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Rescued by the Woodsman

Page 61

by Parker, M. S.

  "And she should have left that Porsche sitting in the garage next to her apartment," Aunt Blair replied. "Somebody hit on her Fifth and the car folded around her like a candy shell. She's now in the hospital with a broken leg, a punctured lung, and she's battered and bruised to Kingdom Come."

  Aunt Blair's voice was taut with worry, and I immediately felt bad.

  "I'm sure she's going to be okay, Aunt Blair. Gina is tough."

  Tough barely described Gina.

  The woman was beyond tough. She was also a dedicated reporter and freelance writer. The thought that my aunt was trusting me enough to write a piece that had been meant for Gina was more than just a compliment. To be honest, it was slightly unnerving.

  And if I thought about it for too long, I'd get too nervous and too panicky.

  "What's the piece?" I asked, determined to get my nerves settled.

  "Well, in line with our earlier topic of discussion..." Aunt Blair laughed lustily. "It's all about how to have multiple orgasms, sweetheart. This oughta be enlightening for you."

  The only thing I really heard was multiple orgasms.

  "So, are you interested?"

  The greedy, determined writer in me said "Yes," before the common sense part of me could even figure out a response.

  It was probably a good thing.

  The common sense part of me was too busy thinking...

  But I've never had multiple orgasms.

  The common sense part of me was thinking...

  Tell her no, you can't do this.

  The common sense part of me was thinking...

  How in the hell do you research something like that?

  But the greedy writer had already taken control.

  "Aunt Blair, that sounds fascinating and delightful. When do I start? She has research?"

  Aunt Blair sounded delighted. "Oh, wonderful, honey. Just wonderful."

  "Her research?" I asked hopefully.

  "Not so much," Blair said. "She hadn't quite yet started. And you're going to have to rush this because this was supposed to run in the Valentine issue. Gina was running behind, but we trusted her to get it done as always. So, I need your best, and I need it fast."

  'But you said she hadn't started it?" Oh, shit.

  Now the other shoe dropped.

  "Honey, you'll be fine. You've got a lot of what you're going to need already lined up. She has an interview set up with a man she told me has been called the king of multiple orgasms." Another deep, dirty laugh. "Honey, you're going to be interviewing a gigolo."

  "What?" I demanded.

  "You heard me. I'll send you the information via email shortly. You might want to get a haircut, a manicure. Nobody wants to see a male prostitute when their nails are looking all ragged." She clicked her tongue a few times. "Use the business credit card I gave you."

  Blair sounded positively cheerful about all of it.

  "I know how you are on deadline."




  "This is insane." I understood he needed to be able to pick me out of a crowd, but this was still insane. Huddling inside my coat as I hurried up the steps, I tried to understand what was the point of going someplace in this kind of weather wearing a mini skirt and high heels sans stockings.

  No tights. Nothing. No stockings at all.

  Boots apparently had been out of the question.

  Fortunately, my coat went all the way to my ankles. Not only was it warm, it was lined and heavy enough that the wind didn't send it flapping all around me. Still, I shivered inside it as I hurried through the doors.

  I turned it over to the man just inside and fluffed my hair.

  It was packed inside, and I tried to see if the seat I was supposed to find was open as the instructions in the email had insisted it would be. was.

  Sure enough, the second seat from the end at the bar was empty. It was insanely crowded in here, but those two seats sat vacant. Shaking my head, I gave my hair one last fluff and then made my way over toward the bar. A couple started to approach the two seats, and I froze. Maybe I was wrong.

  "Excuse me," a churlish voice came up from behind me, and I sidestepped, realizing I was standing right in the middle of the one clear path available.

  A waiter eyed me with cool appraisal as I stood there.

  "I'm sorry," I said, easing a little farther out of the way.

  The waiter cut around me without any reply, and when I looked back at the bar I realized the couple had abandoned their attempts to take the seats. "Okay. Let's try again," I told myself. I resumed my walk and nobody else got between me and those seats.

  When I got to the bar, I waited for the bartender to look at me. Feeling foolish as I stood there, I toyed with the strap of my purse until he finally glanced my way. When he did, he raked me up, then down with a quick look before simply nodding at the seat.

  "Ah, I believe one of these seats are mine."

  He put a drink down in front of somebody and gestured to the stool I'd been eying.

  Well. A man of many words.

  I sat down and looked around, but the only solo guy I saw was an older man who looked to be in his sixties. Please tell me that's not him.

  It wasn't that he was a bad looking older guy, but he looked like he was somebody's grandpa, not The King of Multiple Orgasms. How could I talk sex with somebody who looked like a grandpa?

  I had to fight back the urge to giggle and ended up ordering a glass of wine so I could do something other than laugh nervously or stare.

  Several minutes ticked by as I waited, but the older man didn't approach.

  Neither did anybody else.

  The King of Multiple Orgasms was running late.

  When the bartender put down my glass of wine, he laid down a piece of paper with it.

  I'm here. Don't look up and please stop looking around. My job requires absolute discretion and looking around attracts attention.

  If you understand, please nod your head.

  My heart started to race. Wow. This felt kind of cloak-and-dagger-ish. But I picked up the wine and right before I took a sip, I nodded. Some part of me was waiting for Gina and Blair to pop out and yell surprise.

  It didn't happen, and less than a minute later, a man slid onto the stool next to mine.

  I started to turn my head in his direction.

  "Don't look at me. Discretion, remember?"

  His voice was low and smooth, accented slightly. He sounded like he was from someplace out west. Texas, maybe.

  That low, easy twang did something weird to all the girly parts inside me – or maybe it was the deep, smooth sound of his voice. I had no idea.

  My reaction was surprising enough that I took a drink of wine before replying. "Hello." I fought to keep my voice level and at the same low tone of his.

  Somebody labeled The King of Multiple Orgasms probably paid a lot of attention to the female persuasion. It only made sense, otherwise how could he be the king of one orgasm much less the king of multiple ones?

  "I'm happy to talk to you, but you can't look at me," he said in the same low voice that somehow carried to me despite the noise. "Confidentiality is key in my line of business so you can’t use my name. Anything I tell you must be kept between us. Are you okay with that?"

  I wasn't sure how I was supposed to do this without naming a source, but I'd find a way. I needed this break. After another sip of wine, I went to look at him, only to get another stern reminder.

  "Don't look at me." He sounded mildly exasperated now.

  I toyed with my glass, thinking this through. I guess I could still use his information without naming the source and in his line of work I didn’t blame him for wanting to stay anonymous.

  "You do understand that this is confidential? I need to be able to trust you on this."

  I gave another single nod. Then, hoping I used the proper amount of amusement and professionalism, I asked, "Am I okay to record this? I
'll take notes, but I do better having my recordings as back up."

  He was quiet a moment, then I sensed him shrugging. "Maybe. peeking. And it might help if you say please."

  "Good grief," I muttered, unsure why I felt so unsettled just then – or turned on. But I tossed out a flippant, "Please."

  "Alright, then." He stroked one finger up my bare arm, making me shiver.

  "I get it, you know," I told him, trying to cover my uneasy arousal. "You want to be an international man of mystery. But why not just let me interview you over the phone if privacy was so essential?"

  He laughed, and the sound of it was even sexier than his voice. "Because I can't read you over the phone. Can't see if you follow the rules, do as I say."

  "So this is a test?"

  "Of course."

  Trying to distract myself, I flipped my notebook open, but I wasn't sure how to start this. How did one interview a male prostitute? I should have written down some questions, but I'd been interviewing people for several years now and had come to accept that I never felt right asking the staid, boring, typical questions. Winging it always produced better results.

  But the only thing in my mind right now was...


  Blood rushed to my face. Hoping to hide the blush until it faded, I propped my chin in my hand. "I hope you don't mind answering some of these questions. Some might sound kind of silly, or intrusive. Or both," I hedged, waiting for even a silly question to come to mind.

  So far, all I had you really sleep with women for money?

  "If I wasn't open to answering questions, I wouldn't have agreed to the interview." He sounded amused, and I had a difficult time not turning to look at his face.

  Finally, another question popped into my head, and it made it to my lips too.

  "How much do you charge?"

  "Well, you just get right to it, don't you?" He reached over, trailing a finger down the hand that still propped my chin up and shielded my face. "You'll have a hard time taking notes like that. You are right handed, I believe."

  "I am. I just..." Babbling made me sound so professional. "I'm still trying to figure out the right approach to this, to be honest. This is a little different from most of my articles."

  There. That sounded honest enough, didn't it?

  "How so?"

  "Well, my last one was about all the hot, happening places in Phoenicia, New York. I'm pretty sure if I'd turned in a piece that had anything to do with male prostitutes, I'd lose the chance to get another job with them." Immediately after, I regretted the directness of my reply.

  But he didn't seem to mind. "Not everybody has an open mind about sex. That's just life. But it's a basic need – like food, water, companionship."

  I'd lowered my hand, and from the corner of my eye, I could see that he'd leaned in closer. The light gilded his hair now, and I had the impression that it was pale gold.

  "I imagine you can understand that, can't you?" he murmured, his voice closer to my ear now. "By the way, speaking of companionship, I didn't catch my companion's name."

  "Ah..." I swallowed, feeling like there was a knot in my throat the size of a fist. "I'm...ah...Michelle. I imagine you were expecting Gina, but there were circumstances. I assure you, there are good reasons–"

  "Drink your wine, Michelle. I know about Gina's wreck. Her assistant emailed me to let me know somebody else would likely handle the interview...perhaps even the article. Are you nervous?" He nudged the wine closer.

  Did it show that I was nervous?

  Crap. I hoped not.

  Determined to get back on track, I focused my brain and jotted down some questions that seemed legit. "How did you...get started? I assume this isn't something you planned on doing from the time you were a young boy of five or six," I added dryly, relying on humor to help cover my discomfort.

  His laugh was just as sexy now as it had been the first time I heard it. He shifted on the stool, and I caught another glimpse of his profile. It was definitely a nice profile. Nice enough that my heart fluttered a bit, and I wanted to turn and look him full in the face. But I stuck to the agreement.

  "It's a long story. Does the answer help you write your article?"

  "I...well, I don't know."

  He leaned in and whispered, "I don't think it does. How did you end up becoming a writer? Do you enjoy it?"

  "You do realize I'm supposed to be interviewing you, right?" Tapping my pen on the notepad, I scrawled something in the shorthand only I would understand. "You've got something of a reputation. A nickname to go with it too." Blood rushed to my cheeks, and I swallowed hard before I continued, "A very descriptive nickname."

  "And just what nickname is that?" he asked, clearly teasing me. But he didn't push for an answer, continuing to talk without waiting for me to reply. "It's true though that I take pride in my work. If you're going to do something, you might as well do it well."

  "I'm going to assume you're..." I stopped, nibbling on my lower lip as I wondered how in the world Gina did this. She'd interviewed dominatrixes and submissives before, swingers and others who led...interesting sex lives. A sex pro would probably be a piece of cake. And I was stumbling trying to think up a few questions.

  "Who came up with the nickname? You or a client?"

  "A client." He laughed, a rich, full laugh that made me wish I hadn't asked. "It would be a bit arrogant for me to use that, don't you think? It's not like I have it written on a business card. Word just...gets around, we'll say."

  "Do you have a business card?"

  "No. Do you?"

  "I..." Hesitating, I started to look at him, but stopped. "Of course. But this isn't about me."

  "But it might come in handy," he replied. "In case I think up something I should tell you later on."

  He put a hand out.

  It was the first direct contact we'd had, and I found myself staring at the long-fingered hand and wondering what it would feel like to have the King of Multiple Orgasms touching me.

  Immediately, I blushed. In order to hide it, I busied myself digging out a card from my small purse.

  "Here..." I thrust it in his direction. "Now, can we please focus and talk about you?"

  "We're trying to, but you keep getting distracted. How long have you lived in New York City?"

  "I'm..." Flabbergasted. I blew out a breath. "I'm not getting distracted. You're distracting me. And I've lived here a few years. What about you?" Maybe that was how I should play it. Answer his questions, then turn it around on him.

  "About the same. Where did you live before here?"

  This was like pulling teeth.

  Huffing out a breath, I replied, "Chicago. What about you? Where did you live before you came to New York? Did you come here for work?"

  "In a way," he replied. "I had a feeling you were from Chicago. It's in your voice."

  "You've got a good ear." Most people couldn't pick up on it after the years I'd spent going to college in Iowa, then the time here in the city. "I suppose you must enjoy the female persuasion, considering your line of work." I decided not to make it a question. He'd probably ask me if I enjoyed women in return.

  Instead of answering right away, he reached over, picking up my glass of wine. I heard him swallow and then he put it back down in front of me. He had just drank my wine. I couldn't decide if I was irritated by the fact that he hadn't asked or...inexplicably aroused.

  Why would I feel pleased by the fact that he was drinking from the same glass?

  What was the sense in that?

  Take a drink, a teasing voice inside my head whispered. Maybe you'll taste him on the glass.

  My mouth went dry at the thought, and the only thing I had to drink was the wine, and I reached for it, desperate to wet my throat. To my credit, I deliberately made sure to keep from turning the glass so my lips wouldn't touch where his had.

  "I didn't realize we were working up such a thirst," he murmured. His voice was so close.

  I gas
ped as he traced a finger down my arm.

  How in the hell did Gina do this?

  "I'm going to assume you're..." Great. I was babbling now. Feeling his watchful eyes on me, I kept mine focused on the glass. "I mean, I guess you're good at this. Otherwise you wouldn't very well have earned the name the King of..." My cheeks flamed, and I couldn't finish. "You know."

  "I assume I'm good, but I have to take my partner's word for it. Her word...her reaction. That's the key, you know. How she reacts. Paying attention to her." The finger that had trailed up my shoulder returned, this time skipping up my neck, then down. "Seeing if she likes having her neck touched, or she's too ticklish to enjoy it. I don't think that's the case with you."

  It sure as hell wasn't. I had to fight not to let my head fall to the side in open invitation.

  "You know, I think I'm glad Gina couldn't come. Pity about the wreck and all, but I think I like you."

  My skin flamed, going tight in response to those simple words.

  "There's not much to like."

  "Oh...we disagree there." He leaned in, his face so close I could feel the heat of his breath through my hair. Focusing straight ahead, I caught a glimpse of our reflections in the wine glass as I lifted it. He was practically nuzzling my hair. If I concentrated, I could hear him breathing in too. Like he was...

  Oh, hell.

  He was checking me out. It was like he was deciding if he liked the way I looked, the way I smelled. I'd already decided I liked the way he smelled and maybe I was crazy, but there was something decidedly erotic about what he was doing.

  How would his scent change if it was rubbed all over me?

  If it clung to me?

  I didn't know, but I was suddenly enamored with the idea of finding out.

  And that thought terrified me.

  "You..." Skin going cold, I grabbed my wine and tossed it back. "We really should get to work on this interview," I said, my voice shaking a little as the adrenaline that had filled me for the past few minutes started to crash, then wane. "I've hardly asked you a single question."


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