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Alpha World Book One: Gamer for Life

Page 22

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “Oh, you think so?” the words were breathed like soft silk in his ear as a hand gently rubbed his back.

  Instinct took over. Alburet took a step forward, pivoting as his hand lashed out catching her wrist. He yanked her off balance as he completed his spin towards her, his other arm coming up to wrap around her. He was a little surprised as he was starting to apply the hold when she dropped and shifted her weight, applying pressure against his thumb to free her arm. Neither of them was entirely successful. As she dropped her weight to break the hold Alburet dropped his weight down on top of her, so even though her arm came free he ended up on top of her with his weight pinning her down.

  They both froze for a second, Karen visible now as combat had broken her stealth. “Err, sorry about that, it was instinct,” Alburet said, going a touch pink as he delicately eased himself up and off of her.

  “I can honestly say I wasn’t expecting you to do that,” Karen said staying on the ground for a second as he took a step away. “I was just trying to play with you and all of a sudden you’re going for a hold on me. I’m impressed.” She did a kip-up to her feet, her customary smirk back in place. “Where did you train?”

  “I used to be affiliated with law enforcement. I also took classes in various dojos in the closest city to the small town I lived in. What about you? That was a very good break, well, up until I dropped on you.”

  “I really didn’t expect that. As for my training, I teach in the dojo closest to my house. It’s a mix of a few different schools so I have an eclectic mix of skills.”

  “So, what all did you overhear before we had a sudden sparring match?”

  “That you had never considered just a VR relationship, you weren’t sure if I was serious in my offer to play with you later and you think I used a façade to keep the boys away.” She turned to face him, looking him up and down. “I will say, you are a bit rough around the edges. I see you didn’t go for the Hollywood glamour like the pretty boys do, which is in your favor, as I like rugged men. While I’m not looking for any relationship, I would not turn down a tumble or two with you. Also, this is how I always am, in game and out and yes, it does scare away the timid which helps cut down on a lot of bullshit. The others I would rather not deal with, well, let’s just say the two men who ever tried to force the issue found out just how well trained I am.” She stopped and met his eyes challengingly, “So now what do you have to say?”

  Alburet felt his pulse quicken slightly, “Honestly, I’m a little afraid and very intrigued. I wouldn’t turn down the opportunity for a roll on the mat with you, in any of the ways we could mean that. I would add that the last five years or more have been very, very slow in the intimacy area for me, so I would probably disappoint you.”

  Karen’s eyes sparkled, “Oh, putting the ball in my court are you? Currently we are in monster infested territory and this is not helping us with why we came here. Let me put a bookmark in this for now and we can talk later about it, right?”

  Closing his eyes, Alburet swallowed and took a few deep breaths to calm his mind and body. When he opened them again he felt centered and ready to go, “As the lady wishes.”

  “And in control of yourself that fast. You really are pushing my buttons now. But I’m the one who said we should hold on this, so,” she coughed once, “there’s another set of mobs just down the street from us. Two with swords, one with a bow. We should be able to take them easily if you let me get into position. Once I’m ready I’ll message you and we can kick this fight off,” she dragged out her Mindstone. “What do you say?”

  Tapping his Mindstone to hers he grinned, “Let’s go play, Mynx.”

  A full throated laugh came from her as she stealthed, “Ha. It’s on now.”

  Alburet watched the shimmer that was Karen go gliding away down the street. He lost her a few buildings away and looked at his mini-map, noting her enter a building six down from where he stood. “Six buildings down on the right,” Alburet said as he waited for her signal.

  “I’m ready,” Tiny rumbled.

  “More ready than master is for the Assassin, anyway,” Bob snickered.

  Rolling his eyes as he shook his head, Alburet didn’t reply to the obvious bait. “Okay. Let’s start walking but don’t initiate combat until I say, Tiny,” Alburet said as he began to stroll down the street. When they reached the second building the message icon pop-up appeared. He checked it to find only two words, ‘I’m ready.’ Smiling, he cast Vitality and Retribution on Tiny. “You’re up, Tiny,” Alburet said once he finished casting.

  With a loud roar Tiny went running down the street to the indicated house. As they reached the front of it two goblins with swords came out, pausing as they saw Tiny. Tiny didn’t give them any time to reconsider and rushed at them. His axe hacked into the one on the right as his shield bashed into the one on the left.

  “Bob, focus the archer if he shows up in a window,” Alburet said as he went to the right, waiting for Tiny to land another couple of blows before he could start damaging the mob. As he waited one of Bob’s Fire Blasts smacked into the mob he was waiting to damage. When the goblin had lost a quarter of its health Alburet drew the maul up then down sharply, missing the head but solidly connecting with the shoulder. He had been right to wait as this time he didn’t pull aggro from Tiny, allowing him to swing again. This time the goblin stepped back into the building to avoid the hammer, causing Alburet to miss. “Oh, they learn. That’s going to make this harder.”

  “Should I follow him?” Tiny asked, bashing his shield into the other goblin again.

  “No, he doesn’t have much left,” Alburet replied, “I’ll go get him. You and Bob finish off the one out here.”

  Tiny shoved the other one clear of the doorway, allowing Alburet to go into the house. A sword cut into his shoulder from beside the door as he entered the room. Hissing in pain Alburet lashed out with the maul, missing the goblin who lunged backwards to avoid it.

  Alburet took advantage of the goblin’s pause and healed himself. He flexed his hand, extending just his pointer and pinking fingers before touching his chest as he said, “Burning blood.” The Demonic Vitality spell began to heal him as the goblin came forward again slowly. Alburet brought the maul up, ready to attack again. “If you drop the sword you might make it out of this alive,” Alburet said.

  The goblin sneered and faked a lunge at Alburet. Alburet started to swing the maul, shifting his hands on the handle. As he had thought, the goblin had paused in its lunge and as the maul came down the goblin came in behind it. The sword creased his side, making him cuss, but Alburet had been prepared and now brought the maul up and across. The goblin was a touch slow backing up this time, catching the maul in the ribs and being tossed back a few feet.

  “Oh well. Guess we do it the hard way,” Alburet sighed in relief as the slow healing spell helped cut the pain.

  The goblin seemed very wary as it edged about the room trying to find an angle it liked. Suddenly it yelled in pain and spun around, presenting its back to Alburet. Taking the opportunity, he stepped forward and smashed the maul into its head, killing it. As it fell Alburet saw a bloody but grinning Karen standing there.

  “Seemed like you could use a hand,” she chuckled.

  “Well, I won’t say no to you lending me a hand. But let me return the favor,” He flexed his hand making the sign of the horns with his left as he reached out and tapped her shoulder, “Burning blood.”

  Karen frowned and stepped back as the words left his mouth. She opened her mouth in anger but paused as she became aware of the spell’s effect. Suddenly a laugh came from her, “Oh, a heal over time. I thought you’d put a damage over time on me with that spell. Why the hell does your heal make you say burning blood?”

  “We killed it,” Tiny rumbled as he eclipsed the doorway.

  “Good job,” Alburet called to Tiny before turning back to Karen. “My first ability was the ability to change the motions and words of my spells. Now I throw the metal horn
s and say ‘burning blood’, instead of the standard way they wanted me to cast the spell. No issues with the archer?”

  “No, Assassins get a stun ability that lasts three seconds, so if you’re good like I am you can normally take over half the life off a mob before the stun ends. Once it died I came down and found you playing with this one. I figured I might as well jump in.”

  “Nice. Let’s loot and keep on rolling, shall we?” Alburet asked as he knelt to loot the goblin at his feet.

  They spent the next four hours going from goblin hiding hole to goblin hiding hole, killing each group they found. Karen eventually called a halt, “My bag is full and we haven’t found the mob I was hoping to find.”

  “I still got plenty of room if you trust me to hold onto your loot,” Alburet said. “So we can keep going for a bit longer if you want, no need to rack up more cost to come back out here just to empty your bag.”

  Karen eyed him, her lips pursed in speculation, “What will it cost me to use you as a pack mule and just how much room do you have left?”

  Alburet scratched his head, pursing his own lips in imitation of her. “Hmm. I’ve got room enough for easily as much again as we’ve already looted. As for the cost, how about a rain check on a real sparring match one day soon? I’m really curious to see what you can do.”

  Eyes glittering with laughter, Karen nodded, “Oh, you poor soul. I accept the terms and I apologize in advance for your bruises, both physical and emotional after I’ve whooped you good.”

  Laughing, Alburet shook his head, “I won’t go down easy.”

  With a wink, Karen vanished, “But I might if you can beat me.”

  Bob began to laugh hard, “Yes, yes, yes! I like her.”

  Shaking his head with a grin, Alburet held up his hands, “I yield this round, Karen.”

  Bob kept snickering as they went off to the next group. After another two hours, Alburet’s bag was nearly full so he called a halt, “I only have a few spots left and I do need to grab some food. The debuffs are going to hit me soon. Shall we call it for now and head back to Stormguard? We should have a decent profit with all the loot.”

  “We can do that. I just wish the damned messenger had spawned for us,” Karen said as she pulled her Homestone out.

  “What messenger?”

  “There’s a Goblin Messenger that patrols into this village from further east where the goblins have their towns. He drops a scroll that starts a quest chain that will eventually spawn a rare mob. That rare has the chance to drop a few items I’m interested in. Sadly, it wasn’t meant to be today,” Karen finished with a shrug.

  “I’m game for coming back after we sell off and grab a bite if you are,” Alburet replied.

  Karen considered it then shrugged, “Fuck it. I don’t have a class tomorrow. Okay, let’s go sell then I’ll jump out to go grab some food before we head back here. That work for you?”

  Alburet pulled his Homestone out, “Works. I also happen to know a weapon vendor who will be happy to buy from us. Do you know where the Dead Man Inn is?”

  Karen shook her head, “I’ll find you once we’re both in Stormguard. Just head to the weapon vendor and wait for me there.”

  “Agreed,” Alburet said before turning to Bob and Tiny. “Okay boys, break time. I’ll call you as soon as we get out of Stormguard.” Both demons said goodbye before vanishing into puffs of smoke, by the time they were gone Karen was gone as well.

  When he appeared in the graveyard he started walking to Grimgar’s right away. He pulled out his map, looking it over to find the blue dot with Karen's name above it across the city from him. She appeared to be coming his way. He made it to Grimgar’s, glad that this time he didn’t feel like he was being watched. The bell jangled announcing his arrival which brought Grimgar out from the back.

  “Back so soon lad?”

  “Got a lot of stuff to sell, Grimgar. Also, which shop would you recommend for selling armor to?”

  “Depends on the stuff ta sell. Leather ye could use Tanned Hides just down the street from me. The Elven lass there will give ye a decent deal if ye use me name. If ye got chain then Strong Links a few doors down from Tanned Hides would be the way ta go. Why don’t ye show me the wares ye have fer sale.”

  “Waiting for my erstwhile compatriot to get here. Some of what I’m carrying belongs to her and I would rather make sure she doesn’t think I’m scamming her.”

  Grimgar chuckled, “Aye, a lass in a bad mood can be a right handful and nay in the gud way eh?”

  Alburet shook his head and checked his map, noting that Karen was getting closer. “She’ll be here shortly. When she gets here you’ll understand just how right your words are.”

  A few minutes later Karen walked into the shop, looking from Alburet to Grimgar. Grimgar started to chuckle. “What’s so funny?” Karen asked raising a single eyebrow.

  “I called ye a handful a few minutes ago and now that I see ye I think I may have overestimated,” Grimgar laughed again.

  Karen smiled politely as she crossed the floor to the counter, “Oh, you think so? How about you come around here and find out just how much of a handful I can be?” She batted her lashes at him, “If you can pin me down I’ll take half as much as I should on what I am selling. If I can stay unpinned for two minutes, you give me twenty five percent more.”

  Grimgar chuckled, looking at the slim slip of a woman before him then over to Alburet who was very carefully keeping his face blank. “Ah, I smell a trap here suren as gas in a mine means death. How aboot I apologize fer me words and we get down ta business? I apologize fer me comments about ye, miss.”

  A throaty laugh came from Karen, “Perceptive, aren’t you? Too bad you backed out, I could have used the extra coin. You good Alburet?”

  Alburet stepped over to the counter and opened up his pack and satchel, pulling out the weapons and laying them out, “Sure am.” The two of them dropped all the weapons they’d picked up on the counter to Grimgar’s approving whistle.

  “Now tha’ be a sight te behold,” Grimgar said as he began to sort through the loot. It took him some time before he finally nodded, “Aich, tha’ be a pretty penny. I’ll give ye each five gold fur the lot of it.”

  Karen looked at Alburet with a small shrug to indicate she was fine with it. “We’ll take it, Grimgar. Maybe you have a dagger or two that she would be interested in as partial trade?”

  “Aye, tha’ I might,” Grimgar nodded, turning to Karen who stopped him with an upraised palm.

  “Actually, I’m good with what I have for now. I’ll stop back when I need a new blade later, though.”

  “Fair enough,” Grimgar said as he handed them each five gold. “Well then, now I get to cart this lot into the back. I hope ye have a pleasant night.”

  The pair said their goodbyes as they left the shop and Alburet pointed down the street, “Tanned Hides and Strong Links down that way are who Grimgar suggested we sell the leather and chain to.”

  “Works for me,” Karen said, starting off the way he pointed letting her hips sway slightly. “This way, right?”

  “Yeah, that sure looks like the way to me,” Alburet said in admiration of the view he had. She looked back over her shoulder at him, “Ladies first, after all.”

  Karen winked at him, “Of course.”

  They quickly sold off the rest of their loot to Smoothskin and Strongarm respectively at the two shops. Alburet turned to Karen as they exited the last shop. “So, say meet back up at the portal guild in an hour to continue our slaughter of the goblins?”

  “Works for me,” Karen said. “An hour means I can grab a bite to eat and take a quick shower as well.”

  Alburet blinked as the thought of Karen in the shower popped into his head. She smirked at him knowingly as he cleared his throat, “Sounds good.”

  “Oh, more than good. I have a very special shower head that helps massage the muscles. It’s so useful after a long day of rolling on the mat, and in other ways as well.” Sh
e watched him blush just slightly, “On that note, I’ll see you soon, right?” She vanished with an echoing laugh.

  Taking a deep breath, Alburet started walking towards the Dead Man Inn to grab some food. “I swear she can’t be real,” he muttered to himself as he walked. He reached the inn a short time later to find most of the tables filled. He found an empty seat at the bar and grabbed it. As soon as he sat the bartender came over asking what he wanted. “Whatever food is ready to eat and a mug of dark ale, please.” He dropped a silver onto the counter.

  The bartender took it and made it disappear before he stepped away, returning with a full mug along with the change. Alburet caught his eye before he could depart, “How much to rent a room for the next twenty eight days?”

  The bartender eyed him for a moment, “Includin’ a single meal and two drinks a day along with a bath once a day it will cost ya one gold and twenty silver for the rest of the month.”


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