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Keeping What He Wants (Roaming Devils MC Book 2)

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by Lexie Davis

  “You can’t tell me what to do, Ryker. I don’t care if you’re worried about me. You can’t come home and actually prevent me from leaving our apartment. You can’t do that. It’s not okay.”

  “Well, I did it.” He kept his gaze on her. “I’m not apologizing for it either. I will do whatever I think is necessary to protect you. If that pisses you off, I don’t give a fuck.”

  “They’re not coming after me! I’m not in danger.”

  “You don’t fucking know that. I don’t know that. And until I know what the fuck is going on with the lead I have, you’re going to pretend you’ve got a target on your back. I’m not messing around with your safety. I think something bad could happen to you, and it’s not going to if I can prevent it.”

  They stood there staring at each other. She liked his protectiveness. It annoyed the crap out of her, but she liked that he wanted to keep her safe. She couldn’t hate him for that even if she didn’t particularly like him in that moment.

  “Let me go.” She gripped his arm and tried to move it so she could get around him.

  “Why is it that you think I’m always partying and fucking around?”

  She stopped. “Well, in all fairness, I didn’t expect you to be working with my dad on a case.”

  “How many times do I have to say it? I only want you.”

  She glanced toward the TV. “Maybe sometimes it doesn’t feel that way.”

  “Why doesn’t it feel that way?”

  “I know you were talking to a woman earlier when I called. You’re not fooling me by putting the phone on mute.”

  He groaned. “How do you know that?”

  “Because you only mute your phone when there’s another woman around. You don’t want me to hear what you’re saying to her. It’s not very reassuring.”

  “Is this more reassuring?” He leaned in to kiss her, nipping at her lower lip with his teeth.

  “I’m not having sex with you.” She shoved at his chest.

  “No, you’re fucking me.” His hands slid down to grip her ass tight and rub her crotch against his erection. “It’s been too long, and we didn’t get to finish the other night.”

  He lifted her and carried her to the sofa. He had to be a special kind of crazy if he thought she was going to give in to him. He reached for her jeans, and she smacked his hands away. Hard.

  He held her gaze until she looked away. The club was the breeding ground for all kinds of fucked-up relationships. In the few instances she actually went there, she’d seen men manhandle the women like Ryker had just done to her. Telling them to suck their dick or bend over in front of them. Those women would do it willingly too.

  She wasn’t one of those women.

  He reached for her chin, forcing her to look at him. “I keep telling you that those other women don’t compare to you. I keep telling you that I only want you. I don’t know what goes through that complicated mind of yours, but it’s not even a question in mine.” He glanced down, letting his gaze linger along her body. “I know what I want and who I want. You are so beautiful and so damn stubborn. I love you, though. I’ll do anything for you. You are what makes my life complete.”

  He undid her jeans and hooked his fingers in the waistband of her pants to tug them off her body. Ella pushed away from him, but he managed to pin her down and kiss the inside of her knee. He was too fucking big for the couch. It made for an awkward shift of bodies so that he could settle between her legs. She watched as he slipped his arms around her thighs, making himself comfortable while he held her apart for his liking. The thin lace barrier of her panties did nothing to deter his interest. She was wet, and he could probably smell her.

  “You’re mine, Ella, and I protect what is mine.” He glanced up at her.

  “You don’t have the right to treat me this way. It’s not okay. You can’t possibly think that it is either.”

  “Treat you what way?” Ryker kissed the inside of her thigh.

  “Like this.” She shoved at him. “Manhandling me. Telling me who I can and cannot go out with. I’m not some club whore, Ryker. You have no right to put me in that category.”

  He pressed his face against her, not saying anything. Ella didn’t believe for one second that he actually listened to her. Ryker would always do what he wanted, and there was very little that she could do about it.

  “You don’t know what a club whore is or you would stop comparing yourself to one. I honestly don’t care if you think I treated you wrong. I’d do it again if it meant keeping you alive and angry at me instead of some dead chick with a bullet in her head on the side of the road.”

  He rubbed the tip of his nose against her clit. “And all that anger boiling up inside you is about me not coming home to you last night. For the second time, Ella, I was working. Not women. No partying. No drugs. I know you worry about me too, but baby, I’m just a phone call away.”

  “Shut up.” His hot breath fanned against her wet pussy and only drove her agitation higher. He locked gazes with her as the tip of his tongue lightly flicked the stretch of fabric over her entrance. Maybe he was right. She did worry about him. They were supposed to meet at home, and he’d never showed. What was stopping him from being the dead body on the side of the road?

  She hooked a finger in the leg of her panties and drew the crotch to the side, exposing her wet lips to his gaze. She cupped the back of his head with the other hand and pulled him down to her. “Just fucking shut up.”

  Ella dropped her head back as his tongue slid the length of her slit. He was pushy and controlling. He made her look like a fool because he was also caring and protective. He sucked her clit between his lips and she gasped, clenching her fists in his hair. He didn’t let up as he ate her pussy. His tongue pushed inside her, and she rocked her hips against his face. She tried to hold onto the anger she felt toward him, but the more time he spent bringing her pleasure, the less angry she became.

  “Stop.” She pushed at his head and he moved back. “Why the hell did you pick the fucking couch?”

  He grinned and scooped her up into his arms. She thought he’d carry her to their bed, but instead, he pushed her up against the wall. “You’re complaining about where I want to fuck you now?”

  “You’re too big for the couch.”

  He reached between them and rubbed her clit. “Where do you want to fuck, then?”

  “Oh, you mean I have a say in what I want to do?”

  Squeezing her ass almost painfully, he rubbed his hard dick against her. She scratched her nails along his chest in retaliation. Dating a biker was thrilling. She supposed it was why so many girls lived the fantasy and allowed these men to act the way they did. Loving a biker, however, was a roller coaster ride of emotion. It was a constant battle with herself to determine what she allowed and what she didn’t allow. He reached between them and undid his pants.

  “If you want to fight, then let’s fight.” He pushed into her with one slick thrust.

  She leaned forward and bit his shoulder, drawing a hiss from him. He jerked her away from the door and laid her on the carpet, while he lifted her legs. There was nothing gentle about the power behind his thrusts. Each one rammed his cock deep inside her, forcing her pussy to accept him. She pushed up from the floor and wrapped her arms around his neck. They tumbled backward so that she sat on top of him, riding him the way she wanted. Ryker smacked her tight ass before he grabbed her arms and flipped their positions. He used most of his weight to hold her down while he forced her hands above her head, thrusting hard inside her.

  She stared into his eyes while he took her, giving her exactly what she wanted. She struggled to get her wrists out of his hold and then succeeded. She clawed at him, wrapping her legs around his hips as he continued to pound into her. Sex had never been so intense before. Ella had so much building inside her, and it seemed to release all at once.

  He scraped his teeth along her shoulder and she cried out, her pussy clamping around him as he continued to push into her.
Her muscles stiffened as pleasure coursed through her veins. His release followed shortly after, and they lay there, entwined with each other.

  “Feel better?”

  “No.” She blinked a few times. “Get off me.”

  “Not yet.” He nuzzled her neck and licked her sweaty skin. He knew exactly what she liked—the rough sex mixed with the soft care afterward. He held her tight for a while, before pushing up from her to stare down at her half-clothed body. “I’m hard enough to go another round.”

  And he was. His cock still felt full inside her. Despite her reservations, she wanted another orgasm too, which only pissed her off more.

  “Just leave me alone.”

  “Not going to happen.” He withdrew and rolled her to her stomach in one swift move before pushing inside her again. The deliciousness of his cock stretching her from a new angle made her close her eyes on a gasp as she tried to keep her face from getting carpet burn.

  “You suck,” Ella whispered.

  He gripped her hands behind her back and smacked her ass. She yelped and squeezed him tighter inside her. He did it again. And again.

  “Stop!” Ella struggled in his hold before he let her arms go to clutch her hips. He ground into her, rotating his hips so that she felt every inch of him. It was delicious and felt so fucking good. The tip of his cock brushed against a sensitive spot inside her, and she strained. What little bit of anger she still had drifted away with the powerful orgasm he gave her.

  Ella’s eyes were closed as she basked in the bliss that good sex brought. Ryker moved to her side, lying on his back. If he said anything, he’d ruin the moment. Instead, he simply reached for her hand and linked their fingers. He brought it to his lips and kissed it before resting their linked hands on his abdomen.

  She was fairly sure she’d be mad at him once she got up, but for the moment, simply lying there and not doing a thing felt great.

  Chapter Four

  “You get to spend your day off with me,” Ryker commented as they walked through the grocery store together. “Why is that a bad thing?”

  Ella rolled her eyes and he grinned. She was still pissed at him, but he didn’t feel so bad about it anymore. After spending the entire night trying to track down a rival club member that supposedly knew about the guns, he wasn’t about to risk Ella going out and about with her friends. Ella had a heart of gold, and she couldn’t see the bad in people quite like he could.

  “Are you still not talking to me?” He looped his arm around her shoulders and kissed her cheek. “With the cold shoulder you’re giving me, I can get sour cream and potato chips, or maybe some bacon. I don’t have to hear you nag about how awful it is for my health.”

  “I’m not saving you if you have a heart attack.”

  “But you’d miss me too much if I died.”

  “That’s debatable.”

  “No.” He dropped a package of bacon in the cart and moved in behind her, wrapping his arms around her body. “You love me. You don’t want me dead.”

  He slipped his hands beneath her shirt.

  “Stop it.” She smacked at them. “We’re in public.”

  “So?” He kissed the back of her neck. “I’m debating on fucking you in the potato chip aisle. Damn, I really want some chips.”

  “Would you stop?”

  “No.” He grabbed the front of the cart and led her around the corner to the chips. He got what he wanted and turned to see Ella was not amused. “I know how to put a smile on your face, and if you think I won’t do it right here, you’re wrong.”

  He went to her and pulled her into his arms. Kissing her made the world feel right again. He brushed his lips against hers and closed his eyes. She could be mad at him, but it didn’t faze him. He loved her. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for her either.

  “I’ll make a compromise with you.” He brushed her hair from her face. “I’ll tag along with you and your friends. That way I know you’re safe and you can still have fun.”

  “Chaperoning me like you’re my parent? No thanks.”

  “Then let me teach you how to use a gun.”

  “No thanks.”

  “Then you’re stuck spending your day off with me.”

  “We already established that.” She pushed the cart down the aisle, and Ryker watched her.

  He didn’t know how to get her to realize she needed protection. It was a constant battle between them. While he tried to move the club to more legitimate business dealings, his world was still dark and gritty. To an extent, she knew how bad the criminals he dealt with could get, yet she still pretended to live in her own little world as if nothing could happen to her. Maybe it was because he did protect her. Being president required it. But people still knew her; they knew her association with him. Until he felt comfortable with the threat not being club related, then he would continue to be excessive and watch her back without apology.

  They bought their groceries and took them out to her car. Ella didn’t talk to him the entire way home. He helped her carry the groceries in and put them away. She still didn’t speak.

  “Okay.” Ryker leaned against the counter. “Tell me where you were going and what you were going to do.”

  She frowned at him. “It doesn’t matter now.”

  “Yes, it does.” He walked around the kitchen bar. “If you don’t want me there and you don’t want a weapon, then I can at least protect you from afar.”

  “Protect me from what?”

  “Ella, there are people murdering women in the city. Brutally murdering them and setting the scene up like it’s a suicide.”

  “I’m sure there are many people being murdered in the city with all the gunshot wounds I see in a week.”

  He huffed. “This guy is bad news.”

  “Some say you’re bad news. So?”

  He gripped her shoulders. “I’m serious, Ella. One bullet to your head and you’re dead.”

  She pushed him away. “You can’t keep me from living my life because you’re paranoid. I’m fine. I haven’t had anyone threaten me or noticed anyone watching me. I know how to take care of myself and I’m smart about my surroundings. You act like I haven’t been a cop’s daughter for the past twenty-nine years of my life, or that I’m not a fucking biker’s girlfriend. Do you even remember anything I’ve gone through? Men broke into my apartment while I was in the shower. I fought them off.”

  “They almost raped you.”

  “They didn’t. Almost doesn’t count. Maybe doesn’t count. What if doesn’t count. I deserve to have a life of my own. I only get a few days off, and with everything that’s been going on all I do is catch up on sleep and housework. I want to have fun once in a while. Most boyfriends do not dictate to their girlfriend what they can and cannot do. Nor do they follow them around under the guise of protecting them from monsters in the city.”

  Ryker blew out a breath. “I’m not most boyfriends.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not a helpless woman.”

  His phone rang, and he answered it. “Tell me what you’ve got.”

  “Nothing, really. It’s not Tido. The cops picked him up for possession a week ago. You know he doesn’t allow his second to do any of the big business deals with his contacts. They fuck up too much. The only other person that could be dealing these guns is Cramer, but he’s not an importer. I have no fucking clue where he’s getting them if it is him. With Razor and Tido out of the picture, there really isn’t another option. The usual informants aren’t talking either so it’s a dead end.” Superman huffed a breath. “I know you wanted definite answers, but right now, the threat doesn’t seem to be club related. Maybe it’s gang related?”

  “I’ll check into it. Thanks.” He hung up and rubbed his forehead and focused on his conversation with Ella. “I never said that about you. I’ve been trying to get you to learn how to defend yourself properly since before we met.”

  “I think I can do fine on my own.”

  “Fine. Go.”

hat’s the point? It’s over now.”

  “I doubt that.” Ryker went over to the door. “I’m not going to follow you. I’m not going to do anything. You are completely on your own.”

  “You could say you’re sorry.”

  Ryker pursed his lips. “Make it back in one piece and I will.”

  She smiled at him before leaning in for a kiss. “I appreciate the protective streak you have for me, but I’m an adult, not a child. You didn’t listen to me when you stabbed yourself. Surely you can understand where I’m coming from.”

  He did. “Noted.”

  She reached around him and pulled his wallet from his pocket. After grabbing his credit card, she replaced it. “Thanks for the new purse.”

  He shook his head as she walked out of the apartment. “I thought you didn’t like me buying you fancy things.”

  “The purse is for you being an dickwad.” She smiled again before blowing a kiss at him.

  Ryker watched her leave. His gut clenched at the thought of anything happening to her, but she claimed she could take care of herself. He’d never worried so much about someone’s wellbeing in his life. He cared about people, but Ella went beyond that. She was in a category on her own, and she fucking knew it.


  Lunch turned into drinks, and Ella couldn’t believe how much spending time with friends did for her. They went shopping at the mall and she bought herself an expensive name-brand purse and nothing else. She’d been eying it for a long time and couldn’t bear the thought of paying so much money for it. But she splurged and only put half the total on Ryker’s card and paid cash for the other half. She enjoyed her day off and drove home with a big smile on her face.

  When she opened the door to her apartment, Ryker was laughing along with another male she’d never met. She stopped in the foyer, taking in how the man sat on the sofa like he belonged and a woman sat beside him with a hunger in her eyes unlike anything Ella had seen. And she wasn’t staring at the stranger. She was staring at Ryker, who seemed to be laughing at something she’d said.

  “Hello,” Ella said, by way of introduction.


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