Book Read Free


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by Durbin, Bruce


  Written by

  Bruce W. Durbin

  Bruce W. Durbin copyright 2009

  Copyright Page

  All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2009 Bruce W. Durbin No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the publisher.

  The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, and/or organizations is coincidental and not intended by the author.


  OPENING CREDITS: BEGIN AS OPENING CREDITS ROLL, various images of ALIENS (Hideous and scary), ALIEN INVASIONS (spaceships landing, killing humans), and NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS (detailing UFO, ALIEN sightings, and MISSING PERSON FLYERS) are FLASHED across the screen.


  EXT. HOUSE - DAY The shapely buttocks of GINA (19) fill the screen of a video camera, as she seductively moves her buttocks back and forth. CHAZ (O.S.)

  It’s never gonna fit, Gina. Gina moves, looking back at the camera, as the VIEW EXPANDS OUT, showing Gina putting bags into a CAR. Gina is wearing low cut T-shirt (NO NECKLACE AND NO PENDANT AROUND HER NECK) and tight fitting cargo shorts. She’s very attractive, but seems to be unaware of her attractiveness, displaying a more business minded attitude.

  Several more bags of equipment and a couple of sleeping bags come into view, next to the CAR. Gina searches for something, then bends down and picks up a camera. She mischievously smiles, as she raises the camera up towards her face.


  That’s strange. Breanna told me that you had a problem...

  CHAZ (O.S.) Breanna? GINA

  A SMALL problem. Something about you could make IT fit...

  Gina flicks the camera on, with POV switching, showing CHAZ (20), holding a video camera. Chaz has something of a geeky look and is wearing a BLACK T-shirt, with the words, “TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER”, emblazoned on the front. Chaz turns around, looking down the street, with the back of the T-shirt, emblazoned with the words, “I AM YOUR LEADER.”

  GINA (CONT’D) Anywhere.

  Chaz lowers the camera. CHAZ

  Uh, Breanna, we...Listen, I’m the principle cameraman, meaning that instead of insulting me, you should be flattering me, because if I don’t go, then...

  SFX: HORN HONK Chaz raises his camera and turns towards the curb, as a CAR pulls up to the curb, with CHRISTINA (20), ANTHONY (20), and YASMINE (19), getting out of the car. Christina is wearing a silk blouse, which is tied just below her breasts, revealing a bare stomach and then a pleated mini skirt. Yasmine is wearing a short shorts and a tank top. Anthony is handsome and athletic, but has a care-free attitude.

  They wave, as they begin to take bags out of the car and move towards Chaz. Christina struggles, pulling out a FLORALcolored carry-on. As she drops the carry-on to the ground, she bends over to pick it up, displaying ample cleavage, which begins to fill the video screen.

  CHAZ (CONT’D) Hey, Christina... Christina looks up and offers a smile, then starts to wheel the carry-on. She struggles at the curb, turning her back to the camera. SLOW PAN from her feet up her shapely legs and then her buttocks. She gives the carry-on a pull, getting it over the curb. She then turns back around and clumsily starts towards Chaz.


  This is a road trip, not a cruise. Christina sticks her tongue out at Chaz. Chaz then focuses on Yasmine, who is bending over, picking up a bag, displaying ample cleavage. Yasmine looks up, seeing that Chaz is filming her.

  Yasmine smiles and then takes her hands, cupping her breasts, seductively running her hands over her breasts. She takes one hand and runs her fingers down her cleavage and then takes the other hand, moving it down her tight stomach, moving towards the top of her shorts. She slips two fingers into the top of her shorts, as she slightly arches her head, giving a slight MOAN.



  Holy...shit. Yasmine, you’re... Yasmine instantly stops, bends down, and picks up her bag. YASMINE Taken. Yasmine starts to walk over to Gina. She suddenly stops and looks back at Chaz, offering a smile, as she flashes her eyes.

  YASMINE (CONT’D) But, who knows. Anything can happen.

  Yasmine turns back around and continues walking. Suddenly, Anthony’s face jumps in front of the camera.

  ANTHONY Outta your league. Chaz moves the camera, focusing on Yasmine and the others, as they begin putting items into the car.

  CHAZ Says who?

  ANTHONY Breanna.


  That bitch. She lied and... ANTHONY

  Don’t matter, dude. Chicks stick together.

  Anthony comes into view, as he moves towards the car. Chaz turns the camera, focusing on Gina, who is directing the others on putting the bags and equipment into the Car.

  GINA Careful...

  Gina turns slightly, seeing Chaz filming her. GINA (CONT’D)

  Come on Chaz, get the tripod set up, so we can do the intro...


  Yes, el capy-e-tan. SCENE CUTS TO BLACK: GINA (V.O.) Are you sure it’s filming? CHAZ (V.O.) See that little red light? FADE IN:

  EXT. HOUSE - DAY The STUDENTS come into view, standing next to the now loaded CAR. From the left, Anthony, Christina, Gina, Chaz, and Yasmine.


  Well, when it stops flashing, then it means...Today is June ----. I’m Chaz ----, from U-N, uh, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. This is a class project for Professor

  Simmons’ course on ------.

  CHRISTINA (slight wave)

  Hey, Professor Simmons. She’s nudged by Gina. CHAZ

  Our class project is aimed at focusing on the book, “UFO’S THE PAWN OF HIS CREATOR EARLY CONTACTEES OF INTERPLANETARY VISITATIONS”, by Henry Dohan and published, posthumously by David R. Kammerer.


  I’m the principle cameraman and editor.


  (slight step forward)

  I'm Gina ---, Executive Producer--ANTHONY

  (slight step forward) I'm Anthony ---. Lead Researcher. (slight step forward)

  I'm Yasmine ----. In charge of budget and makeup.

  PAUSE. They look towards Christina. CHRISTINA

  Oh, I'm Christina ---. I'm doing, doing...

  (wrinkles her brow, then smiles)

  Oh yeah, the audio and other stuff. CHAZ (moving towards the


  Captain’s Log, star date 2012, going where no man has gone before. Let the adventure begin.

  Chaz disappears from view, as he moves behind the camera. GINA

  You can edit that out, can’t you? Captain’s Log? Because it really sounds stupid and...

  Chaz starts to turn the camera off. CHAZ

  No. This is reality, baby, no editing allowed.

  Slight focus on Gina’s frown. SCENE CUTS TO BLACK: YASMINE (V.O.)

  I liken us and our lives to the pawns in a game of chess...


  EXT. CAR - DAY Scenic views of the roadside come into view, as Chaz films from inside the car. Yasmine is reading from a book. Where as pawns, we are guided by an intellect greater than ours, to do tasks which by ourselves we could never achieve. So as pawns we live and gather knowledge for our subconscious minds while we serve Our Supreme Master.

  INT. CAR Chaz moves the camera, with Gina coming into view, as she drives. On the dash is a BOBBLE HEAD of a GREEN ALIEN. Chaz moves the camera, with Yasmine coming into view, as she reads from a book. As the students talk, periodic views of the roa
dside detail the car moving into a more desolate area.


  Then, as the game is over and we lay our bodies to dust, we resume our duties within another body-a new game with increased


  Chaz moves the camera, with Anthony coming into view, sitting in the front passenger seat, as he looks at an old paper map. YASMINE (CONT’D) Yet still at the service of the same Intellect that has always guided us...

  Anthony gives the paper map a violent shake, trying to unfold if further.


  We should have brought a G-P-S. GINA

  (looking at the map) This isn't a low budget film--(pause)

  It's a NO budget film.


  Which explains why we couldn’t afford a REAL researcher.


  You gonna take that Anthony? Anthony moves, picking up a video camera, with POV switching. Chaz, seated between Yasmine, who has closed the book, and a dosing Christina, comes into view, as he holds a video camera. Chaz lowers the camera.


  I don’t have to take it...I have a video camera and...I’m not afraid to use it.

  Chaz slightly smiles. POV switches to Yasmine, with the screen showing Chaz’ ear. YASMINE

  Gross. Don’t you ever trim the hairs in your ear?

  POV switches to Anthony, who sees Yasmine also holding a video camera, as Chaz turns slightly, looking at Yasmine. POV switches to Yasmine.

  CHAZ Girls like it. ZOOM ON CHAZ’ head, showing a slightly balding spot. CHRISTINA

  Like guys, who are going bald? Chaz turns, looking at Christina. POV switches to Anthony, with Christina now holding a camera. Chaz reaches up and touches the bald spot.


  I’m not going bald. It’s a scar. When I was five...


  Chaz, you should keep a copy of this film for yourself.

  Chaz looks at Anthony, as Yasmine and Christina both film Chaz, with both girls smiling. CHAZ

  Why? To remember the misery of a class project?


  No, so you can prove to your dates that you’ve been with other girls.


  Great, just great. Give someone a camera and they instantly become an all knowing commentator on the lives of other people. As far as chicks, let me assure you, Breanna did not experience the real...


  Chaz? Explain how you’re going to make this an A project. Wouldn’t it make more sense to have just one cameraman?


  Yes, exactly. Camera-woman. CHAZ

  Do you want to know or not? YASMINE

  Sorry. Please, Professor Chaz, explain the film-making process.


  The other groups will rely on the perspective of just one cameraman. Our project will have four

  different perspectives, which translates into a single event being filmed from four different perspectives. Taking the video files from the four cameras, I’ll be able to edit the five different perspectives into a single film.


  Wow, that sounds way cool. You can really do that? I mean, I’ve heard that you...


  (slight SIGH)

  I’ve done it a hundred times before.


  But, uh, a small question. CHAZ (slight SIGH) Yes, Christina? CHRISTINA

  Uh, there’s five us, wouldn’t it be even cooler to have FIVE different perspectives?


  The interviewer can’t be filming. Christina swings her camera towards Gina, who looks in the rearview mirror at Christina.


  I’ll be conducting the interview of the author, while you four are filming.

  POV switches to Chaz, who looks at Christina filming. CHAZ

  Four cameramen and one interviewer, that equates to four different perspectives.

  Christina turns towards Chaz. CHRISTINA

  If us four are filming, then why are you the PRINCIPLE cameraman?

  Chaz drops his head to the back of the seat, closing his eyes. CHAZ

  I have a headache. Are we there yet?


  Enough about the project. Chaz? What do you want to be, when you grow up?


  Like that'll ever happen. SLIGHT LAUGHTER. CHAZ

  Yeah, well, at least I have options.

  Instant silence. CHRISTINA

  (hard stare at Chaz) What do you mean? Options? CHAZ


  Uh, I mean, uh...I have too many options. I could become a famous movie star...

  CHRISTINA Or not...

  Chaz slightly frowns, with Christina grabbing his arm, smiling, then gives him a quick peck on the cheek. CHRISTINA (CONT'D) I'm kidding. Just kidding. I could totally see you playing one of those geeky nerd types, who can’t get girls, because...

  Everyone, except Chaz, lightly LAUGHS. CHRISTINA (CONT’D) Kidding, just kidding.

  Chaz turns back to the camera. CHAZ

  Actually, I want to be a screenwriter.


  Your major is Sociology. CHAZ

  Exactly. The study of society. What better way to understand people and what they want to see.


  I can see that. (to Yasmine)

  What about you? A high priced attorney?


  Definitely an attorney, but not some ambulance chaser. I'm thinking of starting my own practice, go after those big corporations that scare people, which will cause my dad to disown

  me. (to Gina)

  Gina? GINA

  Oh, I'm going to be the C-E-O of one those big companies that you’re going to go after.

  Gina slightly looks at Yasmine and smiles. GINA (CONT’D)

  See you in court. Anthony? What about you?

  ANTHONY A producer.

  YASMINE TV or big screen? ANTHONY

  Both. Do documentaries for TV and then films for the big screen.


  Let me guess, horror? ANTHONY

  Yes, horrors for the documentaries. Expose the myths, reduce the

  nightmares. Thrillers for the big screen. Make people afraid, really afraid of real things, not some unrealistic maniac running around with a chainsaw. Okay, Christina, your turn.


  I don't know what I want to be, when I grow up. When I was younger, I wanted to be an astronaut, then a cop, then a teacher.


  I'm hoping that college gives me some direction.


  I think I know what you're going to be.

  Christina looks at Chaz, with an almost hard look. CHRISTINA What? CHAZ

  A professional student. Enough of the questions that my folks ask. Let's move onto real, substantive, and thought provoking questions.

  Chaz turns the camera towards Yasmine. CHAZ (CONT’D) What do you want in a man? Yasmine says nothing. CHAZ (CONT'D)

  Obviously Yasmine is into chicks. Christina, what do you want in a man?


  Let's see, he has be attuned to the world. Open minded, smart, but not just book smart, he has to have common sense. He needs to care about the world, have a genuine concern about people...


  A dork. You're describing a dork as your perfect man?


  So? Maybe, you do stand a chance. CHRISTINA

  (slight smile)

  No, you can put all of that into the tight package of someone like...Professor Simmons.

  YASMINE Ditto.


  I'll take two, please. CHRISTINA

  Your turn. What do you want in a woman?


  A heartbeat. That's all he wants. GINA

  Really? I heard that Chaz didn't care whether they were alive or dead. Breanna also mentioned something abou


  At least, when they're dead, they don't talk so much.


  Anthony? What about you? ANTHONY

  I'm with you. I want someone with an open mind. Someone who isn't afraid to go beyond the realm of the physical senses, someone who thinks outside of what is logical, someone who...


  Is out of this world. ANTHONY

  Think about it? Beings from another world. A world billions years older than Earth. Think about what they've learned, what they've seen, what they know, what they could teach us...


  It's either top or bottom.

  I mean, it all comes down to whether the chick is on top or on bottom. That's what's called universal knowledge. Gina? Top or bottom?


  Actually, we can’t comprehend the universal knowledge.

  (MORE) ANTHONY (CONT'D) The problem is that us humans believe that aliens from another planet will be little green men, grossly deformed...

  Anthony points towards the BOBBLE HEAD, then flicks it, causing the head to bobble. ANTHONY (CONT’D)

  Uniquely identifiable being from some other planet, when, in reality...

  Anthony turns, looking at Yasmine, Christina, and then Chaz. ANTHONY (CONT’D)

  Aliens could look just like us. They could be the clerk at the taco joint. They could be a professor. They could be some old crazy guy walking the streets.

  (looking at Yasmine)

  You could be one. YASMINE

  (weak smile)

  I'm not an alien. I was born in Pasadena and...


  Which is exactly what an alien would say.


  Are you sure your major isn't Abnormal Psychology, because...


  Anthony might have a point. Can you prove that you're not an alien?


  (becoming somewhat


  My parents, they're human and... ANTHONY

  Yes, using human logic, you call them Dad and Mom, but how do you know? How do you know they're human? I mean, do you remember being born?


  No, of course not, who can remember...


  (enjoying the moment)

  Go on, prove that you're not an alien.


  I, I, there's no way to prove... CHAZ

  Yes, there is a way. Everyone looks at Chaz, who is very serious. CHAZ (CONT’D)

  Realizing that our LEAD RESEARCHER is a mental case, I did some research on my own.


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