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INV 2 - An Invitation, Ariel's Pet

Page 16

by Qwillia Rain

  He glanced at his watch and cursed. “I should have left ten minutes ago.”

  “Please.” Ariel held him tight.

  Dane shook his head. “Much as I want to, I can't. Not enough time, hon. I have papers piled up at the office. Both here in town and at the mansion. I want more than a few minutes with you.” Stepping back, he ached to do exactly as she asked. The passion in her face, the desire he knew tormented her, pulled his balls tight into his body, ready to explode. Not willing to leave her unsatisfied, he dropped to his knees and pressed her thighs apart. “Lean back, Ariel.”

  He didn't wait to see if she complied before he buried his face in her wet mound. The flavor of her arousal, the heat of her pussy, drew him in. He suckled the tender button at the apex of her thighs before dropping downward to lap the cream from her plump lips. From there he returned to her taut clit; his fingers slipped inside her sheath to stroke the pulsing walls.

  Beneath his touch, Ariel arched, her climax suspended until she whispered, “May I come?”

  Dane didn't deny the sensation spilling through his body at the plea. Pleasure coursed through him when she voiced the request. She deserved a reward for asking permission, for holding back her satisfaction until he deemed her ready. He replaced his lips with his thumb, rose to lean over her; his free hand cupped her cheek. Trapping her gaze with his, he smiled. “Yes, Ariel, show me how I please you. Come.”

  He silenced her cry with his lips, but the shudders trembling through her body vibrated against his, pushing his need to the edge. Years of practice and force of will helped keep him from climaxing with her, but Dane didn't deny how close it was.

  Once she calmed, he carried her to the sofa. He left her only long enough to gather and dampen a washrag in the bathroom. Bathing the residue of her passion from her thighs, he finished the instructions he planned to give her. “Keep the plug in until just before you open for breakfast. I don't want you too sore.”

  He watched her eyes droop and pulled the blanket from the end of the couch. “Rest. I'll call you in an hour.” He pressed a kiss to her brow and set the cordless telephone on the coffee table.

  By the time he switched off the lights, she was asleep. Leaving the office door closed behind him, he set the alarm against intruders, left the store, and locked the door. It was a damned good thing there was a shower and change of clothes in his office, Dane decided as he jogged across the street to where he'd left his car in the parking spaces in front of his building before heading to Valerian's Root to catch Ariel as she opened up.

  Once he ran out to the mansion for another change of clothes, Dane would try to catch Rick and check with him to make sure his plan to drag Logan out of his self-imposed emotional exile was working, then he'd come back to the café. If things were running smoothly, he wouldn't have to leave Ariel's bed before he wanted to in the evening. First things first, though. A cold shower was required, then a strong cup of coffee.

  * * *

  An Invitation: Ariel's Pet


  The café was packed with customers when Dane walked in a little after eleven. DeeDee and Sadie worked the tables as quickly as they could, but from their harried expressions, he knew the larger-than-normal crowd had them a little frazzled.

  All the booths along the walls, the eight round tables in the center of the wood floor, and the counter overflowed with people. Many of the customers wore uniforms streaked with the red clay from the softball fields, reminding Dane about the softball tournament Ayerstown was hosting that weekend.

  Play had begun last night and would last until late Sunday afternoon. Word about the café must have circulated among the teams, because it appeared nearly half the visiting players had decided to see if the rumors were true.

  Dane didn't doubt they'd be impressed. Ariel knew her food.

  “Sadie, order up, table four!” Ariel called out as she slid a plate onto the brushed-chrome shelf of the order window.

  Sadie stood beside a booth scribbling the orders from a family of four. She nodded but didn't respond to Ariel's call.

  Dane patted the waitress's shoulder. “I'll get it for you.” He shed his coat, pulled the tie from his collar, stuffed it into a pocket, and strode to the counter and the orders in the window.

  He folded his coat and tucked it into the shelf beneath the register, then washed his hands at the sink beneath the counter and dried them with a paper towel. After he grabbed the plates for the table, he headed back to the main dining area and passed the food out to the waiting diners.

  For the next hour, as the girls worked the booths and tables, Dane took care of the orders at the counter. Refilling glasses with soda, coffee, or iced tea, he chatted with the customers.

  The first time Ariel spotted him through the order window, her eyes went wide and a pleased grin lifted her lips. It was quickly erased as she ordered, “Keep your hands off the till, Reese. We don't have time to fix your mistakes today.”

  Most of the regulars chuckled at the reprimand. Dane ignored them. “I'll leave the register to Sadie. You keep playing with your pots and pans.”

  Near one in the afternoon, the crowd thinned to a few regulars, which allowed DeeDee and Sadie to relax a bit, while Dane helped bus the tables and carry the heavy trays of dishes to the kitchen.

  “I thought you weren't going to be back until later,” Ariel said as she wiped down the central island.

  “Jordan had the paperwork taken care of; all he required was my signature. And the clients scheduled for this afternoon canceled for personal reasons, and rescheduled for next week.”

  Ariel dried her hands and strolled up next to him as he rinsed and stacked plates, cups, and silverware into the washer. “Does this mean you'll be sticking around for the rest of the afternoon?”

  Dane held back his temptation to grin at the hopeful look in her bright green eyes. The stiff nipples pressed against her shirt betrayed her arousal. “You know I would like nothing better than to christen the couch in the office by spreading you out and taking you hard and fast, Tink.”

  He kept his voice low and enjoyed the flush that mounted her cheeks and the way her body swayed closer to him.


  Qwillia Rain

  He leaned down, brushed his lips over hers, and made his excuses. “But I can't. I have to get back to the mansion by three. I have to talk to someone.”

  “Order in!” Sadie's voice held a distinct chuckle.

  Turning, Dane and Ariel could see both waitresses and a few of the customers stretched up to watch them. Ariel rolled her eyes and stomped to the spindle for the order.

  “If you have to be there by three, you better get going,” she told him, trying to sound matter-of-fact, but the tone of disappointment was easy for him to detect.

  “I'll try to be back by closing time.”

  She shrugged and pulled the ingredients for the order.

  Dane finished the dishes, dried his hands, and crossed the room to stand behind Ariel.

  Close to her ear, he whispered, “If you're a good girl, I'll bring a few more toys to play with when I come back.” His hands settled on her hips and tucked her close so the ridge of his erection stroked her lower back.

  “Quit giving me directions in my kitchen.” The command was voiced around a moan as she pressed back, rubbing her bottom against him, teasing him.

  Dane relinquished his hold and headed toward the double doors leading into the main area of the café. “Tonight.”

  Ariel rolled her eyes at him. “If you're lucky.” But her smile implied promises her lips wouldn't say.

  * * *

  Day 17

  Twenty-four hours later Dane slammed into Logan's office; irritation and annoyance fueled his anger. When he'd spoken to Rick the day before, Dane had suspected Logan was interfering in Alayna's training. Rick's concern for Alayna had focused on her increased sense of failure and self-doubt. Based on the conversation Dane had just had with Alayna, Rick wasn't far from the mark. Squaring off
with his business partner had better provide some results, or Dane would force a few on his own.

  Logan looked only mildly surprised as he turned from the broad windows overlooking the back acreage. “Something I can help you with?”

  “Alayna wants to leave,” Dane informed him.


  His expression didn't betray his disquiet, but having known Logan as long as he had, Dane was able to read the emotions in his friend's eyes. “Because she isn't getting what was promised to her.”

  “She has two weeks to go.” Logan's protest was gruff. He moved to his desk.

  Dane shrugged. “You're aware of the release clause written into the contract. Her expectations have yet to be met. She wants out, and I'm inclined to let her.”

  Logan didn't respond.

  “I've heard you've made it difficult for Rick to give one-hundred percent to her training.”

  He pushed his friend a little more to see some reaction.

  An Invitation: Ariel's Pet


  Logan refused to acknowledge the accusation.

  “You do realize that by threatening Rick, you've essentially reneged on our contractual obligation to Alayna, right?”

  Logan dismissed the comment with a grunt and a wave of his hand.

  “Damn it, Logan, I know she's the one that has your balls in a twist.” Dane glared at him.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Logan snapped.

  “It's more than obvious. You didn't participate in her intake interview—”

  “That was your doing,” Logan snarled and pointed a finger at Dane. “You blindsided me by bringing Alayna here and not saying a fucking word to me.”

  “Because she's your match, you ass. And for months you've refused to act on your attraction to her.”

  “You don't know fuck all.”

  Dane ground his teeth to keep from yelling. “I'm smarter than you're giving me credit for.

  You're involved in her training, but not hands-on. Or rather, you've seen to it that Rick can't assist her. You insist Alayna sleeps in your personal suite, in your bed. The first week you were content with sitting and watching her sleep. But then that wasn't enough. Now you're crawling in beside her after she's fallen asleep.”

  “You knew?” Logan's face paled with shock and surprise.

  “Of course I fucking knew. I know everything that goes on around here.”

  “How?” Logan demanded.

  “Shendah smells you in the room when she makes it up. Your cologne is all over the sheets. Stop dicking around, Logan. Take the fucking bull by the horns and go after what you want—”

  “Fuck you,” Logan growled.

  The memories were there on Logan's face for Dane to read. He'd been there when Logan had met his last sub, Tasha, eight years ago. He'd watched the rise and fall of the relationship and the guilt that consumed Logan after Tasha died. Her death hadn't been Logan's fault, but his dedication and commitment as a dominant didn't allow him to dismiss an obligation to protect Tasha, even though Logan had dissolved the relationship because she had begun demanding dangerous play that he refused to carry out.

  Tasha's risk taking hadn't been Logan's responsibility, but the man was determined in his belief that he should have been able to dissuade Tasha from her interest in autoerotic asphyxiation. It pissed Dane off that Logan was allowing that guilt to manipulate him so many years later.

  “Get off the cross, man. Tasha made her choice. You need to make yours.”

  “I have,” Logan snapped.

  “No”—Dane crossed his arms over his chest—“you've been hiding and avoiding making a real choice for five years. So you're going to spend the rest of your life jacking off? Never touch another woman because she couldn't push you to give up your personal ethics? That's fucking lame, Logan.”

  The stubborn set of Logan's jaw confirmed Dane's suspicions that his friend would fight tooth and nail to stay away from the woman he wanted.


  Qwillia Rain

  “Christ, Logan, you want Alayna. But what I don't understand is if you want her so bad, why don't you claim her, mark her, collar her—something? Why keep her at arm's length?”

  “It's not that simple,” Logan said as he dropped into the chair behind his desk.

  “Seems pretty fucking simple to me. You're attracted to her, and not just for the purposes of taking her as a sub, and damn, she is a natural sub, my friend. She needs that tapped. But there's more to it than that, any fool can see. Hell, if you aren't interested in marking her, maybe I'll add her to my harem.”

  A vicious growl erupted from Logan's throat. “You don't have a harem.”

  Dane shook his head and chuckled. “Maybe I should start one. Hell, the older sister is probably easier to control than the younger one.” Come on, pal. Show me how you really feel.

  “Back off, Dane.”

  “You know what, buddy? Sometimes a Dom meets his match in a sub, and that's nothing to be ashamed of. Alayna rocks your control, challenges you. So embrace it. Learn from it.

  Strengthen your control where your woman is concerned. Alayna isn't Tasha.”

  “I know that,” Logan snarled. “Why can't you just leave it be?”

  Maybe he should leave it alone, Dane thought. He threw up his hands in exasperation.

  “You're right. You know what? Fuck it. Throw away what you could have with Alayna while you wallow in your self-pity and guilt over something that was out of your control. Leave her to me. Yup, that's what I'm going to do for you, my friend,” Dane said, turning toward the door.

  “I'll take over Alayna's training. Personally. Then your control will remain intact, and you'll have nothing to worry about.”

  Dane closed the door with the same solid thud he'd used to open it. He must have made an impression, because something heavy slammed into the door behind him.

  An Invitation: Ariel's Pet


  Chapter Eleven

  Dane's grip on the steering wheel turned his knuckles white. He was furious with Logan's intractable determination to bury himself away from life. “Alayna is Logan's match, and the stubborn bastard refuses to see it,” he growled as he slowed the car and downshifted to pull out of the long drive and onto the road leading to the highway.

  “I'll be damned if I'm going to let him, though,” he assured himself. The plans were in place. A twinge of guilt assailed him at the lie he'd told Alayna about allowing her to leave. “No way will I let her leave. Not in twenty-four hours. Not in thirty days. She stays until Logan gets his head out of his ass and sees what he's giving up.”

  Part of him knew the barriers were falling for his friend. The expression on Logan's face when Dane had told him Alayna had requested to leave was evidence enough for Dane that Logan's resolution to avoid his woman was disintegrating. If the bastard didn't get the hint after Rick followed Dane's commands and arranged for Logan to confront his fears and Alayna to experience her true master, Dane would be the first one to help Alayna pack. But Dane doubted Logan would ignore a sweet treat like Alayna naked and bound for his pleasure. At least not after the last few days Logan had spent sharing her bed. Once Logan started touching Alayna, Dane doubted either one would be able to deny their attraction.

  “After tomorrow, if he can still walk, I have no doubt Alayna will be staying.” The heat of frustration eased as Dane merged into the afternoon traffic and headed toward Ayerstown.

  The same confidence that drove him to know what was best for his friend was warning him that the outcome between him and Ariel could be different.

  His pixie was proving to be determined to ignore the bond forming between them. “Alayna told me she didn't like change; maybe I should have listened.” He shook his head at the burn of disappointment seeping into his chest.

  The promised playtime with Ariel hadn't materialized the day before. After his and Rick's discussion and spending time with the books, he'd made it back to the café long after Ariel
had closed up and gone home. At least she hadn't turned him away when he knocked on her door, which was encouraging.

  But she still held herself back from him. He could feel the resistance she put up to block any emotional connections he attempted to create. It was more than frustrating to him.

  The clock on the dashboard read 3:15. By the time he made it to Valerian's Root, the last customers would be leaving. He could use the time it took for DeeDee and Sadie to clean up to finish the deposit and organize the supply orders.

  The bag of toys he'd promised Ariel the day before was still in his car, awaiting use. If she was ever going to recognize his position as her master, it would have to be soon. She needed to understand, as he had come to know, that what was between them was more than a game of sexual role-play. That change was coming, and she should prepare for it.


  Qwillia Rain

  When he eased into a parking space in front of the café, Dane had mapped out every step of his plan. Once they were alone, it would be Ariel's turn to choose.

  * * *

  “Here you go, Mrs. Douglas.” Ariel set the box of cupcakes on the table next to the older woman. “Thanks for calling in your order.”

  “Thank you for making them special, dear.” The elderly lady's pale gray eyes twinkled. “It gave me an excuse to get Harold out of the house and away from that television of his.”

  Mrs. Douglas's husband, Harold, seated across from her, snorted. “She's just sayin' that

  'cause I was checkin' out that model program. Dottie doesn't like me ogling other women.”

  Dottie reached across and smacked one of the hands her husband rested on the table.

  “None of those girls could ever keep up with you, Harold. You know that.”

  Ariel chuckled at the way the elderly couple fussed at one another.

  Dottie smiled at Ariel and pushed the boxed treats toward Harold. “Harold loves your chocolate cupcakes, sweetie.”


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