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Riftkeepers: Pursuit

Page 15

by Carrie Whitethorne

  “You're welcome. I've paid the bill so we can leave when you're ready.” He slid an arm around her shoulders and kissed the side of her head. “How are you feeling?”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Did Dagda take your mind off the children and school?”

  “Yeah. I enjoyed wiping that cocky grin from his face. That's bad, isn't it?”

  Callan laughed, “nah. Everyone wants to wipe that grin from his face. He took it quite well though. He didn't know you're able to take the heat from the flames, so his initial reaction was priceless.”

  “He should have attended a session sooner then.”

  “He has been really busy, to be fair to him. Klara is sharing his duties now so he has more free time. You can show him more of what you can do now.”

  “I still haven't met Klara,” she mused, sipping her wine, “is she still hiding in Oxfordshire?”

  “For now, yes.”

  She nodded and checked her phone. “Wow its almost three.”

  “I told you it wasn't that long.”

  “I hope they've had a good day.”

  “They can tell us all about it on the walk home. I'm sure they'll have made some friends.”

  She finished her drink and grabbed her wet jacket. “Come on, we'll grab them some sweets from the shop to eat on the way home.”

  Nodding, Callan took her hand and they set off through the village.

  Enya skipped across the playground, swinging her bag.

  “Good day?” Charlotte asked apprehensively.

  “Yeah. Zander won the spelling test.”

  Zander ran over to them, passing his bag to Callan, “Mummy, I won the spelling test!”

  “That's brilliant, baby, well done.”

  “That deserves a bag of sweets,” Callan said, ruffling his hair.

  “Where are, we parked, mummy?” Enya asked as they walked hand in hand from the school yard.

  “We're walking.”

  Enya shot her a look of disgust.

  “It won't kill you. We live two minutes that way,” she laughed.

  Callan lifted Zander onto his shoulders and handed him his sweets.

  “That isn't fair,” Enya muttered.

  “Oh, for god's sake. Daddy will swap you over when we get to the bridge.”

  To think I was worried about being free from this for a few hours a day!

  “What is your teacher like?” Callan asked, changing the subject.

  “She's okay. A bit weird,” Enya shrugged.

  “She talks funny,” Zander added through a mouthful of sweets.

  “We talk funny compared to everyone else here, Zander,” she laughed.

  “What are the other kids like?”

  “Danny's okay,” Zander said.

  “I was sat with Kelsey today. She was really nice to me,” Enya smiled.

  She turned back and smiled at Callan. He nodded and grinned at her.

  A friend each. That's good going on day one.

  “When we get home its homework and chill out before dinner, okay?” Callan said, lifting Zander from his shoulders and putting Enya up.

  “Okay,” they groaned together.

  Chapter 20

  With their first week of school safely behind them, Zander and Enya were ready for a training session.

  “How was school?” Blair asked as they ran to him.

  “Alright. Not as much fun as this though,” Enya shrugged.

  Zander nodded his agreement and wandered over to the stream. Enya followed, summoning a ribbon of water to circle her waist.

  “They'd rather be here every morning,” Callan said.

  “Yes, well, they'll have to just get on with it because they need an education,” Charlotte sighed, tired of the same old complaint.

  Callan raised his hands and smirked.

  “We're just waiting for Dane and Alayna, then we can begin,” Blair said quickly.

  “Alayna? I didn't know she had any offensive skills.”

  “She does, she just chooses not to use them. Her preference is to concentrate on the healing power but she packs a punch when she wants to,” Callan explained, “Hers is one you won't come across often so Dane managed to talk her into a session to let you experience it.”

  “And what can I expect?”

  “You'll have to wait and see,” he said, winking.

  She clicked her tongue.

  “Since we have the full morning, Lukas will come over later and do some combat training with you all as well,” Blair said, not looking at her.

  “All? I don't want them fighting.”

  “Nothing too violent. More defensive, blocking and that sort of thing. In the event of them meeting Daeva they need to wriggle free and run.”

  “They have their protective suits. That's enough,” she said through gritted teeth.

  “Oh, marvelous. Who vexed her this time?” Dane drawled from behind her.

  Turning she saw Alayna elbow him in the ribs. “They want the kids to learn to fight.”

  Alayna looked horrified, but Dane said, “quite rightly. I hear human schools are quite the battle field these days.”

  “You need to give your head a wobble.”

  Callan laughed and placed his hand on the small of her back. She stepped away.

  “Okay, teams. Alayna, Dane and I against the four of you?” Blair cut across as Dane was about to respond.

  Charlotte nodded and walked over to the stream, Callan followed her with a half-smile.

  “What's wrong with you this morning?” He muttered into her neck.

  “Do you remember the council meeting, when I said I wouldn't have Zander thrown to the lions? This is exactly what I didn't want but here you all are going against everything I said. I'm pissed off, Callan!”

  “Precautions, Charlotte. That's all this is. We can't keep them on the island forever and we don't know how this is going to end up. They need to be able to keep themselves safe. None of us expect them to need it, we're just making sure they're prepared. I promise, no-one will put them in harm's way.”

  “I think I've been pretty accepting so far, this is just too much,” she whispered as they reached earshot of Enya.

  Callan nodded but said nothing more.

  “Are we starting?” Zander asked as he noticed their arrival.

  “Yes, and there won't be any warning so be ready,” Callan said.

  Enya kept the belt of water around her waist and looked past Callan. “Why is Aunty Alayna here?”

  “She's on their team,” Charlotte explained, “get ready.”

  Zander glanced over to the far side of the cairn and instantly threw up a wall. Enya reacted almost as quickly and brought a dome of water over the four of them as a flash of brilliant white light distorted their vision.

  Callan and Charlotte summoned fires. Callan's along the top of the wall, Charlotte's hung in the sky ready to rain down on anything that moved.

  “I'll scan round,” Charlotte muttered, stepping to the very edge of the water dome. “Dane's up to something. I can't see what, he's got me blocked, but he's definitely…”

  Another flash of light was followed by pitch darkness. Callan's sword materialized in his hand, coated in fire to provide light in the safety of Enya's shield. “Zander, ready?”

  Zander nodded, pulling his wall around them.

  “Behind,” Charlotte muttered as she spun and sent her shadow sweeping the area she was pointing to. Hearing Dane laugh sent fury roiling through her veins.

  Enya sent a volley of arrows in all directions. They were swallowed by the dark out there but one hit its mark. Zander turned his attention to the direction Dane's hiss came from, the ground erupting as he glared into the darkness.

  Another flash of brilliant light was followed by a volley of bright blue flame then the darkness fell again.


  Callan reacted, disappearing from his place at Enya's side. She tracked him with her mind, her shadow tailing him, ready to strike anyone
he came across. She didn't wait long.

  Pin him down. Keep him there. Fire round him.

  The area to their right was brightened by her fire. Callan appeared beside her, “One down,” he grinned.

  Enya shifted uneasily, “Something's pushing my shield back.”

  “Alayna,” Callan said.

  “How do we combat that?” Charlotte asked in a whisper.

  “Try yours. Her mental shields are weak. Try and put her off.” He shifted to stand behind Enya. “Keep that shield up. Don't try to attack, just defend. Zander, box us in?”

  Instantly the earth shook as stone pressed up through the earth all around them. They heard the dirt wall beyond crash to the ground.

  “Zander, can you lift that loose earth and push it out to knock them off guard?” Charlotte muttered.

  He nodded.


  She's there, shadow, drag her to Blair and hold her with him.

  They heard a furious scream and the darkness lifted. Dane stood glaring at them through a window Zander had left in the stone wall.

  Fire, cool.

  A ball of purple and black hurtled toward him and he disappeared.


  The water dome she'd maintained began to churn then shot up in a fierce jet. Dane dropped to the ground in a heap at her feet.

  Callan pressed his sword gently into his back. “We win again.”

  Let them up.

  “You're a clever little madam,” Dane laughed, rolling onto his back to look at Enya.

  The stone walls returned to the earth, the water to the stream.

  “Very good. Zander, that was brilliantly done,” Blair called as he walked to them.

  Alayna was scowling, her hair spattered with dirt.

  “Aww Ally, come on,” Dane laughed when he caught sight of her, “it'll wash out.”

  “Yes. Yes, it will,” she snapped. Her features softened as she turned to Zander and Enya. “That was brilliant, you two. I had no idea you were that good.”

  They beamed up at her.

  “Okay, I'm going home. Have fun.” She blew them a kiss and disappeared.

  “I don't want her on my team again,” Dane sulked, “it's only dirt.”

  “Oh, give up. She's brilliant paired with you. We couldn't see a thing between you,” Charlotte said.

  “She can't help being a girly girl. Isn't that what attracted you in the first place?” Callan teased.

  “Yeah, well she's a liability in battle,” Dane huffed, “Lukas is here.” He nodded to the center of the cairn.

  They all turned to see Lukas and Anton walking toward them. Enya grinned and waved at them. Anton waved back, calling, “Ahoj, Princess.”

  Blair greeted Lukas with a warm hand shake.

  Charlotte smiled but said nothing. Callan eyed her giving Anton a tight-lipped smile. Anton nodded.

  “Okay, Zander, Enya, combat training,” Blair announced.

  Both children skipped forward.

  “You're going to learn how to place your feet to stop anything knocking you down, how to get up quickly if you are knocked down and how to break free if someone grabs you, okay?”

  They nodded eagerly. Charlotte walked away, leaving Callan to supervise the lesson.

  Lottie, wait.

  What for? I don't want them fighting.

  What if, IF they encounter a Daeva? They need to be able to dodge and run.

  They won't!

  We don't know that.

  Sod off.

  Anton caught her up. “Charlotte?”


  “I know it must be hard but…”

  “But what, Anton?” she sighed, “They shouldn't need this. I wasn't happy with the offensive magic training but I let it slide. Just in case. Now combat training?”

  “It's no different to martial arts training. That's mostly defensive,” Dane added from her other side. “Loads of kids their age go to martial arts classes.”

  She opened her mouth to respond but had no argument and quickly closed it again. Pulling herself up onto a large rock, she sat to watch. “Okay, smart arse,” she sniffed.

  Dane chuckled and nudged Anton.

  Lukas was knelt on the floor in front of the children, gently maneuvering their feet into the correct position.

  Once they were in the correct stance, Lukas stood up and demonstrated with his hands. They copied.

  “They're already half way there with the positions I taught them weeks ago, for casting and blocking incoming elements,” Blair said, leaning on the rock beside her. “Enya's a born warrior. Look at her.”

  They're right.

  It's your job to worry, Lottie. Please, trust us. We want to keep you all safe.

  I know. I don't have to like it.

  Anton laughed, “She terrifies me.”

  “Don't be silly,” Charlotte snorted, relaxing a little. “Little human girls aren't frightening.”

  “That one is. I've never seen reflex reactions like that in one so young.”

  Blair nodded, “He's right. She's a natural.”

  “Wonder where she gets that from,” Dane drawled.

  “What does that mean?” Charlotte laughed.

  “Nothing at all, scary lady,” he smirked.

  Looking back over to Zander and Enya, she frowned. Zander had the heel of his hand against Callan's chest. With as much force as he could muster he pulled it back and thrust forward. Callan gave, ever so slightly, with the impact then grinned.

  Enya copied the action with Lukas.

  Rubbing a finger along her brow, she looked away. “Has there been any sign of him yet?”

  “Not yet, no,” Dane answered. “We're missing something. He's either left the country or he's found a way to conceal himself. I'm hoping he's left the country.”

  She nodded, “He'll turn up. He'll make a mistake.”

  Anton put an arm around her shoulders. “Don't worry. We will find him.”

  “You need to be ready though, Lottie,” Dane said.

  Nodding, she said, “I don't know what I can do against him.”

  “Buy time. If you can keep him busy for long enough one of us can deal with him. We just need to be able to get close. Now you have your fire he can't burn you. You have your shadow, he can't get in your head. Your power matches his. It'll be like coming up against a wall for him.”

  “Right.” She looked back over to Callan and the children. Sighing through her nose she jumped from the rock and walked over to them. Lukas was showing them how to dodge an attack.

  Callan came to her side and put an arm around her waist, “Okay?”

  “Yeah, I'm fine. How're they doing?”

  “Well. They know enough to get free and run if the need arose. That's all they need. It'll be your turn soon.”

  “I don't want them seeing me waving a dagger about. Can you take them for lunch?”

  “Of course, Whatever you want.” He squeezed her gently and she leaned into him. “You need to relax. Everything is fine. They're safe and happy. This is just a precaution. All fae children receive the same training at a similar age.”

  “I know. I just don't like violence. I don't want their first reaction to a situation to be to fight. It doesn't solve anything.”

  “I love you.” He kissed her head gently and smiled into her hair. “Get Dane to bring you home when you're finished here, I'll have lunch ready.”

  “I love you,” she murmured, twisting round in his arms to kiss him.

  Lukas cleared his throat, “Charlotte?”

  “Yeah, I'm ready,” she said, then turned to Zander and Enya. “Daddy's taking you home for lunch. I'll follow you shortly.” Kissing them each on the cheek she turned and walked to where Lukas had been working with them.

  “Bye mummy,” Enya called as they left.

  “What are we doing today then?” She asked as Lukas reached her.

  “Attack,” he said with an apologetic smile.

  She nodded, “Wh

  “Dane. Combine your powers with a physical attack to gain an advantage.” Lukas' eyes flicked to Dane. She looked his way and he grinned at her. She groaned.

  “Rather you than me, my friend,” Anton laughed.

  “Weapons?” Dane asked.

  “Yes. Be careful, that dagger is sharp. Dane, you can use this training blade.” Lukas tossed the dagger to his brother, who caught it expertly.

  “Come on then Princess, do your worst.”

  Hide me.

  Dane laughed as she disappeared. Lukas and Anton walked back to the rock to watch as he focused on finding her. “I'll find you and put you on your arse,” he called.

  Stealth, trip him.

  His feet were pulled from under him and he landed with a thud. Using the distraction, she moved around him and held her breath.

  “Fine,” he sighed as darkness blocked out the sun. “Show yourself by using fire or fall over yourself trying to find me.”

  Find him.

  Cold steel pressed into her throat as the darkness faded. “Unlucky. I had hoped you'd get chance to take a stab at me but never mind.”

  She slammed her elbow into his stomach and ran.


  Circling back around him, hidden by her power, she moved slowly and carefully. He'd sprung to his feet and was scanning the cairn as she came up behind him. Silently, she ducked around him and pointed her dagger at his heart, showing herself. “Oops.”

  His hand gripped her arm, twisting it round. “Oww!” She hissed as pain splintered up to her shoulder. Flames spread from her hand and up Dane's arm. He released her, the flames dying immediately. She lunged with her dagger, cold steel connecting with his upper arm.

  Rage flashed in his eyes, “Oh you're for it.”

  Backing away, she glanced at the dagger. Bile rose as she caught sight of the blood dripping from the sharp blade.

  “Lottie, I'm fine, its already healed over,” he said rushing to her as her knees buckled, “Look, its fine, it was only a small scratch.”

  “I want to go home, Dane,” she whispered as she fainted.

  Chapter 21

  After taking the children to school, Callan dropped her at the cairn for training and went on to the palace.

  “No daggers today,” Blair said giving her a kind smile.

  Nodding, she walked to the center of the cairn.


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