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Leading Hand (The Dusty Rider Series Book 2)

Page 21

by Stella Knights

  His nose touches mine. “Remember, we’ve got all night.”

  Always the pleasure delayer!

  I step into the steamy water, letting my body sink low until the bubbles tickle my chin. Glancing outside, a feeling of ecstasy spreads through me. “There’s a full moon.”

  “Yes, there is.” Aiden steps in and sits in front of me. “I read somewhere that sex during a full moon is more intense.”

  I raise my eyebrows. “Really? Well, I’m sure we can test that theory.” My legs find their way around his thighs, wrapping around his lap and pulling his back against my breasts.

  He exhales as he drops low into the water, the shimmery bubbles teasing against his skin.

  I lower my chin to his shoulder. “Comfy?”

  “Oh, yeah.” He speaks with a dreamy tone.

  Movement outside catches my attention. My eyes dart around and my body goes tense.

  “You, okay?”

  I whisper into his ear. “I thought I saw something.”

  Aiden lifts his head and turns to look out the window, iridescent bubbles sliding down his flexed back while he moves. He scans the area, then his expression softens. “It’s just a wallaby.”

  Sitting higher, I glance through the window while leaning my moist breasts against his back in an attempt to hide my nakedness. “Thank goodness. I thought maybe someone was out there.”

  He squeezes my thigh. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”

  A second wallaby hops into sight.

  I laugh, pointing. “There’s another one. So cute.”

  “They’re cute up here, but not on the farm.”

  “I remember you saying that.”

  He reclines back against my body, the movement of his muscles rousing every inch of my skin.

  Slipping further into the glistening suds, I trail kisses between his shoulder to the crook of his neck.

  His hands slide up each of my legs, tempting each nerve they pass.

  Reaching over his shoulders, my arms drape across his pecs, palms resting against his taut abs.

  In the moonlight, his flesh looks smooth, while shadows fall into each crevice, enhancing his chiselled physique. A kaleidoscope of bubbles shifts around the water’s surface, illuminating his stiff penis that beckons for my touch.

  Aiden likes it when I take my time, so I wait for his kiss to tell me he’s reached his height of desire and he can’t wait a moment longer. Leaning my cheek against his neck, I draw in the smell of jasmine and sandalwood as the bubble bath mixes with his intoxicating natural scent.

  His hands trail further upward, stopping at the crease between my hips and legs.

  Hearing a rustling and crack, my body freezes.

  Did Aiden hear that? Or is it just the wallabies again?

  He leans close to the window, scanning the moonlit pines.

  He heard it, too!

  The hairs on my neck stand on end.

  His eyes meet mine. “Would you feel better if I take a look outside?”

  “I guess that depends on if you find anything.”

  He smiles tight lipped. “I’ll go check.” As he stands, the prismatic bubbled water runs over every muscle, like a river cutting through a gorge. He grabs a towel, stepping out of the tub. “I’ll be right back.”

  I watch Aiden leave the room and hope he finds nothing. Peering out the window, I search for a possible source of the sound.

  Maybe it was just another wallaby? Or one of those possum things?

  A flash of light shines on the trees.

  My heart races as a shadowy figure appears.

  It moves closer.

  I hold my breath.

  Whew! It’s Aiden. I guess that sound was nothing. I need to control my imagination, especially since I’m with a man like Aiden. I know he’d protect me.

  A few minutes later, he returns, shivering from the chill outside. “I didn’t find anything.”

  “Sorry, I made you go look.”

  Dropping his towel, he leans over the tub, letting the tip of his nose tease mine. “No need to be sorry. I’ll do anything to keep you safe.” He slides into the warm opalescent foam, back between my legs.

  His hands begin to rub my thighs, but I can’t seem to relax. I again glimpse through the window but don’t see anything out of the ordinary.

  I think we are being watched.

  Aiden grabs my hand and guides it towards his cock.

  Unable to shake away what I’m feeling, I lean close to his neck and whisper into his ear. “Can we go to the bed?”

  He meets my gaze with a perplexed expression on his face. “Why?”

  “I feel like someone’s watching us.”

  “If that’s what you want, then let’s go.” He stands, grabs the towel, and helps me get out of the tub.

  The bubbles cascade down our wet bodies while he wraps the terry cloth around me. Lifting me in one motion, he carries me to the bed.

  While he lays me down on the inviting bed, he scatters kisses around my neck. Moving between my breasts, he swiftly knocks some of the pillows out of our way.

  I gaze into his eyes, finding passion and fervour.

  Dropping against my body, his arousal presses into my thigh, and I feel how much he desires me.

  My insides scream for him to take me.

  Aiden’s mouth moves against mine, forcing my lips to part as his tongue explores deeper. Responding to my rapid breath, he pushes my legs open and works his hard member deep into the root of my being. He makes love to me with astounding tenderness. Charming every part of me into exquisite sensations, he entices shudder after shudder from my body, before overwhelming me with his own climax.

  Exhausted, we fall asleep, our arms and legs entwined as though we were one body, not two.

  RETURNING HOME, WE walk inside and find Toddy on the couch watching a rugby match, an empty plate resting in his lap while he swigs a beer.

  “Hi, lovebirds. How was the trip?” Toddy lets out a burp.

  “Good. How are things around here?” Aiden throws his Akubra on the benchtop.

  “Quiet. Just finished lunch and I’m about to head out to check on the bore pumps.”

  Aiden’s phone rings.

  Answering, he drops our bags to the floor.

  Toddy gets up and walks towards the kitchen with his plate.

  Aiden puts the phone to his ear. “Hi, Dad.” He looks at me, points to the kitchen and mimes drinking from a glass.

  I mouth my question. “Water?”

  He nods. “But I don’t think it’ll work. I’ve told you…” His voice trails off as he walks outside onto the veranda.

  At the sink, I fill a glass and watch Aiden through the window.

  “Need some ice?” Toddy opens the freezer.

  I glance his direction before peering through the window. “Yes, please.”

  Aiden is pacing, his hand in a fist while he glares at the wooden boards beneath his feet.

  Toddy comes close, throwing a few ice cubes into the glass of water I’m holding for Aiden. “Don’t worry about him.”

  “Huh?” I turn and look at him.

  “You know fathers and sons. Graham never listens. His way seems to be the way things have to be done even if his sons have better ideas.”

  “That would be frustrating.”

  “Especially for Aiden.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Toddy shrugs. “Well, you know. Aiden was the top dog, running his own business. He was the one barking orders at people. Not the other way around.”

  “But this is his property.”

  “In a family business, those things don’t always get respected.” He keeps his lips tightly pressed together.

  “Oh.” I narrow my gaze out the window.

  “Aiden’s level-headed, so I’m sure Graham will back off once he sees how serious Aiden is at making things work.”

  I nod, watching Aiden turn the corner of the veranda and walk out of sight.

r />   I glance at Toddy.

  He raises his eyebrows and stares toward the door.

  Aiden comes back inside, squeezing and shaking his hand, no longer talking on the phone. “Toddy, I’m coming with you.”

  I give the glass of water to Aiden. There’s a red graze on his knuckles.

  He drinks it down in one long gulp, his expression stone-like.

  All that relaxing time in the Bunyas is shot to shit, I guess?

  Toddy walks over, puts on his Akubra and slaps Aiden’s shoulder. “Okay, mate. Want to take my ute or grab a couple of horses?”

  “Let’s take the horses. I know we’ve got some ground to cover and might not get it all done, but I think a ride would do me good.” Aiden looks in my direction. “Holly, can you unpack our things?”

  “Yeah, sure.” I sigh, watching them leave.

  Wonder what Graham said to upset him.

  WELL AFTER DARK, Aiden and Toddy return. Walking through the door laughing, they throw their Akubras onto the shelf and kick off their boots.

  Aiden comes up behind me, pulls me into a hug and kisses my ear. “Hi, Beautiful.” He looks over my shoulder to see what I’m cooking.

  Toddy inhales an exaggerated breath. “What smells so good?”

  “It’s an apple crumble for dessert.”

  “Wicked.” Toddy walks to the fridge, pulls out a beer and glances towards Aiden. “Want one?”

  “Nah, thanks though.” Aiden looks at the counter where I have beef patties waiting. “You need me to put these on the grill?”

  “That’d be great. I’ve made a couple of salads to go with them.”

  Toddy tilts his beer towards Aiden. “Mate, this one knows her way around a kitchen. Don’t let her go.” He takes a long swig, smacks his lips and lets out a belch.

  My word, Toddy!

  I sneer at him. “That’s a bit sexist.”

  He laughs. “All in good fun. No harm intended.”

  My brow narrows as I shake my head and smile. “Whatever.”

  Aiden picks up the tray. “Want to come with me? There are about a billion stars and a thunderstorm in the distance.”

  Outside, I sit on a deck chair, staring at the sky while Aiden lights the Weber grill. “You and Toddy are in good spirits.”

  “Yeah, we’ve been laughing about things from when we were kids.”

  “I’m glad you two had a good afternoon. I wasn’t sure you would after what happened at lunch.”

  He narrows his gaze on the grill and shuts the lid. “Sorry, you had to see that.”

  “Don’t apologise. There’s nothing to be sorry about.”

  He meets my gaze with a pained expression.

  I flash a warm smile, hoping to comfort whatever ails him.

  Aiden sits with me while we wait for the grill to heat up.

  Staring back at the sky, I see he’s right. “I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of looking at the stars out here. There are so many, and seeing the band of the milky way, there aren’t adequate words to describe it.”

  A low rumble of thunder reaches us.

  I glance over and see a threatening storm along the horizon. Streaks of lightning burst upward through the tall, anvil-shaped thunderheads. Every so often, one bright flash shoots down as if it has hit the ground somewhere in a faraway paddock.

  He reaches, takes hold of my hand and gives it a squeeze.

  Gazing upward for a few minutes, we savour the stillness.

  Aiden breaks the silence. “What do you think about learning more with the horses?”

  “I’d love to.”

  “I was thinking you might like learning that. Besides, I’d love the chance to turn you into a Jillaroo.” He flashes me a crooked smile, then looks off at the storm in the distance. “I’ve also called a family friend and asked if they want to come help Toddy.”

  Oh, no, not another family friend!

  My fingers are crossed that this one is a man, not some new woman I have to fend off.

  Still staring at the storm, he tickles his fingertips along my forearm. “There’s a guy that’s helped the family for years down on the New South Wales property.”

  Whew! No crazy girls to deal with.

  Aiden continues. “His name is Ernie, and he knows the land better than anyone I’ve ever met.”

  “How long have you known him?”

  He scratches behind his ear. “Gosh, just about forever it seems. He’s been around my family since before I was born.” He lets go of my hand, gets up and checks the grill. Lifting the lid, he looks around the plate of raw hamburger patties. “I forgot the spatula. Can you go grab it?”

  “Sure.” I run off to the kitchen. Entering the kitchen, I notice Toddy standing in the doorway to Aiden’s office with his back towards me.

  He doesn’t hear me come in. “…good for it. Don’t…” He turns around and his eyes go wide. “Gotta go.” Flustered, he hangs up the phone.

  Don’t what?

  I purse my lips. “You, all right?”

  His voice changes to a jovial tone. “Oh, yeah. That was just something I’m taking care of for my mum’s place.”

  I grab the spatula off the counter. “Dinner will be ready soon.”

  “Sweet, I’m starved.”

  Running the spatula back to Aiden, I contemplate whether to say anything regarding what I heard Toddy say.

  Maybe it really does have to do with his mum’s place. But could it have anything to do with whatever this rumour is?

  I hand the spatula to Aiden.

  He stops and gazes into my eyes. “After dinner, do you want to take a ride and make love to me under the stars again?”

  Memories of that unreal night in the swag overtake my thoughts. My heart races as my mind replays him holding my hands in place while he tantalised every part of my body. Responding to each moan and quiver, he sent me higher and higher up to the heavenly stars, until I crashed back down, coming harder than I ever had before.

  He tilts his head, studying my expression.

  If you only knew the power your hands and tongue have on my flesh, Aiden. I think my knees are already knocking from the thought of giving myself to you, letting you coax every ounce of pleasure that can be mustered from my body.

  “Holly?” Aiden strokes my cheek, bringing me back to reality. “Want to take that ride later?”

  “Sure, but what about that storm?”

  “Don’t worry about that. It’s miles away.” Swinging me around, he dips my body back against his arm. His lips feverishly kiss mine, his tongue provoking excitement from deep inside my core.

  Can we forget dinner and go for that ride now?


  ARRIVING AT THE local pub, I have no idea what to expect. I’ve never been out in a country town before. A mix of excitement and nervousness knots my stomach as we run through pouring rain towards the entrance.

  I hope they like me and I can somehow fit in.

  Several patrons glance in our direction while I walk inside with Aiden and Toddy.

  A number of them wave and shout ‘hello’ as Aiden scans the room looking for James and Carly.

  Between the men playing darts and stockmen crowding along the bar, I’m not sure there is room anywhere for us to sit.

  Where did all these people come from? Is the whole town here?

  Toddy looks at Aiden. “Game of pool?”

  Aiden waves at someone at the bar. “Sure.” He takes my hand, and we walk deeper into the pub, towards the pool tables.

  Music plays loudly, but we don’t have to shout to hear each other like you would in the overpowering thump, thump, thump of dance music at a city nightclub. Instead, it’s loud enough to chat over beers or dance on the makeshift dance floor towards the side of the room, behind several pool tables.

  The walls are made of brick while heavy wood lines the floor, bar and furniture. There are posters highlighting Castlemaine Brewery and a beer named with four straight X’s, the state beer of Queensl
and. One catches my eye, making me giggle. It’s quite faded and proudly displays the caption ‘Australians wouldn’t give a XXXX for anything else’.

  Toddy goes straight to the pool tables to put a few gold coins down, getting us in line for a few games.

  A tall, bleached blonde man walks up to Aiden with an outstretched hand. “Hey, mate. So good to see you out of the clinger.”

  Aiden gives him a man-hug, then steps back. “Holly, this is Sam. We used to play rugby together at school.”

  I shake his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you, too. American?”

  Smiling, I nod.

  He looks at Aiden and laughs jovially. “You’re dating a seppo?”

  Aiden shakes his head. “Hey, you should try one before you knock them.”

  Sam smiles awkwardly. “I’m kidding. I’m just jealous because I’d love to meet an American girl.”

  Looking at both men, I try to understand what they are talking about. “What’s a seppo?”

  Aiden puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close. “It’s a slang term for Americans. Seppo is short for septic tank.”

  Trying to make a joke, I look at Sam. “You should get to know me first before you decide I’m full of shit.”

  Sam laughs. “Nothing gets past you, huh?”

  I beam at him.

  “You better keep this one, Aiden.” He winks at me.

  Aiden squeezes my hand and whispers. “Don’t take the term personally. Australians give everyone a hard time, including themselves.”

  “I’m not worried, hon.”

  James walks up, with Carly just behind him. “Hey, you two. We’re sitting over here.”

  We weave through all the people, moving across the room towards the pool tables.

  Toddy begins to rack up the balls and the boys team up to play.

  Carly and I sit at a table, watching the macho banter that ensues as the blokes slap each other on the shoulders and argue loudly over which rugby team looks the best this season.

  She waves at a waitress and orders a few schooners of beer. “How have you been, Holly?”

  “Great. How are things with you?”

  “Better now that we’re getting some rain.” She picks up a pack of cigarettes and lights one. “I heard you guys had some trouble with Jess.”


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