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Five Roads To Texas | Book 11 | Reciprocity [Sidney's Way 3]

Page 25

by Parker, Brian

  “Okay…” Hannah said slowly, trying to process it all. “The Cliff’s Notes version is pretty confusing.”

  He chuckled at her statement. “There’s a lot to unpack in there.” He shifted and grabbed her hand. It felt natural and right to her. The old feelings she’d had for him rekindled inside her. “How did you end up here?”

  She relayed her story to him. It wasn’t nearly as convoluted or interesting as his story would likely be when she heard the entire tale. Hers was mostly days, weeks, and months of wandering steadily northward. When she got to the part about getting bitten, he stopped her.

  “You’re immune?”

  She eyed him warily. Was he one of the anti-immune activists? Would he think of her as a freak if she said yes? She’d only just reconnected with him, but she didn’t know if her heart could take that kind of rejection right now.

  “Yes,” she sighed. “I test positive for the virus, but I don’t have any of the effects. Grady, I’m still me. I just—”

  “That’s crazy. What are the odds?”


  “I’m immune too—actually, I’m a little more than immune.” He put his index finger to his lips. “Don’t tell them that.”

  A flood of emotions welled up inside of her. They’d both been immune the whole time. If she hadn’t abandoned him in Brazil, they could have been together without fear of the infected and she wouldn’t have had to have been alone for so long.

  “You’re immune, too?”

  He nodded, then stood quickly. He went to the door and peeked into the hallway before returning to the bed. “Promise me you won’t think I’m crazy?”

  “Who isn’t these days?” she asked.

  “True. So, ah, they experimented on me down in Brazil.”

  The emotions that had welled up inside of her burst out and her tears flowed heavily. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” she sobbed. “I didn’t know. I didn’t… I thought you were dead.”

  He shushed her again. “It’s okay. I’m okay. It’s actually a good thing, well, sort of.”


  “Since I have a natural immunity to the virus, the Iranians experimented on me to try to develop a vaccine for their troops, something that would make their men invulnerable to the infected. They ended up doing something to me. I don’t know how, but the infected are afraid of me or something.”

  “What?” she repeated.

  “It sounds crazy. It is crazy,” he amended. “But I’ve been out there with them, killed them by the hundreds. They won’t get within five feet of me if they can help it.”


  “Weird, right?” he suggested.

  “Uh… Yeah?” A feeling like she’d just said something terrible hit her hard. “I mean, you’re not weird, it’s just—”

  “No, I get it,” Grady said. “But I don’t want that knowledge getting out, only a couple of people at the division headquarters know about it. You might not have heard about it yet since you’re living over here at the airfield, but there’s some big movement among the refugee population. People are actually beating up and killing the immune. It’s completely—”

  “Insane,” she interrupted. “I know. I was attacked.” She pointed to the stiches on her face. “It isn’t only in the camps. Soldiers have bought into the anti-immune bullshit too.”

  “Fuck,” he grumbled. “I knew it was time to leave when I heard that. I’m glad I stuck around for a few more days, though. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have known about you.”

  “What do you mean by leave? You want to go out there like those other groups?”

  “I decided to come down here to Texas with the platoon on a whim. I didn’t have a plan as to what I was going to do after my little trip to New York, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to settle down on that farm with Jake and Vern.”


  He smiled, his lips were almost completely hidden by the unruly mass of hair on his face. “They’re part of the longer version of the story. I’ll tell you about them later. I’m not a farmer, but I’m not going to take orders from the Army. I had some douchebag major trying to tell me that I was a national asset and needed to be under guard at all time. Can you believe that shit?”

  She nodded. “I’ve met a few of those types around here.”

  “Anyways, when I gave him the slip to come over here, I decided that being cooped up behind the walls here at Bliss isn’t for me.”

  Hannah wiped at her cheeks. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying that I’m ready to leave and I know that we barely knew each other before all of this, and that you’ve suffered a terrible amount just to make it here, but—”

  “Yes!” she exclaimed, practically shouting. “I’ll go with you!”

  “You will?”

  She nodded. “Anything is better than being trapped behind these walls, waiting for the next attack, or until some anti-immune protestors get up the courage to attack me again.” She pointed at her wall locker. “I’m already packed and ready to go.”

  He nodded appreciatively. “Nice. I like it.”

  “I didn’t finish my story about how I ended up here, but I have a helicopter—a Blackhawk. We could take that and—”

  He shook his head. “There’s a lot of the story that we need to fill each other in on, but I do know that we can’t take equipment from them. That’s how the platoon ended up in Kansas. The Army guards its equipment jealously and they’ll come after us if we take something like a helicopter.”

  Hannah wondered just what the hell Grady’s story was. There were a lot of details that continued to sprinkle out that she’d need to hear over time. For now, she was just content to be with him. Grady Harper. How the hell had the man survived? He was a freaking legend.

  “Okay. I’m fine with walking. I did it for a year,” she said. “When do you want to leave?”

  “Now,” he replied. “Well, I mean, after we get some food. I’m starving.”

  “Okay. The dining facility is serving right now.”

  “I know,” he said. “I saw the line outside the door.”

  He stood and pulled her to her feet along with him. “After we eat, there are two pretty special people that I need to say goodbye to. They helped me out in New York and I promised them that I’d keep them safe. They’re in the refugee camp now, so I fulfilled my promise to them.”

  “Okay,” Hannah replied, not entirely sure of what to say or do next.

  Grady pulled her close to him and bent down to kiss her on the lips. His beard tickled. It was wonderful. She hadn’t had any type of intimate contact with anyone in a very long time, but as their kiss deepened, Hannah was convinced that she hadn’t forgotten how to.

  Finally, they pulled apart and she took a deep breath. Her cheeks were burning. “So, what are we going to do out in the wild?” she asked, gesturing vaguely in the direction of the base walls.

  “Whatever we want,” he replied with a goofy grin. “Seriously, though, I’d like to do as much good in the world as I can, so I’d thought about sort of wandering for a while on the wide open road. I have these skills, so, I don’t know, maybe help people clear out the infected in their area and then move on to the next settlement. Kind of like the Wild West or something.”

  “A modern day Robin Hood?” she laughed.

  “That does sound dumb, doesn’t it?”

  “No, totally normal,” she quipped. “And something I’d expect from you.”

  He shrugged. “I’m making this all up as I go and I don’t think very well on an empty stomach.”

  “Then we better feed you before I end up liking your idea to see the country while we help strangers in need.”

  “You like the idea?”

  She nodded. “I do. We both signed up to do something good for our country. Cleaning up the infected so people who want to rebuild sounds like a damn good way to contribute to the cause.”

  He pulled her close again. “I knew you and I
were a match. Remember that cold-assed truck ride in North Korea when we told each other that we’d get together after the mission was over?”

  “How could I forget?”

  “The mission isn’t over—I don’t think it ever will be—but I’m ready to be with you now.”

  “Slow down, Robin Hood,” she laughed. “Food first. Escape next. Then we can talk about our next steps.”

  Grady’s eyes flickered to the cot.

  “Oh, fine,” she relented, closing and locking the door. “We won’t likely be cleaner than we are right now for a long time.”

  Hannah allowed herself to be led to the small cot. It would be uncomfortable as hell with the two of them on there, but she was sure she could make do. They wouldn’t get a better chance than now to be together.

  After today, they’d be alone in the wilderness. That crazy idea hadn’t even been on her radar when she’d woken up this morning, but it sounded perfect to her now. They’d make a difference in the world together. She just knew it.



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