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Coded Love (A BWWM Romantic Suspense)

Page 21

by Tiana Cole

  My body shuddered as I hit my orgasm. For an instant I was free falling into space. The waves of pleasure that emanated from the depth of my being were beyond words.

  The same erotic waves washed over me repeatedly, lighting up my brain with a jolt, making me hear bells ringing in my ear, until I felt I had no more to give.

  I felt Gareth’s deadweight slump against my back as my own knees gave way and flattened me against the mattress. His breathing was hard and heavy against my ear as I struggled to catch mine.

  A few minutes passed before we were both breathing evenly once again. He stirred, slid gently away, and released me from his weight. Then he turned me over and settled me on his chest, my head resting within the crook of his arms. Neither of us said a word.

  Shyness overcame me suddenly as I realized the enormity of what just happened between us. I knew I shouldn’t be where I am now. But I also realized it was a force that was beyond me and there was nothing I could do about it.

  He was stroking my arm before touching my chin and raising my face to meet his.

  “Thank you, Sienna.”

  “Thank you for what?”

  “For making me feel like a man again…for saying yes and being here with me tonight. It means a lot to me.”

  I didn’t understand what he meant. Who wouldn’t want to be here with him? Any girl would claw my eyes out just to take my place. But when in doubt, I always go for laughs to hide my own embarrassment.

  “You’re welcome, Mr. Westbrook. It’s all part of the service I render when someone hires me as their private nurse.”

  I felt his body tense and I looked up into his face. A frown marred the gorgeous mug.

  “It’s a joke, okay? I meant it as a joke.”

  He relaxed a bit and dropped a kiss in my hair.

  “Now that you mentioned it, I want to know what else you have to offer. I think there are still parts of you that I haven’t explored to my satisfaction.

  I groaned in disbelief as his mouth descended on mine. We kissed long and hard as I felt the stirrings of heat grow and bloom between my legs again.

  This was going to be a very long night indeed.

  Chapter 16 ( Sienna )

  I stretched my neck, wishing the crick would go away. The rest of my body was sore as I endeavored to look like a professional nurse, given that I just cavorted the night away with my patient. The truth was still seeking a foothold inside my brain, causing to me to swallow hard with concern.

  I was torn between guilt for letting it happen and excitement for having it happen to someone like me.

  I was certain of one thing. There was no shortage of women he must have bedded in the past. I wondere

  d how he reacted to them the morning after. Should I bring it up with him? No! Definitely not. I might send the wrong message that it meant more to me…just in case he viewed it as just another romp in the hay.

  Yes, I would act cool. Heaven forbid he might think of me as insecure and clingy. That was the last thing I wanted to convey to someone like Gareth. Better to be on the side of nonchalance, sophistication, and worldliness. That was preferable than being thought of as gauche and naïve. I wouldn’t even mention it to him at all.

  I lauded at myself for having made the right decision in the wee hours of the morning to go back to my own room. Gareth’s arm was strewn across my waist, spooning me from behind. Moving quietly so I wouldn’t awaken him, I gathered all my clothes. He was snoring slightly as I stepped out of the room.

  I was exhausted and thought that I would be out like a light. Instead, I tossed and turned until the grey streaks of dawn were visible from my window. If I could get three to four hours of sleep, I knew I would be fine.

  I was up before nine in the morning, took a hurried shower, and donned my clothes to start my day. I wanted to consult with the cook regarding fitting in some options to Gareth’s diet. That was still part of my job. Then I went to the breakfast room where I saw the tray holding his meds.

  I wanted to allot his medications for the day so that I wouldn’t forget them. I had to focus on all the things I needed to do for him as his nurse. He was paying me for my services after all.

  That particular thought made me cagey once again. Having sex with him was not on the list of my resume. Suddenly I felt like a prostitute. Weren’t they also paid to provide sex? Why was I having all these thoughts? It was a one-night stand. I enjoyed it. I was sure he did too. I should leave it at that before I drove myself crazy.

  “Morning, Sienna.”

  I wheeled around in surprise. I didn’t even hear him enter the room.

  “H-h-hi Gareth,” I stammered, embarrassed. I avoided his eyes at all cost. “Good morning.”

  “You were gone when I woke up this morning.”

  Was that a question or a statement? As usual, his presence made me lose whatever equilibrium I had.

  “Yes. I…err…would you like your breakfast now? I’ll tell the cook you’re here. I gave her a set of menus to include in your diet.”

  I made for the door when he blocked my way and stopped me in my tracks. I forced myself to look up at him. I was certain that if my skin showed a blush, I would be a deep shade of mauve. I felt warmth suffuse my entire being.

  “Sienna, is there something wrong?”

  “N-no, I-I…”

  “Is it about last night and what happened between us?”

  There. He gave me an opening. I should take the bull by its horns and just say what I had to say. Maybe if I told him it meant absolutely nothing to me, we, or I could proceed with some peace of mind. I wouldn’t have to worry about it or think about it anymore.

  I straightened my shoulders and took a deep breath.

  “Gareth, about last night…I don’t want you to worry about it, okay? It shouldn’t have happened but it did. I just want to assure you that it’s something we can both forget.

  I don’t want you to feel anxious or wary that it meant more to me than it did. It was a casual fuck, nothing more. I’m not the type of woman who will put any meaning into a one-night stand. We’ll both take it as it is. B-but, m-maybe, it shouldn’t happen again, okay?”

  Shit. I wished I was more firm about that last statement.

  Gareth’s face was inscrutable as he looked at me. Was that relief he felt? God, I wished he wouldn’t stare at me so hard. But I had to show him I meant what I said and stared right back at him.

  After what seemed like light years, he finally said, “We’re taking the day off. I want to drive somewhere and you are coming with me. Cancel my therapist for the day. Prepare what you need as my nurse, but you are going with me. Is that clear?”

  I nodded. It wasn’t exactly the response I expected but at least I said my piece. If he needed me to be with him as his nurse, then it was my duty to go. I wondered where we were going.

  We hardly spoke another word all throughout breakfast. He seemed tense and angry as he went about reading the newspaper. I busied myself preparing his meds and putting them in a dispenser. I didn’t know how long we’d be gone so I brought his dosage for the entire day. When he indicated he was ready to go, I meekly followed him out into the car.

  “Where are we going?” I finally got the courage to ask.

  “You’ll see,” he answered enigmatically.

  The dark mood seemed to have lifted and I was glad. Maybe the fresh air would do him good. We drove for some time until we entered a quiet, leafy residential area just outside of town. He drove through a gravel road then came to a stop.

  I wondered where we were. There were three squat buildings three or four stories high and a couple of free standing buildings that were setback from the main road. A flag was swaying gently in the breeze.

  I would have mistaken it for a warehouse or compound except for the presence of some students playing football in the wide open expanse beyond. I realized we were in a school.

  “Come,” he said simply.

  I followed him, still unsure what we were doin
g here. Gareth seemed to know where he was going as he headed for the lobby of one of the building. He pushed open the glass doors and went through, walking a short passageway till he came to a door. He knocked once then opened it.

  A little old lady with graying hair and horn-rimmed glasses looked up as we entered. A broad smile plastered her face as she recognized him.

  “Gareth,” she shrieked in delight, rising and reaching for a walking stick.

  “No, Maimee, stay there, I don’t want you hurting your hip again.”

  Gareth approached the thrilled old woman and gave her a tight hug.

  “Maimee, this is Nurse Sienna Miller. Sienna, meet Madeline Scott. She is the principal of this school.”

  “A nurse? So it’s true? All the rumors we heard about you. You were in an accident, then.”

  Maimee stepped back to look for signs and when she couldn’t see any, reached out a hand to hold his face.

  “I’m fine, Maimee. Nothing to worry about,” Gareth reassured her. “Is Mr. Hendricks in his office? There are things I want to discuss with him.”

  Maimee nodded her head, looking fondly at Gareth as he headed out the door. The old lady offered me some tea, which I declined. I didn’t want her hobbling about as I remembered Gareth’s comment about hurting her hip.

  “So, Maimee, you’ve known Gareth for how long?”

  “Since he was a little boy about this high,” Maimee replied, gesturing with her hand.

  I was surprised.

  “He studied here till he graduated high school. He’s always kept in touch, even after college. I always wondered what kept him coming back. Most of our students hardly ever do after they leave. He says he spent some of his happiest times here.

  I don’t doubt that. Gareth was quite a handful and got into a lot of mischief, especially with the girls. Seemed like anyone wearing a skirt was after him. Couldn’t blame them though. That boy was a handsome devil even when he was younger.”

  “He was a heart breaker then?”

  “Yes, but he managed to get out of all kinds of situations. He was always being called to my office for disciplinary action back then. I got to know him pretty well. A rich and successful father…a mother who was into the arts and philanthropy. It could get pretty daunting for a young lad. But he cleaned up well.”

  Maimee launched into some of the stories that she remembered. It was pretty obvious that she doted on Gareth. They shared some laughs over his escapades.

  “How is he doing? Was he hurt terribly? I mean, he mentioned you’re a nurse. I assume you are looking after his welfare?”

  I nodded and reassured her that Gareth was well on his way to good health.

  “I’m so happy to hear that. That lad has been more than generous with this school. He asked to put up a building dedicated to sports and recreation for the kids. His donations have been keeping the school afloat all these years.”

  That information surprised me once again. Gareth didn’t seem like a man who kept in touch and stayed tethered to a place like a high school. It seemed being generous was nothing new to him. The knowledge made me happy. I saw a side to him that I never knew. I wondered what else I would discover about my one-night stand lover.

  He rejoined us soon enough and he and Maimee huddled together. I kept some distance. Instinctively I knew they were talking about school matters. I sauntered towards the window and looked across at the wide open space, trying to imagine a young Gareth walking the halls of this parochial school.

  Maimee mentioned that he was the captain of the football team. He must have cut a striking figure in his jersey, shoulder pads, and tight pants that displayed the prominent bulge in his crotch.

  Oh my god! Why were my thoughts even running in that direction?


  I whirled guiltily around and saw that Maimee was by the door waiting for us to leave. I hastily made my way towards her and gave her a tight hug.

  “You take good care of my boy,” she said. “And don’t you take any shit from him.”

  “I will…and I won’t,” I replied with a grin. She was a spirited old woman. No wonder Gareth seemed enamored with her all these years.

  “I worry about Maimee,” Gareth said, breaking the silence. “I offered to bring her to a nice retirement home but she refused. I think keeping busy is what made her last this long. That lady is seventy-eight years old.”

  “She thinks very highly of you,” I replied. “She said that you cleaned up well after all the trouble you brought her.”

  Gareth laughed and said, “Yes, I was a troublemaker back then.

  Our next stop was a pocket subdivision made up of about twenty houses or more. The roads were lined with flowering shrubs and the smell of jasmine filled the air. There were hardly any fences separating the houses. People were either out on the lawn or talking to one another across open yards. There was an atmosphere of easy camaraderie as children played on the sidewalk.

  Gareth stopped by a small house where a golden retriever emerged, followed by a stooped old man pushing a walker.

  “Hello, Jackson, how are you, boy.”

  Gareth patted the dog’s head as it yelped excitedly around him then approached the man limping slowly towards him. Wisps of white hair blew in the wind as he held out his arms to give Gareth a bear hug.

  “Mr. Westbrook, sir, I didn’t expect to see you. I thought you were the medic coming to give us the flu shots. The vaccine has been sitting at the clinic for a few days now. Seems like we won’t be getting it today either.”

  “Not to worry, Tom. Meet Nurse Miller. She will administer the vaccine to everyone.”

  Tom eyed me through eyes that twinkled merrily above bushy white brows.

  “Nurse Miller, eh? Prettiest damn nurse I’ve ever seen.”

  I smiled at the old man and asked if the clinic had the health records of all those living within the area.

  “Sure do, Nurse Miller, and except for Tilda who’s suffering from asthma, most of us have written consent forms from our doctors.

  “Great, let’s do this, then,” I said enthusiastically. At least here was something I could really do as a nurse.

  Tom and I talked as Gareth headed for the clinic to get the vaccine and disposable needles. He came back a few minutes later with a metal cart carrying the supplies. But not before I was able to weed out some information about the small community.

  I learned from the old man that he was the former butler of the senior Westbrook, Gareth’s dad. They owned the vast tract of land where the houses stood.

  All of the residents were former servants or employees of the family. Each one has served with the Westbrook family for years. When they retired, Gareth gifted each with a deed of ownership to their homes.

  The community had a clinic, a small clubhouse with a basketball and tennis court, and a swimming pool. Construction for a daycare center and nursery school was in progress.

  I was in awe. I couldn’t believe it. A gold pen or a gold watch was the standard gift for years of service. Gareth gave away homes to people whose loyalty to their family had been proven through the years. As we went from house to house administering the flu vaccine, I heard snatches of conversation and processed them quietly.

  “How’s the knee, Mrs. Sheldon? Operation went well, I hope?”

  “Louie, I’ve spoken to the bank manager. Everything’s been taken care of.”

  “Your son, James, will be coming home soon. I’m glad someone will be here with you.”

  I realized how esteemed Gareth was by everyone. He called people by their first names and talked to them in a special way.

  He knew what was going on in their lives. He asked questions and listened to their problems. It was slow-moving going to every house because Gareth spent time with everyone.

  A procession had formed by late afternoon as I administered the last vaccine. I gathered the last of the medical supplies and saw some of the older folks hug him in gratitude. Gareth made a promise to visit
again soon as we headed out to the car.

  “Hungry?” Gareth asked as we made our way into the main highway.

  “Yeah,” I replied. I realized I haven’t eaten anything since morning.

  I also realized there was a reason Gareth wanted me along for the ride. He was showing me who he was and it was an unexpected discovery. The man had a heart.

  Chapter 17 ( Sienna )

  We found an out of the way roadhouse that served late lunch. I insisted we eat there but Gareth was wary, saying he didn’t know the place.

  “It’s a restaurant. They serve food. I’m hungry. Let’s go. Please?”

  I won and pretended not to see the frown on his face. He ordered for both of us, asking the waitress meticulous questions about the quality of the steak and the wine they offered. He was back to being the sophisticated, urbane Gareth I knew.

  “I know what you’re doing.” I smiled, hoping to ease the tension I sensed. I massaged and rotated my arm. My shoulders were frozen from giving so many vaccine shots.

  “What?” he asked blandly, looking up from the menu.

  “There is a side to you that most people don’t know and I suspect that you go to great lengths to keep it a secret.”

  “And what side is that you’re referring to?”

  “You have a heart.”

  “I do have a heart, Sienna. And like most people, you want to think that I don’t.”

  “Me? How did I get into this conversation?”

  He smirked, placed the menu down, and sighed.

  “Really, I want to know. How did I become like most people who think the way they do about you?”

  I was curious.

  “You can’t deny that you think I am an indolent chump who indulges only on what interests me, which is basically partying, having women around me, and buying expensive toys that befit my playboy image.”

  Bullseye! I couldn’t deny that. I knew he was wealthy, I knew he was a playboy and the women? Well, that was a practical assumption. But until today, I really didn’t know there was that other side to his nature. But I haven’t confronted him on any of those things. It wasn’t any of my business. Till now.


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