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Alpha World Book One: Gamer for Life

Page 8

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Shaking his head he pushed off the wall and started walking again, no need to run since he had all the time he could possibly want after all. As he walked he noticed some people giving him distasteful looks and wondered why. He ducked his head down thinking and scratched his chin, as he did he noticed his hand. The leathery, reddish skin forced him to sigh. He wondered how to remove a buff early and a pop-up appeared asking if he wanted to remove his Demon Skin, with his acceptance his skin reverted to normal. After a few more blocks he noticed that he’d stopped getting looks from people. With another sigh he wondered where he needed to go to find a trainer, more so since his class clearly wasn’t loved in town.

  He paused again, thinking about his options, when he noticed a young man sidling up behind an old woman in a very smooth manner. Narrowing his eyes, Alburet watched the thief deftly reach out and cut the strings tying a small purse to her belt. The thief took the purse and spun on his heel, walking towards Alburet while moving away from his victim. Shaking his head, Alburet waited where he was as the thief approached his position. Just then the woman started to swear like a sailor as she realized her purse had been stolen. Alburet let the thief go by before spinning and grabbing him in a rear naked choke, slamming the thief into the nearby wall.

  “Lady, over here,” Alburet called out loudly as the thief dropped the coin purse and tried to break the hold. People on the street were looking over, but giving Alburet and his captive plenty of room. The woman strode over, her eyes flashing. A moment later a whistle shrilled from the other direction and two guards came running up. The thief had stopped struggling, passing out from the choke hold, so Alburet eased the unconscious man to the ground.

  “What is the meaning of this?” the older of the two guards demanded.

  “I observed this person cutting this woman’s purse from her belt. He then started moving towards me so I waited and subdued him until a guard could come and claim him. I hailed her after I had this man locked up, at which point she and you converged on me.” Alburet said then nudged the purse with his foot, “Your purse I believe, madam.”

  She snatched it up, “It is indeed. Monogrammed with my initials, a gift from my late husband. You have my deepest thanks, kind sir. Let me give you a reward for getting my purse back to me.”

  Alburet held up a hand, “No need to. I can’t stand by and watch a cut-purse take someone’s things.”

  The guard cleared his throat, “If you would come with us, sir. We will need you to swear a statement at the station.”

  “Glad to, officer,” Alburet smiled, glad he was able to once again be viewed positively by a police type person. “He’ll wake up shortly,” Alburet began as the thief stirred.

  The second guard slapped manacles onto the thief and hauled him to his feet. “Up you come sunshine, we’re taking a walk to the stockades, we are.”

  The old lady spoke up again, “Sir, might I at least have your name so when I tell my friends I can properly tell them who my hero was?”

  “Alburet is my name, ma’am,” Alburet said, watching as the guards waited for the thief to be able to stand on his own.

  “You are in terrible need of a new outfit, Alburet. Let me give you a small token of thanks so you can remedy that issue.” She held out a largish silver coin engraved with an elaborate insignia with a smile.

  Alburet gave her a small bow and accepted the coin, “Far be it from me to disagree with a lady. I thank you again, ma’am and I wish you a pleasant day.” He turned with the guards following them as they guided the thief between them. He glanced back to see the old lady smiling as she watched them go.

  “Right charmer, you are,” the older guard chuckled. “Old Lady Theron is a bit of a miser. For her to give that coin away is almost unheard of, but she is right. Your clothes are horrible. I have to admit, I’m curious as to how you disabled this here thief so easily.”

  “Rear naked choke, simple unarmed maneuver. Easy to do when the opponent isn’t expecting it and you’re behind them.” Alburet shrugged as he explained.

  “Might I get you to show me how you managed that when we get to the station?”

  Quest: Teach the guard

  Reward: Increased reputation with Stormguard’s Guards

  Chuckling, Alburet nodded, “Be more than happy to. I know a few different maneuvers you can pick up easily.”

  The rest of the walk was in silence as they wound through the city. They passed a small cemetery next to an inn and Alburet made note of it. If he were a Necromancer he would think that inn a prime place to set up. He made plans check there after to see if he could get help finding the Summoner area. Right after the graveyard they passed by a number of temples built in all manner of shapes and sizes. The largest one showed a depiction of a large man in full plate holding a flaming sword above his head. Past that were more temples tapering off again in size until they reached a very large square building.

  “The stockades,” the older guard said at Alburet’s questioning look. They went around the corner of it onto another street and in the distance Alburet could see the guards stationed at a gate set into the wall. “We hold the accused and the convicted inside these walls on order of the King.”

  “So, a guard station and jail all in one place,” Alburet said as they passed the guards on the gate, who eyed him with scornful eyes. Alburet wondered if looking like a vagrant was the reason, but let it roll off him. He did note that a few other people were coming and going in the courtyard as well.

  They entered the main building, passing more guards on duty by the door, to enter a very large room. Desks were scattered through the room, most of them occupied. Various other people bustled around the room. Following the two guards, Alburet ended up in the back of the room before a grey haired matron who looked like she could chew nails. Staying back until asked to comment, Alburet just watched with a sense of nostalgia, thinking back on his old job. When asked he gave his statement about the incident, which the matron wrote down before having him sign at the bottom. She thanked him and two very large men came over and took the accused from the two street guards as she dismissed them all.

  “Tough lady,” Alburet said as he followed the guards back into the courtyard.

  “Oh, that she is. When she was younger it’s said she broke up a riot by herself. When the other guards got there she was the only one left standing. Granted, she was swaying a bit, but she was still standing.” The younger guard laughed.

  “Looks like she could chew iron and spit daggers,” Alburet agreed. “So, about me showing you the choke, where are we going?”

  The older guard pointed to a small building inside the walls, “Over there. Inside is the training room.”

  Once they reached the building the older guard excused himself for a moment, ducking into an office as the younger guard led Alburet into the big central room. A minute later the older guard came in followed by a middle aged man who had an impressive collection of scars on his face. “Alburet, this here is our chief trainer, Captain Martinez Roberto,” the guard said by way of introduction.

  Captain Roberto eyed Alburet before shaking hands, nodding at the firm grip. “My man said you had a way of subduing a thief quickly and easily. If you wouldn’t mind showing it to me?”

  “Not a problem,” Alburet said, setting his bag and weapon aside. “Can I get one of you to volunteer?”

  The younger guard took off his helm but kept his chain mail on, “I’ll do it.”

  “Okay, we’ll do this at full speed first and once you wake up I’ll walk you all through it.” Alburet said, limbering up, “What I need you to do is walk past me.”

  The young guard nodded and backed up a few feet before walking by Alburet. The other two watched as Alburet spun behind the guard and caught him in the choke. He saw a debuff appear on the guard, Strangulation that he hadn’t noticed on the thief earlier. Alburet then turned the younger man around to show the other two the hold from the front. “Rear naked choke, it’s very effective as long
as the person doesn’t expect you to grab them from behind.” He gently set the young man down once he stopped struggling. “He’ll wake up in a few moments.”

  “Hmm interesting, where did you learn this technique?” Roberto asked with real interest in his voice.

  “I’m an adventurer, we pick these things up.”

  “Ah, that would explain it. You lot are quite peculiar indeed.” Roberto said, nodding just as the young man groaned coming back to his senses.

  “Once he’s on his feet I’ll walk you through how to apply the hold. I can also show you another submission take down or two, if you want.”

  “Yes, but let me grab another couple of men,” Roberto said, walking out of the room quickly.

  The next hour Alburet taught the guards some self-defense tactics just like he used to do back at his old job. “That should give you something to work with besides having to use the clubs,” Alburet said with a grin.

  “I thank you very much,” Roberto said, his grim demeanor finally falling away. “I need to invite the royal guard captain down here and spar with him now. If you want to stop by and show us more at any point, I will be sure to make time for you Alburet.”

  “Will do, but first I need to go see about some things,” Alburet said as the quest pop-up flashed before his eyes.

  Quest Completed: Teach the guard

  Receive: Increased reputation with the Guards of Stormguard

  Bonus reward: You are now Liked by Captain Roberto the Guard Trainer

  Roberto offered him a cup of water, “Anything specific?”

  Alburet dug the damaged book out of his bag, “Know anyone who might want to buy this?”

  Roberto took it and flipped it open, his eyes growing wide. “Justice smiles upon you. This book will fetch a good price with the right people, even damaged as it is. I would suggest you take it to the royal auction house.” He closed the book and handed it back, looking at Alburet with pursed lips. “I won’t ask where you got it from, but I wouldn’t show it around.”

  Chuckling, Alburet stood up, “I found it in a ruin and thought it might be worth at least a few coins. Well, I’m off to get some new clothes with Madam Theron’s coin first, as I doubt the royal auction house will deal with me in my present state.”

  Shaking his head, Roberto walked him to the gate, “You are right there, Alburet. Take care and may the rest of the day shine down Justice’s light upon you.”

  “Oh, just one more quick question,” Alburet asked before Roberto could leave, “which way to a tailor?”

  Later, Alburet found the shop with needle and thread emblazoned above it. Walking in, he was greeted by the smell of cedar. A young woman sat behind the counter smiling as the door opened, her smile faltering when she saw him. “Can I help you… sir?”

  Alburet chuckled, “I do hope so. Captain Roberto said you would be able to assist me with a new set of clothing. I do have some coin, fear not. My current dress is not indicative of my financial standing.”

  Her lips pursed slightly at Roberto’s name, with a nod she stood up, “What exactly are you looking for?”

  “Truthfully? Everything. I have only these old boots and this tattered robe to my name. So I will leave myself in your capable hands as to what you think I should be wearing.” He pulled the large silver coin he’d gotten from Old Lady Theron from his bag. “I hope this will cover the costs.”

  Her smile bloomed as she took the coin from him, “Yes, it will indeed, mi'lord. Let me grab my measure and we will get this done quickly. I have a few items that I can alter, we can have you in better clothes inside the hour.” She darted behind the counter and came back with measuring rope. “Please stand with your back straight and your arms out.”

  Alburet did as requested for the next few minutes as she took his measurements. She stood back up after having taken his inseam, “Alright, I can have you in a robe in a matter of minutes or a shirt and trousers in a little over half an hour. You could also wear a pair of slippers inside those boots if you want. It is normal to wear cloth under all kinds of armor.”

  “I’m used to a shirt and pants truth be told, so let’s do that and I will gladly take a set of slippers as well.” Alburet said as she led him over to a chair in the corner.

  “I shall get started at once. Please relax here, I shall send my son out with a cup of tea for you.” she said before she darted into the back.

  Alburet wondered just how badly he was about to get fleeced here but shrugged, it had been found money after all. A few minutes later a boy of about eight came out with a cup of tea on a saucer. “Mum said this is for you, mister.” Alburet accepted the tea and sipped it as the child stared at him. “Are you a vagrant, mister?”

  Almost spitting the tea out, Alburet managed to swallow it but coughed. “Not as such, no. I am an adventurer and just recently got to the city after a very long and dangerous task. I’m here to make sure people stop thinking I’m a vagrant.” His stomach growled, reminding him he needed to eat soon. Shrugging, he pulled the aged meat from his bag and tore a chunk off.

  “Cor mister, that stuff looks ancient, you sure it’s safe?” the kid asked with wide eyes.

  “Not at all, but what is life without some danger, eh?” Alburet said as he sipped some tea, hoping it would help moisten the meat so he could actually start to chew it.

  The kid backed up shaking his head, “I think you’re looney.” The boy darted into the back, away from Alburet.

  With nothing else to do Alburet kept eating, finishing the meat just as the tailor came back out with his items. “Here you are sir, trousers, shirt and slippers. Is there anything else you need?”

  “A long cloak if that is still within budget, please,” Alburet said with a pleasant smile.

  She darted into the back and came back out with a grey long cloak, “Here you are then, sir.”

  Alburet nodded his thanks, “Do you happen to have a room where I can get changed?”

  Smiling, she walked him over to a curtained alcove. “If there is any problem just let me know, milord.”

  Alburet changed into the new clothing and felt better immediately about how he looked. He stuffed the robe into his bag as he exited the changing area. “I feel so much better now,” he said with a smile at the tailor. “Thank you miss…?”

  Dimpling, the tailor gave him a curtsy, “Margret Wilson is my humble name, sir.”

  Alburet paused, “I think I’m missing something. Either that simple silver coin is worth a hell of a lot more than I thought or it isn’t currency as such.”

  Margret looked at him puzzled, “It is a noble’s marker coin sir. It is emblazoned with Lady Theron’s sigil, meaning she will cover all costs at the store you give it to.”

  Covering his face with a hand, Alburet chuckled, “Ah, she fooled me right well. If that’s the case, I think turnabout is fair play indeed. I would like to commission a new full set of clothing from you, then. As well as a money pouch and a belt to hang it on.”

  Looking puzzled, Margret pursed her lips, “You didn’t know what the coin was for? Why did Lady Theron give it to you?”

  “I stopped a thief from taking her money pouch. She wanted to give me coin but I turned her down, so she insisted on giving me that silver coin.” He shrugged, “It seems like she outwitted me. I had thought it might be worth a bit more than a normal silver was all.”

  A soft chuckle escaped Margret, “Oh, I see now. I will be glad to make you a whole outfit from scratch sir. I can get you a belt and money pouch right now, if you would like?”

  “Please,” he said, which sent her dashing into the back room briefly once more. “Thank you. How long does a new outfit normally take?” He put on the belt, attaching the money pouch and dagger to it.

  “I can have it done by tomorrow if you want simple, or a week if you want grand,” Margret said.

  “Take your time, then. I shall return in a week to pick it up.” Alburet gave her a small bow, “Thank you for this fine clothing, I look f
orward to seeing what magic you’ve worked when I return.”

  Margret walked him to the door with a laugh, “I wish you a pleasant day, sir.”

  “Oh,” he said, feeling a right ass, “my name is Alburet.”

  “I wish you a pleasant day, Alburet,” she replied.

  Walking away from the tailor’s, he started in the direction Roberto had told him the Royal Auction lay in. Eventually he reached a gaudy building fronted with fluted, elaborately carved columns. Shaking his head, he noted the sign declaring it his intended destination. He walked through the main door and paused at the very richly appointed lobby. A man in silks hurried over to him as Alburet stood there taking in all the gold leaf and silk.


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