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Ruby...Red Slippers & All (The Gems & Gents Series Book 5)

Page 10

by Iris Bolling

  "Phire, calm down." She looked at her phone. It was 2:47am. She put the phone back to her ear. "Who's in the hospital?" The line went dead.

  Devin was dressed in sweats and held a pair out to her. "Get dressed babe."

  She held the phone in her hand dazed as Devin pulled the sheet off her. "Put your feet in."

  "Let me call my Mom."

  "No," he shook his head. "She's at the hospital," he said as he pulled the shirt over her head.

  Ruby shoved her arms through the sleeves. "Why is my Mom at the hospital? Why is Phire crying?"

  Devin grabbed her hand. "My Dad," a now panicked Ruby asked as she grabbed her phone understanding the urgency now.

  "Something happened at the warehouse," Devin said as they ran down the stairs. He shoved his feet into a pair of boots, grabbed hers then pulled her into the elevator. She held on to his shoulders as he put her boats on. He stood.

  Ruby saw the frightened look in his eyes. She wasn't sure why. "What happened to my father Devin?"

  He took in a deep breath. “He was shot during a robbery attempt at the warehouse."

  Ruby simply stared at him. She began shaking her head. "No." She shook her head again. "No." The question clear in her eyes.

  "I don't know, Ruby." Devin's heart was breaking for her. "I don't know." He pulled her into his arms and held her.

  They rushed through the doors of the emergency room stopping at the intake desk. "Joe Lassiter."

  "Trauma two, followed the yellow line.”

  Devin grabbed Ruby's hand. Looking at the floor he turned the corner following the yellow line.

  "Ruby," Phire jumped into her arms crying.

  Ruby consoled her little sister. "Phire, it's going to be okay. I'm going to talk to Mommy."

  Phire shook he head. "She's not talking Ruby and no one will tell me anything."

  Ruby kissed her forehead and hugged her. "I'll find out what we need to know." She gave Phire to Devin, then walked over to her mother.

  The woman who always seemed like a little giant was sitting in a chair against the wall. Her eyes were staring straight into a room where a team of doctors and nurses could be seen through a window.

  "Daddy," Ruby sighed quietly as she took her mother's hand. She closed her eyes and prayed. First for her father, then for her mother. Then she asked God to give her the strength to help her family get through this.

  She opened her eyes to find her mother staring at her. "Mom, what happened?" that's when tears began to stream down her mother's face. No words came out as her mouth moved. "I'll find out Mom. Don't worry. Daddy is going to be fine. I'll make it right." Her mother squeezed her hand, but still did not speak.

  "Phire," she called out.

  "Yes," the young woman sounded scared. "I need you to sit here, hold Mommy's hand and talk to her. Just keep talking okay."

  "Okay, Ruby. I can do that."

  Ruby smiled. "I know you can."

  Devin stood back and watched Ruby literally transform. She walked to the nurse’s station. "Excuse me. That is my father, Joseph Fitzgerald Lassiter. Would you give me an update on his condition?"

  Mathew and Timothy walked around the corner. They spotted Devin and turned towards him. From the look on their faces he knew all hell was about to break out.

  "Where is he?" Mathew was yelling. "Where is he?"

  Ruby turned as the nursing staff looked at the men who had just arrived. "Excuse me," she said then stepped over to her brothers.

  "Matthew, your father was shot. Your mother is close to being in shock. I need you to be strong for them. Do you hear me Matt?"

  The angry face seemed to have melted away as he reached out and grabbed his sister.

  "I know, Matt, I know." Ruby hugged him. "Will you call Jade for me?"

  "Of course," Matt stood straight, wiped his face dry then pulled out his cell.

  Ruby turned to Timothy. She reached out and touched his cheek with the palm of her hand. "Will you call Opal?"

  Timothy hugged her. "You got it."

  Devin started to say something, but she held up her hand. "I can't fall into your arms right now. My family needs me. Will you try to find out what happened?"

  "I will," Devin squeezed her hand giving her a moment of comfort. She slowly pulled away then walked back over to the nurse's station.

  "Will you please contact your administrator?"

  "It's three o'clock in the morning ma'am. He's not here."

  Ruby took a deep breath. "Who is your supervising nurse?"

  "Mrs. Atchison."

  "Will you get her please?"

  "She will tell you the same..."

  "Get her now," Ruby's voice rose a notch or two. "I'm sorry. This hospital is about to be invaded by the likes of people you cannot imagine. I'm struggling right now. Because that man is not only my father, he is the father of a CIA agent, and the Press Secretary for the President of the United States. As I said, you are about to be in hell for the next few hours or more. Will you please call your administrator?"

  "Nurse Atchison, report to trauma two, Nurse Atchison report to trauma two." Was heard over the loud speakers.

  Ruby smiled. "Thank you." She stepped away then dialed the number she knew would get everything in motion. She took a deep breath. "Pearl, Daddy's been shot. He is at Regional Medical."

  "What's his condition?"

  She had to form her lips to say it. "Grave."

  The silence on the other end of the phone spoke volumes. She hung up just as Diamond turned the corner with her husband Zackary.


  All Ruby could do was put her hands to her mouth to keep from crying out.

  Diamond took off her coat, then removed Ruby's. "You take the guys. I'll take the girls."

  Ruby nodded.

  "Excuse me."

  Ruby turned.

  "I'm Nurse Atchison. The White House has contacted our administrator with instructions for your family. Your sister and brother are being flown in. They should arrive in about forty-five minutes. Do you have the authority to make decisions for your father?"

  "My mother does." Ruby replied.

  "Okay," Nurse Atchison held her hand. "Here's what I know. They have stopped the bleeding. The bullet entered the left side of his head then exited near his temple. They began performing surgery immediately upon his arrival."

  "What are his chances?"

  Ruby looked over her shoulder to see all of her siblings who were present standing behind her, except Phire who was still clinging to her mother's hand.

  "That, I don't know. As soon as I know, the information will be relayed to you. For now he is still alive."

  "Thank you," Ruby exhaled then turned to them. They all looked to her expectantly. "Daddy is holding his own for right now and we need to do the same thing." She nodded. "Sally loves him too. She needs us right now. Daddy is in the surgeons’ and God's hands."

  "What in the hell happened?" Luke walked up behind them.

  "Devin is trying to get details," Ruby guided them to the side of the room away from Sally. "As soon as he knows he will let us know."

  Jade ran around the corner. She stopped when she saw everyone gathered. Tears swam down her face as if a water fountain had erupted.

  Ruby gathered her in her arms. "He's in surgery. We don't know much more than that right now." She stepped back giving her a slight smile then looked around at everyone in the area. "Where there are two or three gathered in my name."

  "I am there among them," Matthew added.

  The family gathered around holding each other's hands. Devin, took Ruby's hand, she held Sally's who held Phire's, Zack took Diamond's, Grant took Opal's, Timothy took the other, Jade, Mathew and Luke completed the circle. They began with the Lord's Prayer.


  They all knew the moment the choppers landed. Secret Service agents filled the room first. Walking briskly through, securing every corner of the building. The agent in charge was pointing out areas t
o place agents. Pearl appeared first with her husband Theo who was once on staff at the hospital. He walked right over to the nurse’s station.

  "Who's doing the surgery?" Nurse Atchison pulled him aside as they went over the chart.

  Next came Samuel and his wife Cynthia. "The Chief of Police is supposed to meet us here. Has he reported in?"

  Ruby nodded. "He's talking with Devin." Samuel stormed away.

  Cynthia looked at Ruby. She kissed her cheek then went to sit with Sally. Diamond held on to Ruby's hand.

  "Joshua and Adam are here," Jade closed her eyes.

  Ruby looked around. "How do you know?"

  "I can feel Adam's anger."

  They saw Amber before Adam. She went right to the nurse’s station and took them through the same questions that Theo had.

  "I hope Adam marries her," Jade squeezed Ruby's hand. "She keeps him grounded."

  A doctor came out with Joshua walking behind him. The man did not stop where the crowd now stood. He went straight to Sally. He glanced at Joshua who gave a curt nod. "Mrs. Lassiter I'm Dr. Patel. Your husband is out of surgery. There is some damage. The extent cannot be determined at this time. For now he remains in critical condition."

  For the first time in hours Sally stood. "Thank you, Dr. Patel." The doctor was hesitant to move. Sally tilted her head at her son. "Joshua."

  He raised an eyebrow at her. "He's free to go."

  Dr. Patel did not hesitate, he quickly moved from the middle of the family.

  Sally looked around at all of her children and their spouses. "Where are my grand babies?'

  Everyone started talking at once explaining where the babies were.

  Ruby eased away from the group to stand back and breathe. The sun was coming up behind her as Devin walked over to her. He pulled her into his arms, put her head on his shoulder and allowed her to finally release her own tears.

  Devin watched as all the family turned to them. Sally walked over first. Devin opened his arms to welcome her in. Soon the entire family was in one big hug. That is until a hand reached inside, pulling him out.

  Samuel, Joshua, Adam and Luke stood there staring at him. "You know someone named Jeremy Claiborne?" Samuel asked.

  "Names sounds familiar," Devin thought for a moment.

  "Jeremy Claiborne?" Ruby walked over. "He applied for a position at Aaron's House."

  "That's right he did. He was the other applicant for your position."

  "What does he have to do with this?" Ruby asked.

  "That's who the police have in custody." Luke stated.

  "Lance said your father jumped in front of him," Devin added. "So he didn't see who took the shot."

  "Who is Lance?" Samuel asked.

  "He works with Dad," Adam stated as he worked on his laptop.

  "Did you locate them?" Joshua asked.

  "Got them," Adam replied as the two began walking away.

  "Roc is going to be upset if you get hurt, Joshua," Ruby called out.

  "Let them do what needs to be done," Samuel said to Ruby. "How do you know this person?”

  Ruby shrugged her shoulders. "He applied for the Assistant Director's job." She turned to Devin. "Tania brought me the application. She said it came from you."

  Devin shook his head. "He applied for your position. When I hired you Tania requested he be considered for your assistant position."

  "Did she have something to do with this?" Ruby asked.

  Adam came back through the door. "Devin, did you know that Claiborne is the half-brother to one of your employees? A Tania Reid." He nodded. "According to these records Claiborne has had a pretty good side line going on kickbacks on supplies ordered for different facilities."

  "I'm going to kick her ass," Ruby walked briskly past Adam.

  "Ruby," Devin called out.

  Samuel stopped him. "No, you should wait."

  Seconds later, Diamond, Opal, Jade, Phire and Pearl were following her down the hallway.

  Theo ran, grabbed Pearl and turned her around. "Oh no, you don't."

  Ruby had no idea who was in the car with her. All she knew was she was going to whip Tania’s ass. She pushed the speakerphone in Devin’s car.

  "Cameron," Ruby called out. "I need Tania's address, now."

  Cameron who was clearly still asleep mumbled something unintelligible into the phone.

  "Cameron wake up," Ruby yelled.

  "Ruby," the woman sounded awake now.

  "Yes, I need to know where Tania lives."

  "You sound upset. Is everything okay? Why are you calling from Devin's car?"

  "Too long of a story and no, Cameron it is not okay. I should have kicked her behind the first day I met her."

  "Sending her address to your cell phone right now. Do you need me to meet you?"

  "No, I have all my sisters with me."

  Cameron laughed. "Can I just come and watch."

  Ruby hung up the phone. "I'm going to jail today."

  "We're going with you," Phire huffed.

  Ruby’s cell phone buzzed twice indicating there were two text messages.

  Phire checked her phone. "We got the address, twice." We should use the one Adam sent."

  "Why?" Jade asked.

  "It has the code to her alarm system."

  "Good," Opal added. "Save me the time from having to figure it out."

  None of the ladies thought twice as they knocked on the door of Tania Reid. "Open the door or I will kick it in." Ruby yelled.

  Tania opened the door with a multicolor scarf around her head and a robe she was pulling together as Ruby punched her dead in the face propelling her backwards.

  "What the ..."

  Before Tania could say another word, Ruby was on top of her punching her again.

  "Who in the hell are you people?"

  Ruby looked up to the staircase. "Mr. Dance?"

  Cecil Dance was standing there with pants unzipped and no shirt on. "Ms. Lassiter, what are you doing here?"

  Opal and Jade pulled Ruby up by the arms.

  "Kicking Tania’s ass." Ruby scowled down at Tania who was making every effort to get up and out of arms reach. "Her half-brother had my father shot last night trying to rob the warehouse. How did he get in Tania?"

  "I don't know," she wiped blood from her nose. "And I don't know anything about your father being shot."

  "Joe," Cecil came down the stairs. "Is he...?"

  "Barely alive," Ruby cried. "If my father dies..." she wiped tears from her eyes. "I'm going to come back and send you to hell."

  "We have a report of a disturbance," an officer said from the doorway.

  Phire smiled at the young officer. "There is no disturbance. My sisters and I were just being a little rowdy," she giggled. "We'll keep it down." The women all stood in front of Tania. Ruby had a death grip on her neck as the officer looked around.

  "Sir?" The officer questioned Cecil.

  "They will be fine." Cecil walked to the door, half way closing it. "They play rough all the time."

  "The vehicle is parked a little haphazardly,” the officer stated still not certain all was well. “You could get a ticket for that."

  "I'll take care of that," Phire stepped outside with the officer. “The keys are in the car.”

  Ruby turned to Tania and pulled her up from the floor.

  "I didn't know about your father."

  Cecil turned to Ruby. "Her brother has been blackmailing her to do things she really didn't want to do. I will take her to the station to make a statement to the police." He helped Tania up. “And she will tell the truth, all of it. Right Tania?”

  “All of what truth?” Ruby asked.

  Hesitantly, Tania spoke. “Jeremy knew how I paid my way through college. He was threatening to tell everyone about it.”

  “So?” Opal looked at the woman questioningly.

  “Oh, I get it,” Jade smirked. “You made your living the old fashioned way.”

  Ruby looked from Jade to Tania, then it dawned
on her. “You’re a hooker?”

  “Was,” Tania huffed.

  For the first time in days, Ruby’s laugh came from her rib cage. “For all your talk about degrees and fitting into Devin’s world, you earned your living spreading your legs.” Ruby shook her head. “I’ll be damned.” She turned and walked out of the apartment followed by her sisters.

  By the time the girls made it back to the hospital, Joe had been placed in a private intensive care room with around the clock nursing staff. Amber and Theo assured them that everything that could be done for Joe was being done. But there was no way to predict what the outcome would be.

  Visits were limited to two at a time and only fifteen minutes for each. As word spread about Joe, the number of family and friends increased

  It was almost midday, when Joshua and Adam returned. When they did, Samuel walked off with them to a corner in the waiting room.

  Devin placed Ruby's now sleeping head on Diamonds arm then joined them. One by one, Zack, Grant and Theo did the same.

  “Did Claiborne confess to the police about shooting Joe?”

  “He told us everything we needed to know before they took him to the hospital,” Adam replied.

  “Hospital?” Devin raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t realize he was injured.”

  “He wasn’t,” Joshua replied. “He is now.”

  “It will take as long for him to recover as it will take my father,” Adam added.

  Devin smirked. “And the other one?”

  Adam did not answer.

  Ruby glanced at the men talking and knew whoever hurt her father was now dead or in a hell of a lot of pain. She sighed, then looked at Opal. "Grant is fine."

  "Yes he is," Phire mumbled in her sleep.

  Opal smiled. "We're just friends."

  "With benefits," Phire yawned as she turned over "I'm just saying."


  A week had passed and with each day there was improvement in Joe's condition, but he had not opened his eyes or given any sign of consciousness. Sally spent every day and night at his side. So did each of his children. They took turns at being in the room with Joe and Sally. The boys would come in and play cards with Sally, or fill her in on the craziness of their lives. Mathew was taking it the hardest. He would come but not be able to stay long. Seeing his father lying still was killing him inside. Luke would come and move Joe's arms and legs around to keep him flexible, he said. Adam and Timothy would have conversations with Joe as if he was advising them. Joshua would pray with Sally to keep her spirits uplifted. But it was Samuel who kept Sally smiling. Phire would lay beside her father and talk the whole time she was in the room. Jade would read one of her stories to him. Opal would calmly explain why Grant was just a friend. Diamond kept him abreast of the baby news and Pearl just complained about the world in general.


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