by Rob Harper
“streams of interest: The mississippi river and the political economy of the early republic,
1783– 1803” (ph.d. diss., University of chicago, 2011).
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Confederation, ed. archer Butler hulbert (marietta, Oh: marietta historical commission,
1918), 98– 99; Frederick Jackson turner, “contributions of the West to american democracy
notes to pages 173–177
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tory” and Other Essays, ed. John mack Faragher (new york: henry holt, 1994), 86; charles
Theodore greve, Centennial History of Cincinnati and Representative Citizens (chicago: Bi-
ographical publishing company, 1904), 94.
2. John armstrong to Josiah harmar, 13 apr. 1785, harmar 2:56. in the upper Ohio Valley,
secessionist murmurings surfaced periodical y but rarely amounted to much: James patrick mc-
clure, “The ends of the american earth: pittsburgh and the Upper Ohio Valley to 1795” (ph.d.
diss., University of michigan, 1983), 330, 401– 2, 628– 29. such movements were stronger in Ken-
tucky and the abortive state of Franklin, but even there they proved short- lived: Thomas p.
slaughter, The Whiskey Rebel ion: Frontier Epilogue to the American Revolution (new york: Ox-
ford University press, 1986), chs. 2– 3.
3. richard White, The Middle Ground: Indians, Empires, and Republics in the Great Lakes
Region, 1650– 1815 (new york: cambridge University press, 1991), 443– 68; gregory evans dowd,
A Spirited Resistance: The North American Indian Struggle for Unity, 1745– 1815 (Baltimore: Johns
hopkins University press, 1992), 99– 115.
4. Jonathan heart to William Judd, 20 June 1790, William Judd papers, 1786– 1797, collec-
tion no. 80327, connecticut historical society.
5. patricia nelson limerick, The Legacy of Conquest: The Unbroken Past of the American
West (new york: W. W. norton, 1987); richard White, “It’s Your Misfortune and None of My
Own”: A History of the American West (norman: University of Oklahoma press, 1991); Jeffrey
Ostler, The Plains Sioux and U.S. Colonialism from Lewis and Clark to Wounded Knee (cam-
bridge: cambridge University press, 2004); Benjamin madley, An American Genocide: The
United States and the California Indian Catastrophe, 1846– 1873 (new haven, ct: yale University
press, 2016).
6. rosalva aída hernández castillo and mariana mora, “ayotzinapa: ¿Fue el estado? re-
flexiones desde la antropología política en guerrero,” LASA Forum 46, no. 1 (Winter 2015): 28–
34. after months of investigation, an inter- american commission on human rights panel
refuted much of the official story, finding that federal police and military personnel were pres-
ent during the attack and kidnapping: interdisciplinary group of independent experts, ayot-
zinapa reports i and ii (2015– 16), ayotzinapa/
informe- (accessed 2 Oct. 2016).
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