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Leading Hand (The Dusty Rider Series Book 2)

Page 15

by Stella Knights

  He stares at me with hunger. The tiger inside him that I love so much is back, pacing, waiting for the moment to pounce and devour me. He moves closer and wraps the rope around his wrists, snapping it tight, showing me his power.

  The sound makes my stomach flutter and my thighs tighten.

  “Hold out your wrists.”

  I do as I’m told.

  “Just so you know, it’s new rope, just for us to play with.” He wraps it around each wrist twice, then crosses the rope in the middle. Over and over, winding it closer and closer to my wrists, making his own version of handcuffs.

  My pulse quickens from the thought of what Aiden may do now that I’ve given him control of my body.

  “Lie down.” Placing his arm behind my back, he guides me onto the bed.

  With the loose end of the ropes, he reaches to each side and ties them onto the top two bedposts.

  My arms are held above my head, causing my back to arch, pushing my breasts upward as my head rests on the pillow. The sisal fibres rub against my skin, but it’s not as uncomfortable as I’d expected. Or maybe I’m so turned on every sensibility I’d normally have is gone.

  Aiden moves towards my feet. Gently pushing my legs apart, he carefully wraps the rope around each ankle, tying me to the two columns at the foot of the bed.

  He leaves enough slack to allow my knees to bend, but not enough to allow me to clench my legs around his body.

  A nervous giggle escapes my lips.

  He moves close to my face, running a finger along my jawline. “Relax. I’m not going to hurt you.” He pauses studying my reaction. “You trust me, right?”

  I’m breathless, panting with excitement. “Yes, I trust you.”

  “Good, but just in case, say the word ‘vanilla’ and I’ll stop immediately.”

  “What? Why would I say that?”

  “If things get too intense, just say ‘vanilla’ and I know to stop what I’m doing. That safe word will snap me back into reality.”

  “Oh.” My voice cracks as I speak.

  He stops and stares at me, biting his lip. He looks to the side and reaches towards the bedside table. He opens it and pulls out a long, black feather. As he sits back upright, he puts the feather by his side, then tugs each of the ties holding the decorative lace netting against the columns. The netting falls, closing around us, cutting us off from anything beyond our bed as though we are now an island floating off into an ocean of passion.

  Picking up the feather, he runs his other hand up my leg, pushing my silk nightie upwards.

  The smooth fabric bunches below my waist and each time my body moves, the silk slides higher against my stomach.

  He tilts his head to the side. “No panties tonight?”

  I smirk, scrunching my nose. “I didn’t think I’d need them.”

  Positioned between my legs, Aiden runs the vane of the feather up my leg, gently tickling my bare skin.

  The silken, smooth barbs barely touch me as they cross my curves.

  My muscles stiffen as I try to avoid squirming and laughing when he hits a ticklish spot.

  He continues to push my nightie upwards, exposing my navel, while running the feather over any flesh he can access.

  Every so often, the sensation makes my body tense causing me to gasp as I try to avoid giggling out loud.

  While playfully enticing me with this feather, he moves his mouth close to my pussy.

  I can feel his hot breath against my slit, but he doesn’t make contact.

  Instead, he continues stroking me with that feather, keeping me guessing as to when he will finally taste me with those luscious lips of his.

  The light touches are driving me wild. My body aches to be touched hard. Closing my eyes, I move my hands involuntarily as if I could guide him between my legs. But the ropes stop me, forcing my mind back into reality. I can’t grab the back of his head, no matter how bad I want to.

  He is in full control.

  I glance at him. My heart pounds in my chest in anticipation of what he is building up to next.

  I don’t think he can tease me forever. Or can he?

  Remaining between my legs, his lips curl into a smile as he focuses on my heaving chest. Hot breaths torment my bare flesh while the feather traces imaginary lines around my skin. His every breath sends a shiver across my flesh and I feel as though I could combust at any moment.

  I bite hard against my bottom lip, hoping the pain will distract me.

  Seeing my frustration, Aiden decides to reward me. He drops the feather and pushes my nightie higher, exposing my breasts. He leans down, takes one of my nipples into his mouth, sucking hard.

  The sensation is enough to almost bring me to orgasm.

  He nibbles and pulls against my flesh.

  My body begins to shake as I pull against the ropes.

  Aiden releases my nipple.

  Groaning, I struggle to maintain my composure. Wanting to force him onto me, I jerked and fight against the restraints.

  Not caring, he grins salaciously as he goes back to provoking me with the feather, his hot breath teasing against the inside of my thigh.

  I squirm, needing more. I’m so wet, I’d be surprised if he couldn’t see me dripping.

  Swiftly, he moves upward and bites onto my other nipple, but this time he lets his tongue also lash around the creamy skin of my breasts.

  I moan in delight.

  In response, he releases me, not allowing me to get closer to what I truly want.

  This build-up is almost too intense to bear, and he’s hardly touching me.

  I’m not sure how much more I can take. I close my eyes, imagining him stroking me with those long, strong fingers.

  Maybe my thoughts will be enough to make me come?

  As if he knows I’ve been teased long enough, he repositions himself between my legs, bending close to my mound. He sucks my throbbing clit straight between his lips, grazing it with his teeth.

  Oh, my!

  My brain does not register pain. Instead, I yank the ropes tight and my body begins to quiver from the pleasure he’s giving me.

  But he moves away before I can get over the edge.

  A whimper escapes me as my body goes slack against the bed.

  I want to come. I need to come.

  The feather is back, teasing and testing my animal urges.

  That damn feather! Let me come, Aiden.

  I grit my teeth and tug my arms, those ropes again keeping me in place.

  I’m literally at the end of my tether.

  I scream out. “I can’t take it. Fuck me.”

  Shaking his head, he denies granting me my wish. Instead, he bends down and uses that hot breath against my skin. Once more teasing and provoking yet making me wait.

  My knees tremble as I try to push them together, in hopes that I can somehow knock his stubbled chin against my sex. But my effort is futile.

  Those damn ropes!

  Groaning, I drop my head against the pillow in exhaustion.

  Sensing I may be close to my limit, he relents. In one motion, he slips two fingers inside, curling them to the front, while lashing his tongue against my clit.

  My eyes roll back as his fingers explore, playing with the spot that will heighten my orgasm.

  With light pressure, Aiden moves his free hand up my thigh, tickling a path all the way to my perineum. He strokes lightly at first, then increases the pressure, all while his other fingers continue to tease my honeypot. He stops,

  I glare at him. “Keep going.”

  “You ordering me now? I don’t think you are in a position to do that.” He licks one of his fingers. “Maybe I should tease you more?”

  I moan and throw my head back against the pillow.

  He moves his mouth back onto my clit.

  Thank heavens that tongue is back on me!

  Taking his damp finger, he pushes against my tight hole.

  As my muscles relax against his touch, my arousal increases, allowing hi
s finger to move further inside. The unexpected full sensation takes over and I lose control, writing and screaming out. Heat pulsates from between my legs as my body shudders in lengthened waves of explosive power.

  As I come, Aiden does not stop. He keeps going, manipulating my flesh, pulling out an extended level of pleasure I didn’t know my body could give.

  When the shock wave inside me subsides, I collapse onto the bed, my wrists going limp against the rope.

  Hovering above me, Aiden stares into my eyes, watching the effect he has on my body.

  I’m light headed and can’t even talk. Completely spent, I muster whatever remaining energy I may have.

  He rubs his head down between my breasts and across my stomach as he pushes down his boxers. Grabbing the base of his cock, he pushes into my folds.

  My fingers ache to caress along his muscled back, but the ropes stop me.

  Aiden’s eyes never leave mine as he plunges in and out of my sweet wetness. His pants intensify with each push inward.

  I gyrate my hips and clench my vaginal walls as the heady scent of leather and sweat surrounds me.

  “Oh, fuck, Holly!” He groans, grinding against me, satiating his hunger. Collapsing in exhaustion, he rests on my chest.

  After a few moments, he gets on his knees and removes the ropes, freeing me from my restraints.

  Running his fingertips along my arm and down to my wrists, he gently massages any sensitivity that remains where the ropes once were. With soft kisses, he finds my neck and pulls me close before falling asleep.

  I relish in the heady scent of his skin as his breath falls into the deep, slow rhythm of sleep.

  The raw, delicious feelings going through me are completely unexpected.

  Who knew sex could be like this? That it could be so good?

  There was an intensity tonight I never knew possible. Now that I’ve had a taste, I know I want more.


  AIDEN’S SULTRY VOICE pulls me from a deep sleep. “Holly, I’ve brought you some tea.”

  Rubbing my eyes, I sit up. As I lift the mug to my lips, my wrist feels stiff. Glancing at it, I see a pale, circular bruise has formed under the skin. My heart races as images of being tied up last night take over my memory. Heat builds across my cheeks as I take a sip of my Earl Grey tea.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “Last night.”

  He gives me a crooked smile. “Did you enjoy that?”

  I press my lips together, rolling my eyes upwards. “Yes, I did.”

  Running a finger around my wrist, he leans down and kisses the bruise. “Have you ever done anything like that before?”

  “No.” I bite my lip. I want to ask him the same question, but obviously he has, or he wouldn’t be doing it with me now.

  “You know there’s a lot we can try if you want.” He pauses, studying my expression. “But if you don’t, that’s fine, too. I’m happy to do whatever it is that brings you the most pleasure, even if it’s just making love in the straight down the line missionary sort of way.”

  “You mean vanilla sex?”

  “I didn’t want to call it that, because…” He clears his throat. “Sex with an amazing woman should never be referred to with any connotation that means boring.”

  “Well, you’ve been showing me that sex can be far from boring.”

  He puts his arm around my shoulder, pulls me close and kisses the side of my neck.

  Closing my eyes, my toes curl at the thought of the pleasure Aiden might give me.

  “Don’t get too excited right now.”

  I glance at him. “Why not?”

  “I’ve got to get a lot done this morning.”

  My shoulders slump as I exhale, disappointed I can’t have just a few more kisses.

  As Aiden walks toward the door, he turns and gives me a suggestive smile. “It’s going to be a hot one today, so maybe we can go for a swim later.”

  Oh, yes! How I love watching his muscles flex and coil when he swims in the pool. It just leaves me aching to feel the weight of his body on top of mine as he takes me again and again.

  AIDEN AND TODDY have been outside working in the sweltering heat for hours.

  He said today would be hot, so I wonder if I should bring them something to drink.

  Finding a tray in the kitchen cupboard, I carry out a couple of glasses and a pitcher of ice water. Leaving the cool shade of the house, the heat is a harsh slap in the face.

  I don’t know how they can work when it’s hot like this.

  I walk to the stockyards where Aiden and Toddy are drafting cattle. Moving closer, my mind wanders, watching these two men sweat, working in this blazing sun.

  There’s something alluring about the job they do. Commanding, controlling, guiding the animals to where they want them to go. Not being afraid to get dirty if that’s what it takes to get a job done right.

  I lean the tray against the top of a thick section of fence. “Hey, you two. Thirsty?”

  “You must have read my mind.” Aiden walks over, carrying a rope.

  I rub my still tender wrists and blush at the thought of where I last saw some rope.

  Before picking up a glass, he takes off his shirt and slings it over the fence. After taking a few gulps of the icy water, he rubs the cold glass against his cheek. Tilting his head back, he pours the remaining water over his head, wetting himself down. With a sexy shake, he flicks the water out of his hair while a few drops fall across his defined pecs.

  Staring at Aiden’s hot, moist body, a subtle, seductive smile spreads across my face. My hand finds its way to my mouth and I bite at my fingernail. I’m trying as hard as I can to not rip off my clothes and throw myself at him right here in this paddock.

  If Toddy wasn’t here, I don’t think I’d stop myself.

  He leans onto the metal fence. “What are you thinking about?”

  “Wouldn’t you love to know?” I lick my lips.

  He moves closer, reaching out, lifting my chin. “How about I take a break here and meet you inside for some, ahh, afternoon tea?”

  “Sounds good, but only if you promise to bring some rope again.” I glance at the rope with one eyebrow raised.

  He peers down in confusion as if he’s forgotten what he’s holding in his hand. Laughing, he nods in recognition.

  Oh, the things we could do with that rope.

  Raising one eyebrow, I gaze at him, hoping he can read my thoughts and how I want him to command me like he does with everything else out here.

  I scan around to confirm that Toddy is out of earshot. “Aiden, I have a question for you.”

  “And what’s that, my love?”

  “Why the feather?”

  He stares at the ground and grins, remembering the effect he had on me. “I wanted to work out your ticklish spots.”

  My eyebrows raise in curiosity. “Why would you want to do that?”

  “So, I learn where to impart pleasure, and where to inflict pain.” He studies my reaction. “That is if you want to go in that direction.”

  I blush as my insides constrict. “Oh.”



  Aiden hands me his empty glass. “Why don’t we talk about it when I finish my work.” He leans in and kisses me, sucking my bottom lip between his teeth and giving it a nibble.

  I shift on my feet as my insides heat hotter than the surrounding air.

  I never knew a simple bite could feel so good.

  He tips his Akubra before walking back across the yard, returning to his work.

  You’re going to say that, kiss me and then leave me hot and bothered, Aiden?

  He turns and looks back at me, grinning as if he read my thoughts.

  I gaze at his sexy swagger, imagining him throwing me down and taking me right here in this paddock.

  Toddy interrupts my thoughts. “Do you two ever stop making out?” He grabs a glass and stares back towards the cattle.

  “Why should we stop?”

  Toddy nods. “You’re right. I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you either.”

  I furrow my brow. “Toddy, you probably shouldn’t say things like that.”

  He winks. “I know.”

  “What about you and Jess?”

  “What about us?” His teeth gnash together as he chews a piece of ice.

  “Do you always answer a question with a question?”

  “Nah, I’m trying to be mysterious. I heard that makes women like you more.” He looks intently into my eyes.

  I break his gaze and look away, noticing a few clouds building on the horizon. “Seriously, is there something between you and Jess?”

  Toddy peers over his shoulder to see where Aiden is. “There might be something.” He drinks in the last of his water before handing me the glass and turning to walk back towards the yards. “Holly, keep that info between us, okay?”

  What does he mean ‘there might be something’? And why keep it between us?

  Leaning against the fence, I decide to stay a little longer and watch them work.

  If I move closer, I’ll be able to see them better and maybe learn a thing or two.

  I climb over the fence, into the neighbouring paddock. Walking towards the opposite fence, I stare at the two stockmen working in the yards. At the fence, I lean forward, resting my chin on my hand.

  The sun radiates down, heating my back while the baked warmth of the ground bounces back up against my legs. I wipe away a bead of sweat forming on my brow.

  Watching Aiden and Toddy work with the cattle, a thirst begins to build in my throat. Dropping off the fence, I walk across the paddock back to where I left the ice water.

  I wonder how long Aiden will be working today. Should I go for a swim while I wait? He can meet me in the pool, like the first time we kissed. God, that was amazing.

  Walking towards the glasses of water, I get lost in the memory of our first kiss.

  Aiden’s hands knew exactly where to touch. And after that, seeing his naked body for the first time was…

  Something catches my attention.

  Hmm, why is Toddy sprinting towards me? Is he yelling something?

  A bead of sweat drips down my forehead. I reach up and brush it away.


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