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Accidental Dragon Spell [Fury 3]

Page 2

by Marcy Jacks

  The warlock looked away from him. He nodded.

  Gold cursed under his breath. He briefly turned away, rubbing his hand over his face.

  The fucking little bastard. The son of a whore, piece of…

  Gold took in a deep breath. He couldn’t do this right now. He was supposed to be watching the backs of his friends.

  “Are you and the other dragons going to attack?”

  No. They weren’t. They were just supposed to scope out the area, find any weaknesses, and, if it was possible, break out a couple of the prisoners.

  Namely, the parents of Rey’s mate. A couple of wolf shifters.

  Dog Catchers were the only ones known for chasing down omegas and betas after the plague had wiped out all of the alphas. It had attacked their brains. They’d gone crazy and murdered each other, members of their own packs, and their mates.

  The Dog Catchers were deployed to bring in the betas and omegas for testing, even though the vast majority of omegas, and most of the betas, weren’t affected by the disease.

  Everyone knew the safety measures were horseshit. Anyone who willingly went with the Dog Catchers was never seen or heard from again. Prisoners. Locked away for the rest of their lives.

  The problem was that another dragon clan had been involved with the Dog Catchers at their building, and now that there was a warlock here…

  “Are you working with the Dog Catchers? What about the dragon clan?”

  “The dragon clan?”

  Gold growled. He reached down and snatched the man by the throat, pulling them so close their noses touched.

  “Don’t play around with me right now. I am not in the mood for your shit.”

  He felt the man’s heart flutter just before he shook his head quickly. “I’m not messing with you! I…I really don’t know a lot of what goes on.”


  “I’m telling the truth! I’m a nobody. I’m not even a good warlock.”

  Gold lifted a brow at that. “And yet you tried to bind me to you.”

  He looked down at the circle they were still standing in.

  “This looks like a fairly complicated spell. Why would you try to use something like this on me if you weren’t sure you could even pull it off?”

  The man swallowed. “I…I need to get out of here. Witch and warlock blood, it makes a great ingredient for potions and spells. The useless ones…we’re put into those potions.”


  “So I’m a useless one!”

  Gold wasn’t seeing the problem.

  “All right, whatever. I’ll get you out of here if it makes you take off this damned spell.”

  The sooner he could get this over with, the better.

  Only then did Gold realize how close he still held the other man, close enough they could be kissing.

  He glanced down at the smaller man’s lips without intending it then growled and shoved the warlock away.

  He stumbled and fell on his ass. Gold squashed down the guilt he felt rising up inside him over that.

  Guilt for tossing the man away and guilt for wanting to taste those lips for himself.

  “Are you sure it was a slave spell?”

  “You’re not my slave.”

  “Fuck you. You cast a spell on me to force me to do your bidding.”

  He felt drawn to the man, and while he did want to protect him, Gold wasn’t entirely sure if this was the sensation he should be expecting. The sensation of wanting to protect the man made sense, but the part where he wanted to fuck him seemed like something else entirely.

  Something he didn’t want to put a name to.

  The man winced at Gold’s description of it. “It’s not like that. I’ll release you from the spell. You just have to get me out of here.”

  “I thought you said the spell would release me on its own?”

  The man tensed, as if caught.

  And right then, Gold realized the man didn’t have the control Gold thought he did. Maybe even hoped he did.

  That might be a good thing. Otherwise the little shit could decide to force Gold to do all kinds of things he didn’t want to do.

  At least this way Gold still had some control over himself. He could still decide how much of this he was going to go along with.

  His phone vibrated in his inside jacket pocket. He reached in and grabbed it then cursed again as he saw his brother’s name on the screen.

  A text.

  Where the hell R U?!?

  He texted back.

  Warlock trouble. I’m all right.

  That was all he could give for now. He hoped everything was all right with the guys, but he knew his brother would be calling him at any moment to ask for the details. He’d want to make sure Gold was really the one texting him and not some rando who happened to get his phone.

  “Who is that?”

  “None of your fucking business,” Gold snapped. He looked at the other man, glared at him, wished there was something he could do to make his life as miserable as possible.

  For now, he had to do as he was told. Otherwise, he might never be released from this spell.

  “I’m going to shift back into my dragon shape. I need to check on my brother and my friends. I’ll take you with me.”

  The man shook his head so quickly those thick glasses nearly fell off his face. “I can’t go back there!”

  “Shut up. I won’t leave you there, but I can’t just take you home with me without checking in on everyone first. If there’s a fight, I need to stay there for it. If not, then I’ll head back home and take you with me. Then the spell will be over and done with, right?”

  The young warlock nodded, though Gold wasn’t entirely sure he believed him, seeing how badly he sucked at performing any magic of his own.

  Whatever. It was his only hope. His only hope to be free of the spell and of this strange new lust that had come over him.

  He was really starting to think the warlock might have cast the wrong spell on him, but he wasn’t going to let himself think about that while he had so much else to do.

  “You swear you’re not going to drop me off there and leave me behind?”

  It was on the tip of Gold’s tongue to tell the man he didn’t have to swear to anything, but he didn’t do that. He couldn’t do that to him when the man managed to make himself appear so small and pathetic.

  As though he really were terrified.

  Of losing his powers? That was it. Fuck, warlocks were pitiful. They acted tough as shit, but when push came to shove, they were nothing without their powers.

  Instead of delivering that hard truth, he growled at the man and nodded. “I swear. This shouldn’t take long anyway.”

  He shifted before the man could ask him any more questions or before he caved and started asking him some questions of his own.

  He didn’t want to know anything about the man. He didn’t want to know his name, his age, or why it was so important for a useless little warlock like this to cast a spell on a dragon.

  At least the spell hadn’t been on Lightning. As an albino dragon, he was apparently useful for potions and spells, as well. His blood, his scales, his horns, all of it was used in spells.

  For that, Lightning hated the warlocks, and spell or no spell, the man might have killed this little guy for trying to bind him like that.

  The thought had a weird affect on Gold. It made his chest clench up and his heart seize.

  Whatever. Gold spread his wings and knelt down a little, just enough for the little warlock to climb up.

  The man hesitated. “Are you sure it’s safe?”

  Gold softly growled at the man.

  Safe. He was the one who’d performed a spell like this, and he really wanted to ask if what he was doing was safe?

  The man swallowed. “All right. I get the point. Please just don’t drop me. I…I’m sorry, but I didn’t…”

  Whatever else he was about to say was held back as he realized he had nothing else left to do
but climb onto Gold’s back.

  Since Gold didn’t exactly have any harnesses on him, the only thing the little warlock could do was hold on tight as Gold began flapping his wings and pulling himself into the air.

  He was going to head back to his friends, and if this little bastard was lucky, no one would try to kill him for the stunt he’d pulled.

  However, when they got up into the air, Gold hated to admit it, even to himself, but the feel of that warm body clutching at him, pressing against his neck as the man clung to him for dear life, did something to Gold that he couldn’t explain.

  Something he liked because he liked the feeling of that little body pressing again him, and if he focused hard enough, he could feel the beating of the little warlock’s heart through the clothing, through his scales, along with the warmth of his body, the touch of his hands, and the sensation of his dick.

  Gold hadn’t been the only one to get hard, it seemed.

  Good to know.

  Now, what to do with this new information because, more and more, Gold was starting to think this warlock hadn’t simply bound Gold to him temporarily.

  This was starting to feel kind of like the mating heat.

  Chapter Three

  Sebby didn’t know what to do when he got in the air. It occurred to him when he was up there that it was possibly the dumbest move he’d ever made in his entire life to agree to fly up there with the other man, dragon, whatever.

  At any point in time, if the spell wasn’t strong enough, the dragon could choose to drop him to his death and be done with the whole thing.

  That was part of the reason the High Wizard was always frustrated with him.

  Sebby didn’t think about most things before he did them, and even when he did think about them, it didn’t seem to matter and everything always had a nasty habit of going to shit.

  The dragon didn’t drop him, thank God. That didn’t mean Sebby didn’t feel every drop, every bump in the air.

  How was it that the air could have bumps in it? Turbulence? He hadn’t thought of that either. The golden dragon seemed to be gliding on currents of wind, and with every drop, Sebby gasped for breath and held on tighter.

  He felt as though he was in a roller coaster without being strapped in.

  But he didn’t fall. Whether that was the dragon’s doing or because Sebby was just holding on that tight, he didn’t know and he didn’t care.

  At one point, the golden dragon began to circle in the air. Sebby heard a noise, a soft growl. He glanced up, looked around, and realized that he and the golden dragon were no longer alone.

  Several other dragons circled with them. All glowing eyes were pointed directly to Sebby.

  He shivered. They were looking at him. They were definitely judging him, and he could only imagine they were thinking what he must taste like when they decided to eat him.

  He clutched the dragon beneath him tighter.

  Please let the spell have worked. Please let this dragon protect me. Don’t let it hand me over to these other dragons.

  It might have been preferable to take the risk with the High Wizard instead of dealing with this.

  The dragons growled at each other, made long noises that could have come from whales. The only differences were that these were not whales and the noises were a little harsher.

  Did they understand each other in this form? Sebby had never bothered to find out, but when the golden dragon angled his wings and began gliding off in the complete opposite direction, Sebby got the feeling it was because he’d been dismissed.

  He breathed heavily, his body still not coming down off the adrenaline rush.

  It would be awhile before he felt safe enough to move a muscle. At the moment, his entire body was cramped up, and if he tried to move, he might just piss himself.

  That would definitely make the dragon beneath his legs buck him off. Nothing caught someone off guard more than warm piss sliding all over their body.

  Sebby knew this personally from when he’d been caught off guard by Adol and his goons.

  His body still ached from that beating, and he’d had to shower for more than an hour before he felt clean after they’d pissed on him.

  As if they knew he was a goner and wanted to get one last go in with him before finally leaving him alone.

  Finally, Sebby was able to speak up.

  “What happened? Are you going to help your friends?”

  The dragon beneath him growled and rolled its shoulders. Sebby gasped at the sensation it left him with. Of nearly falling. He pressed his body firmly against those golden scales, not wanting to fall.

  He got the message loud and clear.

  He was to keep his mouth shut and not say another word from this point on.

  So he didn’t.

  Sebby stayed quiet and still. He had no idea where they were going, but the more they flew, the more comfortable he became with the fact that he really was about to make his great escape. He was getting farther and farther away from the compound with the warlocks, the Dog Catchers, and the dragons.

  He was escaping. They couldn’t kill him if they couldn’t find him, and he was getting so far away now that there was no way in hell they’d be able to track him.

  At least, he was pretty sure of that.

  Sebby gasped again when he felt the sudden drop, and then they were descending. He shut his eyes tight. He didn’t want to look around, and he didn’t want to look down. He didn’t want to put his eyes anywhere that could freak him out or scare him into letting go.

  He kept holding on, and he kept being shocked that the dragon didn’t throw him off.

  His chest slammed into the scaled back of the dragon when they finally hit the ground. It briefly knocked the wind right out of him.

  Sebby coughed.

  Only then did the dragon shake itself off. Sebby slipped from its back.

  He screamed, his brain still thinking he was a thousand feet in the air instead of seven feet.

  When he hit the earth, it wasn’t any less of a shocking surprise.

  The dragon glanced down at him, a single brow raised. At least, the area above its eye was raised. It didn’t exactly have eyebrow hair, so was it still a brow?

  He didn’t know, and he decided it didn’t matter. Sebby pushed himself to his knees, just barely refraining from kissing the earth.

  “Thank you for not dropping me.”

  The dragon shifted back into his human shape. He glared down at Sebby. “Don’t thank me just yet.”

  Sebby didn’t understand until the shifter grabbed him by the back of the neck and yanked him up to his feet.


  The shifter dragged him along. “All right, I did as you told me. Now take the spell off me.”

  “The spell.” Sebby actually had to think about that. He’d completely forgotten while he was in the air. “Well, it should have come off by now.”

  He was away from that building. There was no one around to bring him back. So it should be gone by now.

  Which meant he was alone with a guy who wanted to beat the piss out of him.

  The shifter seemed to think about that. As though he were inwardly checking for something that would tie him to Sebby.

  When he glared down at him, Sebby knew he had his answer before the man grabbed him by the collar of his robes again.

  He pulled Sebby so close their noses touched. The power and strength on this guy was scary with its intensity. “It’s still on me.”

  Sebby shook his head. “I don’t know what to do about that! I didn’t mean to keep it on for so long!”

  “What was the spell?”

  “I told you!”

  The dragon shook him. “Bullshit. This isn’t just some slave spell—”

  “You’re not my slave!”

  “You did something to me. Something else! This feels…”

  Sebby waited. He waited for the dragon to yell at him some more, maybe to hit him.

  Or kill him.

nbsp; Instead, the man crushed his mouth to Sebby’s in a hard, heated, and demanding kiss.

  * * * *

  The little warlock didn’t move. Not at first. Gold could feel his shock, he could sense the man’s panic, but then, just as he was sure the warlock was about to push him away, he melted.

  Those eyes closed, his lips softened, and Gold felt the slightest push back against his mouth.

  A kiss returned. A desire fulfilled.

  A mate found.

  Gold growled to himself. He shoved back hard on the man’s chest, separating their mouths, and the man cried out and fell back onto his ass in the dirt.

  “What…what was that for?” he demanded, catching his breath and pulling himself together after the stunning kiss.

  Gold wiped his mouth on the back of his hand, making sure the warlock happened to see it even as he sneered at the man.

  “I’d rather kiss a dog on the mouth than you.”

  The warlock blinked. He seemed stunned. It was kind of amusing watching him struggle with that. “Then why did you do it?”

  Gold glared at him. He felt his hands clenching up into fists once more, only this was so much more frustrating than he was used to because there was nothing he could do about this.

  “You didn’t just bind me to you as a servant, you stupid idiot. You bound me to you as your mate!”

  “What?” The warlock jerked back, his arm coming up, as though to shield him from such an accusation. “No!”


  Gold ran his hands over his scalp. He turned away from the warlock and paced.

  This was too fucked up. This was too much. How was he supposed to deal with this? He couldn’t be mated to a goddamned warlock. It was just…no.

  “That’s not the spell I cast!”

  “I don’t care what spell you cast. This is happening.”

  He could hardly bring himself to look at the other man. Even now, all Gold wanted to do was grab him, strip him out of his clothes, and taste his skin.

  He wanted to slide his tongue all over the man’s warm flesh, take those ridiculous glasses off his face, and see how wide those eyes got without the thick lenses in the way.

  “I didn’t do that! I wouldn’t do that!”


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