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The Quarterback's Baby: A Secret Baby Sports Romance

Page 4

by Stephanie Brother

  As soon as we entered his room, he didn’t even check to make sure that no one else was there. Maybe it was the idea that Michelle and Dad would find us and catch us in the act.

  At college. Away from their rules. And that made us both want each other even more.

  He slammed me up against the wall, hard enough to knock the breath from me momentarily. His mouth crashed into mine, hungry and devouring, his tongue sweeping at the seam of my lips.

  His hands moved over my shoulders and down to my hips. He pulled me against him, pressing his erection hard against me.

  “Noah,” I moaned into his mouth as his fingers clawed into the flesh of my hips. He started to unbutton my jeans. I was surprised that he was doing it with patience when it was clear that he wanted to enter. And so, I started to help him.

  He held on to my hand for one moment growling, “Let me do this.”

  He wanted control.

  I was his for the taking and nothing and no one was going to take that away from him.

  I was his, and the fears that had entered my mind as we’d driven to the campus were washed away. Noah had seen those girls. Tall, skinny, pretty, beautiful. But it was me that he wanted to take to his room and be the first to fuck on his bed.

  Me and only me.

  His best friend.

  The girl he’d loved since he’d moved in across the street when he was five.

  I needed to keep that in my mind every single time I had doubts about our relationship, because he was keeping it real as he peeled my jeans from my legs and I stood there, half naked with no panties.

  I knew that I had to.

  That was when he lifted me in his arms and carried me across the room to a bed. I just hoped it was his bed. The room was basic, but I didn’t care. This was our one time.

  As he laid me on the bed, our tongues tangled and he asked, “Who do you belong to?”

  That was the first time and the only time that I knew Noah was nervous about us being apart too. I’d thought it was just me. Finally he’d admitted it, and I held his face between my hands and said, “You.”

  He said, “Say it louder!”

  I didn’t hesitate, “You.”

  His weight settled on the bed, his knees on either side of mine.

  “You’re mine,” he repeated, over and over again, as his face moved from my chest to my pussy and in between my legs. It was as if he was smelling me, claiming me, and it felt good. He didn’t kiss me or even tell me what was going on, he just kept repeating about me being his and that he had wanted me for so long.

  I was so damn wet.

  Desperate for him to enter me one last time and I blurted out, “Fuck me!”

  Without a moment’s hesitation he unzipped his pants and set free his big fat cock. I didn’t squirm like I had the other times; now it was feeling natural. It fit perfectly as he faced me and kissed me as he rocked back and forth on top of me.

  I held on to his butt and then he thrust inside of me even deeper.

  “Don’t stop,” I panted and then I bit his lip.

  He smiled, “Not until you tell me to.”

  I still had on my clothes. I grabbed hold of his back as I could feel myself coming to an edge. The more I screamed the more he pumped me until I couldn’t resist anymore.

  “I’m…” that was the last thing I said before we were both sweaty and then we were both brought to the edge. It was as if it was perfect timing, because then there was a knock on the door.

  It was Dad. “Ava is it safe to come in?”

  We both laughed, “One minute.” as we scurried round the room like mice, trying to get the pieces of our clothing together.

  Noah asked, “Decent?” I nodded, thinking that, apart from trying to get my breath together, I had managed to put on my pants and shoes. So, I supposed I was decent.

  He laughed as he opened the door and said, “Welcome to my humble abode.” Dad came in casually and winked. It was clear that he knew what we were doing.

  But as usual Michelle had to spoil it.

  “The smell. I just hope you kids are using protection.” She rushed to the windows and lifted them up to get in some air. The room did feel stuffy, but I’d never noticed at first. I had other things on my mind.

  “I’m sure they’re being sensible,” Dad sighed as he put down a box and then asked Noah to help him with the other things in the car.

  Michelle gave me the evil eye and said, “You better be.”


  Finally, we went to the hotel and said our goodbyes. Dad was dropping us at home, then in the evening he was going back on the road again. I wished that for my first night without Noah I would have Dad at least. I really didn’t feel like being with Michelle.

  As Noah and I walked to the hotel like long lost lovers, we held hands and, like the first time we were about to have sex and had driven in the limo to the hotel, we were lost for words. Silence became our new best friend as he stroked my hand and I tried to take in my surroundings, but really I was just fighting back the tears.

  The realization that from this moment onwards, he wouldn't be coming home dawned on me. The fact that Michelle and I would be alone in the house most of the time bothered me. But the idea that Noah wouldn’t be next door. As much as I thought my career choice was the best thing in the world for me, I wouldn't really know that until I started.

  I had finished High School and all my best friends were going to college. I kind of felt lonely, as if there was nothing left for me back home. Dad used to travel most of the year, but now it kind of felt that since he’d got married to Michelle, it was all year round.

  “I’m going to miss you,” I sighed as we reached the hotel and Dad checked us all in.

  I wished that he had stayed with us, at least for this one night.

  “I’ll miss you more.” There were tears welling not only in my eyes but his too.

  “Please, it’s not like he’s on the other side of the world,” Michelle snatched Noah’s hand and said, “Just remember to call and make sure you keep in touch with your sister. She misses you too.”

  He nodded as if he had just remembered something. Noah kissed her on the cheek and gave me a chain. It had his picture in the gold heart that was at the end of it.

  “Now, whenever you want to see my face then you can see me. No matter where you are.” I wrapped my arm around his neck.

  I was kicking myself. Why hadn’t I tried to study too?

  We could have been at the same college. Together forever. The pain of knowing that he was far started to become unbearable.

  “Hey, I’m just call away. Remember. And I’ll see you every second weekend.”

  I nodded.

  “Every holiday I’ll be home.”

  It just didn’t feel like enough; I wanted him with me all the time. Like it had been back at the hotel after the Prom, in each other’s arms. Talking. Loving. Caring about each other.

  “I don’t know if I can do this,” I said as the tears started to dampen my shirt.

  “You’ve got to.”

  That was when I felt Michelle’s hand on me and Dad mumbled something and patted Noah on the back and said his goodbyes.

  We were alone in the hotel lobby. Holding each other and saying, “Until next time.” That was when he let go of me and walked away saying, “I’m just a call away.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  My first day at the realtor was so daunting that I spent most of my time dreaming about Noah, or just sending him messages. He did reply back and say,

  As much as I love you and want to talk to you, I’m heading to class. Catch you later.

  There was no kiss at the end of the message. I went into the bathroom, stripped half naked and took a photo with a message saying,

  See what you’re missing xox

  He replied back saying,

  Show me some more, I don’t quite get the picture.

  I started to get wet, the same way I did at night. I put the toilet seat down a
nd I did the craziest thing ever. Thank God no one else was in the office because there was only one bathroom.

  I pulled my panties down and recorded me touching myself. I pretended it was Noah’s fingers going up and down my pussy, playing with my clit, trying to make me come. I was half-naked, on my first day in the office and as I screamed out the same way I did each and every time he made me come.

  I dropped my phone. I wondered if someone could hear me outside as I suddenly became embarrassed about what I had done. I was hot, sweaty and all I could think of as I picked up my phone with my other hand was making him see what he did to me.

  I put on my bra and top and thought about nothing else but sending him the video. The one of me. The one of us. The one of how much I miss him.

  By the time I got back to my desk, I wondered if he had seen it while he was in class. Or if he had gone to the bathroom just like me and touched himself. Thinking of me, not those perky cheerleaders.

  I saw a message from him saying:

  Tonight I want to see it all. You butt naked and imaging my cock making you come!

  All of a sudden, my first day at the realtor didn’t seem so bad. I was picking up the phones and booking clients like a natural.

  Then my uncle said the one thing that made me realize that I’d been heard when I came.

  “Next time you go to the bathroom. I think you better do your business at home first.”

  I could have died, because I swore that when I went to the office no one else was around. I wished that I hadn’t got so excited about Noah, I hoped that no one else had heard me that day.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “So,” Noah said that night. I could tell he was excited it was written all over his face.

  “So?” I replied waiting for him to talk. I thought that he wanted us to do Skype sexting like we had been doing for the last few nights. Six weeks apart feels like a lifetime when you’re not with the one you love.

  “I got picked, babes, and I want you to be at my game.”

  I couldn’t believe that it had happened so quickly. We’d known that there was a chance, but the him playing his first game showed that he had made an impression. It meant that he was really going to be a star.

  “My baby! I knew it!” Michelle screamed as she raced into my room. I was lying on my bed with my laptop open and talking to him as I had been doing each and every night. That was when Michelle ran into the room. I wondered if she had been listening every night.

  Noah’s face tensed as if he was in shock. “Mom. You’ve been listening…”

  Before he could even finish, she started firing questions. “What day is the game? Time? Is it a home game or are you going away?”

  Noah soon forgot that we were talking. Once again, the woman that I had avoided the last couple of weeks in the house was a thorn in my side. Michelle was excited talking about Noah’s game. As he said the date, the only saving grace was the fact that Dad would be around at the same time. At least I didn’t have to be in the car with her for the whole journey. As he logged off she said, “It’s his first game, maybe it’s better if you don’t come along.”

  She leapt off my bed as if she had just won the lottery. I ignored her excitement as I said, “But why would you think that it’s a good idea for me not to be there, and why have you been listening in on our conversations?”

  I felt like Dorothy on the yellow brick road, meeting the Wicked Witch of the West for the first time.

  “What you and Noah have been doing on Skype every night is not exactly quiet. And I just happened to be passing your room and I heard you guys talking.”

  She looked the picture of innocence as she moved her batted her fake eyelashes and moved her peroxide bangs away from her eyes.

  “But why did you say that I shouldn’t come?”

  I had a feeling that she was going to repeat what she had been doing for the last few years, since Noah had been serious about his game.

  “Because, you’re a distraction. One that could make him lose what he has been training so hard for.”

  The same old song. I was tired of hearing it and going to put her straight.

  “Well, we’ve been in a relationship for nearly six months now. He graduated. He went to college and he’s studying hard as always.”

  She tutted as she put her hands on my shoulders.

  “No one cares if you study in college. Everyone just cares about the grades. How you can help your team win the game. Your grades in college. They want people dedicated on and off the field.”

  She condescended me and made me feel so small as her hands reached for mine. Slowly but surely her eyes didn’t move as she held my hand.

  “You need to understand that he’s at college. With men and women who think the same as him. Not ones that are answering the phone all day, and at night showing their pussy.”

  She smiled as she left me standing there. My hands felt as if they were still entwined with hers. I knew that it was all a show to make me feel so bad. The problem was, I knew she was right. Noah was with like-minded people, but I needed to make her stop making me feel so low. Lower then any other person had ever done in my whole life.

  I went to bed that night and hugged my pillow. I would go to the game to watch Noah, but until then I had to make myself not let her words get to me. Not only for his sake, but mine too.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It was time to watch Noah in his first game. I had got there the night before and, against all the rules of the game, I had stayed in the hotel. I didn’t tell Dad and I certainly didn’t tell Michelle, the Torturer. That was my nickname for her. Whenever Dad came home all she would do was talk about how great Noah was doing away from us, because he didn't have the distractions that he had back home. He was supposed to come home every month and during the vacations. Now, I wasn't sure if that was a good idea, not because of what Michelle said, but mainly because I was thinking that Noah had a dream.

  He wanted to play for the Giants and he had to get to his goals by going that extra mile. I loved him with all my heart and thought that maybe just maybe we should cool it.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” he whispered in my ear and I turned to face him to tell him exactly what was going through my mind.

  “Maybe Michelle’s right.” I should have explained it better, but that was the only thing I could think to say at the time. “Maybe,” I swallowed as I could see him getting defensive, “You came to college. We both set out on different journeys…” before I could finish my sentence, I knew that he was pissed.

  “Don’t you dare do this to me. I’ve got a big game tomorrow and you’re quoting my mom. Not cool at all Ava. Not cool.”

  This wasn’t going the way that I planned.

  “Let me explain?” I begged as he pulled on his pants. That thing that connected us and made us feel like we knew each other and could read each other’s minds was not such a great feeling right now.

  “Do you know why I hook up with you on Skype and then get around four hours study time after?”

  I knew where this was headed and either way I was going to feel shit for even saying it.


  He had his shirt on. His pants fastened. All he needed was his bag and I knew what was going to happen next.

  “So, I can make you feel comfortable. Let you know that you are always on my fucking mind. You know why?”

  This time he didn’t wait for me to answer.

  “Because as much as she’s my mom and wants the best for me, I know what she’s like.”

  He was walking to the door. Looking for his bag. I knew it was coming, but I didn’t want us to part on this note.

  “You’re insecure. It was written all over your face when you dropped me here. Whenever you call and ask about the cheerleaders. But, I love you and I want YOU to know that nothing and no one compares.”

  He sighed as his hand was on the door handle. I sat on the edge of the bed. Sitting waiting for him to change his mind. But
I knew that once he was in this mood there was only one thing I could do, and that was leave him alone.

  “Because that’s what you do, Ava, when you love someone. You make sure that they know it and that they’re happy.”

  He slammed the door shut and then it dawned on me. That it was our first fight. The first time that he had argued with me. Sure, I had seen him fight plenty of times with Michelle over some new girl or when she wanted him to do more training, but never with me. His team mates, sure. One guy thinks he is more macho then the other. But again, never with me.

  What was going to happen between us? It had only been six weeks, and I was the one who was acting like such a jerk!

  I hated Michelle, but most of all, I hated myself.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “What’s up with Noah, he doesn’t seem his normal self?”

  Trust dad to notice. I pretended to be listening to music or something as we headed to our seats.

  We had met up with Noah before the game, just for a quick coffee. Besides Dad going on about how proud he was to have him as his son, Michelle couldn’t help but put her hands all over him as if he was her prized toy.

  I called him twenty times, or it could have been more, but he never returned my calls. The short time he did spend with us, he ignored me and told his mom not to touch him or he’d have to leave. In the end he left, because as per usual he was late for the pep talk with the coach.

  Last night we should have been making love, and talking all night long about how great it was that he got to play. Not fighting. Fighting was never on the agenda.

  I shrugged and then put in the earplugs for my iPod, trying to think of a house that I had seen this week and could talk about.



  I was miserable and Michelle was making it worse. The whole cafe knew that Noah, her son, was playing today. You would have thought that he was playing the Superbowl the way she was going on about it. Michelle loved being the center of attention when she wanted to be.


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