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Leading Hand (The Dusty Rider Series Book 2)

Page 26

by Stella Knights

  With a softer expression, Aiden leans closer, his nose almost touching mine. “Holly, I will always choose you.” He kisses my lips. “No one else. Only you.”

  Holding his gaze, my lips press into a tight smile.

  Aiden strokes my cheek. “I’m so glad I found you when I did.” He looks relieved as he studies my eyes.

  I frown as my stomach knots.

  The weight of my secret is exhausting.

  Tilting his head, his eyebrows raise. “What is it?”

  I settle back against the pillow and stare upwards. “I can’t tell you. I’m too ashamed.” Tears build heavy in my eyes.

  Confused, he shakes his head. “What do you mean?” He stops and caresses my hand. “You can tell me anything.”

  I need to tell him. It would be nice to be free of this burden and discover whether he can love me regardless of what has happened in my past. But what if he lets me down like everyone else?

  “No, I can’t.” A tear falls down my cheek. “You’ll look at me differently. Everyone always does when they find out.”

  Aiden sits up and pulls me against his chest. “What do you mean?”

  I swallow and wipe at my wet cheeks. “You’re going to think I’m tainted and only trouble. And…” I close my eyes, trying to hide again. “That I’m not worth your time or love.”

  “Holly, look at me.” His fingers lift my chin.

  Taking a ragged breath, I move away from his grasp.

  His eyes softly hold mine. “I would never think that of you. You have my heart, no matter what.”

  Can I be completely honest with him? Even Tom didn’t know everything about what happened. But this is Aiden. And he has shown me so much acceptance and love. Maybe I should take this gamble and tell him. After all, I’ve taken a few chances with him lately and he’s stood by me through all of them.

  Aiden takes my hand in his and places it close to his heart. “Talk to me.”

  I rub my free hand against my thigh, gently rocking my body forward. “Before I came to Australia, I…” The words stop, fighting to stay inside my head.

  Aiden’s eyes will me to continue.

  My voice cracks. “When I was at university, I was hurt by someone I was dating.” I cover my face with my hands. “At a frat party, a guy slipped something into my drink.” I choke over my words. “I was raped.” I peer through the spaces between my fingers. Searching, but not finding what I expect to see.

  Instead, his face softens with compassion as he strokes his fingers against my hair.

  He’s not looking at me like I’m damaged, tainted or used goods.

  I let my hands fall to my lap. “It was horrible. My parents knew the boy’s parents and between them made some deal to make it all go away.” I tighten my fingers into a fist before releasing them. “I wanted to press charges, but I wasn’t allowed.”

  Aiden gently shakes his head. “That’s not right. You should have been allowed to fight back.”

  “I was nothing more than a pretty face. My parents treated me like another merger or business deal. I was told who I could date, how I should look and who I could have as friends.” I run my fingers through my hair. “In this case, my dad didn’t want to lose a contract with the boy’s father, so the university was told to handle it.”

  “And did they?”

  My shoulders slump. “Do you think they’re going to do anything with the son of one of their highest donating alumni? Especially one who’s a star football player.”

  His forearm rests on his knee. “I’m sorry they did that to you.”

  “Yeah, I am too.” I sigh and look across the room. “Though, I guess if I hadn’t been sent to Australia, I would never have met you.”

  His eyes narrow on mine. “You were sent to Australia? I thought you wanted to study abroad.”

  “Maybe coerced is a better word.”

  With a gentle smile, his reassuring hand squeezes mine.

  “I came to Australia because I was encouraged to study overseas. The boy’s parents thought it would be a distraction for me to stay at the same university as their son. It was my parents’ suggestion that I take a long vacation until everything settled down.” I scoff, trying to hold back my disgust.

  Aiden grimaces. “It’s almost as if your parents blamed you. How could they do that?”

  “If I went away, there was one less problem in their lives. They also scared me by telling me that the police have a way of turning these things around, so the victim gets blamed. Like I asked for it because I had on a short skirt or skimpy top. They said no good man would marry a tainted woman.”

  Aiden’s body tenses. “That’s bullshit. A guy should control himself no matter what you were wearing. I’d go nuts if someone did that to my daughter. And what happened to you doesn’t affect your chances at marriage. What a horrible thing to say.”

  “Too bad my dad wasn’t like you.” My words come out dull and flat. “All I wanted was to be protected by my parents.”

  He sighs and pushes my fringe off my forehead. “Parents don’t realise how much their choices hurt us.”

  “Maybe.” I shrug. “But my brother had a different experience than me growing up. While I was treated as something that would be pawned off to the highest bidder, he was treated like a god. I never understood why my parents treated me as a lesser being just because I’m a girl.” I rub my arm, trying to warm my skin.

  Pulling the comforter over me, Aiden leans in and kisses my tear-stained face.

  “Another thing that never made sense was why my brother didn’t have my back through the whole ordeal.” I shut my eyes, shaking my head as if that would rid my brain of the memory forever. “He left me to fend for myself when before that night we had always been so close.” I pause, taking a breath. “I was shattered that he was no longer there for me.”

  Scout rolls over with a whimper.

  “Aiden, can you make sure she’s all right?”

  He pulls me tight against his chest and kisses my forehead. “I’m here for you now, Holly. Whatever you want, whatever you need.” Releasing me gently against the pillows, he rolls out of bed and checks on Scout. “I need to get her to the vet.” He pats her on the head and looks into her amber eyes. “Don’t worry, girl. I’ll make sure you’re okay.” Aiden turns and looks in my direction but avoids my gaze. “I’m going to go find my phone.” He pauses, then adds, “I’m also going to make sure Toddy isn’t here.”

  Tightly pressing my lips together, I nod as my heart beats frantically at the mention of his name.

  Is it safe for Aiden to look for him?

  He narrows his eyes on me. “Will you be okay while I check? I promise I’ll be quick.”

  My voice cracks as I answer, “Yes.”

  “Just in case, I’ll lock the door behind me.” He turns to leave but stops at the doorway. He inhales and looks at me over his shoulder. “I’m just going to ask, and I’ll support and do whatever you want, but...” He stops and runs his hand along his jawline. “Do you want to call the police?”

  I exhale and try to relax. “I don’t think there’s any point. He didn’t get what he wanted, so I don’t know that they will charge him with anything. And it seems he has enough troubles.”

  Aiden walks closer and stares into my eyes. “You sure?”


  “Okay, but if you change your mind…”

  Shaking my head, I interrupt him. “I won’t.”

  His lips form a pained smile. “Listen, I would never force anyone to do something they don’t want to, but…” He rubs his thumb against his chin. “I think you should report him.”

  He’s right. I felt so much shame for not standing up for myself in the past.

  My heart races and I sit up tall. “You know, you’re right. I should.”

  Aiden looks at me intently, ready to do whatever I ask of him. “Want me to call the police for you?”

  “Yes, please.” I swallow the lump lodged in my throat.

sp; “It is going to be okay.” He remains tight lipped as he shuts the door.

  I swing my legs over the edge of the bed.

  Scout tries to stand, but whimpers as she places her hurt leg against the floor. Lifting it, she limps towards me. Close to the bed, she slumps down and licks her paw.

  She’s always my little protector.

  I reach down and gently pick her up and place her next to me. Running my fingers against her fur, I try to soothe her.

  A short while later, Aiden returns with two cups of tea and his phone. “I’ve called a mate who’s going to come and take care of Scout. The roads are still a mess, so I’m not sure how long it’ll take for him to get here.” He hands me a cuppa.

  I take a sip, letting the warm malty taste mull in my mouth before swallowing. “Did you find Toddy?”

  “No, he’s not here.” He smooths an errant hair off my face and behind my ear. “Don’t worry. He’ll never hurt you again. I’m done with him.” His sharp words are veiled in rage.

  I nod my head. “Okay.”

  He stares into my eyes. “The police will be coming by as well. They have a backlog but should be here in about an hour.” He takes my hand in his. “I was also thinking we should take that trip to my brother’s. Get you out of here for a few days.”

  “What about your work?”

  “I’ve called my dad. He’ll send over a few of his staff. They’re guys I know and trust, so it’ll be all right.” He licks his lips. “Your wellbeing is more important than anything else right now. So, let me take care of you.”

  I muster a smile. “Where should we go?”

  “I thought we could go to Magnetic Island for a few days, then we’ll drive over to my brother’s place in Winton.”

  “Does your brother live near the coast?”

  He chuckles. “No, it’s a bit of a drive, but you’ll get to see the country. I know a few spots we can stop along the way.”

  Nodding, I sip my tea.

  “Let’s just get you feeling better.”

  “You’re sweet.”

  “Holly, you shouldn’t feel ashamed or embarrassed for what happened to you. You did nothing wrong.” He leans in close, our noses almost touching. “You are not damaged goods. I don’t ever want you to think of yourself in those terms. When I look at you all I see is an intelligent, beautiful woman.”

  I run my fingers along my chin, unsure of what to say.

  He backs away from me and throws his hands in the air. “Look at what I did. If anyone should be ashamed about things in their life, it’s me. I broke the law and hurt people. You didn’t.” He leans close. “You’ll be okay. I promise.” Another curl drops down over my eye. Smiling, Aiden moves it away and kisses gently against my forehead.

  “I think I want to take a shower and eat something before the police get here.” I push the covers aside and stand.

  “Let me cook up whatever you want. How about pancakes?”

  “That’s sounds like what I need.” I sigh, hoping the shower will wash away the memory of last night. Walking to the bathroom, I feel as though a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I took a chance and opened up to someone I love, and he still looks at me with the same loving eyes he always has.


  AFTER A LENGTHY drive to Brisbane airport, we board the plane to Townsville. As we descend, I stare out the window and find a dry ochre landscape bordered by a turquoise ocean.

  It’s so much drier than I expected. Isn’t North Queensland tropical?

  At the airport, Aiden rents an SUV to drive the short distance to the ferry that’ll take us to Magnetic Island. From the upper deck of the boat, we watch the ocean pass by, hoping to catch sight of a dolphin or whale.

  “Not much further now.” Aiden says, taking my hand in his.

  “Good, I’m exhausted.” I yawn and relax against Aiden.

  “I’m sure a dip in the pool and a good meal will make you feel a hundred percent better.”

  “Where are we staying?”

  “I’ve booked a suite with a private pool on the island’s best resort.” Putting an arm around my shoulders, he pulls me close. “I’m sure you’ll love it.”

  The ferry approaches the dock, giving us a picturesque view of the photo-worthy Nelly Bay marina that stretches across the entire waterfront. On the left, it’s packed with large sailboats docked in front of a modern multi-level resort. Behind the marina, the surrounding island is dotted with towering eucalyptus and ironbark trees set against steely granite terrain.

  Aiden points at the buildings that make up the resort. “That’s where we are staying.”

  From the ferry dock, we drive mere seconds to the resort’s driveway. Aiden brings the car to a stop under an archway overflowing with peach coloured bougainvillaea.

  A bellboy greets us as we exit the car. “Hello, sir. May I take your bags?”

  Aiden points to the back of the SUV. “Yes, thank you.”

  Another valet comes up to Aiden. “Sir, may I park your car for you?”

  “Yes, thanks.” Aiden hands over the keys.

  We walk into the open-air reception and check-in before heading to our suite.

  Aiden turns the key in the lock and stops to look at me. “You ready for a few days of me spoiling you rotten?”

  I laugh. “Isn’t that what you’ve already been doing?”

  He winks. “Nope, I’ve only just begun.”

  Walking into the apartment-style suite, I gasp at the unexpected view.

  Bay windows line almost the entire perimeter, capturing an expansive view of the ocean and marina. Everything is classic white, giving the place an airy, contemporary feel. Right outside the open windows, a private plunge pool bordered by discreetly placed shrubs creates a sense of seclusion.

  Exploring the suite, Aiden takes me past a large, inviting bed dressed in crisp, white linens. He pulls open the doors to the bathroom, exposing an alluring whirlpool bath set against a faux stone wall.

  There’s enough room for both of us. Another sexy bubble bath perhaps? At least this time we won’t be interrupted by wallabies making noise.

  Walking back into the living room, I notice a complimentary bottle of wine on the table in front of the couch.

  After Aiden opens the bottle, he pours us each a glass.

  I sink into the cosy couch and cross my legs. Taking a sip, the salty air wafts through the room, mixing perfectly with the oaky scent of Chardonnay. My body begins to unwind, and I relax deeper into the spongy pillows

  Aiden sits next to me and rests his glass on the table. Taking my feet into his hands, he begins to rub my soles.

  I close my eyes, relishing the stillness and gentle sounds of water lapping at the adjacent beach.

  His voice pulls me from my hypnotic state. “Holly, what did you study at university?”

  Opening my eyes, I scrunch my nose at such an odd question for this romantic moment. Meeting his gaze with a soft look, I answer him. “Law.”


  I laugh at the irony. “Yeah, but I never finished.”

  “Why not?”

  “Tom graduated before me, and when he started work, he talked me out of finishing my degree.”

  “Why would he do that? If it had been me, I would’ve encouraged you to finish.”

  “He thought it’d be better if I was working so we could get a loan to buy property.”

  “Why would you need a loan if you had your trust fund?”

  “I couldn’t access my trust until I was twenty-five.”

  “Oh.” Aiden nods then picks up his glass to take a sip. “Still, though, didn’t you want to finish your degree?”

  “Looking back, I wish I had. But at the time, I had different priorities.”

  “You could always go back.”

  I frown, waving the question away. “I’m too old.”

  “No, you aren’t.” He looks at his hands rubbing against my feet and smiles smugly. “I recall you telling me I
should go back when we first met, and I was already well past university age.”

  I roll my eyes and giggle. “I guess my words are coming back to haunt me.”

  “I think you should do it. You could apply to the university in Toowoomba and study with their distance education program.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “No, don’t think about it. Just do it. You’d make a great lawyer.”

  “Me?” I wave my hand in the air as though I’m swatting an invisible fly. “I don’t think so.”

  “No, really. You’d be great. And I know Carly was excited when you wanted to help with the CSG stuff, so maybe it would help if you finish your degree. You could help the farmers out.”

  I tilt my head and narrow my gaze. “I never thought about it that way. I’d love to help with that problem.”

  Grinning, Aiden raises his glass as if to toast me. “Well, there you go.”

  I shake my head and laugh. “Maybe.”

  “Why don’t we go to dinner and talk about it over some seafood. Then after, we can relax in that king size bed and watch movies.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I stare out at the setting sun. “I always sleep better by the water.”

  “My mother used to say the same thing. Every school holiday we were at a beach somewhere. We used to come up here during winter break, but on summer holidays we were always at the Sunshine Coast.” Aiden purses his lips while he looks towards his hands.

  “Something wrong?”

  He shakes his head. “Not really. Just thinking about the last few summers in high school. It was around the time I found out about my dad’s affair. And I think Toddy’s dad found out around the same time, too, because we never holidayed together after that.”

  I cringe at his mention of Toddy’s name.

  Aiden recoils. “Sorry for bringing his name up.”

  I close my eyes and hold my empty glass near my lap. “It’s all right. It’s no excuse for his behaviour, but it seems like he’s pretty messed up from whatever he’s been through.”

  “You don’t know the half of it.”

  Glancing at my fingers wrapped around the stem of my glass, my words are shielded with apathy. “I’m not sure I want to know.”


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