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Taking Her Innocence (Killer of Kings Book 1)

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “Things could be better,” Viper said. “Anyway, there’re just the three of them there. One gunshot.”

  There were numerous crews that handled clean-up, depending on the location. He was usually cleaner, no blood, but when he’d seen that asshole put his hands on Pepper, he’d lost it.

  “Who’s the chick?” asked Lola.

  “Don’t worry about her,” he said. Pepper was watching from her spot on the bed, not saying a word. She looked like a fish out of water. He imagined Miss Fancy Pants was used to tea parties and book clubs. Now she was fighting for her life in the shittiest hotel room he’d seen in a long time.

  “We’ll have this finished fast if you want to take off,” said Spade.

  “Boss not coming around?”

  Spade shook his head. “He texted me the address, that’s it.”

  Viper sure as hell wasn’t going to stick around in the same hotel. He’d already killed three men and had no doubt more would come out of the woodwork. When money was involved, all the free agents competed for the bounty. It was late now, the time when darkness cast a concealing shadow on the criminal underworld. It would be a feeding frenzy with Pepper’s death as the prize. Viper’s job wasn’t as simple—he had to protect her from all those boogeymen.

  “This is the girl from the news, isn’t it?” Lola asked. Viper hadn’t noticed her walk over the bed. She flicked Pepper’s hair with disregard. “I don’t see what all the fuss is about.”

  He didn’t want to appear attached to his mark, so he ignored Lola’s behavior.

  Spade was busy securing the bodies. He was a big, burly, no-nonsense kind of man. Viper could appreciate someone who did their job with professionalism and little chatter.

  Lola unzipped her jacket and tossed it on the sofa. She wore a tight black cat suit underneath. “I was hoping it was your clean-up when Boss called,” she said, approaching him. “It’s been way too long, Viper.” Lola dragged a finger down the center of his chest.

  He didn’t move. And he wasn’t impressed. Viper wasn’t the kind of man to fall for the wiles of a woman. Lola was deeply rooted in their lifestyle, with a reputation to match, and he didn’t plan on mixing business with pleasure. Besides, she wasn’t his type.

  “Do you have to babysit her all night, or can you get away for a while?” she asked, looking up at him with anticipation. Viper wasn’t a saint. If he was in the mood, he’d fuck any willing woman. But why should he settle for a skinny bitch with fake tits when he had a real woman only a few feet away? Of course, the fact Pepper was a virgin and hated his guts wasn’t going to help him get lucky any time soon.

  “We were just leaving,” Viper said. “Spade, this address is hot, so watch your back.”


  He used a curled finger to signal Pepper to come. She made a wide arch around the bodies and walked toward him, a slight limp in her step.

  “Ready to go?” he asked her.

  She nodded. He could practically feel her discomfort as she sidled up next to him. She was so fucking cute.

  Lola crossed her arms, glaring at Pepper with a look of pure evil. “I know Viper. Trust me, he doesn’t want you. You’re just a paycheck.”

  “Did I ask you to speak for me?” he asked.

  “Am I wrong?”

  “Watch yourself.” Viper was tiring of this game “Don’t you have a job to do?” He needed to get out of this one-horse town before more mercenaries showed up.

  “I can save you the headache,” Lola said. “Want me to add her to the body count? No extra charge, for you.” She yanked the edge of Pepper’s dress, making her gasp. It surprised him when she clung to him for security, her little fists bunching up his t-shirt. A satisfying rush took him off guard. He liked the fact Pepper sought him for protection. And not just because he was being paid to do it.

  “You’re starting to piss me off, Lola. Not bright.” He pressed a hand to the small of Pepper’s back, leading her to the entrance. “Stay close to me, okay?”

  They left the hotel room. The driver for the cleaning crew kept the car idling nearby, the low beams cutting across the aged concrete. Being outside in the open air put Viper on edge. He scanned the rooftops, the streets, and assumed every passerby was a suspect. The streetlamp in front of the hotel flickered on and off in the darkness, insects clamoring to the meager light. He walked fast, looking for a suitable vehicle so they could get on the road. Pepper tried to keep up, but it was clear she had an injury or two. There was no time to stop and check on her until they were in a safe place.

  “Who were those people?” she asked.

  “Cleaning crew.”

  “That woman didn’t like me very much.”

  Viper chuckled. “She was just jealous.” He ducked to look in the passenger window of Ford Mustang. Perfect.

  “Why would she be jealous of me? She’s so perfect.”

  He jimmied the lock, opened the door, and dropped across the seats to get it hotwired. When the engine purred to life, he shifted into the driver’s seat. “Come on, get in.”

  Pepper sat in the passenger seat and closed the door. Only the soft glow from the dashboard cut the darkness. “You didn’t answer me,” she said. “Why would she be jealous?”

  He knew Pepper wasn’t street smart, but for a spoiled, rich girl, she wasn’t very bright. Viper turned slightly to the side. “Lola likes being the center of attention. She was pissed that I was more attracted to you than her.”

  “Why would she think that?”

  He narrowed his eyes. Was she for real? “Because it’s true.”

  Her lips parted as realization set in. For once she was at a loss for words. Viper hit the gas and steered his gorgeous new ride onto the roadway.

  As they put distance between them and the small tourist town, the streets became barren. A light drizzle and thick cloud cover blocked out the moon and stars. The open road, the darkness, the quiet—they were his only faithful companions over the years. Sometimes he allowed himself to wonder, to imagine how his life would differ if he’d had a normal childhood. At thirty-four, he’d probably be married with a few kids. He’d work as an accountant or maybe something with his hands. It was hard to put himself in those shoes, almost impossible to visualize himself giving and receiving love. The whole idea of family suffocated him. Why would he trade his freedom, endless traveling, and unique skillset for one woman? As much as he hated his past, maybe it was all meant to be in the grand scheme of things. There was no way he could cut it as a family man, living in the suburbs, and smiling to his asshole neighbors when they put out the garbage. No fucking way.

  His thoughts betrayed him. Viper turned on the radio, the deep bass of the music creating an atmosphere of intimacy, so he shut it off just as fast. What was happening to him? If he could go back a couple days in time he’d tell Boss to take his fucking assignment and shove it up his ass. What was supposed to be a side job, a clean hit, was now turning his life upside down.

  Viper thought about getting another hotel, paying cash, and laying low. But his mood was becoming uniquely vulnerable, so he needed familiar territory to get himself grounded. The shadowed landscape never seemed to change during the long drive, like a vinyl record repeating over and over.

  In his peripheral vision, he noticed Pepper hugging her arms, rhythmically rubbing up and down. It was the first time she’d moved a muscle in almost an hour. Pepper had been staring blankly into nothingness, and he’d wondered if she was in shock.

  “You cold?”

  “I forgot my sweater.”

  It was one of the hottest summers on record, so he didn’t see the big deal. “You can always buy another one. Remember, ‘you’re the wealthiest heiress out there’.”

  “Can you please stop?” she snapped. “I know you think I’m this rich bitch not worth saving, but you don’t know me at all. Money doesn’t equal happiness. I would have traded everything just to be accepted.”

  “I thought your mother loved you.”

  “Of course she did. That didn’t change the fact I was the black sheep with everyone else. It’s not fun being the fat kid nobody wanted in pictures. I wasn’t immune to the whispers, either. You wouldn’t know how that felt.”

  “Why would you assume that?”

  She faced him, her blonde hair falling to one side. “Look at you.”

  He shrugged. “You think I had an easy ride?”


  Viper barely stifled a growl. This girl was impossible. “I can call the crew and tell them to save the fucking sweater. Would that make you happy?”

  The city came into view in the distance. An endless sea of lights in the inky blackness of the countryside. He wasn’t one to put down roots, but most of his time off for the past three years had been spent in the same downtown condo. It was his safe haven and as close to a home as a man like him could hope to get.

  “I don’t care about the dumb sweater!” she shouted, taking him off guard. He swerved out of his lane for a moment. “If you haven’t noticed, I’m not exactly a prize catch, so I feel more comfortable when I’m covered up.”

  Viper sharply hit the brakes, pulling over to the soft shoulder of the road. The tires rumbled along the gravel until they jerked to a full stop. The earlier mist had developed into a light, steady rain. The lack of streetlamps left them in complete darkness, only the glow from the city acting as a distant night light.

  “What the fuck is your problem?” he asked. “You’re worried about showing me a little skin? You think I’m going to judge you?”

  “Leave me alone,” she said, her temper fading to nothing. Pepper undid her seatbelt and twisted away from him.

  “Oh no you don’t.” He tugged her shoulder, forcing her to turn around. “Listen, little lady, I don’t think you’re fat. I don’t think you need to hide your body, and the assholes who put that idea in your head can go fuck themselves.” What was he doing? As much as he knew it was a mistake to engage in this conversation, he couldn’t stop himself.

  “It’s true.”

  He cupped her cheek, and she twitched from the contact. It only reminded him he needed to catalogue all her injuries once they got to his place.

  Their heavy breathing and the soft hum of the engine were the only sounds inside the parked car. Her skin was velvety soft, and he was careful not to add too much pressure with his hand. Nothing about Viper was soft. Everything in his life was debased, but Pepper was a little blonde ray of sunshine in his otherwise dismal world.

  “I’ve already told you why Lola was jealous, right?”

  “She just hated me. I’m used to it.”

  “Damn, you’re stubborn.” He’d have to spell it out before she believed he could possibly be attracted to her. Pepper was like his own personal kryptonite, and it took all his willpower to behave and keep his mind on the job. “Look, you don’t need to cover up.” He ran the backs of his fingers down the length of her bare arm. “I think you’re perfect. Too perfect for me, that’s for damn sure.” He pulled away, taking a cleansing breath. Once this job was over, Pepper would have her whole life ahead of her. Viper would only drag her down, fill her life with darkness. The most decent thing he could do would be to keep his distance—but then again, he’d always been a bastard.

  “Stop mocking me.” Pepper shoved him, then opened the car door, spilling to the muddy ground. He watched in shock as she began running into the night. Fuck!

  Viper didn’t sign up for this. He gave chase, easily catching up with her. He lunged forward, wrapping an arm around her waist to bring her to a halt. She struggled, but he ignored her protests, carrying her thrashing body back to the car. “I guess we need the handcuffs again,” he said.

  He set her to her feet and pinned her against the side of the car with his body. Rivulets of rain tracked down his face as he stared at her. She squirmed and complained. He wanted to kill. All he’d ever known was killing. It would be so easy to strangle her into silence. Beautiful silence. But this fucking little blonde with the fragile self-esteem was his weakness. He didn’t want her dead. Every cell in his body demanded he resist his killing instinct and protect her—from the world, from himself.


  Pepper was a hot mess. She was overly tired, stressed, scared, and her self-esteem was at an all-time low. Not to mention her unacceptable attraction for Viper was growing stronger. When Lola had touched Viper at the hotel, something burned inside of Pepper. It was jealousy, white, hot, and potent. It didn’t help that Lola had a figure fit for magazine covers, and Pepper was plain and pudgy. God, she wanted Viper to want her. As stupid as it sounded, it was all-consuming. When he started telling her how perfect she was, it stung. If anyone was perfect, it was the muscled Adonis staring down at her like she was a problem to solve. Pepper was anything but perfect, so he was either being an asshole or wanted to steal her virginity.

  “For God’s sake, Pepper…”

  “Get off of me!”

  “How the hell am I mocking you? By telling you you’re perfect?”

  “Yes, because we both know it’s a lie.”

  She could barely struggle, his rock-hard body sandwiching her with the car. He secured both her wrists in his iron fists at the sides of her head. Her breasts were thrust up, creating mountainous cleavage at the top of her dress. He waited for her to lose steam. Part of her expected him to hit her like her stepfather had. How could a killer be so composed?

  “Listen, I’m wet, I’m muddy, and it’s taking all my self-control not to fuck you right here, right now. I’m trying to be a gentleman, but you have no idea the things I’d like to do to you, starting with these gorgeous tits of yours.” His cock pressed against her stomach, a testament to his words.

  Pepper froze, his dirty words replaying over in her head. He was so unapologetic and no holds barred. And those black, evil eyes watched her like she was something to eat, and she liked it.

  This time he released her hands and leaned low to whisper in her ear. “I’ve been with a lot of women. They meant nothing to me.” He took a deep breath at the base of her neck. “You. You drive me crazy. And I hate being out of control.”


  He licked the trails of rain water off her cheek, and she trembled, resting her hands on his biceps. Even through his leather coat, she could feel the hardness of his muscles. “If you think I was attracted to Lola, you’re wrong. I’m a big man—I need curves, and you have more than enough to keep me satisfied.”

  She gasped.

  Viper ran his hand into her slick hair, then secured a handful, tucking her head to the side. He ran his tongue over his teeth, a feral need in his eyes. “I’ve never kissed a woman.”

  “How’s that possible?”

  “It’s too intimate. I only fuck.”

  Would she be different? Could he change for her? Even a mercenary had to crave love. Didn’t everyone? Pepper knew there was evil in the world, but she saw goodness in Viper. He might not admit it, but she saw something inside him worth saving.

  “Maybe you should change that.” She wanted him to kiss her, her entire body braced in anticipation. His lips were thick, his rough scar making him appear dangerous and unbelievably sexy. His reluctance only made her crave him more.

  He released his hold on her hair, tracing the pad of his thumb along the moisture of her bottom lip. “You don’t know what you’re asking.” When he pulled back, his fingers accidentally grazed the side of her breast. It felt like butterflies fluttering in her stomach, her flicker of arousal now blazing out of control. “I was hired to protect you. Let me do my job.”

  Viper held out his arm, motioning her to sit in the passenger seat. When she sat down, her pussy was achy. What was his deal? Pepper was so wound tight, she probably would have gone along with anything Viper suggested. Now she felt like an idiot. A horny idiot.

  When the driver’s side door slammed shut, he pumped the gas, destroying the quiet. “We’ll be at our location in twenty minutes,” he said, ma

  “And where’s that?”

  “My condo. You can get some sleep and clean up.” He steered back onto the deserted roadway, briefly fishtailing on the slick surface, not taking his eyes off the windshield. The thought of being in Viper’s private domain, in his bed, didn’t help her uncomfortable predicament. All she could smell was fresh rain mixed with leather and musky cologne. Pepper realized her thoughts were no longer focused on staying alive. She’d been worrying about something much more dangerous—falling for a hitman.

  Chapter Five

  Never in all the years he’d been a mercenary working for Killer of Kings had he invited anyone, man or woman, to his home. Viper parked in the secure underground facility. This condo was locked up tight, secure gates, parking, bullet-proof glass, and so many locks it was tighter than Fort Knox. He made sure that whenever he wasn’t working, he had a place that meant he could be safe, and this was what he owned.

  Taking Pepper’s hand, he made his way toward the elevator, and scanned through his security. There was his thumbprint, a ten-digit code, and even a drop of his blood. Yes, he was paranoid, but he also knew how damn determined some of the other mercenaries were when a hit was ordered. At any time, he could have contracted for his own back, and this was his protection. Of course, he also made sure that he didn’t piss anyone else off, but when it came to money, most people were greedy.

  All he had to do was remember how they flocked to this kill. Just thinking about the men and women that were after Pepper had him tightening his hand around hers. She winced.

  “You’re hurting me.”

  And he quickly let her go. His strength was his biggest enemy.

  Training for years, he had only learned to get stronger, and right beside him was a precious little princess, and he didn’t even mean that derogatorily either. She was a sweet girl, and he saw kindness deep in her eyes. Back at the hotel room when Lola was scaring her, she’d reached out toward him. She didn’t even have a clue that between him and Lola, he was the bigger monster.


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