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Coded Love (A BWWM Romantic Suspense)

Page 6

by Tiana Cole

  “Yes.” She barely got the word out before he was leading her off the dance floor, not stopping for any reason as they hurried outside and into his waiting car. It was like he had already known her answer, or at least hoped and it sent a thrill through her, knowing that she effected this man so strongly.

  The drive to his home was a blur. She was vaguely ware of the decadent surroundings as he led her by the hand up a winding set of stairs to what they both needed so badly, but what eclipsed her thoughts was the sound of his breathing. It was heavy and panting, matching her own.

  Her pulse was like a freight train speeding through her veins and the several glasses of champagne were starting to catch up to her, stripping her of her inhibitions. All Alicia knew was that she needed him, now. She couldn’t wait anymore.

  With the alcohol pushing her on, she stopped him in the middle of the stairwell, pulling his mouth down to hers. It was soft at first, but grew harder, more aggressive as her voracious hunger spurred on his own. Need hung heavy around them like smoke in the air and every breath she took spurred her desire higher and higher.

  Alicia moaned as pleasure threatened to overwhelm her, and Ayden swallowed it with his kiss, drinking it down and coming back hungrily for more. It was like he couldn’t get enough of her, or she of him as their hands moved wildly over one another, searching for any small bit of bare skin they could find.

  “Alicia, the bedroom…” His words trailed off as Ayden finally pulled back just enough for them to both catch their breath. The image suddenly rose in her mind of their bodies entwined and entangled together on his bed and lust stabbed through her.

  “Yes,” was all she said. It was all she needed to say and Ayden wasted no time scooping her up into his arms and carrying her the rest of the way. She took immediate advantage of her new position to lick and kiss and taste the skin of his neck, delighting in the soft gasps and groans that escaped him as he walked.

  “If you keep doing that I’m going to drop you.” He chuckled roughly as he used his foot to kick open the door and carry her into the dark room. She laughed too, as she continued her sweet torture and barely held back a shriek as she suddenly fell from his arms, only to land on the soft cushion of his mattress.

  “Hey!” she exclaimed, but he just laughed again.

  “I warned you,” he said, his voice husky and low and suddenly right beside her ear as he laid his body over hers. She moved restlessly underneath him, reveling in the feel of all of his warmth and hardness surrounding her. But still, it wasn’t enough. She needed him closer, so much closer. And she needed the barriers of their clothes gone.

  Ayden was already ahead of her as he leaned back, hastily stripping off the expensive jacket of his tux to fling it heedlessly to the floor. His tie and shirt followed, and then shortly after, his pants until all he was left in was a pair of tight boxer briefs. He moved to take those off as well, but Alicia stopped him, running her own hands along the waist band.

  She didn’t miss the way he inhaled sharply as her fingers brushed across his abs and around his hips. Slowly, teasingly, she tugged at the elastic until they began to slide downward, stopping once just before she reached the hard length of him that was jutting straight out at her.

  Alicia sent a teasing look upward and Ayden silently begged her to continue. Unable to wait any longer to see all of him, she complied.

  She couldn’t hold back the gasp as she took in the sheer masculine beauty of him. Every inch of him was chiseled muscle that just made her want to run her hands over it to see if it was as hard as it looked. She was pretty sure it was. The thought made her chuckle a little as her gaze finally landed on his impressive length.

  Teasingly, she flicked out her tongue, catching the small bead of moisture sitting on its very tip. Ayden hissed in a breath and that encouraged her even more until she was kneeling in front of him, sucking his entire erection into the warm cavern of her mouth. With a sigh, she went to work, loving him with her mouth until his shaky hands on her shoulders stopped her. Alicia cast him a questioning look and he just shook his head.

  “If you keep that up I’m not going to last very long.” His words were whispered roughly and sent a thrill of feminine power oozing through her. It only encouraged her more and before he could realize her intention she had him turned around and lying on his back. Ayden grinned up at her and she couldn’t help but grin back.

  Alicia had never experienced sex like this before. There was a connection between them, like they had known each other for an entire lifetime instead of just the eight months they had been working together.

  She had never felt so comfortable, so at ease with any one else. With a growl, she kissed him, sweetly and ferociously. His taste was like ambrosia on her tongue. She loved every minute of it.

  His hot erection was like a brand against her inner thigh, sending heat firing through her body until she felt like she was burning up. There was only one thing that would ease the ache growing unbearably inside her and she didn’t wait any longer as she guided him until he was just resting at her entrance, teasing them both a moment more until even she couldn’t take any more.

  With a cry, she slowly sank down on top of him, easing him inside her inch by wonderful inch until he was finally seated firmly in her core. All of the tension, all the waiting had only fueled her desire on, but nothing could have prepared her for the way it felt to have him moving and thrusting inside her. He hit every nerve ending, every sensitive spot as he grasped her hips, hitching his own as they both found the perfect rhythm.

  Every move he made drove her higher and higher, her body tensing tighter as shockwaves of sensation echoed out from that magic spot he hit with each thrust. Alicia cried out his name over and over but she wasn’t even aware of it, she was so last in the pleasure drenching her body.

  Finally, she couldn’t take any more, and with a shout she flew over that golden edge, her vision spiraling out as stars flashed across her eyes and every muscle drew taught as wave after wave of ecstasy ran through her. She didn’t think she had anything else inside her, but after her climax Ayden lifted her, turning her over until their places were reveres and he was the one on top.

  From this new angle he thrust into her harder and harder and her body responded in kind, each shiver that shuddered through her pushed her towards another climax, this time even more intense than the last.

  She wasn’t aware of the near constant moans echoing from her already hoarse throat or the sweat that soaked both of their skins. All she was aware of was the explosions going off deep inside her, growing and growing on top of each other until she came again with a scream.

  Her back arched and every muscle in her body tightened until she thought she might break apart. Then Ayden was shouting above her as his climax hit him at the same time, hurtling them both over the edge together.

  After a long moment, Ayden finally rolled over, leaving Alicia nothing more than a boneless puddle in the middle of the bed. Sleep was already calling her name when she felt his arm come around her and pull her body close into the shelter of his own, her back against his front. The warmth of him swept over her and all she could feel was pure bliss as they tumbled into unconsciousness.

  Chapter 10

  Alicia stared out over the city, marveling again at its beauty. Venice was like nothing she had ever imagined. It was like watching a movie, or being in a movie.

  Her normal life seemed so far away she could hardly remember it. After the success of the website, she and Ayden drew closer and closer together. They made love every night. She couldn’t stand to be apart from him, and when they were, he filled her thoughts.

  He had taken her to the most fantastic places. Paris and Rome. All across Europe, and this weekend they were in Venice and she still couldn’t believe it. He had opened up a whole new world to her, and she loved every minute of it. Because I’m here with the man I love.

  The thought shot through her and she knew she couldn’t deny it. There was no use anyway
s. They both knew the truth, even if she hadn’t worked up the courage yet to say it. Alicia couldn’t help but feel more and more that it was fate that had thrown them together, that had led him to hire her, and despite herself, pursue a relationship with her.

  She could never remember being this happy and a part of her still held back, that part that had grown up in abusive foster homes, in orphanages where families passed you by for someone younger, someone cuter.

  That part of her that told her not to care too much. That warned her she would only get hurt in the end because no one would ever really love her back.

  “Hey, babe, you feeling better?” Ayden’s voice broke through her thoughts as he came in through the hotel room door carrying several bags. She just opened her mouth to tell him yes when the smell of food hit her, turning her stomach. She held her hand over her queasy middle.

  “I guess I’m still feeling a little rough. It must have something I ate last night.” Ayden shot her a sympathetic look before digging into the breakfast he’d brought back for them.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to try a little bite?” he asked, offering her a forkful of delicious looking food. Unfortunately, her stomach did not agree. Alicia hastily shook her head.

  “No, no. I’m okay. I don’t want to take any chances.” Ayden let it be and took a few more bites. “So, what are we doing today?” she asked, trying to distract herself from the nausea twisting slowly in her middle.

  A look of regret came over Ayden’s face at her question. “I’m sorry, love, I forgot to tell you. I have to do a little bit of work. It should probably be only an hour or two.” She expected to be disappointed, but instead relief hit her.

  “Well, hopefully by then I’ll be feeling a little better.” She smiled at him, even though she knew it was wan and he hastily nodded, agreeing with her. He finished the food quickly before coming over to lay the sweetest kiss on her forehead.

  “Why don’t you go back to bed for a few hours, and I’ll try and make my meeting as short as possible,” he whispered the words, and she let herself melt into him for a brief moment. Never in her life had Alicia had someone take care of her the way Ayden did. Within a few moments, he was back out the door and headed towards his business meeting leaving Alicia to crawl miserably back into bed.

  She didn’t know what it was, but for the past several days nausea would hit her every morning. After an hour or two, the sick feeling would fade and she would feel normal again. It was the strangest thing. A sudden thought occurred to her and she sat bolt upright in bed. Oh my god. She should have gotten her period already. She was late!

  Panic flooded her system and she was out of bed and dressed before she even realized what she was doing. She threw a long cotton dress on and flew out of the room and down the stairs.

  After several unsuccessful attempts to get directions, Alicia finally found someone who spoke English and told her how to get the nearest drugstore. It was a small shop on a cobble stone street and she tried to stem the hot blush that suffused her cheeks as she quickly purchased the pregnancy test.

  Alicia basically ran back to the hotel, everything passing in a blur as she prayed she was wrong. Over and over she repeated it in her head. Please, don’t let me be pregnant. She wasn’t ready for that. After the hell she had gone through as a child, she wasn’t even sure she wanted to bring a baby into the world. She could never put someone through that, especially her own child.

  Alicia waited impatiently in the elevator as it took her up to the penthouse suite, not even noticing the gilded mirrors and crystal embellishments. All she could think of was the little pink plastic wrapped stick burning a hole through the bag she was holding. The ride seemed to take forever, but finally she arrived on their floor and hastily entered.

  She went straight to the bathroom, coming out moments later as fear skittered across her body. Five minutes, the instructions had said. She had to wait five minutes to determine the results. It was the longest five minutes of her entire life.

  Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the timer she’d set on her phone went off. She walked to the sink but hesitated, unable to make herself look.

  There was a ball of lead in the pit of her stomach twisting harder and harder with each second that passed. Panic and terror warred within her all mixed with confusion and hope that she had just picked up some exotic bug while she was travelling.

  It took every ounce of courage she had to make herself open her eyes and look down at the little plastic stick. With a gasp, she covered her mouth as the results hit her. She was pregnant.


  The next two days in Venice passed by in a blur for Alicia, her thoughts constantly on the tiny human currently growing inside her. The morning sickness continued and Ayden insisted on taking her to a nearby clinic. Alicia jumped on the chance, hoping that the at home pregnancy test results had been a false positive and waited patiently in the small office for the doctor to return with his findings.

  She sat there with fingers and toes crossed, praying for some sort of miracle to a god she was sure had given up on her long ago.

  The door to the office room finally opened and she looked up in anticipation, but it morphed into confusion as she saw Ayden enter instead of the doctor.

  His expression was serious and more nervous than she had ever seen him. Well, to tell the truth she had never seen him nervous, or even a little unsure of himself, so another edge of panic joined the mass already vibrating inside her.

  “Ayden? What is it? Are you okay?” she finally asked after he still hadn’t said anything for a long moment. He looked up at her as if seeing her for the first time.

  “Me? What? Of course, I’m fine. It’s just…” He trailed off, swallowing hard. “The doctor just told me. That is, um, he said, well, he said–”

  “What, Ayden? What did the doctor say?” Alicia asked with a sinking feeling in her gut. She already knew what the doctor had said.

  “He said that you might be pregnant. They have to run blood tests to be sure but…” The words all came out in one big rush and she thought for a moment, as Ayden’s face grew pale, that he might pass out then and there. “You’re pregnant. You are having my baby.” His words were wondering and full of awe, but Alicia just felt a mountain of uncertainty.

  “Listen, Ayden, I might be. I’m not sure…” She didn’t know what to say, didn’t know how to finish the thought that was swirling through her head.

  “It’s amazing. I can’t believe it, you’re pregnant!” With a whoop he picked her up, spinning her around the tiny room and laughing.

  There was so much joy and happiness on his face she almost couldn’t bring herself to tell him her doubts. But she had to. He deserved to know that she didn’t think she was ready to be a mother. Before she could even open her mouth to speak, Ayden shocked her into silence as he slowly knelt down on one knee in front of her. He reached up to grab her hands, holding them in his as he spoke.

  “I knew from the moment that I met you that you were special, different. Like no one I had ever met before. Alicia Banks, you are the most amazing, wonderful, beautiful, intelligent women I have ever known. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” He stared up at her with those big, dark blue eyes of his and she felt lost, adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

  “I…I…” Suddenly, he leapt to his feet, holding her close, his words eclipsing whatever statement she had been trying to get out. It was all just happening so fast.

  “It will be perfect! You can move in with me as soon as we get back. I’ll go ahead and call a moving company to get your stuff packed up. We can’t have you lifting all those heavy things with a baby on the way.” He had his phone out and was dialing before she had even managed a reply and anger filled her at his high-handed actions. He hadn’t once asked her what she wanted to do, hadn’t even waited for her to give her answer to his proposal.

  Alicia stood up straight, throwing her head back and stiffening her spine as she rested both hands
on her hips and said as clearly and firmly as she could, despite the trembling in her limbs.


  Chapter 11

  “What was that, sweetheart?” Ayden asked, his cell phone still pressed to his ear, still going about changing her entire life without even asking if she was okay with it.

  “I said no.” Alicia repeated the word, stronger this time. As much as she cared for Ayden, she knew this was all happening way too fast for her. Slowly, the word sank in and Ayden lowered the phone, his expression drooping slightly as he took a step closer to her. She backed up, trying to stay firm, trying not to give in to him, to the need to sink into his arms and let him make everything better.

  “What do you mean? You don’t want to move in with me? But we’re about to have a baby together,” he said, a million questions suddenly swirling in his deep blue eyes.

  “I mean,” she swallowed hard, and then continued, “I mean I won’t marry you.” He just stared at her for a long moment, trying to process her words and after a moment he smiled but it looked forced.

  “What are you talking about? Of course we’ll get married. We will get married and move in together and have a beautiful baby together.” He reached out a hand to touch her still flat belly, but she took another step back, covering her middle with her arms. Ayden looked like she had slapped him.

  “I said no, Ayden. I need time to think, to make sense of all this. You can’t just make decisions about my life like that.” Alicia shot the words out, hating the fact that she was hurting him but also knowing that no matter what she had to stay true to herself.

  “You can’t be serious, Alicia, not after everything–”

  “It doesn’t matter, Ayden. I’m telling you I’m not going to marry you just because I might be pregnant. I mean, I’m not sure if I am even going to keep the baby!”


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