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Brotherhood Protectors: Snow SEAL (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Guardian Elite Book 4)

Page 6

by KaLyn Cooper

  “What happened to tango two?” Isaac held Hannah’s gaze.

  “He’s playing peeping Tom at the house next door which we already know is vacant,” Atlanta informed them.

  “Should I take him out?” Hannah looked at Isaac as she asked the question, but she could have been asking Atlanta for sanction on the kill.

  “Let’s keep this extraction as clean as possible.”

  Isaac stilled at the sound of Alex Wolf’s voice. The owner of the company, he mouthed to Hannah who nodded in understanding.

  “SOCOM and Homeland are watching with us, but no one has assets close enough to help you tonight.”

  That explained why they had infrared satellite in real time. This was so much bigger than Isaac had ever imagined when he agreed to take this personal protection gig. With the two government agencies on board, he didn’t dare fuck up protocol. No matter what, though, he had to get Hannah to safety.

  He withdrew the six-inch, black matte blade from the sheath on his belt. Its rough handle was comfortable against his palm. It had killed before and would do so at least once more.

  “You stay here until I give you the all clear,” Isaac ordered Hannah.

  “Not fucking likely.” Hannah screwed the silencer on to her pistol. “You need backup.”

  “Listen to the lady,” Alex instructed. “Never underestimate a woman warrior.”

  “Yes, sir.” Isaac then added, “That sounds like the voice of experience.”

  Low male laughter rumbled through his earpiece. “You haven’t met the other owner of Guardian Security, Katlin Callahan, have you?”

  “No, sir. I haven’t had the privilege,” Isaac admitted.

  “When this is over, I’ll make that happen,” Alex promised.

  “Atlanta Center here. Suggest you move now. Tango one is twenty feet from your location. Tango two is returning to the backyard.”

  Isaac took one last look at Hannah. Her single nod was all the consent he needed. “Moving out.”

  In step, knees bent, Hannah’s hand on his shoulder, they slipped silently down the hedge in the deepest of shadows.

  Two yards in front of them, the bushes shook.

  “He’s decided to cut through to your side,” Atlanta announced.

  “Permission granted.” There was no hesitation in Alex’s voice.

  Isaac was waiting as the man dressed in nighttime camouflage stepped through the evergreen bushes. He grabbed his head, spun him around, and cut his throat.

  But not before the tango had a chance to grunt out a warning.

  Isaac shoved Hannah down, her back to the ground, as a bright light flashed across the yard a millisecond before a loud blast. Tango two had shot at them.

  Hannah pushed him off her and leaned up.

  Phew. Phew.

  They didn’t bother watching the second tango fall. They were already on their feet running toward the back of the yard and the street beyond.

  “All four tangos are out of the vehicles and in pursuit,” the Atlanta tech relayed. “Slide through the bushes on your right.”

  Isaac grabbed Hannah’s hand and pulled her through the prickly holly hedge without losing stride. Staying close to the large trees to minimize their footprints, they sprinted toward the back of a house then around the side.

  “Down there.” Hannah pointed to a white SUV, and the vehicle started.

  He heard the locks release. “Gotta love modern technology.” Isaac headed toward the driver’s door. “Give me the keys.”

  “I’ve got this.” Hannah shoved him toward the other side. “You just be prepared to shoot if they decide to follow us.” She flung open the front door and threw her bag on the center console then jogged to the back, clumsily shucking off her backpack. Skis that were as long as her body made handling the heavy backpack awkward. Isaac didn’t have near as much problem and shoved hers in on top of his before quietly closing the hatch. No need to advertise their location.

  “Where are those tangos?” Isaac asked in a hushed voice.

  “They’re spreading out. Closest one is 1,500 feet. He’s tracking you down the trees.” Thankful Guardian Security had his back, Isaac was even more grateful for Alex’s connections at the highest levels. At that moment, they had their own satellite.

  As he slid onto the other seat, Hannah was jamming the key into the ignition. “I’ve been told they train SEALs to steady a shot while standing on a boat in the middle of a rolling ocean. I hope you can apply those skills to a moving car.” She opened the roof.

  “Brings all new meaning to riding shotgun,” Isaac said as he dug his M4 out of his duffel before shoving the bag into the back seat.

  Hannah took off like a bat out of hell. “Where am I going?”

  “To the base of the slopes. Turn right at the next corner.” Isaac hoped someone he knew was working that night.

  “What’s your plan, Snowman?” Alex asked.

  “I’m going to try to hitch a ride on a snow cat to the top of the mountain,” Isaac explained. “They should be grooming the slopes by now. We’ll hide out until sunrise then we’ll backcountry ski to a cabin I know on the backside of Lone Mountain.”

  “Coordinates?” the Atlanta tech asked.

  “Unknown.” Although Isaac had been to Uncle Samuel’s cabin multiple times, he had never needed a compass or GPS. “I’ll ping the location when we arrive.”

  “I’m not seeing a cabin or a road anywhere on the backside of the mountain.” The operations center technician sounded slightly aggravated.

  Isaac chuckled. “And you won’t. There is no road and the cabin is hidden under pine trees that stand a hundred feet tall. Once we build the fire, you might be able to see the heat signature. By the way, where are the tangos?”

  “Wandering through backyards of very expensive homes, setting off motion sensors everywhere.” He could hear the amusement in Alex’s voice. “The local police have been notified of a group of burglars in the area and are already responding.”

  Hannah parked under a light in the nearly vacant parking lot. “Should I be worried about the SUV?”

  “No.” Isaac answered at the same time as several other men.

  “Homeland Security has a team heading your way from Billings,” Alex informed them. “They’ll handle returning your vehicle and hopefully take the men chasing you into federal custody.”

  “Will I be safe then?” Hannah asked as she grabbed her bag and Isaac helped her into her backpack, readjusting her skis so they rode more comfortably.

  “I’m afraid not, Blink.” Alex went on to reassure her, “But SOCOM has a few things in the works and hopefully you can return to your family soon.”

  “In the meantime, we’re headed to the safest place I know.” Isaac’s gaze swept the parking lot one last time before he closed the tall wooden fence gate at the employee entrance.

  “Have you ever hitchhiked before?” Isaac asked as he led her to the maintenance building.

  Chapter 8

  Hannah’s thighs burned, her calves ached, and she was positive she had used muscles that had never been stretched and pulled before. When Isaac had said the cabin was on the backside of Lone Mountain, he had neglected to say there was a mini-mountain in between.

  Fortunately, they had gained enough speed to make it part way up, but climbing at 7,000 feet above sea level with six-foot boards strapped to her feet was far from a walk on the beach. Then there was the added weight of her pack and her duffel which Isaac had cleverly strapped into one unit. It weighed is much as she did, but she had kept up with without a single complaint.

  Isaac had been right. The cabin was so remote she immediately felt safe.

  “We’ll leave our skis out here,” he said as he leaned his against the bare logs under the porch.

  “Talk about the convenience of skiing in and out, this place is perfect.” Hannah jammed the tip of her pole into her binding, releasing the boot.

  “It doesn’t get near as much snow here under the canopy,
” Isaac explained. “The pine trees act like an umbrella. They also protect this place from the wind.”

  “But aren’t those steps?” She pointed to where the railings left a six-foot opening and placed her skis next to his.

  Isaac’s smile warmed her all the way through. “Yeah. There’s about four feet of snow out there. That’s nothing compared to the seventy-five inches at the top of the mountain.”

  Isaac walked to the far end of the porch and ran his hands underneath one of the protruding log ends. It popped open to reveal a security pad and keys. He entered a code and metal scraped metal.

  “Steel rods secure the door,” he explained, returning the wood piece. “Uncle Samuel is a bit of a security nut.”

  “I’ll thank him for that as soon as I get to meet him.”

  Isaac gave her an incredulous look. “What makes you think you’re going to meet that old goat?”

  “Doesn’t he live here?” she asked as he pushed the door open.

  “No.” Isaac stepped aside to make room for her on the commercial grade rug. “He has a house just outside Bozeman. I would never call this a hunting cabin. It’s more like his autonomous zone.” He smiled. “My uncle doesn’t like people so he comes here to get away from the rest of the world. It’s also his base camp for hunting.”

  Hannah wasn’t sure what she had expected, but this wasn’t even close. Although it lacked feminine touches, it had every modern amenity. Two recliners, separated by an end table, could be swiveled to face the large screen television that took up most of one wall or turned toward the huge stone fireplace in the center of the open concept room. A six-person dining table sat on the far side. A long breakfast counter separated the kitchen, which gleamed with stainless steel appliances.

  She felt Isaac tug on her pack and allowed him to hold it while she slid out of the straps. She turned to help him, but his already sat on the floor.

  He kneeled and reached in, extracting his snow boots. “I need to get the generator started. Take the bedroom on the left. There should be clean sheets in the hall closet.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled sheepishly. “Does this place have running water? I…um…need—”

  “Give me two minutes to get the generator running. It provides power to the pump.” He grinned. “Or you’re welcome to pick a tree. They’re so big around here, I’d never see you hiding behind one.”

  “No worries, Snowman, it wouldn’t be the first time I peed outdoors.” A memory suddenly crossed her mind. “Remember the trees we hit at the base of Lone Mountain? The last time my brother and I went backcountry, the guide had us build camp about fifty yards into those woods. I can guarantee you, I marked the base of several trees in that area.”

  “First, no need for codenames anymore.” His white smile blended with the frozen, snow embedded in his beard. “As soon as we got here, I pinged the location and Atlanta dropped all communication. When the generator is up, I’ll turn on the external sensors and connect them to Guardian. Second, that’s a great place to camp. Third, we have a complete bathroom here and hot water. Or we will have hot water as—”

  She giggled and they completed the sentence together. “As soon as you get the generator going.”

  He was so easy to be around, fun. He truly seemed to enjoy teasing her.

  “Snowman because you look like one, right now.” With her index finger she touched his cold, bluish lips, tracing their outline. “Even your lips are nearly white.”

  He bent to her ear and just above a whisper, he asked, “Care to warm them up for me? There are no cameras or audio equipment inside this cabin.”

  “Good to know.” She leaned back and brushed her lips across his. “There’s more where that came from, but first, I’m freezing my ass off. You get that generator started, and I’ll build a fire.” She turned toward the wood stacked conveniently next to the large stone fireplace.

  He grabbed her arm and she spun on the heels of the stiff ski boots, stopping only when she smacked into his chest. “I know a lot of ways to warm up that pretty little ass of yours.”

  Then he crashed his mouth on hers. The heat of his tongue as he slipped it into her mouth was such a contrast with the ice of his beard pressing against her face. His kiss was hot and demanding as his arms wrapped around her body. His large hand dropped to her derrière as he gently ran his fingers over her cheeks, then cupped them pulling her into his erection.

  She wasn’t sure who pulled away first, or if they both needed air at the same time. She lifted her gloved hands to her face. “Before we do that again, you’re going to wash the ice out of that beard.”

  “I’ll shave the fucking thing off if that’s what it takes to be able to kiss you again.” He reached between her legs and cupped her heated mound. “I wouldn’t want to leave whisker burn in such a tender spot.” He ran the tips of his fingers right up the middle of her sex, setting each nerve on fire.

  Hannah wanted to melt right there in a pool of lust. She wasn’t sure what had changed Isaac’s mind about having sex with her, but she wasn’t going to complain. The more she was around him, the more she wanted him deep inside her body.

  Isaac stepped back. “I prefer to shave with hot water.” He pulled on his boots and left her standing there, wanting him more than she ever wanted any man in her life.

  She let out a long slow sigh, hoping it took some of the sexual tension with it. She had beds to make and a cabin to secure her way. Even though they seemed miles from danger, Aziz’s family had found her in Big Sky. They wanted her bad and would not stop until they had captured or killed her.

  She took her bags to the bedroom and was surprised at the king-size bed. The headboard and footboard looked handmade, hewn from local trees. She could see herself wrapped around Isaac, snuggling under the green quilt after they’d had hours of satisfying sex.

  Knowing death was not only possible, but probable, gave Hannah a completely different perspective on life. She was not about to waste one minute more of hers. She wanted Isaac. He wanted her. Without the voyeurs in Atlanta, she couldn’t see any reason to stop them.

  Just in case they had to leave on a moment’s notice again, Hannah decided not to unpack. For years in the Middle East, she’d lived out of bags like the ones that lay at the foot of the bed.

  Grabbing several weapons and a roll of duct tape, Hannah returned to the living area. She dispersed handguns and two mini-submachine guns. This time she would tell Isaac exactly where they were located in case he needed them as well. While affixing a pistol to the underside of the cabinet, Hannah heard a vehicle.

  Impossible. She had distinctly heard Isaac say there were no roads. At one of their resting stops this morning, he had explained that everything had been brought in by all-terrain vehicles using different routes each time so as not to create a permanent path.

  Gun in hand, Hannah stood in the middle of the room and was pleased to find she could see out in every single direction simply by turning around. She heard the purr of an engine.

  Footsteps on the porch drew her attention. She watched Isaac casually walk toward the front door. Only then did she realize the noise she’d heard was the generator.

  Well, damn. She was more on edge than she’d thought. The generators they had used in the desert coughed and spit, creating so much noise they had to shout if they were anywhere close to one.

  Hannah wanted to throw her arms around Isaac the moment he stepped inside, but instead she returned to hiding the pistol.

  “Perimeter is secure, all the motion sensors are working perfectly, the pump is primed, and the gas is on,” he reported as he took off his jacket and hung it on one of the pegs. He glanced at the fireplace then to her. “Maybe I need to put this back on until I get a fire going.”

  She suddenly felt like an idiot. She’d spent the time on security rather than building the fire. “That was next on my list.”

  “Excellent.” Isaac stripped off another layer of clothing and scrunched his nose. “In that case, if
you don’t mind, I want to take a shower.”

  “Is the water warm already?” She asked.

  “It’s an on-demand system,” he explained as he padded toward the bedrooms. “Rather than heat up a huge tank of water, the gas heats as you need it.”

  “So I can take a shower as long as I want without running out of hot water?” That sounded like heaven to Hannah.

  His reply came from down the hall. “Yep. As long as you want.”

  This could turn out to be better than she’d thought.

  Within minutes, Hannah had a beautiful fire started. Her stomach rumbled. After exploring the kitchen cabinets, she discovered hundreds of packages of freeze-dried food and shelves of canned vegetables. Chili had the most appeal and one of the shortest cooking times.

  “Something smells good,” Isaac noted as he walked out in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. “And it’s even warm all the way back down the hall. Nice fire.”

  Hannah’s gaze was immediately drawn to the white towel. As she forced her eyes upward, she couldn’t help but notice the defined V of his hips and the trail of dark hair that led to his belly button. Washboard abs took on a new definition as she counted not three sets but four.

  Breathe, her brain demanded. She sucked in a long slow breath as her eyes wandered farther up. He had strong shoulders and distinct pectoral muscles. Continuing her perusal, she noticed for the first time a very square jaw and wide chin.

  He had shaved.

  The lack of hair had changed everything about his face. The beard had softened the hard planes, but she liked this face.

  “Do you want to take a picture? It’ll last longer,” he teased.

  “No need.” She dropped her gaze over his body head to toe, one more time. “This image is burned into my memory and labeled male perfection.”

  “There’s more of it to see.” He reached for his towel and started to unwrap it. “But maybe I’ll wait for the big reveal until after you feed me. To be honest, I’m starved.”

  “In that case, why don’t you go put on some clothes while I dish up,” she suggested. She was pretty sure she wouldn’t eat anything if she had to look across the table at his naked chest. Although, the idea of smearing chili and licking it off that amazing body did hold some interest.


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