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Taken! 13-18 (Donald Wells' Taken! Series)

Page 11

by Donald Wells


  Stiletto had made the old woman attend to his wounds before tying her to a kitchen chair and searching the house.

  After scarfing down food from the refrigerator, he went upstairs and came across a bottle of prescription painkillers in the medicine cabinet that had expired a year earlier, but triple the dose seemed to do the trick and the ache in his arm went down five levels, and blessedly, his headache finally went away.

  In the bedroom closet, he found a .38 inside an old cigar box and also several plastic bins full of men’s clothing. The old woman had said that she was a widow and the clothes had probably belonged to her husband. It was all a bit big for him, however the shoes were the right size and, after all, he would have to make due.

  Once he was freshly showered and attired in his new wardrobe, he went downstairs and into the kitchen, where he found the old lady lying on her side in the chair.

  “You tried to get free, didn’t you? Hell, you’re lucky you didn’t break your neck falling over like that.”

  The woman stared at him with tears in her eyes.

  “Help me up, please?”

  “With this arm? Hell, I barely had the strength to tie you up.”

  “What are you going to do to me?”

  Stiletto reached over to the kitchen counter and grabbed a large knife from a set of cutlery. He then walked towards the woman, smiling.

  “Oh, I have plans for you, don’t you worry about that.”

  And as he bent down toward her with the knife, she screamed.


  The attack came just after dark, as a blue Lincoln Navigator turned off the road and started down the driveway. The large vehicle moved quickly towards the house, as the lights blazed to full brilliance and revealed that the driver was wearing a ski mask and holding a weapon.

  Officer Callaway was reputed to be the best shot among the officers and agents gathered and it was his job to take out the driver. Callaway was lying flat atop the roof of the porch with a rifle, and he fired three shots into the vehicle as it came around the final curve.

  A bright red spray of arterial blood splattered across the windshield and the vehicle veered into a tree.

  Three federal agents and two police officers rushed over to the vehicle with their weapons drawn, as inside the home, the dog began barking wildly.


  Rolling out of the back of the SUV hurt like hell, but as he made it to the rear of the home, Stiletto laughed softly. His plan had worked perfectly and now he would finally get his revenge.

  He kicked open the back door and stepped into a large kitchen. He emerged from a short hallway and found the living room, and beyond it, the front door stood open, as three people, two men and a woman, stood staring at the carnage outside the home.

  The shorter of the men had a head full of white hair, while the other man had dark hair and the woman was a blonde.

  Stiletto sighted down the barrel of his gun at the back of the shorter man.

  Dr. White, at last,

  As he was about to pull the trigger, Traci Vargas reached up and slipped off her wig, as Chief Dent, the man he thought was Dr. James White, also removed the white wig he was wearing.

  It was only then that Stiletto spotted the guns on their hips.

  Damn it! They’re cops, decoys,

  He slowly backed out of the room and left the way he came in.


  Upstairs in the master bedroom, Jessica sat with her husband and father while trying to calm the dog down. He was at the rear window with his front paws on the sill and barking for all he was worth.

  The FBI agent in the room with them stepped out into the hall in order to hear the words coming out of his radio, a moment later, he looked back at them and smiled.

  “It’s over! That cop, Callaway, he shot Stiletto dead as he drove towards the house.”

  Jessica’s father exhaled loudly. “Thank God it’s over,”

  The agent headed for the stairs.

  “I’m going to see if they need any help.”

  Jessica’s husband got up from his seat and walked over to her and the dog.

  “What’s wrong, boy?”

  He received his answer a moment later, as he watched Stiletto skulk back out of the house and wander into the woods.

  He ripped open the window and released the rope ladder that hung outside it, and a moment later, he was climbing down.

  “What is it?” Jessica asked, as his father-in-law gawked at him with a shocked look on his face.

  “Stiletto! He just ran from the kitchen.”

  Jessica left the window and went to the closet to retrieve a loaded shotgun. She made it back to the window and called out to him, just as his feet touched the ground.

  When he looked up, she dropped the shotgun and he caught it.

  “Be careful!” she called, but he was already amidst the trees.


  At the front of the home, Agent Stevens gazed inside the Navigator and saw a curious sight.

  “What the hell? The gun is duct taped to his hand, and his hands are taped to the steering wheel.”

  Another agent called out from the rear.

  “The lift gate is gone; it looks like it was torn from its hinges.”

  Then, Stevens reached inside and yanked the ski mask off.

  “Oh sweet Jesus, it’s an old lady. Fan out! Fan out! Stiletto is still alive!”


  As he cleared the trees, Stiletto saw the cliff looming before him and almost ran right into the stream that sat before it. When he turned to change direction, he spotted the tall figure rushing his way and fired a volley of shots at it.

  The figure went down hard, but the lack of a cry of pain told him that whoever it was may have simply dived to the ground to avoid the shots. He took aim at the shape on the ground, but before he could fire again, a flash of light exploded from in front of the shape, and he screamed and dropped the gun, as the shotgun pellets shredded his legs to little more than stumps.

  As Stiletto writhed on the ground in agony, he looked up and saw the face of Dr. White’s son-in-law staring down at him. An instant later, and the shotgun was jammed against his chest.

  Despite the agony of his wounds, Stiletto managed to squeeze out two words.

  “...Help me?”

  The night boomed once again as the shotgun shredded Stiletto to silence.

  He grimaced at the fresh corpse, dropped his weapon, and then walked over to stare at the rushing water, as behind him, his protectors raced towards him, too little, too late.



  With the threat gone, Dr. White was returning home, and as they stood by his rented car, he stared at both of them, with perhaps, just a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

  “You two seem to have more than your share of run-ins with dangerous felons.”

  “But we always come out on top,” he said.

  Dr. White reached out and shook his hand.

  “Make sure that you do, and take care of my daughter.”

  “Yes sir,”


  With her father back home, they settled into their regular routines, which lately, were far from normal.

  While she continued work on her book, he had begun construction on the workshop that he planned to use to research and experiment on 3-D technology. The construction of the rectangular, one-story building had just started, and he stood by and watched the carpenters as they framed.

  Jessica walked over with the dog following beside her, and kissed him on the cheek.

  “It’s coming along nicely,”

  “Yes, but I paid for more men. According to the long-range weather forecast, there’s a snow storm headed our way and I want to at least get it framed so that I can place a tarp over it.”

  “Snow? Ugh, I thought we were done with that; it’s nearly April.”

  “Winter is having one last fling, I guess.”

  Jessica turned and walked away.
  “I’m going to get the mail; I’ll be right back.”

  She traveled along the driveway with the dog beside her, and laughed as he chased a pair of squirrels up a tree.

  She was twenty feet from the mailbox when she spotted it, and the sight stopped her cold in her tracks.

  She approached the mailbox slowly, but when she arrived, she lifted up the bouquet of roses and read the card.



  They were entertaining guests. Jessica’s friend, Juliet, and her fiancé, Rob Stevens,

  They were all outside in their coats, as winter seemed determined to thwart spring this year by imposing itself into the early days of April.

  Jessica watched with interest as her husband spoke with Juliet near his workshop. Normally, having company over tended to stress him out, but lately he appeared a bit more at ease around others, and of all her friends, Juliet was the one who never seemed unnerved by him and, in fact, had even admitted to having a crush on him, back in the days when she and Jessica were college roommates.

  Jessica smiled at her husband. Here was a man who could face a dozen other men in combat and never break a sweat, and yet, the simple act of making small talk with others often caused him angst.

  One of her mentors, Dr. Caroline Harte, once referred to him as a wolf.

  A wolf? In many ways, yes, but not a lone wolf, and just maybe, maybe we’ll soon have a pup.

  She was late. A fact she hadn’t shared with him because she was only a few days overdue, and yet, she was filled with a sense of the possibility of it.


  “Jessica? Hello?”

  She snapped out of her reverie and smiled at Rob Stevens.

  “I’m sorry, Rob, I guess that I was daydreaming.”

  “That’s okay; I was just wondering if there have been any more incidents, you know, with the flowers?”

  “No, and Chief Dent checked out the cards and found no prints on them either. It’s all a bit creepy.”

  “I hate to say it, but you might have a stalker. Is there anyone who comes to mind as a likely candidate?”

  “No... well, no, no one,”

  “You had someone in mind, who was it?”

  “I’d hardly call it an act of harassment, but, it’s Officer Callaway. On the day the police were here with you preparing for Stiletto, he made a comment, he told me that he thought I was beautiful.”

  “Well there’s nothing wrong with the man’s eyesight, but was it a rude comment?”

  “Not at all, no, it’s just that given the threat we were facing, his behavior seemed out of place.”

  “Have you mentioned this to Chief Dent?”

  “No, it was an isolated incident, and besides, Callaway appeared devastated when he realized that Stiletto had tricked him into killing an innocent old woman.”

  “Still, I’ll take a peek into his background, just to be safe.”

  Jessica smiled. “Thank you,”

  At the workshop, Juliet made a sound of delight and hugged Jessica’s husband, as he hugged her back.

  Jessica walked over with Rob.

  “Why all the smiles?”

  “I’ve been given a great honor. Juliet asked me to give her away at their wedding.”

  “Really? But what about your dad?”

  “Mom and Dad won’t be here. He doesn’t get around so well after he suffered that minor stroke last year, and well, let’s face it. This isn’t the first trip down the aisle for either me or Rob.”

  “You were married before, Rob? I didn’t know that,” Jessica said.

  “Yes, and like Juliet, I was barely out of my teens. My marriage lasted less than a year.”

  Juliet walked over and kissed Rob.

  “But now we’ve found each other, and we’ll be happy forever.”

  Rob smiled at her, and then he gestured at the new construction.

  “That’s going to be some workshop, and 3-D technology sounds fascinating.”

  “We had to stop construction after that snowstorm last week, but it should be completed by summer.”

  “Speaking of things under construction,” Juliet said. “There’s been a change in our wedding plans.”

  “You haven’t changed the date, have you?”

  “No, but we have changed the venue, we’re getting married on Cove Island, at the old chapel.”

  “Cove Island, but I thought that was private property?” Jessica said.

  “It is, but Rob knows the owners.”

  “How will we get there? Lake Sherman is still icy.”

  “The owners are also letting us use their helicopter to fly people in.”

  “The owners must really like you, Rob,” Jessica said.

  “I think they feel as if they owe me something. Years ago, I rescued their grandson from a kidnapper.”

  Jessica gasped.

  “That was you? I remember that case. It was in all the papers.”

  “Robby became a big hero by saving that little boy,” Juliet said, and then she shivered.

  Jessica took her husband’s hand and began walking back towards the house.

  “Let’s get inside where it’s warm and have lunch.”

  A phone rang, and Rob Stevens reached into his coat and took out his cell.

  “Damn, it’s work,” Stevens said.

  He peeled off from the group and answered his phone. When the call ended, he walked over to Juliet and kissed her.

  “I’m sorry, baby, but I’ve got to go in.”

  “Oh Rob, really?”

  “Yes, but it shouldn’t take all day. You have a good time here and I’ll meet you back at home, then maybe we’ll take in a movie.”

  “Sounds good, and be careful,”

  “I will.” Stevens said, and soon he was driving away.


  Hours later, they were saying goodbye to Juliet, and after Jessica gave her a hug, Juliet began crying.

  “What’s wrong?” Jessica said.

  Juliet grinned. “Nothing’s wrong. These are tears of joy. Do you realize that by this time next week I’ll be leaving on my honeymoon?”

  “I’m so happy for you, and Rob seems like a winner.”

  “I love him so much, Jessica. Oh God, I’m so damn happy it’s sickening.”

  “Not at all; it’s good to see you like this.”

  Moments later, and Juliet was driving away.

  They had no sooner stepped back into the house, when Jessica’s phone rang.

  “It’s Juliet,” she said. “Hi honey, did you forget something?”

  “, Jessica, I’m out here by your mailbox... there’s another bouquet of flowers, along with another card.”

  “Don’t touch anything; the police will want to test it for prints,” Jessica said, before covering the mouthpiece and quickly filling her husband in on Juliet’s discovery.

  “I haven’t touched anything, but the card is pinned on top and I can read it.”

  “What’s it say?”

  “Well, it looks like it was written with a black marker and it says, NOW MY LOVE, NOW!”


  Jack Dent showed up with Traci Vargas at his side and they were both wearing civilian clothing.

  It was Sunday, and the chief explained that they had the day off, but that he wanted to look into things personally. Jessica stood beside her husband as the chief talked to them.

  “I know I asked you this before, but is there anyone that you suspect could be doing this, anyone at all.”

  Jessica relayed her concern about Officer Callaway.

  “Dave Callaway?” Vargas said. “Dave doesn’t strike me as the stalker type; he’s a pretty straight forward guy.”

  “You say that as if you speak from experience,” Jessica said.

  “When I first joined the force he asked me out, he told me that I was beautiful and that he liked me. When I told him that I didn’t want to date, he never took it personall
y or held it against me. In fact, I think of him as a friend.”

  “He also told me that he thought I was beautiful.”

  “And then what?” Vargas said.

  “Well... then nothing, actually, we haven’t talked since.”

  “That’s what I’m getting at. Callaway said you were beautiful because that’s what he thinks, but I doubt he meant anything by it.”

  “You may be right, and don’t get me wrong, I’m not accusing him, but I would feel better if someone questioned him.”

  Dent nodded.

  “I’ll stop by and talk to him tonight. He’s home on paid leave. Shooting that old woman really tore him up.”

  Jessica’s husband pointed at the branch of a nearby tree.

  “I’m going to install a camera here. The next time we get a delivery of flowers, we’ll have our stalker on film.”


  The following afternoon, while her husband was out for a run, Dave Callaway showed up at the house. When he parked near the porch, he came very close to hitting the stairs with his bumper as he screeched to a halt.

  Jessica walked outside onto the porch to greet him with the dog at her side and a gun tucked into the back pocket of her jeans.

  When Callaway got out of his car, he sent her a short little wave of hello.

  “What do you want, Officer?”

  “Dr. White, Chief Dent told me about what was going on with the flowers, and I just want to assure you ma’am that I had nothing to do with it.”

  Callaway was talking slowly, and seemed to be carefully enunciating his words; when he swayed a bit after speaking; Jessica realized the truth.

  “You’re drunk.”

  “No, now, I have been at the whiskey a bit, but I’m okay to drive.”

  Jessica took her phone out.

  “Why don’t we let the chief decide that, hmm?”

  “You’re calling the chief? Why do you keep trying to get me into trouble?”

  “I’m not, and the business with the flowers aside, I don’t think you’re in any condition to drive.”

  “I don’t know anything about any damn flowers, and as far as saying you were beautiful, well, you are, I mean look at you. You’re as pretty as they come.”

  Callaway placed a foot on the bottom step and Jessica brought out the gun.

  “Don’t come near me.”

  Callaway backed away with his hands in the air.


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