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Taking Her Innocence (Killer of Kings Book 1)

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Slowly, she worked down his body until she was on her knees. His hand still in her hair, only this time, it was wrapped around his fist. Her nipples grew hard, and she stared up the length of his body. His cock, long, thick, and hard, pointed toward her, begging to be licked. The tip was covered in pre-cum. She licked her lips.

  “You don’t have to do this, babe.”

  “I want to do this. I want to give you pleasure, Viper. Just you.” She wrapped her fingers around his length, and slid her tongue down the vein, closing her eyes.

  He groaned, and she covered the tip, taking him into her mouth. She sucked hard on his cock, loving the way he filled her mouth. His pre-cum coated her tongue, and she swallowed it down.

  Viper tightened his hold on her hair, and she smiled against him.

  Finally opening her eyes, she looked at him, to see the wild man blazing in his eyes.

  “Your mouth feels fucking incredible.”

  She pulled off his cock. “You’re the only man I’ve ever touched like this. The only one I ever want to suck, to lick, to kiss.”

  “You’re mine, Pepper. No matter what happens, you’re fucking mine, and I will always take care of you.”

  The moment he said the last word, she took most of his cock into her mouth until he hit the back of her throat. She bobbed her head on his cock, relishing the taste of him as more pre-cum leaked into her mouth. She lapped it up, loving the sounds he was making.

  This was all hers, and she loved this man.

  It was crazy, and completely against everything she had ever known, but she didn’t care. She loved Viper, the killer, the man, every single part of him.

  He pulled her up by her arms, and slammed his lips down on hers. At the same time, he moved them back until her legs hit the bed, and she dropped down onto the sheets. He didn’t release her.

  Spreading her thighs, she broke from the kiss to watch as he fisted his cock, running his hand up and down his impressive length. He placed the tip against her slit, and began to thrust so that he bumped her clit.

  “You’re so wet for me, baby. Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you, Viper. Fuck me, take me, I’m all yours.”

  “I’ve never had a woman that’s all mine, and I’m going to take you, possess you, claim you, and fucking own you.” He eased his cock down to her entrance, and slammed to the hilt within her. She screamed his name, her nails sinking into his flesh, holding on tightly to him. “You’re so tight, so perfect, so fucking mine.”

  He captured her hands and pressed them beside her head. His lips were on hers, hungrily kissing, biting, and consuming her with his heat.

  Viper pulled out of her pussy so that only the tip was inside her. He didn’t give her the chance to get accommodated to his length. Slamming every single inch inside her, he pounded inside her so that the headboard hit the wall.

  In one quick move, he flipped them around so that he was lying on the bed, and his hands were on her hips, holding her. “I want you to ride me, baby.”

  Heat flooded her cheeks. She couldn’t do this. Resting her hands on his shoulders, Viper seemed to understand her hesitation, and took control, showing her exactly what he liked.

  “So perfect, so beautiful, all mine.” He kept on repeating the words that she belonged to him, and she loved hearing it.

  She began to rock her hips, lifting herself up, and then thrusting down onto his cock. Viper moved his hands from her tits, going down to her hips, and then running along her thighs, going to her pussy. She looked down, and watched as he spread the lips of her pussy even as he filled her. He started to stroke her clit, and she flung her head back, moaning as he caressed that tiny bundle of nerves. The pleasure was intense, especially as his cock pulsed like a brand within her. He was so big, and he surrounded her. Not a part of her wasn’t owned by him.

  “I’m so close, babe. I want you to come all over my cock at the same time. I want to fill you with my spunk.”

  Pepper loved it when he talked dirty. She watched his eyes as he fingered her pussy. He thrust up inside her as she moved with him. The pleasure was intense, and there was no way for her to hold back, nor did she want to. She came, screaming his name, shaking with the power of her orgasm.

  Before she had even finished, Viper grabbed her hips, slammed within her three times, and erupted, his cum spilling inside her. She felt every single pulse as his cock filled her.

  Viper pulled her down, kissing her shoulder, and she closed her eyes. The night was young, and he wasn’t finished with her, she just knew it.

  Chapter Ten

  Viper stroked Pepper’s back as she cuddled in the crook of his arm. He knew their time together was limited, and it pissed him off that things weren’t different. In his perfect world, Pepper would be safe and he’d be everything she needed. But since his reality was fucked up, he’d have to fight for what he wanted—and he would.

  “Where will you live when this all settles down?” he asked.

  He felt her shrug. “I guess I’ve always dreamed of a little place by the water. It’s so peaceful and relaxing. I’ve never been a city person.”

  “Is there room for me in that little place?”

  She giggled. “Yes, I need someone to scare away the seagulls.”

  “I can do that.”

  Viper was irrevocably in love with Pepper. His nomad lifestyle based on money, death, and keeping numb meant nothing to him now. All he wanted to do was make Pepper’s dreams come true.

  “Who was that man? The one you didn’t kill.”

  He hadn’t told her much about Bain. What was there to tell? He was raised in the same compound as Viper. They’d grown up together, living out the same twisted childhood that would give the strongest person nightmares. Once they all split up as teens, he’d only seen him on a couple rare occasions. Like Viper, he worked as a hired mercenary, but he refused to work for anyone, including Killer of Kings. Bain played it solo, a reclusive and sadistic motherfucker who refused to answer to anyone.

  Still, he was the closest thing to a brother Viper had.

  “Bain was taken as a boy, the same as me. We both got the short end of the stick when it came to happy childhoods.”

  “Why would he attack you then?”

  Viper chuckled. “You wouldn’t understand, baby girl. We were taught to close off our hearts. It was drilled into us every single day. He’s probably more animal than man at this point in his life. He’s dangerous, unstable. I never want him that close to you ever again.”

  “If he’s so horrible, why didn’t you kill him?”

  Viper felt a wave of emotion fill his dark soul. “It’s not his fault. Those assholes created a monster. They created me.” He held her tighter. “You brought out something in me I thought was dead. Maybe there’s hope for Bain, too.”

  They’d been resting together, talking, and sharing for hours. It was the last guaranteed night they had together, so he knew he had to claim Pepper completely. He wanted her to be his in every way. His cock was already raring to go again. Her curves and sweet innocence were a wicked combination for his libido. Opposites really did attract in their case.

  He rolled atop her, grinding his cock against her mound. She moaned and ran her hands over his back.

  “How can you be horny again?” she asked. “You can’t be human.”

  “I’ll never get enough of you, sweet girl.” He painted a line along the smooth plane of her neck with his tongue. Then he kissed her, tasting and sampling, knowing exactly what he wanted next. “I need to make you mine.”

  “I am yours. Only yours.”

  “Not all of you, and I want it all.” He nuzzled her neck, nipping on her earlobe.

  “What more can I give you?” she asked, tilting her head aside. Damn, she was adorable. He almost felt guilty for what he was going to take from her. Almost.

  “I want your ass. From the first day I saw you, I’ve wanted that beautiful ass of yours.” His cock twitched in anticipation.

  Pepper tensed under him. “I don’t know, Viper. You’re so big. It’ll be painful.”

  He growled just thinking about it. His little virgin had more firsts to give, and he wanted to claim them all. “I’d never hurt you. I only want to make you feel good.”

  She ran her finger along the bruise around his eye. “I trust you,” she said. “But I’m still scared.”

  Viper loved that she trusted him. He saw it as a responsibility, an honor of sorts. Everyone he dealt with was afraid of him and expected the worst—not Pepper.

  “Roll over for me. I’ll go slow, so slow you’ll be begging me to fuck your ass.”

  Once she was on her stomach, he straddled her legs and held those huge, luscious globes in his palms. He gave them a little shake, mesmerized by the wiggle, and tempted to give her a bite or two. Viper couldn’t resist giving her a little smack, the fleshy sound filling the room. She squealed.

  “Fuck, Pepper. You’re everything I could want in a woman.” He shifted down the bed so he could lean over and kiss her ass. “Get up on your knees for me.”

  She did as she was told, lifting up onto her hands and knees. He pressed her back down until her cheek rested on the mattress, her ass high in the air, doggy-style. “We should turn the light off in the hall,” she said.

  “I don’t think so. I want to see every minute of this.” The soft light from the hallway filtered into the bedroom, allowing him to see her ass and pussy on full display for him. She was ripe and swollen, her folds soft and pink. He’d thought she was over her self-conscious ways. Viper would have to teach her some manners. “If you try to hide yourself from me again, I’ll spank you a hell of a lot harder. Do you know how many women pay to have a luscious ass like this? Now, I want you to stay put.”

  Viper leaned over and kissed her pussy. He used the tip of his tongue to rim her asshole, teasing the sensitive area until Pepper whimpered. The fucking sounds she made slithered through his body, settling in his cock.

  He left the room to get a small tube of lube from his toiletry bag in the bathroom. When he returned she hadn’t moved, her naked body poised and ready. He smoothed his hand around her ass cheek, feeling her skin break into gooseflesh under his touch. He drizzled the lube on her tight little rosette. She’d be fucking tight, and he couldn’t wait to feel her squeeze his cock.

  “Viper, I’m scared.”

  “You want me to stop?”

  She shook her head.

  He smiled as he kneeled on the edge of the bed. “Relax for me. Going tense will only make this harder. You said you trust me, right?”


  “Okay then. Feel my fingers slide into your ass. Tell me how this feels, sweetheart.” He entered her virgin hole with two fully lubed fingers. Every move he made was slow and measured. He had to control his own breathing because he’d never been more anxious to fuck.

  She gasped. “It feels so good.”

  “You have no idea the things I can show you.” With his thumb he entered her pussy, teasing her G-spot until the tension melted from her body. He began to slide his fingers almost out, then back in, over and over. The fact she was giving herself to him was a gift he didn’t take lightly. Yes, he wanted to own her, but it would be meaningless if he had to take what he wanted. Pepper’s submission was perfect, and exactly what he craved most.

  Her panting became erratic, and she pushed back against him to get more of his fingers. She was primed, so he began to scissor his fingers, stretching her virgin entrance.

  “Think you can handle my dick, baby? I’ll go nice and easy.” He hoped she didn’t back out now because his cock felt like lead, pre-cum slipping from the tip. It was getting painful holding back, every little moan from Pepper making his girth throb to the beat of his heart.

  “Yes. I want you inside me, Viper. I love you.”


  He positioned himself behind her, adding an overflow of lube to be safe. Then he grasped her hips, sinking his fingers into her soft flesh. Viper took a few cleansing breaths to remind himself to take it slow when he wanted to fuck her like a damn animal. “Okay, just relax, Pepper.” He pressed his tip to her impossibly tight asshole, finding it difficult to gain entrance. “Bear down against my cock and let me fill you. God, you drive me crazy.”

  “I’m trying,” she said.

  He didn’t quit, knowing things would loosen up once he passed those first few inches. And he had a lot of inches on the way, all for her. He played with her clit the entire time, rolling the little bud in quick circles. As he sank into her rear, his eyes lolled back in his head. It was fucking heaven on Earth.

  “Oh God, Viper!”

  He needed her to last longer than a few minutes. Fuck, he wished he could hold back all night long and enjoy her until the sun came up. He began to ease out and slide back in, building up a slow, steady rhythm. The light from the hall was just enough so he could watch his cock pump in and out, disappearing deep inside her over and over. The sight alone was enough to make his balls pull up tight, an orgasm dangerously close.

  “You’re such a good girl, taking my whole cock in your tight little ass. I love fucking you.” His body was slick with sweat, his chest heaving.

  “I’m going to come, Viper,” she cried out. “I’m going to come!” She was on the edge, unsure how to handle all the new sensations. He wanted to be the one to show her everything.

  “Let it go, baby. Milk my dick with your ass. Don’t hold back.”

  When she climaxed, she screamed and cried, completely wanton. He filled her with his seed, savoring every second until he was fully spent. Then he collapsed to his back, his arms splayed.

  Pepper crawled beside him, leaning over to lick the sweat off his pec. “That was so good. Better than I could have ever imagined.”

  She was going to be the death of him. He was down for the count, exhausted from fucking all night. “I’m glad,” he said. “Come here.”

  “I’ve never felt safer than when I’m with you,” she said, resting her head on his chest. “I’ve always been afraid, and I never really belonged.”

  “You feel safe with a hitman? I was hired to kill you.”

  She traced his muscles, and he loved the feel of her delicate touch on his body.

  “But you didn’t.”

  He used a crooked finger to lift her head. She looked up at him with those big, blue eyes, and he kissed her. This kiss wasn’t about sex or passion. Since he couldn’t write her flowery words, he’d show her how he felt. He gave her a piece of himself with the kiss.

  They fell asleep in each other’s arms. It was like his past and all the pain were drowned out by Pepper’s sweetness. During these brief moments, he was a normal man, not scarred and damaged.

  He woke up with a start, jerking up into a sitting position, his heart racing. How long had he been asleep? He’d had another nightmare. But this one was different. Pepper was out of reach, skirting the edge of a cliff, the ocean waves crashing far below. He beckoned her to come, but there were hired guns moving in on her from the other direction. His fear of heights wasn’t even an afterthought, but he was still too late to save her.

  Even knowing it was all in his head, Pepper sleeping like an angel beside him, his nerves were on edge. He turned to the side, brushing some stray blonde hairs off her face. She looked even younger when sleeping, pure and beautiful. His wife. It might only be printed on a piece of paper, but it meant something. It was a commitment burned into every facet of his being. And he had to make things right. Boss wanted him to use her as bait, but fuck that shit. Viper wouldn’t risk her. This was all on him.

  Viper quietly slipped away from the warm bed, Pepper’s vanilla scent clinging to the sheets. He cleaned up in the bathroom, staring at himself in the foggy mirror. He was going to be thirty-five soon, although he didn’t really have a birthday. Everything about his life was fabricated. He didn’t exist—he didn’t even have fucking fingerprints. Pepper was fifteen years younger, wholesome and full
of life, the last type of woman he envisioned for himself. In order to keep her safe, he had to put his happily ever after fantasy on the back burner. Tonight was all about death—death for everyone in his way.

  He dressed in black, strapping on as much heat as he could carry. Maybe Bain would prove him wrong and have a fucking heart. He doubted it.

  Before he left the hotel, he desperately wanted to write Pepper a good-bye letter in case he didn’t come back. He wanted to tell her that her unconditional love had changed him, awakened him. That she was his everything, and he’d do anything for her happiness, even if it meant his own death. Finally, he’d tell her he loved her, needed her, and wanted to be a better man because of her. A week with her was better than a lifetime without her.

  Viper turned off the hall light. His life had always been a forfeit. Maybe dying a martyr was the only way to redeem his soul.


  Pepper stretched and wiggled under the sheets, her body pleasantly sore. She was not expecting anal sex to be so satisfying. Just remembering that wildfire of sensation made her tingle all over, hungry for more. Viper had brought her to a level of pleasure she didn’t think was possible. The man was sex on a stick, and all hers.

  The early morning sun peeked in through the cracks in the curtains. She wondered where Viper was. Pepper wrapped the top sheet around her body and made her wall to the hallway. “Viper?”

  She frowned when he didn’t answer. And panicked after searching the entire suite and finding him missing. All she could envision was him dead, and her legs nearly gave out thinking about it. He could have walked away so many times, taken her money, and lived out his life in peace. But he’d stuck around, gave her the love she desperately craved, and promised her protection. And, she hoped, forever.

  Now he had some death wish, probably back at her house on a killing spree. But he had no idea how insane her stepfather was. By now, he’d have increased his security, and then there was Bain, a dangerous weakness for Viper.

  Why couldn’t he have just run away with her? What if she never saw him again? He might be a nightmare to most people, but she knew better. He was the only man to make her feel beautiful and special. He’d taken her virginity, shown her pleasures she never imagined possible. And he was her husband.


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