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Colonist's Wife

Page 4

by Kylie Scott

  Adam eased her leg down and stood, hands spanning her waist to hold her steady. His impatient dick tapped at his belly as if he needed the reminder.

  "I think I cracked my skull." Louise rested her pink face against his chest. Her fingers gingerly tested the back of her head. "Shit."

  He rubbed with careful fingers. "Are you all right?"

  "Yeah. Just give me a minute." Another groan and she nuzzled his chest, drew in a deep breath. Her hands were on him, still at first. But then they started wandering. Petting his sides and straying closer to his ever-hopeful cock.

  Closer and closer.

  He wished. His balls were aching.

  "Louise." He eased back, cupped her face and kissed her slow and hot and easy. Over and over and over again. Loving how he could. How she let him. "It's all right. We don't have to..."

  "I want to," she said, voice all kinds of low and sexy. And the hand wrapped around his cock, stroking. She was killing him but he'd die happy. "I do."

  Thank the gods. So did he.

  Adam fitted his hands beneath her rear and lifted. Her arms wound around his neck and her legs enclosed his waist. There was no more thought involved. The need to be inside her had him in a choke-hold. He wrapped his arm around her and he reached beneath her, fitting his cock to her pussy and lowering her onto him while he thrust up.

  Easy. Go easy.


  Hot and wet and perfect. Enclosing his dick in the snug space had him gasping for air and running call signs through his head to keep from coming. Hard to say which of them had been flying solo sex-wise for the longest. "Damn."

  She moaned something. He couldn't work out what. Never mind--she could tell him later.

  Slow and slower.

  He could do this. Make it good for her and not rut on her like an animal. But ah hell, the feel of her, inside and out. Complete sensory overload. It had been years since he'd had a woman this way, in his own home with no time restraints. Unpaid.

  She made a small noise and her mouth opened against his neck. The damp heat of her breath tantalized the sensitive skin below his ear. She made him shiver. No way did he want to hurt her but he was fighting a losing battle.

  Slow and steady strokes to get her used to him. He really did want her to be used to him. Right there and then, he wanted to be second nature to this woman. More than he wanted his next breath, even, and he needed his next breath to keep fucking her, so it was pretty damn important. Everything would be fine. He could do this.

  But then she wriggled on his cock and grasped at him with her inner muscles. Heaven have mercy, the feel of her undid him. Adam lost it with a growl. Fucking into her hard and fast, clutching her to him while his body took over. It had been too long. Gods help him.

  He came with a shout, his cum jetting out of him, balls drawn tight, hands and hips digging into her. Everything turned gray and his muscles liquefied. It never seemed to end. He might die. She might actually kill him. But hell, he'd go a happy man.

  Slowly. Slowly. Reality returned.

  His softening cock slipped free of her body and he carefully took them down to the shower floor, one hand on her ass and the other at the back of her skull. They didn't need any more head wounds. Both of them were breathing hard. The sound of their combined panting echoed through the room. The water raining down on him had cooled a little, but never mind. Kneeling on the hard ground with his wife's legs still wrapped around him felt nice. No need to move anytime soon. Her short nails drew patterns on his back. Endless circles going around and around.

  "Louise. You okay?"

  Her chin moved against his shoulder. "Yes. You?"


  Fucking spectacular, actually, but "fine" would do. "Sorry if I was a bit rough. And a bit fast."

  "I didn't mind."


  "Mmm-hmm. It was good."

  "Good. That's good."

  She rubbed her cheek against his shoulder.

  "It's been a while."

  "For me too," she said.

  "Hmm." He'd have liked to keep the conversation going but he'd run out of things to say. The tips of her nipples grazed his chest and he held her tighter on the pretext of safety. Because safety was very important. It wouldn't do to let her slip and hit her head again. Besides, he liked the press of her against his still-sensitized skin. He liked the feel of her.

  "Am I too heavy?" she asked.

  "No." His arm had gone numb and tingly but he wasn't letting go. There was a niggling feeling in the back of his head. Or maybe it was the voice of experience. When they separated things were going to get awkward. Skin to skin, things were going well, but they were still strangers. Exchanging body fluids didn't alter that fact. He ran a hand down her spine, back up and over the curve of her shoulder. The skin on her arms had goose pimples. "Are you cold?"

  "A little," she admitted.

  "The temperature in the rooms isn't much better than aboveground, the cheap bastards. Come on." He helped her to her feet and she stood there for a moment, watching him uncertainly. Eyes wide and her kiss-swollen mouth open the tiniest bit.

  His cock twitched, returning to life already, wanting round two. What a wonderful idea. He'd have more control this time and make her come with his dick. Make it really worth her while. Feel all those delicate muscles inside her pussy milking him dry. He would absolutely love making her come again. But he held back and waited for cues in this uncharted territory.

  She lowered her gaze and took in his hopeful cock. "Impressive recovery time."

  The more she looked at him, the harder he got. Damn it.

  Louise rubbed the side of her thumb over her bottom lip, started to hold a hand across her breasts. Then she seemed to realize what she was doing and frowned. Her hands fell back to her sides and her skittish gaze roamed the room.

  Now she decided to get shy. Awkward as shit.

  Adam turned off the water, willing his half-on out of existence. It didn't work. They would just have to ignore it. He grabbed a towel off the ledge for her but didn't hand it over. No, he had a better idea. Instead he encircled her waist with it and tucked the end in neatly. He made a skirt for her.

  She ducked her head but he saw her grin. Her arms rose to fold across her breasts again but he caught her wrists, held her open to him. Memories of sunshine and blue skies from back on Earth had nothing on Louise. She outdid them all.

  "Your tits are too pretty to hide," he said.

  Her tongue played behind her cheek. "Well, thank you."

  Adam ignored his dick and watched her--his wife. What did he have to offer her? What could he do for her now? Her stomach rumbled, its timing perfect.

  "You hungry?" he asked.

  "You cook?" She sounded almost startled.

  He tutted. "Ye of little faith."

  Chapter Four

  Day Four

  Clusters of candle lights blinked on each table and the warm glow reflected off the polished stone walls. The bar had to be close to capacity, nearly every table occupied, and the noise levels were high. Customers' chatter sounded a steady drone in Louise's ears and the bass line of the music moved through her, slow and thick and as rich as honey.

  She felt a little mesmerized by it all after the relative peace and quiet of working in the garden all day. Caught in its spell.

  When had she last gone out like this, somewhere with light and music and laughter? Not since Con had died, nearly two years ago. Thoughts of him hurt in the way they always did, the familiar ache settling in the dead center of her chest. She couldn't even remember when anger had slid into acceptance. There hadn't been time for grief. No one had made him take the bribes. It had been his choice alone, and it had ended up ruining her life for a time.

  But maybe now she had hope. She hoped there was hope.

  On board the ship she'd stayed in her cabin, as per instructions. Back on Earth, when not giving testimony, she'd been kept under lock and key like a dirty secret. But this, with Adam b
eside her still eating his dinner, an arm slung across the back of her chair...this was something she could all too easily get used to.

  The way he dealt any male who looked at her the evil eye thrilled her. Not that she'd admit it. Truly, the last thing they needed was for someone to take offense and start a fight.

  "Adam," she dared, putting a hand on his jeans-covered thigh, and his quadriceps jumped. They weren't really up to easy touches of each other's bodies yet, but a man dressed in denim being one of the finer things in life, she couldn't resist. Happily, she didn't have to.

  His eyes shot from her hand to her face. The firm line of his mouth eased, though the shoulders beneath his T-shirt remained rigid with tension.

  "Hey," he said.

  "Hey. Relax."

  Opposite them, his friend Taka flung his head back and laughed. Rose, Taka's wife, rolled her eyes but said nothing.

  "Now you know," said Taka. He picked up his bottle of beer and drank, dark, Asian eyes shining behind strands of jet-black hair. Another pretty man. Not as pretty as Adam naked in the shower and smiling at her, but still.

  "Fuck off." Her husband pushed his chopsticks into his bowl, shifting the noodles about. Adam had his cranky face on, mouth set and jaw flexing. Fortunately, broody suited him. His finger tapped against the back of her chair, the tip brushing against her with every other beat. Warmth stirred inside her from that tiny touch.

  "Jealous dickhead, was I?" Taka leaned across the table, smirk firmly in place. "How's it feel when half the room's checking out your wife, friend?"

  Adam dropped his chopsticks and pushed back into his chair with a huff.

  "Both of you are being ridiculous," Rose said, nose sufficiently high in the air to cause bleeds. Which fitted. The dark-skinned beauty with braids down her back looked as imposing as any queen. Apparently, Her Majesty had not taken a shine to Louise.

  Serious vibes came from the other side of the table, from Rose at least. Taka had planted a noisy kiss on Louise's cheek upon being introduced. Done in part, she suspected, to piss off her husband, but she couldn't doubt her warm welcome with him. Rose, however, had been avoiding her all night. As much as you could avoid someone sitting at the same small table.

  The woman's eyes were acrobatic, skipping over Louise, never setting down on her for more than a moment before resuming flight. The men appeared oblivious to the tension brewing. Never mind. She could keep herself plenty happy smiling at her husband, enjoying the buzz in her chest that he caused. Twice more he'd woken her during the night to prove just how much he liked her.

  She felt really well-liked. A little sore, but a lot well-liked.

  Someone spoke, but it wasn't to her. She tuned them out. Adam's finger stroked over her spine, back and forth, through the material of her shirt.

  "Princess," her pretty husband said. "Taka's talking to you."


  Taka grinned at her. "I said your name about a dozen times. No reaction. Newlyweds--what can you do?"

  Shit. "Oh, sorry."

  Rose reached across the table and squeezed Adam's hand, gave him a private smile. "How are things working out with the new team?"

  "Good--we're nearly back up to speed. Not too much of a backlog now." Given a new focus, some of the tension eased out of Adam and he gave his friend's wife a warm look. Very warm. As well he might--they had known each other for years. Louise got it, and yet...Rose's hand remained on her husband's.

  Fine. Not a big deal. But her skin was suddenly a size too small. She didn't fit.

  At least the men's attention had moved on. No one appeared to be worrying about her not answering to her supposed name. She needed to be more careful. It wasn't the first time it had happened.

  Taka asked Adam another question about work and the three of them launched into a fast and furious discussion. The bulk of its contents were far beyond her. She tried to follow but was as successful at that as at not letting Rose's hand-holding bug her.

  And besides, she needed to go to the bathroom. The beer had caught up with her.

  "Back in a moment," she murmured in her husband's ear. She stood and wove her way through the crowd, pushing back the irritation. Better to concentrate on the music, the beating of the drums and the ambience of the place. Let it all soothe her.

  Rose could go hang. Adam wasn't hers.

  Louise saw to the necessities and washed her hands. Finger-combed her short dark hair without looking in the mirror and straightened the baggy white blouse. She'd hung a belt about her hips to try to cinch it in, but her vanity hadn't been appeased. What she wouldn't give for her own clothes. Some makeup, maybe. She wasn't a girly girl, but there were limits to how dull and sexless she could pretend to be. Waking up with all those long-forgotten little aches and pains that spoke of good sex had made the facade much harder for her to maintain.

  It would be wonderful to feel like herself again. To be surrounded by her own things. What she wouldn't give for the vintage book collection inherited from her grandmother, some of them with pages so brittle she daren't touch them. What she wouldn't give for all her things, no matter how stupid or small. They had let her take nothing.

  Louise closed her eyes tight against the threat of tears and took a deep breath. Throwing pity parties in restaurant bathrooms wouldn't help. She knew better. The price for her things would be her life and she wasn't willing to pay it.

  Another woman came in and nodded hello before ducking into a cubicle. Louise splashed some water on her face and pulled her shit together. She could do this--time to return to her husband. One of his infrequent smiles would do her good.

  Chairs had been shifted in her absence, pushing hers out to make room for their tighter gathering around the small table. They were deeply immersed in their conversation. Rose had a hand on each of the men, as if she were anchoring them to her. One hand sat on Taka's shoulder while the other gripped Adam's wrist as he laughed and shook his head at something she'd said.

  It was the first time she had ever heard him laugh. A real, full-on belly laugh. It sounded wonderful. Louise stood there, hesitating, watching the scene like a kid with her nose pressed to the glass. Wanting in but not invited.

  Taka spotted her first and the corner of his mouth leaped. "Thank the gods, someone reasonable for me to talk to."

  "I'll get us another round." Rose surged to her feet.

  Adam turned to Louise and smiled slowly, the heat in his gaze solely for her. "No. Let's call it a night."

  It felt as if someone had flicked a switch inside her. Her blood rushed and her body warmed. Having the full focus of her husband's attention was a breathtaking, giddy thing. She didn't even hear Rose's snarky reply...mostly.

  Adam stood and pushed back his chair, moved to stand in front of her. Close enough to block out everything else. The scent of him filled her head, warm and pleasingly familiar.

  "Let me go take care of the bill and then we'll go," he said.


  Taka fell in beside him while Rose busied herself at the table, gathering her bag and coat. The dark fall of her braids blocked her face from view.

  "It's lovely here," Louise ventured.

  "Yes, it is. I was going to bring you here the other day when I was meant to give you the tour." Rose's voice was brusque as she settled her bag on her shoulder. She didn't look directly at Louise. Her focus remained somewhere over Louise's shoulder, mouth pinned shut.

  "I'm sorry I missed your message."

  The woman snorted.

  Which made it past time to cut the bullshit. "What's the problem here?"

  Rose turned and hiked her chin up. "It doesn't matter... I understand you went to Adam and offered to scrub his back. It's great that you and he are getting on now." The woman showed her a whole lot of shiny, white teeth. "Maybe now you'll make more of an effort to fit in with the other wives. Community is important out here."

  He had fed intimate details about her to his friends? He had actually done that? Louise locked her kne
es and looked the woman in the eye. "Thanks for your opinion, Rose. If you don't mind, I need to talk to my husband."

  "Adam's had a difficult life. He hasn't always had it easy, you know."

  "No, I don't know. I only just met him."

  The woman glared at her. "Exactly."

  Fury bound her so tightly that her lungs couldn't keep up. A million retorts rested on her tongue. What she wouldn't give to let loose and cause a scene. Also, her husband might want to worry about how to keep his balls attached once she got her hands on him.

  Adam's hand pressed against her lower back. "Everything okay?"

  "You've been discussing our sex life with Rose?"

  For the corner of her eye, she saw Taka hold Rose back.

  Wise man.

  He squinted at her as if she had spoken in tongues. "No, I just... Rose and Taka are friends of mine. But I didn't--"

  "What goes on between us is private," Louise said, amazed that it needed to be said. She stepped back from him, needing the breathing space. The sense of betrayal staggered her. Her throat closed as tight as her fists. "It's all in the details, Adam. Private details about us that you don't need to be sharing with other people."

  Her desire to hit him stunned her. Served her right--sex didn't mean any more than a damn contract did. She was so stupid. She had to get out of there.

  "Louise," he said, his voice low and rough.

  "Don't." She put a hand up to halt him.

  She took another step backward. Then she turned and fled.


  Adam's shirt clung to him in the garden's muggy air. Lighting was close to none. If she hadn't been wearing a white top he might never have found her. His wife sat by the lagoon with her pant legs rolled up and her feet in the water.

  They did well in water. He had hope.

  "Hi," he said when he got close enough. Though she'd probably heard him crashing through the undergrowth, despite the noise of the small waterfall.

  She lifted her gaze briefly from the pool. "Hi."

  Adam sat down on a rock beside her, started pulling off his boots and socks. Searched his mind for something to say. Something innocuous that wouldn't piss her off any worse. Talking just wasn't his talent. "You know, ah...the company built all this for psychological reasons. They thought it would make the adjustment to being out here easier."

  "There's nothing like this at home," she said in a quiet voice.


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