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Roomies with Benefits: A Brother's Best Friend Baby Romance

Page 31

by Amy Brent

  “Can’t say I blame you,” he joked, and ran his nose lightly up my neck. The smile on his face was almost as big as the one on mine, and I could hardly believe, after all that back and forth, that we had actually said it to each other. We loved each other, we were together, we were having this baby…

  And then, his hand began to move a little further down. My heart skipped a beat as I watched him in the mirror, moving his hand between my legs just gently and guiding them apart.

  “Mmm,” I sighed, leaning back up against him for support. He drew his hand up, pressing it against my pussy, and then dipped two fingers inside of me, moving them lightly back and forth against my slit. The teasing was already getting me there – maybe it was the intensity of the moment we’d just shared, but I felt more connected to him physically than I ever had in my life.

  “You’re so wet,” he purred against my ear, and I opened my eyes to see him watching the two of us in the mirror. And even I had to admit, we looked really good; his strong arms holding me up, my hands clutching for him any way I could. He pushed his head against my shoulder, the feel of his hair a new sensation that seemed to wake up any last nerve endings that might still have been sleeping. And then, at last, he pushed those two fingers inside of me.

  I felt my legs tremble dangerously beneath me, and I quickly focused in on the sight of the two of us in the mirror, like it would be enough to pull me back down to Earth. And it did the job. The sight of him, fingering me, planting a series of long kisses up my shoulder and my neck as he did so, was so painfully erotic it was as though the moment had been tossed into sharp relief.

  “You feel so good, Laurie,” he groaned in my ear, and the way he spoke to me when he had me like this, at his mercy, was almost enough to push me over the edge right there and then. I felt oversensitized, my body prickling from top to bottom, but he was soothing me by sweeping his hand up and down my arms and my back and my ass and my legs, taking in as much as he could at one time. I moaned softly, parting my lips, and tried my best to sear the image of the two of us together like this on to my memory. It was almost too much, but in the best possible way. Intimate and sexy and smoking hot all at the same time – everything that he was, caught in one moment.

  “I want to make you come,” he mumbled against my neck, his mouth still pressed firmly against my skin; the heat of his breath warmed me in the cool morning air, and I felt my legs trembling threateningly again. It was one thing to do something like, and it was a whole other thing to watch him doing this to me, to see how damn good we looked together, and it was already getting me close. He moved his fingers into me, deep, a promise of what was to come, and I felt my pussy contract and my body give out as the orgasm finally swept over me.

  “Oh…” I groaned, the noise coming out of my mouth ragged around the edges, as though I could hardly control myself. He knew my body so well, every inch of it, as though he’d studied it for years, and knowing that he still wanted me as badly as that very first time was impossibly sexy to me. As I came back to reality and clicked in to the world around me once more, I realized that his breathing was heavy, hungry, horny, and opened my eyes to see his gaze flashing with a dark need.

  “Fuck, you look so good like that,” he traced his fingers up and over my pubic hair, letting them trail over my stomach for a moment before he brought them up to my mouth; I parted my lips at once an watched his brow furrow in the mirror as I tasted myself on his fingers. I could feel his cock stirring against my ass, and I needed to feel him inside me sooner rather than later.

  “Fuck me?” I asked as he drew his fingers from my mouth, and a grin spread over his face.

  “I thought you’d never ask,” he growled, and he moved around me, picked me up, and carried me over to the door; pushing me up against it, he held me in place with one hand and unbuckled his jeans with the other. I squirmed against him, hooking my legs around his back for support, marvelling at how strong he was that he could just toss me around like this, like I weighed nothing. I guessed he wanted to take advantage of that while I was still small enough to do so.

  He pushed up inside of me in one thrust, letting out a throaty grunt that let me know this was all he’d been thinking about all morning. I bit my lip and held on to him tight; the angle we were at made it feel so different than normal, me helpless in his arms as he thrust up into me. All I could do was hang on to him for dear life and hope for the best. Good thing that he always delivered.

  The door creaked slightly as he moved into me, but I couldn’t focus on that; no, the way he was holding me let me run my hands all over his body, his back, his neck, his head, my fingernails raking through his hair. This was intense in the best possible way, like the two of us were blowing off steam that we’d been trying to keep in for way too long. I leaned down to plant kisses on what parts of his face I could see, his forehead and his cheeks and his nose, so desperate for him to know just how much I loved him and just how much I always would.

  He slowed for a few thrusts, and the deep corkscrew motion of his dick sent agonising waves of pleasure through me once more. How did he always know exactly what I needed? I supposed that was the connection, the intimacy we had fostered between each other – the fact that he was mine, and that I was unarguably his. And that realization took me over the edge again, the orgasm mellowing me and making my limbs a little limp as he did his best to keep me up against the door. He moved a little faster as soon as he felt my pussy clenching around his dick, and I ran my nails over his back and shivered in his arms as I felt him come inside me all over again.

  He let me down gently, his breath ragged around the edges, and I landed with a small thump on my feet on the floor below me. I giggled again, unable to keep in how giddy I felt from everything that had just happened, and made my way towards the bed, pitching myself head-first on to the covers and snuggling in. Whenever he made me come I always felt as though I could have dozed off right then and there, the rush of endorphins fading and leaving pure comfort in their place.

  “Fuck,” he shook his head as he did his jeans back up and staggered over to join me. “That was…”

  “That was no exactly the kind of sex I imagined after the first time we said “I love you” to each other,” I teased.

  “What, you were expecting some tender lovemaking thing?” He cocked an eyebrow as he ran a hand over my bare ass, letting it linger on the curve. “You know that’s not really my style.”

  “Not mine, either,” I agreed, squirming into the sheets beneath his hand and loving that he couldn’t seem to get enough of my body this morning.

  “That should teach you not to think you can just put on clothes without my permission,” he teased, but there was a gorgeous edge to his voice that made everything between my legs tingle with excitement.

  “Oh, yeah?” I turned over and looked him dead in the eye, challenging him. And he grinned right back.

  “Oh, yeah,” he nodded, and he moved on top of me once more – and I had the feeling that I wasn’t going to be needing clothes for a long, long time yet.

  Chapter Twenty

  I paced up and down the living room, in front of the crackling fire, and tried to ignore the squirming nerves in my gut. This was going to go fine. I was sure of it. Well, as sure as I was ever going to be.

  Where was she? I looked down at my watch. I had asked her to make sure she was back from her walk around seven, and it was a couple of minutes past now. I tried to calm myself, to remind myself that just because she was a moment or two late didn’t mean that something terrible had happened to her. She had insisted that she was fine to go out on this walk by herself, and I knew I had to trust her. Still, every time she had walked out of here by herself since that thing, I had found myself nervous and I knew that I had to get over that eventually.

  But this time it had given me an opportunity to put the finishing touches on the surprise I had been working on for weeks no. It was deep into winter, her pregnancy a good seven months deep, and I was exci
ted to show her what I’d been working on all this time. I had a feeling that she was going to love it. I sure as hell hoped so.

  I had started work on the nursery a few weeks ago, and it had been more fun than I’d cared to admit to put the place together. I started small, picking up a crib on a long drive here and ordering in a few toys and mobiles there, making sure that she had no idea what was happening, and had used the room I usually kept for storage to start building the place from the ground up. I had kept it locked, brushing her off every time that she asked me what I had in that place, telling her the truth – that it was just where I kept the stuff that I didn’t have a use for yet. Little did she know that soon enough it would be the centre of our house, of our lives.

  The baby was due soon, and everything with the pregnancy had gone better than I ever could have expected. There were no issues with her, completely healthy, and the baby – whose gender we had decided not to find out yet – was doing awesome. I couldn’t believe I was going to get to meet my son or daughter in just a matter of weeks. Couldn’t believe that the two of us were going to be parents.

  It was that thought, the realization that we were going to be a family, that finally prompted me to make an honest woman of her. I mean, she hadn’t said yes yet, but I was pretty sure that she was going to; we had already committee the rest of our lives to each other with this kid, and I felt like this marriage was just one more step towards that. I knew that even if she never wanted to get married, I would have done everything I could to be with her for as long as I was alive.

  We had told my parents about us a month or so ago – it had come as an enormous shock to them, unsurprisingly, but they had come around to the idea soon enough. They had had to. The two of them were already planning a visit in the new year, to meet Laurie and get to know her before the baby came along. She was nervous about their visit, but I had promised her that no matter what I wouldn’t reveal to them the truth of how we met. I knew they would never understand, and besides, what we’d told them was the truth – that we’d met, fallen in love, and gotten pregnant really quickly, and had decided to stick it out and stay together and keep the kid.

  I wanted her to meet my parents because I knew that soon she would be part of our family proper – I didn’t need their blessing to marry her, but it would sure as hell help if they liked her. I knew they would. She was smart, funny, busted my balls when I needed it, and I was certain that was all my mom ever wanted for me in a wife. I knew that’s what I wanted. I knew she was what I wanted.

  It had been hard, at times, rebuilding the trust between us. I knew I hadn’t even tried when things had gone to shit with Julia, and sometimes I had wondered if I should. But now I knew that all of it, everything that had happened, had been pushing me towards meeting this woman, towards making her mine at last, and now I looked back, I wouldn’t have changed a thing. Not one moment of it. Not the pain, not the loneliness, not the sadness. I would do it all a million times over if it meant that I got to her at the end of it.

  I heard the door open and reached into my pocket, closing my hand around the ring box I had picked up a few days before. When I had been back in the city, sorting out the selling of my final few shares so I could focus on raising the kid with Laurie, I had snuck into a jewellers and scoped out the perfect ring for the occasion. And I had found it. Now I just had to hope that she was going to love it, too.

  “Cormac?” Laurie called through the house, rubbing her hands together to warm them up. There was a smattering of snow over her shoulders, and I reached out my hand for her.

  “Hey,” I grinned widely, already ridiculously excited. “I have something to show you.”

  “Oh?” She cocked her head at me and allowed her to lead me towards the nursery that Id spent so long putting together. Her belly protruded even under the jacket, and she rubbed her hands absently over it as she often did these days.

  I took the key that I had left in the lock and, with a flourish, unlocked the door and pushed it open. She stepped inside after me – and as soon as she was there, her jaw dropped.

  “Holy shit!” She exclaimed, then planted her hands on her bump, as though covering the baby’s ears. “Is this…?”

  “Yep, this is the nursery,” I nodded, the grin somehow widening even though I was pretty sure I hadn’t got any more room for it on my face. I looked around, seeing it through her eyes, and I had to admit that I’d done a pretty good job. I had painted the walls in bright yellow, carefully detailing the edges of the room with bursts of green leaves and flowers that I had drawn on with a stencil. There was a changing table set up next to the window, which I had draped in pastel-blue curtains to keep out the light when the baby was sleeping; a crib sat on the other side of the room, next to the door, and I shook my head slightly as I remembered the hours I had spent putting that damn thing together when she had been napping. Thank God I wouldn’t have to do that twice. There was a playmat and a small box of toys sitting in the corner of the room, even though I knew that the little creature wouldn’t be able to play with them for a while after they came along yet.

  Laurie turned to me, her hands clasped in front of her chest.

  “I can’t believe you did all of this,” she murmured, shaking her head. There were tears glistening in her eyes, and I frowned.

  “Do you not like it?” I asked nervously. I knew I had gone out on a limb doing this for her, but I had wanted to make a statement, to do something that let her know how serious I was about this.

  “I love it,” she wiped the tears away quickly. She had been crying a lot more often recently – she put it down to the mess of hormones that pregnancy had unleashed in her, but that didn’t stop me gently teasing her about tearing up when she an advertisement with even remotely sad music. And that didn’t stop her chewing me out for doing the same.

  “You do?” I pulled her up against me, and she wrapped her arms around my waist and looked up at me.

  “I do,” She smiled. “I love it. How long were you working on it?”

  “Just a few weeks,” I admitted. “I wanted to be able to surprise you.”

  “Well, you really got me with this one,” Laurie beamed, her face shining with excitement. “It looks amazing in here.”

  “I’m glad you like it,” I sighed with relief. “I was worried…”

  “You never had to worry about anything,” she assured me. “You have great taste.”

  “Well, I picked you,” I teased, and leaned down to kiss her. When I pulled back, she started to look around the room once more.

  “I can just imagine how it’s going to look in here when the baby comes along,” she sighed with excitement. “It’s going to be…I can lay them down in the crib right there, I can set the mobile going when they’re dozing off, I can let them play by the window so they can get the sunlight…”

  I looked around at the bits of the room she was pointing at as she spoke, and I could almost see what she was talking about. I could picture the baby already, could picture us in there with them. The thought of it was so intense that I almost found myself tearing up too. But then I remembered what else I had planned for her while she was in here, and I pulled myself away and dipped my hand into my pocket. I had proposed before, but I had never been this invested in the answer. I had never really understood what it meant to want to marry someone until I met Laurie, but now that I did, it was an almost peaceful certainty deep down in my soul. I just needed to hear her say yes, and I knew I would be able to hold on to that forever.

  “Everything okay?” She furrowed her brow.

  “Everything’s great,” I promised her, and took a deep breath before I got down on one knee. Her jaw dropped, and I reached into my pocket and pulled out the ring box. Her eyes widened as I popped it open, displaying the perfectly-cut diamond in the gorgeous, slimline gold band I had picked out.

  “Laurie,” I began. I hadn’t prepared what to say, but I felt as though I had been ready for this moment my entire life through. The wor
ds came easy.

  “We’ve been through so much, and all I want is for us to be a real family for when this baby comes,” I began. “I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone in my life, and I know I’m going to love this baby just as much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, more than I can ever say. Will you…?”

  “Yes!” She shrieked, and then clapped a hand over he mouth and let out a bubble of laughter that made my heart sing. “Holy shit. Yes. Yes, of course I will.”

  I stood up and slipped the ring over her finger, and she wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned up to kiss me. The sweetness of her mouth, still cold from the outside, on mine made it all feel so real, even though I still felt like I was in a fantasy – standing in the nursery for my near-born child, with the woman of my dreams and my fresh-made fiancée in my arms. For everything I’d lost, I’d found so much more, and I would never stop feeling like the luckiest guy in the world for it.

  The End

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  Bestseller: Friends with Benefits

  Chapter 1


  From my spot at the bar, I had the perfect view of the dance floor below. I sat with my back to the bar, my elbows lazily draped on its surface behind me. Beside me, my buddy Chance was ordering us another round of beers. While he paid the bartender—a tall blonde with arms jingling in gold jewelry—I scanned the dance floor and took note of all the scantily clad bodies that were just begging for me to approach them.

  A young woman with short black hair and red lipstick caught my eye. Her skin glowed blue and pink beneath the flashing lights of the club, and she gave me a sultry smile and a small wave. I returned the gesture with a slight nod of my head and looked up and down the length of her body. Her long legs led to an ass that was hard not to stare at. She wore a short leather skirt and a black lace top, and her cleavage was whispering sweet nothings to me. She turned sideways, her eyes still locked on mine, and began twisting her hips in a tantalizing rhythm to the music.


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