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First Kiss (Emma's Arabian Nights, #1)

Page 2

by Mayburn, Ann

  No. Bad Dominatrix. Focus.

  Ryan was probably in his late twenties or early thirties, perhaps even around her age, and he had the confidence of an experienced man. Once again, he looked up and his gaze immediately sought hers. When he continued to stare at her, she raised a brow while mentally smacking herself to get her head into the game. First impressions with a submissive, particularly male submissives, were important. Men were like baby ducks in that they tended to immediately imprint on a woman, so their initial interaction needed to be a good one, especially if he was the kind of sub who needed a firm hand.

  She drew in a breath. “I understand you wanted to talk to me?”

  “Yes.” His gaze moved to her mouth and she had to resist the urge to lick her lips.


  “Uh.” He looked down and back up. “You should give me a chance.”

  “A chance at what?”

  “You know, to…ummm….that is….damnit.”

  Holding back a laugh at watching this big, manly man get all flustered was difficult.

  A slight flush colored his tanned cheeks and he looked down at his desk again. “Shit. I had this whole speech prepared about why you should give me a chance, but one look at you and I’ve lost the ability to read.”

  “You had a speech ready?”

  “Well yeah. I mean you’re amazing and I know my chances of getting you to come to my house are like slim to none, but…I don’t know. Fuck. This is not how I imagined this going.”

  “And how did you imagine it?” Her voice came out a little breathier than usual as she found herself oddly charmed by his obvious unease.

  His deep chuckle brought a flush to her cheeks and she was baffled at her crazy strong reaction to this man. “Well, I was hoping to woo you and sweep you off your feet. Instead, you’ve got me babbling like a high school kid after his first real kiss.”

  The intent look he gave her made her feel like she was missing something, but for the life of her, she couldn’t figure out what. She appreciated his honesty and decided to ease up on him a bit. “You were quite adamant about seeing me instead of some of our other Dommes. Why?”

  When he looked back up the complete honesty in his gaze stroked against her soul. “Because you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, inside and out.”

  Now, it was her turn to look away as embarrassment heated her blood. While she was self-aware enough to admit she was good looking, she knew she wasn’t Miss Universe material, unless it was a plus size pageant. The comment about her being beautiful inside as well rocked her more than she’d like to admit. She’d like to dismiss his statement as ego-stroking bullshit, but he looked so sincere.

  This was dangerous, he was dangerous, and she evidently lost her mind around him. “Beauty is only skin deep, Ryan. I could be a terrible Domme. You don’t know me well enough to ask me to come stay with you. In fact, you don’t know me at all.”

  “I understand.” He took a deep breath and let it out, his big chest distracting her as it flexed beneath his shirt. She wanted to tear the buttons off with her teeth. “But I’d like to get to know you, and for you to get to know me. I promise I can make it so good for you, Emma. So very, very good…if you win my submission.”

  The same competitive spirit that had Emma dominating the soccer field in high school and college came rushing back to her. She loved a challenge, thrived on it even. Anticipation filled her and she felt wide awake for the first time in a long while. He must have seen something in her expression because he gave her a dazzling smile, a dimple appearing in his left cheek. A man this good looking would have no problem walking into a local club and finding a Domme. They’d be fighting over him like hungry bitches over a piece of prime meat.

  Emma included.


  She couldn’t take him on as a client. Even though she barely knew him, she could tell he was a keeper and she couldn’t face the temptation of being around him after two years of not allowing herself to fall in love. She should end this now, before anyone got hurt.

  His voice deepened to the rumbling purr of an aroused male. “Will you at least agree to one session? Please, Mistress, give me a chance. Just one session, I’m begging you. The things I could do for you…”

  She was pretty sure she’d soaked through her yoga pants by now, as her body ached for him. Her sex contracted at the guttural tone in his voice and the idea of this man worshiping her was highly arousing. As a pro-Domme, she was used to catering to her clients and making the session all about them and their needs. It helped keep her emotions out of the equation and allowed her to slip into a role separate from her personal life. But, oh, it would be nice to have a submissive care as much about her needs as his…if not more. The temptation to see him, just once, battered at her formidable self-control.

  Without thinking, Emma said the first thing that came to her mind. “You don’t seem very submissive.”

  The devilish grin he gave her made her heart beat faster. “I don’t submit easily and I’ll never be anyone’s doormat. If you want my worship, you have to take it from me. I’m pretty sure you’ll have me trained well enough to anticipate your moods within a few sessions. I’m a quick study. In fact, I bet within a week I’ll have you at my home, spoiling you until that cute little frown line between your eyes goes away.”

  Arching her brows, Emma resisted the urge to touch the little space between them, sure he was right that her frown line was showing. Her dad called it a warning to men that she was stubborn as hell and to approach at their own risk, much like her mother and two sisters. Her poor dad had been outnumbered, and she was pretty impressed that he’d lived through having three teenage girls in the house.

  Her mind refocused on the present and she found him watching her with an intent expression. “I wish I knew what you were thinking. You’re very good at hiding your emotions.”

  Trying to rally her defenses, she gave him a stern look. “What can we do at your home that we can’t do here? It doesn’t matter where we are. I’m not having sex with you. I only have intercourse with a man that I love. While I will enjoy my time with you, I need you to be aware that this is a business relationship, not a romantic one.”

  The fine lines around his mouth tightened, but he nodded. “I understand, but if I’m to serve you in the way I need, you will have to allow me to pamper you. In order to worship you. I need to know that I’m making you happy. When I’m with a woman, I never want her to feel like there is anything she can’t ask me to do for her pleasure.”

  Every internal alarm she had was going off, warning her that this man was dangerous to her hard-won independence, but she didn’t want to stop talking with him. Worse, she kept imagining doing things with him that she never did with clients. This was hazardous. This was bad. But for once, her self-control seemed to have vanished.

  Desperate for a reason to reject him, she tilted her head and tried to give him a cool look. “Why can’t we do that here?”

  He placed his arms on the desk, the impressive bulge of his biceps and shoulders straining against the dark fabric of his shirt drawing her gaze. “I’ve never been to a pro-Domme before and I really don’t like the idea of being in a room where you’ve been with other men.” He shrugged. “I know you’re performing a service for me if you agree to this, but I have to feel connected to you in order to submit.”

  “And why is submitting to me so important to you?”

  Emotions flashed across his face so quickly she had no idea what to make of them. Then a hot, burning hunger seemed to fill him and her body responded almost instinctively, her swollen clit throbbing between her thighs. “I have my reasons. But I can assure you, submitting to you has been a lifelong goal of mine.”

  She gave him a small smile, trying to hide her unexpectedly strong attraction. “According to Mistress Moira the first time you saw me was two weeks ago.”

  “True, but I’ve been dreaming about pleasing you for a long time.” He gave her that r
oguish smile again.

  “You’ve been dreaming about me spanking you while you jerk yourself off?”

  She hadn’t meant to be so graphic, but she wanted to break this familiarity between them and establish her role as Mistress. It almost felt like she’d known him before, as if she was talking with an old friend. But she was sure that if she’d ever met a man like this, she would remember him.

  He was fucking gorgeous, and hers to play with.

  No, very bad Dominatrix!

  If he was anything, he was just a client. Not a delicious, mouthwatering fuck toy.

  His jaw clenched, and she wanted to bite the tight muscles of his neck. “I was thinking more along the lines of licking you to orgasm until you were truly satisfied. I want to be able to hold you against me and know I’ve served you well. That you are completely satisfied in every way possible.” He paused and met her gaze, a hint of challenge in those dark depths that made her want to grab him by the head and ride his face. “But that’s only if you can earn my submission.”

  “Baby boy, you’ll be the one doing the earning here.”

  For a moment a hint of vulnerability flashed through his expressive dark eyes and he nodded. “I’m all too aware of that. But I can’t prove my devotion to you if you won’t see me.”

  “You’re going to be a handful.”

  “So you agree to see me?”

  “I’ll agree to do a session with you - here. When would you like to meet?”

  “As soon as possible.”

  The deep, bass growl to his voice caught her off guard and she squeezed her thighs together to ease the ache. Yep, she would definitely have to use her vibrator a couple times before she took on this bull of a man. His posture was aggressive now, his gaze intent, as if he could somehow touch her through the screen with his look. She could practically feel him trying to impose his will, but this was one battle he wouldn’t win. If she could keep a room full of seventh graders in line with nothing more than a look when she’d been a substitute teacher, she could handle anyone and anything.

  Firming her voice, she forced herself to meet his gaze head on. “You will be here at seven o’clock. Once you enter, you will strip naked and hand the receptionist your clothes. She will give you something to wear and lead you to a room to wait for me. While you wait, I want you to masturbate, but don’t orgasm.”

  “Okay,” he said in that growling tone again.

  “Okay? Is that how you address me?”

  His nostrils flared, but he dropped his gaze. “My apologies. Yes, Mistress.”

  Oh, her body liked it when he said that. “I’ll see you at seven. You will trim back your pubic hair, but only shave your balls. Oh, and Ryan?”

  He gave her a slow, heavy blink that promised that if he was in the room with her right now his hand would be down her panties in a heartbeat if he had his way. “Yes?”

  “I’ll be watching you on our closed circuit camera system from the moment you enter the building. Don’t disappoint me.”

  He looked up at her again and she bit her lower lip. “I would never do that.”

  She couldn’t think of anything to say that wouldn’t make her sound like an idiot, so she nodded and closed the window, ending their conversation.

  With a low sigh she pushed Moira’s chair back and looked at her friend seated across from her. Moira grinned and kicked her feet up on the edge of the desk. “My, my, my. Never thought I’d see the Ice Princess get all hot and bothered from a conversation.”

  Glaring at Moira, Emma tossed her hair back from her face. “You’re delusional.”

  “And I bet your panties are soaked right now. Not that I can blame you. That man wants you, bad.”

  “Well he isn’t going to get me. This is strictly business.”

  “Mmmm hmmm.”

  “I don’t do relationships.”


  Gritting her teeth, Emma resisted the urge to smack the smug smile off of Moira’s face. “I’m a professional.”

  “The best there is. I can’t wait to watch you ride his cock.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you, my voyeuristic friend, but there will be no cock riding.”

  “Whatever you say, my exhibitionist friend. Just let me know when you do because I’d love to see you take on that beast. Just imagine being worshiped by all that power. The energy between the two of you will be incredible, I can just feel it. Damn, now I want to go find one of my boys and take a ride of my own.”


  “Takes one to know one.”

  Defeated, Emma slumped back into the chair and laughed. “I’m serious, Moira. What he wants from me…it’s too intimate.”

  “Honey, you need to live a little. I’m tired of you dating one bland vanilla boy after another. So your ex-boyfriend turned out to be a total douche bag. That doesn’t mean you have to fake your orgasms for the rest of your life.”

  “I’m not avoiding men because of that asshole.” Anger clenched her gut at the thought of her ex-boyfriend’s betrayal, but she shoved those memories away. “Okay, so maybe it has a bit to do with that asshole, but not entirely. I know it’s hard for you to understand because you only have open relationships, but the thought of having to come to work when I’m in love with someone makes me sick. I’m so monogamous it hurts and I couldn’t live with myself. No matter what, I would think of it as cheating.”

  “Darling, you are overthinking this. As picky as you are about men now - we won’t talk about the idiots you dated in college - this guy would have to be one in a million to make you break your vow of celibacy. ”

  What Moira said made sense and Emma scrambled to regain her footing. “I can’t date a client.”

  “Why not? I’ve dated several. Hell, you’re the only woman here who hasn’t dated a client. If you like this guy then let him give you the gift of his submission. God knows you deserve a good man in your life.”

  “That’s just it. If he is a good man he won’t want anything to do with me, and if he does I’ll just break his heart.”

  “Then what are you so worried about? Book him as a client. I know you have some space in your schedule since Gary moved to Colorado, and with Ryan as a client you could earn enough to get the fuck on with your life. This holding pattern you’ve been in isn’t good for you.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Moira, for your professional assessment of my life.”

  “Don’t be such a bitch. I know you and I know you want to see this man. Cut yourself a break, stop being such a control freak and just go with the flow for once.”

  “Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black?” Cracking her neck to try and relieve her tension, she let out a long breath. “We’re probably blowing this all out of proportion. I mean he could be the worst client ever with, like, a farting fetish or something.”

  “Dramatic much?” Moira asked with a grin. “He could also be the one you’ve been waiting for.”

  “I sure hope not.”

  “You’re such a freak.”

  That comment struck all too close to how Emma was feeling about herself at the moment. She abruptly stood and grabbed her purse from the coffee table. “I need to go home and get some shut-eye before work.”

  Moira flashed an apologetic look. “Please don’t be mad at me. I just worry that you’ll never let yourself fall in love again.”

  “Do not say the ‘L’ word around me.”

  “Fine.” Moira rolled her eyes. “I’ve yet to see you get all giggly and excited about a man since you started working here. You pick the most boring, lame…”

  “Safe,” Emma replied as she took her keys out of her purse. “I don’t have to worry about anything becoming too serious.”

  “I’m just saying maybe it’s time you started looking for a man that is everything you do want instead of men you know aren’t right for you.”

  Emma twirled her keys on her finger as she made her way to the door, trying to maintain a casual air. “No thanks. I like my life ho
w it is.”

  Not giving Moira a chance to respond, Emma walked through the office area of the dungeon and tried to ignore how terribly lonely she was.

  Chapter Two

  Ryan Darwish took a deep breath and let it out slowly, incorporating some of the meditation techniques he’d learned in order to slow his pulse and calm his thoughts. That would work for about ten seconds, then he would realize he was going to see his high school crush and he’d start freaking out all over again. Sweet, feisty, and unbelievably gorgeous Emma Simonov, who’d been the star of his teenage and adult fantasies for longer than most marriages, was waiting for him and he was torn between running in there and driving away. Emma…his beautiful Emma with her golden blonde hair and killer curves.

  Fuck, even her name was sexy.

  He hoped Kiss of Blue didn’t have their parking lot monitored because they’d have a prime view of him sitting in his car, working up his nerve to go inside. Then again, the windows of his black custom ’78 Camaro were tinted enough that someone would have to have a high quality camera or thermal imaging to see him. He doubted Kiss of Blue had either. Unlike most pro-Domme businesses, theirs was in a nice part of town with an independent spa in the front section. The city knew what went on at the dungeon and taxed them just like any other business, but the front of a spa allowed them to blend in with their vanilla neighbors. The street entrance led to the spa, but the enclosed and gated side entrance to the building where he was currently parked led to the dungeon.

  Part of him was irked that Emma didn’t recognize him; then again he’d made a drastic change since they’d gone to high school together. He’d almost gotten up the nerve to ask her out their senior year when her fuckwad boyfriend had come into the picture. Not that he would have had much of a chance with her back then. To say he was shy when he was a teenager was an understatement, and Emma had been one of the most popular girls in school. This was before he’d gotten into weightlifting and boxing, and he’d still been all knees and elbows. Those activities and a late growth spurt during his freshman year of college had made him put on a good four inches of height and thirty pounds of muscle. Add to that his shaved head, and he barely resembled his high school yearbook photo, unlike Emma who looked as pretty now as she did at sixteen.


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