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Late Blooming Lily

Page 3

by Bryony Kildare

  "She was scared," Lily said in a little voice. "And she said she was sorry and begged him to let her off, but it was too late. He made her get her hairbrush off the bureau, and when she tried to argue, he told her she'd better do it quick if she didn't want the belt." She took in a little breath at the desire the scene she described roused in her. "So she fetched it—she was already crying, and he pulled her over his knee... bared her bottom."

  Rob made a little noise, and Lily looked up quickly, anxiously, her pencil pausing in the by now nearly mechanical task of laying shade on the drawing. But all he said was, "Keep going."

  "He started with his hand," Lily said slowly. "He knew she was scared—he knew she'd never been spanked before. And he slapped her butt, warming it up, getting her used to the feeling. And then he picked up the brush and started spanking her good and hard." She bit her lip, feeling the warm desire pool in her belly. "She struggled some, because it hurt so badly, but he was so much stronger, and he didn't stop. He said she needed to learn her place—that he'd teach her to be a good girl if he had to spank her every single day. He kept going, and she was so scared, and it hurt so much, but he didn't let up, not until she stopped fighting, was just lying there over his knee sobbing like a sweet little girl."

  She shivered and finally seemed to come out of the trance she'd been in. Looking down at the drawing, she realized it was finished—any more would ruin it. She laid it aside and leaned forward, her head in both hands, waiting for his judgment.

  "Then what happened?" Rob pressed.

  "Then?" Lily gave a long, shaking sigh. "Then he let her sit on his lap and hugged her and kissed her—like he might have done before if she hadn't been so scared and bratty and kept her distance. And she cried and cried—not just for the spanking, for everything. But it was okay. Because he loved her." There was a pause, and then Lily forced herself to straighten up and smile, though rather wanly. "I think she fell in love with him eventually. I think they're still together."

  "And he still spanks her?"

  "Oh, yes. Of course. She... she needs it."

  "She does, doesn't she?" he said huskily. Then he patted his knee. "Come here, sweetheart. Come sit on my lap."

  Lily stared at him for a moment, eyes wide, something between fear, desire, and wild hope plain in her gaze, and then she rose, going to him with almost comical haste. His big hands caught her waist and pulled him down, and Lily fit there on his lap just perfectly, like a dream, like coming home. She buried her face in his neck, nuzzling there submissively, not yet able to speak more directly to him, yet so grateful to him for not laughing, for not going away, for whatever this was. Whatever this was, it filled something that ached and yearned inside her and had for a very, very long time. "Thank you," she mumbled at last.

  "Shh, baby girl." He hugged her close and kissed the top of her head, his hands stroking her hair tenderly. "Just a sweet little girl, aren't you?"

  Lily nodded, completely beyond all her fear and hesitation now, for in his calm acceptance, the easy mastery that had so attracted her had somehow become absolute. She would have agreed if he'd called her an adorable little toad, for that matter.

  "I never told anyone," she whispered. "Not even Brian." Especially not Brian. That would have been a disaster. No, they'd been equal partners—though perhaps more equal than partners, for helpful mutual support hadn't precisely been a feature of their marriage. Lily had learned to look after herself early in the union. "Even if he'd wanted to, it wasn't... it wasn't him. After we divorced I thought about it. But I'm so old now... I'm forty-three. Who wouldn't laugh?"

  "I wouldn't," he said quietly, then tugged softly on one of her curls, making her look up at him. He let her see the honest desire and affection there in his face for a long moment, and then kissed her hard, with one big hand cradling the back of her head. Lily whimpered softly at the pleasure of it, of surrendering entirely to his touch, losing herself in him. Her lips parted easily as his tongue pressed into her mouth, claiming it, letting her taste his desire and need for her intimately. Soon Lily was kissing back eagerly, and Rob gave a low growl in the back of his throat, lips and teeth clashing in the heat of it. Lily had never, never been so hot from just a kiss, and she rocked her hips unconsciously, her arms around his neck, any ideas of propriety, distance, good sense all gone.

  After several minutes, Rob at last released her, leaning back and groaning. "God, Lily, you drive me crazy." His hand was still in her hair, playing with the pretty silken softness of it. "I'm going to look after you, baby, do you understand? No games. If you want it, then you'll obey. I ain't ever going to force you, but I won't play games. No changing your mind halfway through a spanking, no arguing a rule wasn't fair. Do you understand?"

  Lily didn't answer for a while—not from resistance, but because she knew it was important, and she was so out of her mind with desire it would have been very easy to say yes to anything he asked—particularly now, when it was exactly what she wanted so badly.

  "I understand," she said huskily. "I don't—I don't want a game. I want... I want that. Rules. Discipline. Want to obey, want to be p-punished... really punished, when I need it. Just to be yours. To be... taken care of."

  There were still a hundred things they would have to discuss, but they were details—this was the heart of the thing. She would be his to be protected, petted, disciplined, all as he pleased. That for as long as they were to make this thing between them, it would be real, and the old aimless loneliness would be gone.

  He kissed her again, more gently this time, just to seal the thing between them. "Have you been spanked before?"

  "Not since I was around five years old," Lily said. "Except... except once, I spanked myself with a kitchen spoon. It took forever to make it really hurt, and it was just exhausting and unsatisfying."

  Rob's lips trailed over her hairline, making her shiver. "Tomorrow we'll start proper, and you'll get all the rules you need to help you be a good girl. But tonight... tonight you're going to learn your place, sweetheart. You're going to feel my hand, and the brush—maybe the belt too, if you need it. Not because you've been bad, because I'd be hard pressed to think of anything sweeter and more perfect than my little girl right now. But I want every inch of your body to know that you're mine now, Lily. I don't want a particle of doubt about this. Do you understand?"

  Lily nodded, quick and eager. "I understand. Please—please spank me hard."

  He gave a soft chuckle. "You'll get it hard, baby—harder than you'll like, before too long. As hard as you need to let go of all those things that made you pull away from me before. As hard as you need to be a little girl again, and cry it all away, let everything else go. And when I've spanked your ass raw, I'm going to fuck you harder than you've ever been fucked before, Lily Amis." One hand, resting proprietorially on her thigh, squeezed firmly. "And all you have to do is take it, sweetheart, just take it all and surrender to me."

  "Yes," Lily whispered, rubbing her nose gently and submissively against his cheek. "Yes, please, Rob."

  One last kiss, this one very tender indeed, and then he eased her up off his lap. "Then go in the bedroom, baby, and get your hairbrush ready. Time for my little girl to learn her place."

  Chapter Three

  Lily sat on the bed, her knee-length skirt arranged to flare prettily around her, the pale, expensive ash wood hairbrush beside her. Her ankles were crossed, toes barely touching the floor, and her hands were folded neatly on her lap—the very picture of a demure little girl. Inside, her heart was pounding hard, excitement and fear together threatening to overwhelm her. Yet somehow, all her doubts were gone. From the moment he'd patted his knee and called her to him, she had left behind all will to withdraw, to protect herself. She was going to be spanked, at last, and though she felt strange, shaky, and almost light-headed, it didn't matter.

  When she heard his tread in the hall, she did begin shaking a little, the physical reaction to her overwhelming impulse to submission still difficult for h
er to manage. Therefore, her eyes were a little anxious when they met his, though now without hesitation.

  Rob paused at that expression, then came to stand in front of her, his hands coming up to cup both sides of her face comfortingly. "Are you okay, baby?"

  "Yes, Rob," she said softly. "Just scared. But I'm sure. I want it. Please."

  "You understand I won't stop? It's going to hurt, sweetheart, and you'll want it to stop, and I won't. I know what you're doing takes a lot of trust, but I'm putting myself in a position that could turn ugly pretty easy, and I need to trust you too."

  Oddly, that eased a great deal of her anxiety, the idea that he, too, was doing something frightening and uncertain. Lily turned her face to one side, slightly, kissing one hard palm. "I understand. I don't want you to stop. I want to cry and beg and know that you'll decide when it's enough. Just you."

  He took in a long, slow breath, then said, "Okay, baby girl." He sat down beside her. "Then it's time for your spanking, honey. You know why you need this?"

  "To learn my place. To know I'm yours," Lily answered softly, rising. She gave him a sweet smile, but only for a moment, then cast her eyes down submissively.

  "Good girl," Rob said. "That's right." He helped her over his lap, arranging her comfortably there, and then pulled up her skirt slowly, letting his hands enjoy the journey, tracing over the delicate flesh they uncovered.

  Lily gave a sharp shiver, then jumped a little when one hand pressed firmly against the satin of her panties, right against her mound. Though she had been too distracted to realize it before, they were already soaking wet with her desire.

  "Sweet little baby," he rumbled. "You do need this, don't you?"

  "Yes," she agreed, moaning a little and shifting her hips to press against his palm. "Please..."

  "Soon, baby doll. You've got to be a good girl first." He took his hand away, and then brought it down in a hard spank on her butt. He gave her several firm swats over her panties—nothing particularly punitive as he let her get used to the sensation of being struck. Then he tugged at her panties. "Lift up your hips."

  Lily obeyed, arching up for him, and he slid them down to her knees. She was left bare, exposed, and she felt wanton and needy and, at the same time, very meek and vulnerable. He was still fully dressed, yet her most intimate secrets were laid bare before his eyes—the neatly trimmed pale gold flax that proved her hair color came from her heritage rather than a bottle, and the puffy, swollen sex beneath it, slick and fragrant with desire. But, Lily had not very much time to focus on her nudity before he began spanking again, still with his hand, but harder now. It stung, but didn't really hurt, as such. She gave a few startles at first, but soon relaxed into the wonderful intimacy of it. The loud slaps rang out in the little bedroom and his hand turning the skin as fair as her name pink and warm.

  He spanked her that way for a few minutes, and Lily guessed that he was enjoying the closeness and the sensation of it as much as she was. But finally, he picked up the hairbrush and tapped it a couple of times on her rear. "Ready to cry it all out, little girl?"

  "Yes, Rob," she whispered, and she brought her hands in front of her to clasp there meekly, turning her face more towards him so that he could see the peaceful trust and desire on her face, for all anxiety was gone as she let herself surrender to sensation and to him.

  He didn't begin slowly at all, and the first crack of the brush on her ass made Lily jump and whimper. It was closely followed by another, and another, as he kindled the warmth in her rear into a bright flame. Now pleasure and intimacy were gone—now it was time for her to show him that she could be a good girl, could bear the painful discipline she had begged for. It was difficult, though, as Rob continued paddling her relentlessly with the brush, giving her no space whatsoever to catch her breath and composure. No—now he would empty her out entirely, make her his.

  Any slight stoicism Lily might have been maintaining was lost very quickly as Rob continued about his business, and she was biting her lip, her hips rocking with each blow as her body tried to pull away, no matter what her brain and heart thought of the matter. The left hand that had been resting lightly on the small of her back pressed down hard now, pinning her in place, making her take the full, painful crack of each blow. Now Lily knew what stone must feel like as the sculptor, with chisel and hammer, worked at it relentlessly, turning so many protective layers into nothing more than dust on the floor.

  "Hurts," she whimpered, and she was getting louder now, sharp gasps and cries escaping her at the hard spanks. She was twisting as much as she could under his hard hand, her hands now gripping each other painfully tight to restrain the self-protective instinct.

  "Good," he growled. "Let it go, baby girl. Let it all go." She hadn't thought he could spank much harder than he was, but the cracks grew louder still, and her noises were becoming less controlled as her feet kicked helplessly at the counterpane and her bottom felt as though all the skin must have been spanked away some time ago, hot and raw and exquisitely tender.

  But Lily had trouble obeying, and there was a long period of yelps and squeals and kicking as he remorselessly spanked her, sometimes hitting the same spot over and over and over again until she thought she would surely die, just die, right there if he didn't stop. Then, finally, he would move to another spot, but the relief was short lived, as he would recreate the same searing, terrible pain there.

  "Ow, please!" she wailed. "Hurts, hurts so much, please, please...." She hadn't meant to beg. She'd meant very particularly not to beg, in fact, given that she knew she had given away all control to him. But it hurt so much she couldn't help it, and Lily let go of that too, babbling promises that she was ready, done, please, couldn't take anymore, would be a good girl.

  He didn't answer her, just kept up the harsh treatment of her tender flesh, taking her through the place of pleading and struggle until finally, deep within Lily, something broke. Tears rose up in her eyes, and a noisy wail came out as she began to cry. It wasn't pretty, restrained crying, it was loud and ugly, as she squalled out all her pain and surrender, red-faced like a baby.

  And still the brush kept falling, the loud smacks not easing off in the slightest as he took her to the dark place within her heart and then pushed her deeper and deeper. It hurt more intensely than just about anything in her life, and Lily had lost any hint of control, kicking and struggling until he had to pin one hand at the small of her back by her slender wrist. And still he kept spanking.

  Because she wasn't in control anymore—he was. And when her body finally came to learn and accept what her mind had already chosen, Lily's struggles and noises subsided into a miserable, exhausted weeping as she lay meekly across Rob's lap, taking every spank with no more than a slight flinch, sobbing out her pain for him. He continued for another couple of minutes, keeping her in that place of complete and absolute surrender and then, finally, he laid aside the brush. "Okay, sweetheart," he said softly, releasing her wrist and helping her up. "Okay."

  Lily was entirely passive and docile now, and she stood before him, her fair hair sticking to her sweaty face, crying softly. He eased her down onto his lap, and she winced at the pressure on her raw, well-bruised behind, but never once thought of pulling away at all. Instead, her arms went around his neck as tightly as possible, while she buried her face into his shoulder, letting him cradle and comfort her exhausted, shaking body.

  "Shh...." He was as tender now as he'd been relentless before, stroking her hair, kissing her forehead, and rubbing her back. "My sweet little Lily—you did so good, baby, so good. My precious little girl."

  "Yours," she mumbled, her tears slowing some, though they had not yet quite ceased. "Please. Please promise."

  "I promise," he whispered. "Nothing to be scared of, sweetheart. I'm here. You don't have to worry about anything." He rocked her on his lap, very slowly and gently, caring for the meek little girl he had revealed within her. Nor was he at all impatient, though Lily could feel his prick straining again
st his jeans. He let her weep out all her surrender and drink in his tender affection until finally she was quiet.

  When she finally looked up at him again, shy and eager and needy all at once, he gave her a light kiss on the lips, then said, "Let's get you undressed, sweetheart."

  She reluctantly allowed herself to be eased off his lap, and he undressed her without hesitation as Lily lifted her arms and feet in response to his gentle pressures, learning the language of his hands as he stripped her like a child. When she was naked, he rose and helped her stretch out on the bed, kissing her to swallow the little whimper as her sore butt hit the counterpane. "I'll be right back, baby," he said softly.

  Lily gave a sharp, protesting whine, but stayed where she'd been placed, and he returned quickly with a glass of water, helping her sit up a little and drink while he brushed back the sweaty hair from her forehead.

  "Such a good little girl," he whispered. When she'd drunk it all, he laid the glass aside, and then stood up. He fumbled in his pocket for a moment, and held up a condom, making sure she saw it before he laid it on the bedside table. Then he stripped, with the same casual self-assurance with which he did everything else.

  Worn out as she was from the harsh spanking, Lily couldn't help admiring the lines of his body, sinewy and strong. He was strong without being bulky, and she wanted to touch every inch of him—his lean thighs, flat stomach, broad chest... and the hard cock that spoke of a need and desire that equaled her own.

  He came to lie on the bed beside her, leaning over her, and the kiss he gave her was slow and tender. "My precious baby," he said softly, one hand rubbing at her stomach. "So proud of you. I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life." He let his hand drift down, stroking her soaking wet quim. "Your ass may not have enjoyed that, but some part of you sure did," he chuckled.

  She moaned, low and long, very open and responsive to the pressure of his fingers as he mapped out her slippery sex, finding the tender, swollen bud of her clitoris and rubbing slow circles over it before slipping down to her entrance and pressing two fingers inside. She clenched around him, her body trying to draw him in, to gain the penetration it so hotly craved. "Please," she whispered.


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