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Love in Country: De La Fuente Family #4

Page 9

by Lexi Buchanan

  I growl at the reminder of where my cock currently resides, not that I needed any.

  “I’m really wet, Aiden.”

  I close my eyes before she unmans me.

  “Warm,” she whispers against my ear, “wet, tight, and all yours.”

  “Sarah.” I growl in warning and she chuckles in reply.

  “I can feel what my words do to you.” She clamps around me and wiggles her hips. “You fill me…no room…so good.”

  “Bedroom?” I hiss.

  I shuffle out of the kitchen and into the room I’m directed to. When my knees touch the bed, I struggle to climb on with my jeans around my thighs. Reluctantly, I slide out of Sarah and toss her into the middle of the bed.

  I quickly remove my boots and the rest of my clothing and then stand there and take in her naked, flushed body. She’s spread out like a feast before me and my eyes can’t stop looking.

  My hand wraps around my glistening shaft and I slowly start to jack off at the sight of her.

  Opening her legs, my eyes travel to her wet pussy. I tug on my flesh to try and stay loaded at the sight before me.

  Sarah holds a hand out toward me and I kneel between her thighs and slowly slide inside heaven. I move her arms above her head and intertwine our fingers as I slowly start to love her, and no matter how much it kills me, this time I’m making love to her—slowly, sweetly. By morning I don’t want there to be any doubt in her mind as to my feelings for her, and her alone.



  Morning came all too quickly as I never wanted the night with Aiden to end, but like he says, it isn’t going to end with daylight.

  He’s already proved that by making delicious love to me in the shower. So now while he dresses in the bedroom, I’m making us breakfast and much needed coffee.

  I’m going to need more than my usual one cup with breakfast today as well because my belly is nervous about meeting Rae. I know she’s an important woman in Aiden’s life and I don’t want to be the demanding girlfriend, but it hurts knowing that she’ll always be on the edge of our relationship. I say relationship because Aiden has made it clear to me that that’s what we have.

  Lost in my thoughts, I smile and then yell when Greg walks into my kitchen with Matthew on his heels. “What the hell are you doing here so early?”

  “I thought you’d be up and ready for the day,” Greg says.

  “Oh great,” Aiden drawls behind them.

  Greg quickly turns to Aiden and then looks back at me. He smiles and glances back to Aiden. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here so early…but, I’m glad you both finally have things together.” Greg holds his hand out to Aiden.

  Surprise is clear on Aiden’s face, but he takes the offered hand. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t hurt her again,” Greg warns.

  “I had no intention of hurting her in the first place.”

  As their hands part, Greg adds, “There’s only one Sarah.”

  “I know there is.” Aiden smiles. “And she’s mine.” Aiden moves into the kitchen and wraps an arm around my neck and kisses the side of my head. “Go put some clothes on,” he whispers.

  Out of sight of the others, I pinch his ass and hear a soft growl before I push away from him. “I’ll be right back.”

  Tossing my robe to the bed, I quickly pull my underwear on along with yoga pants and a shirt, and return to the kitchen within minutes.

  Aiden raises an amused brow and grins, but stays silent as he holds his hand out to me.

  Greg doesn’t have that problem. “Don’t trust us together, huh?” He chuckles and shakes his head. “And here we are calling to see if we could take you to breakfast, or talk you into making pancakes.” Greg grins.

  I roll my eyes.

  “But,” Greg adds, “we’ll take you up on the pancakes another day.” He kisses me on the forehead, before whispering, “Take care.”

  I nod and watch them leave before I turn back to Aiden and see the lust in his eyes.

  “It just hit me again that until me you hadn’t had sex in how long?”

  “Seven years, but probably longer than that,” I admit, feeling a blush start at my breast and work its way up to my face.

  He grins like the cat that got the cream. “Good…now bend over the table.”

  Aiden tugs me to the table and pushes me face down, his arousal pressed against my bottom. “I want to make all my dirty dreams about you a reality…you have a problem with that?”

  I can hardly believe his words, but as I shake my head, my body throbs to feel him inside me. “No, I don’t have a problem with that…as long as my smutty dreams about you become a reality as well.”

  He growls and tugs my pants and panties down my legs. “Step out of them.” His hands caress my thighs as he widens my stance…and then I feel warm air against my pussy…and then his tongue.

  I hiss and try to move away because it’s too much, but when his tongue enters me, my legs quiver and my belly flutters with arousal overload. Aiden holds me open to his mouth and it’s all I can do not to slip down to the floor in pleasure.

  Growling, Aiden stands behind me and I hear his jeans open seconds before he rubs the tip of his cock between my legs. “God, Sarah. The minute I touch you I want to come.” He slips inside me. “Feel what you do to me.” He kisses the back of my neck as his hands slip under me, pushing the cups down and grasping hold of each breast.

  “Come on my cock, baby.” He pulls out and thrusts back inside within seconds before his hips rock hard into me.

  I’m on my toes as he takes me in the kitchen and nothing has ever felt as hot or delicious as knowing that it’s Aiden inside of me…knowing he can’t get enough.

  “Oh, hell.” He holds my hips and starts slamming into me. “I’m going to come. You first, Sarah...Sarah,” he growls. “Oh, God, now.”

  That’s all it takes for me to feel pure bliss as the coil that was wound tight unravels and I climax on him. My core pulses and holds onto to Aiden’s cock so tightly that I feel him lengthen before his release splashes against my quivering walls.

  Aiden strains against me, grinding against my bottom, giving me small but powerful aftershocks.

  “Sweet baby,” he breathes, dropping to my back. “I’m not sure I can move.” Seconds later he does and slowly pulls out, causing a delicious friction inside of me.

  I moan and my toes curl.

  Aiden curses under his breath as he puts a hand to my lower back. “Don’t move.”

  I stay in place and feel a warm washcloth between my thighs. He cleans me up and then slowly helps me to stand. He then kneels and tugs my panties and yoga pants back into position, but not before he places a kiss to my pelvis.

  Standing, he cups my face in his hands and kisses me so passionately that my panties melt.



  I freeze at the sound of Rae’s voice in my befuddled brain.

  Softening the kiss, I smile at Sarah and whisper, “Rae’s here.”

  Sarah blushes and groans, her eyes going to the table that I just had her for breakfast on.

  I have no shame and smirk, feeling so damn tall, and shout in answer to Rae. “In the kitchen.”

  In a fast move, Sarah grabs my balls and gently squeezes. “These are mine.” Letting me go, she steps back and I adjust myself before Rae gets more of a glimpse of me than she ever expected.

  “Morning,” Rae greets and looks between the two of us. She grins. “I can come back another time if you’re, um, busy.”

  I slap a quick kiss to Sarah’s lips and turn to Rae. “Minutes earlier and you’d have gotten an eye full of my bare ass, but we’re good now.” I end up laughing and get a smack on my arm from Rae.

  “Don’t be a dick,” she nudges me out of the way. “Sarah”—she quickly hugs her—“I do believe there has been too much gossip that’s been heard and I hope you’ll please ignore it from now on. I do love Aiden, but as an annoying younger brother…I
can assure you that he’s all yours.” She grins. “And I hope that he really is all yours because he’s been a pain in the ass these past few weeks.”

  I watch Sarah as her gaze takes in Rae and my breathing finally eases when Sarah smiles and the doubt disappears from her face. “I shouldn’t have let the gossip cause any doubt on Aiden’s words.” She meets my gaze. “I’m sorry for that.”

  I smile and want to ease the tension in the room so I tug Sarah into my arms and hold her close. Kissing her forehead, I say, “There’s nothing to be sorry for. It’s all over with now and I got my girl, so I’ve come out the winner.”

  “Oh boy, Aiden,” Rae starts. “I hope one day I find someone who says mushy shit to me.”

  I roll my eyes at Rae and let Sarah go when she starts mumbling about breakfast, which reminds me…

  “Speaking of someone…” I stare at Rae and notice a blush creep into her cheeks. “What is going on between you and my brother?”

  Rae sits at the kitchen table and I pour her a cup of coffee and wait while she avoids my gaze. “Rae?”

  Sarah pours pancake mix onto the griddle and I move closer to her, brushing the hair back from her face and kissing her cheek. Her warm body leans into me.

  With one hand on Sarah’s hip, I face Rae again. “I’m still waiting.”

  “You’re not going to let this go, are you?”

  I shake my head. “Nope.”

  “I’m not sure what’s going on to be honest. The hug in the kitchen was unexpected.”

  “There’s something there though?” I push, wanting more of an answer. “I felt it just by seeing you both together…I also have to say that Diego surprised me, not just with the way he held you, but because he never shows emotion like what I saw. It was brief, but I know my brother and it was there.”

  Rae looks at me and I realize I’ve given away what my brother probably wanted to hide from her. “It doesn’t matter, Aiden.” She offers a wry smile as I feel Sarah wrap her arms around my waist. “Diego isn’t really into me. I mean, how can he be when there’s fifteen years between us? He can’t be.” She looks into her coffee and I meet Sarah’s gaze.

  Sarah shakes her head and clears her throat. “These pancakes are about done, let’s eat before they go cold.”

  I agree and help Sarah get the plates and everything ready and sit beside her at the table.

  “Aiden tells me you have a daughter?” Sarah asks Rae.

  Rae smiles and her whole face lights up. “Andie. She’s in college and is the best thing that I’ve ever done in my life so far. I really can’t wait to show her the house.” She smiles. “I’ve never put down roots with her before, so she’s about as excited as I am when I told her.”

  “Well, you’ve certainly chosen a great town to settle in,” Sarah adds.

  I smile to myself because the woman I love and want to be my wife is finally getting along with the woman I love as a sister. I just pray this lasts because I sure as hell don’t want to be apart from Sarah again like before.

  “How old is she, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  Rae laughs. “I don’t mind. She’s twenty-three and coming to the end of a four year program, so I can’t wait to have her home. We’re best friends when she’s home, and I miss her like crazy when she’s away.”

  “I think I would too,” Sarah adds.

  “When she’s home we’ll have to have a cookout at the farm. Welcome you both to Great Falls properly so you both can meet everyone close by…and Sarah, you can invite Greg and, well his friend if you’d like,” I offer.

  Sarah smiles. “I’ll ask him.”

  I ignore the frown on Rae’s face, but Sarah notices and adds, “There are things that aren’t my story to tell, Rae. Aiden knows, which I’m relieved about.”

  Rae glances at us both. “Well, as long as you’re free to be with Aiden then I won’t worry.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Sarah adds.

  No she isn’t.



  I’m floating on a cloud with Aiden and have been for the past three weeks, but I’m sure that I’m forgetting something…I can’t remember…my head feels heavy and nothing comes to mind other than…“Aiden.”

  “I’m here, babe.”

  His words sound like he’s underwater as I try to climb out of the ball of cotton wool that has wrapped around my head.

  “Sarah, open your eyes,” Aiden asks. “Please, Sarah, honey,” he now begs.

  I thought my eyes were open. What is he talking about?

  “Sarah, I’m here waiting to see those gorgeous green eyes. Let me see them.”

  I finally feel like the fog in my head is lifting and then I see Aiden leaning over me, worry marring his brow before his lips twitch and he smiles. “Thank you, God.” He breathes in relief.

  I’m so confused but not for long as an incredible pain rips up my right arm to my shoulder, causing me to gasp. That’s when other voices penetrate my brain seconds before the pain starts to ease.

  “The doc’s given you something for the pain,” Aiden tells me. His forehead drops to mine as he closes his eyes and breathes me in. I don’t know how long he leans over me like that, but when his eyes open they’re swimming with tears. “You scared the ever living heck out of me, Sarah,” he whispers.

  “Why? What happened to me?” I suddenly think to ask now that more of the cobwebs have cleared.

  “You don’t remember?” he asks, and drops into the chair at the side of the bed.

  I feel that I should…wait…the horse. I groan when I realize that I made a rookie mistake while checking out one of the pregnant mamas on the De La Fuente’s farm.

  “God, what an idiot.”

  Aiden takes my hand and squeezes my fingers in a brief grip. “You’re not an idiot, although you took ten years off my life when Kasey yelled that you were unconscious.”

  “I’m sorry. I should have been thinking about what I was doing instead of…” I don’t finish my thought because then Aiden will blame himself.

  “Instead of?” he prompts.

  “I wasn’t paying attention and leave it at that. The horse kicked out and snapped my arm but at the same time I was shoved into the post behind me and knocked my head.”

  “That about sums up what Kasey said, although he says it was his fault.” Aiden raises a questioning brow.

  “It wasn’t his fault. I’m the vet, the one who is supposed to know what I’m doing. I’m used to holding conversations while I’m working on the animals…Don’t you dare blame your brother for this.”

  Aiden looks sheepish at my words and I groan knowing that he already has. “What did you do?”

  “Nothing…much,” Aiden replies. “I didn’t hit him if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  “Now I’m going to feel guilty for causing the upset between you both.”

  Aiden leans over me again and softly kisses my lips. “There isn’t any upset between us. I glared at him…and seconds later I apologized for it. We’re good.”

  I watch him for a minute and then ask, “So what did I do to myself?”

  “Broke your arm in two places. The doc operated and pinned it together. You’re going to be uncomfortable and in a cast for a while, so the doc has written you up a prescription for pain meds.”

  I knew my arm was broken, and I guess I’m relieved that it’s a cleanish break because it could have been worse. It could have been my collarbone, which really would have put me out of action for a good while.

  “Wait…he’s written up a prescription, you said, right?”

  Aiden nods.

  “So I get to go home?” I hope I do because I really don’t want to stay in the hospital.

  “The doctor said after supper, providing you’re okay from the anesthetic they gave you.” Aiden kisses me again and sits back down. “You have visitors outside. Greg and Matthew being two of them.” Aiden frowns.


  “The doc wasn’t
letting anyone in with you until Greg arrived. I raised hell and told them that you’re my fiancée.” Aiden grins. “You will be but figured I’d hurry it along.” He clears his throat. “Anyway, they let me in and then once Greg arrived the doc finally relaxed when Greg went along with my story…except…Sarah. I don’t want it to be a story. I want it to be fact.”

  My eyes widen in surprise as my heart takes flight in my belly while Aiden stands nervously to the side of the bed. “You’re, um, asking me to marry you while I’m on drugs in the hospital?” I grin because I find it amusing but Aiden looks ready to puke, so I add, “Do you think I need drugs to agree to marry you, Aiden De La Fuente?”

  He finally laughs and moves closer. “Like hell I do, but hey, if they have you saying yes then I’m all for the drugs.”

  “I don’t need drugs, Aiden,” I say quietly. “All I need is you.” I can’t hold the tears in any longer and let them fall. “If you’re serious, then yes I’ll marry you.”

  His eyes swim with tears as he cups my face in his hands and kisses me. “I love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  “Ugh! While she’s in a hospital bed,” Rae drawls. “Really, Aiden. You propose like this?”

  He smiles against my lips and pulling away, offers me a wink before he turns and faces Rae. “That’s exactly why I did it now. She can’t run away.”

  “She wouldn’t run,” Rae says with confidence.

  “No, she wouldn’t,” I admit and grin at Aiden, which turns into more of a wince.

  “You’re hurting again,” Aiden worries.

  “It’s only a twinge this time. I’m fine and don’t want anything else right now.”

  “Did you give her the ring?” Rae asks, looking at my finger and frowning up at Aiden. “Where is it?”

  “I haven’t had a chance to put it on her finger yet,” Aiden tells her, while I wonder how she knows about it before me.

  I shouldn’t because that’s what friends do—confide in each other. It just feels wrong to me that the other woman should know first, which leaves me with the question as to whether she helped him choose the ring as she seems rather excited about it.


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