying you with his specialty, I’d offer something of my own. I hope you like it, Miss Becca.”

  Rebecca stared up at the beautifully sculpted wrought-iron leaves and flowers adorning a heavy gate, and a sign at the very top of the arch that read, in ornate letters, BECCA’S GARDEN.

  Tears flooded her eyes and she couldn’t stop them spilling down her cheeks as she turned to the old man and hugged him fiercely. “Oh, Roscoe, I love it. I had no idea you had such a talent.”

  He blushed clear to his toes at her display of affection. “Well, I haven’t tried anything this fancy before, but you’re such a special lady, I purely wanted to make something special for you.”

  “You did.” She stepped back, wiping at her eyes as her father and several of his employees walked over to admire his work. “Roscoe, this is absolutely perfect. And I don’t have to wonder what I’ll call my business. You’ve given it the perfect name. Becca’s Garden.” She squeezed his hand before turning to Ben, who stood quietly beside her. “Did you know about Roscoe’s talent?”

  Ben was grinning from ear to ear. “I’ve seen him work wonders with the machinery around our ranch, but this is something way different.” He reached out a handshake with the old man. “You do good work.”

  “Thanks, son.” Roscoe stood a little taller as the others congratulated him on the quality of his gate.

  A short time later he and Otis said their good-byes and drove away, leaving Rebecca shaking her head in wonder.

  Who would have believed that unassuming old cowboy hid such an amazing talent?

  Becca’s Garden.

  As she waved good-bye to Ben, she felt as if she were floating, her feet barely touching the ground.

  She couldn’t imagine a day this wonderful getting any better.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Rebecca stood in the little fenced area beside her father’s hardware store and began tallying the sales for the day. When a representative from the mayor’s office had arrived with a check for the last hundred pumpkins needed for the Autumn Festival, she’d far exceeded her anticipated total.

  Her heart did a funny little dip as Ben’s truck pulled up and came to a halt outside the fence. He stepped from his vehicle and hurried over.

  “How was your day?”

  “Even better than expected. And yours?”

  A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “How could my day be anything but sweet after the night we shared?”

  “Did your family wonder where you were last night?”

  He shot her a quick grin. “If they did, they’re too polite to ask. In case you haven’t noticed, I haven’t had to report in for years. I’m a grown man, Becca.”

  She touched a hand to his arm, feeling the corded muscles beneath the plaid shirt. “Oh, I’ve noticed.”

  They shared a laugh.

  “Ready to head over to the Hitching Post, or would you rather eat at Dolly’s Diner?”

  Rebecca’s eyes danced. “Dolly makes the best meat loaf.”

  “Dolly’s it is.”

  She nodded. “Just let me close out my register.”

  After running the tape and emptying the till, she put everything into a heavy bank bag and zipped it shut before turning. “I’ll just be a minute. I want to put this in the safe.”

  Minutes later she danced out the door and hurried over to Ben’s truck.

  He helped her into the passenger side before climbing into the driver’s side.

  He drove through the streets of Haller Creek until they came to the little diner, where half the town managed to eat at least once a week.

  After finding a parking space around the corner, Ben caught Rebecca’s hand as she stepped from his truck. Keeping her hand tucked in his, he led her inside, where they were greeted by a chorus of voices mingled with trills of laughter from the tables of ranchers and their families. Above it all was the sweet, tearful voice of Patsy Cline singing about being crazy for someone.

  The words went straigh
t to Ben’s heart. The old familiar song had a brand-new meaning for him now.

  “Hey, Ben. Rebecca.” Dolly, in a spotless white dress and apron, with a pretty brooch at the high neckline, hurried over to greet them. “I’ve got a booth in the corner.”

  “Great.” They trailed the owner and were forced to stop at nearly every table to speak to someone they knew.

  “Hey, Ben. Got yourself a pretty lady tonight.”

  “You got that right, Van.” Ben winked at the owner of the cleaners before moving on.

  “Evening, Rebecca. How’d you lasso our new deputy?”

  Rebecca shared a laugh with the circle of church ladies. “I guess I caught him in a weak moment.”

  “He’s a keeper,” one of the women called as they continued trailing Dolly.

  When they were finally seated at their booth, Dolly handed them menus. “The special tonight is meat loaf.”

  Ben looked at Rebecca before saying, “Two.”

  “You get a choice of coleslaw or broccoli with your mashed potatoes.”

  At Rebecca’s grin, Ben said, “One of each.”

  Dolly nodded. “I know you’re having coffee, Ben. Rebecca, you having your usual tea?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Lemon and honey?”


  “You got it.”

  As Dolly walked away, Ben was chuckling. “Why does she bother with menus? She knows what everybody in this town likes.”

  “And that’s why she’s so successful. She anticipates what we want before we know we want it.”

  He reached over to take her hand in his. “I’ve known what I wanted for a long time now. I’m just happy that the object of my affection finally figured it out.”

  Her cheeks turned a becoming shade of pink.


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