Book Read Free


Page 6

by Durbin, Bruce

  spiritual. They look inside a person, seeing the beauty within...

  (pause - looking at Gina) If aliens gave us all of their technology, what do you think we'd do?


  EXT. FIELD - NIGHT Chaz and Yasmine are snuggling. CHAZ That, that was... Yasmine puts a finger to Chaz’ lips. YASMINE

  Please, no commentaries. They smile, then move slightly, looking up at the sky. YASMINE (CONT’D) Do you believe in aliens? CHAZ I... YASMINE

  I mean, aliens coming down to earth for revenge?

  Chaz slightly smiles. CHAZ

  I think we have more to fear from earthlings, then we do from...

  Suddenly, something moves over Chaz and Yasmine, blocking out the sky.

  CHAZ (CONT’D) What the...


  Improve our quality of life, cure cancer, do...


  We would take their technology and conquer other countries.


  Chaz had a point about the movie Independence Day, but the aliens wouldn't be defeated by a cold virus...

  (pause - looking up into the sky)

  They'd be defeated by man's virus of greed. They’d destroy us and we’d destroy them.


  It’s not a question “if” it’ll’s a question of “when.”

  PAUSE. Gina looks at Anthony and then looks up into the sky. GINA

  Wow, most guys tell me how my eyes sparkle like the stars and promise that paradise is just a heartbeat away, but you...

  Gina looks at Anthony, who turns his head and looks at her. GINA (CONT’D)

  You tell me that the world, the universe is going to end.

  Gina looks back up at the sky. GINA (CONT’D)

  I couldn’t sleep before. Now, I’ll never sleep...again. Thanks.


  Chaz and Yasmine are in the throes of passion, with Yasmine on top of Chaz, who has his eyes closed. Chaz opens his eyes, looking up. CHAZ Yasmine looks down at Chaz, smiling. YASMINE Yeah, I am pretty... Chaz starts to SCREAM, as Yasmine sees the fear in his face, with Chaz trying to get Yasmine off of him.

  YASMINE (CONT’D) What? POV switches to one of the cameras, which shows a DARK FIGURE above Yasmine. Suddenly, the camera goes dead, with just a BLACK SCREEN.


  EXT. FIELD - NIGHT Christina is fumbling, squatting down, trying to pee, as she holds a flashlight.

  POV moves from side-to-side, watching Christina. Something bumps Christina and she jerks, starting to scream, as she pans the flashlight. She calms herself, seeing that it’s a balloon. Christina smiles.

  CHRISTINA You big scaredy cat. The balloon again bumps into Christina, who grabs the string. She’s trying to balance herself, at the same time, trying to look at the balloon. She gives up, struggles, and then ties the balloon to her wrist.

  SFX: NOISE. The noise startles Christina and she drops the flashlight, with the flashlight going out.


  SFX: NOISE. CHRISTINA (CONT’D) Gina? Is that you?

  SFX: NOISE. CHRISTINA (CONT’D) Who, who’s there? No response and Christina struggles to pick up the flashlight. FOCUS on her fingertips, as she moves them over the ground.

  As she moves her fingers to the side, she lightly brushes over the toe of a BLACK boot, but doesn’t realize that it’s a boot. She moves her fingers and finally touches the flashlight.

  She picks up the flashlight, works the switch, then taps it with her hand, with the light coming on and highlighting her face. Christina smiles, then lowers the flashlight beam, which now reveals the boots. She looks at the boots, trying to recognize them.



  EXT. CAMP - NIGHT Gina is getting up and brushing herself off. ANTHONY

  Sorry. Sometimes, well, I talk too much.

  Gina looks at Anthony. GINA

  I know the world’s probably going to end, some day, but...I just want it to be a...surprise.

  Gina turns and starts to walk back towards the sleeping bags. She comes in focus on a camera, with BLURRED SHAPES moving to her side, with Gina unaware.

  SFX: SCREAM. Anthony jumps up, as Gina scans the area. SFX: SCREAM

  They start to move, then see the up-and-down movement of the FLASHLIGHT BEAM, as Christina runs towards them. Christina breaks into the open, just as Anthony and Gina start to run towards her. Christina turns around, looking behind her, then stumbles, falling to the ground, losing the flashlight, which spins on the ground, causing a beam of light to form a circle.

  SFX: SCREAM. Christina is in a state of panic, as she SCREAMS, scurrying on the ground.

  Anthony and Gina see her, but also see a shape floating above her (THE BALLOON), which seems like some hovering creature. They hesitates, then run up to her, with Gina taking Christina’s hand. Christina doesn't know it's Gina and SCREAMS, fighting Gina.






  Christina? It’s me, Gina. Anthony moves and picks up the flashlight, shining the light on Gina, with Christina shaking her head, “NO.” ANTHONY

  Christina? Look. It’s us. Anthony and Gina.

  Christina fights it, but then seems to look at Gina, recognizing her. Christina slightly calms down. GINA

  What happened? What's wrong? CHRISTINA

  Someone, something is out there. They were watching me.

  Gina wraps her arm around Christina and starts to lead her towards the smouldering campfire. CHRISTINA (CONT’D) I'm telling you...Someone was watching me.


  It’s been kinda of a scary night and...

  Christina brushes Gina’s arm off of her and stares at her.


  Why won't you believe me? GINA We do, we do... CHRISTINA

  You’re fuckin’ lying. You can because I use to be a stripper, that I’m stupid?


  We came out here to find aliens. What makes you think they’re not here to FIND us?

  Anthony is looking at the slightly bouncing balloon. Christina looks at Anthony, then follows his gaze. CHRISTINA (CONT’D) A balloon. I found it. Christina calms down and unties the balloon, as they walk back into camp. Anthony moves and starts to put some more wood on the fire.



  We’re here to see U-F-O’s. The fire might...

  CHRISTINA Scare them away? Christina makes a move towards some wood, but Gina grabs her arm, trying to stop her.

  CHRISTINA (CONT’D) Let me go...Bitch.

  Anthony tries to move between them. ANTHONY

  Come on, Christina, we came out here to see U-F-O’s, we might as well...


  End up dead? Or cut up? Like those old lady’s goats?

  Christina looks at the empty sleeping bags, then at Anthony and Gina, counting in her head.

  CHRISTINA (CONT’D) Where’s Chaz? Yasmine? Christina turns in a slight circle, trying to see Chaz and Yasmine, with the balloon bumping into Anthony. Anthony grabs the string, pulling the balloon closer.


  They’re over that hill... CHRISTINA

  Are, are they okay? Why are they...


  They, uh, were, uh...You know. Anthony looks at the balloon. ANTHONY (reading)

  Nevada State Fair... CHRISTINA

  Fucking? We’re waiting for aliens and they’re out...

  ANTHONY Nineteen sixty four. Gina and Christina stop and look at Anthony. ANTHONY (CONT’D)

  There's no way helium would have remained in that balloon, since for over forty years.

  Gina and Christina look closer at the balloon. CHRISTINA It’s not even faded. GINA

  It’s like, like it was from today. POV switches to behind the teenag
ers, watching them. POV moves in a circle around them, watching them. I know this was my idea, but... (pause)

  I say, we call it a night and head

  back to...

  A LIGHT FLASHES ACROSS THE SKY. They all look up at the sky, as Anthony runs to the cameras, checking them. POV changes to the cameras, focusing up into the sky and the surrounding area.

  ANTHONY We're good to go. Anthony and Gina look up at the sky, waiting for the return of the LIGHT, as Christina looks at the balloon.

  CHRISTINA Nineteen...sixty-four? Christina looks around. CHRISTINA (CONT’D) The old man?

  FLASH IMAGE: OLD MAN TALKING WITH STUDENTS. CHRISTINA (CONT’D) He was taken up by aliens in... FLASH IMAGE: OLD MAN SHOWING HIS FINGER WITH THE BUMP. CHRISTINA (CONT’D) Nineteen...sixty-four. He said, they, they put something...

  POV switches, watching the teenagers. POV slowly moves in a circle around them. Suddenly, a LIGHT FLASHES ACROSS THE SKY, then stops, hovering above them. They're all in awe. Anthony comes out of his shock, moving to a camera. POV switches to camera, as a SPACESHIP comes into view.


  Are you getting this? ANTHONY Yeah. Anthony runs to another camera, focusing on the spaceship from a different angle. POV switches to camera, as SPACESHIP just hovers. Anthony runs to another camera.

  I’m a believer.

  Christina looks at the spaceship and her fingers fall open, with the balloon drifting upwards.

  CHRISTINA We, we should... Suddenly, the spaceship is gone. They all spin around, looking in every direction, but failing to see the spaceship. Anthony runs to the cameras, playing the scene back, with the camera showing different angles of the spaceship.



  This is unreal. We did it. We fuckin’ did it.

  Gina joins him, looking at the screen, displaying the spaceship.



  We did. We really did it. Christina is looking around them, away from the cameras. CHRISTINA We, we need to leave. Anthony and Gina are still excited and are replaying the video of the spaceship. ANTHONY

  Everyone was right. All the people we talked to. All the witnesses. This is the spot. This is where they come.


  Professor Simmons is going to be blown away. Wait...

  Gina pulls at Anthony’s arm. GINA (CONT’D)

  Forget Simmons, we’ll take the film to the media. Work out a deal. Sell the film.

  Gina has a big smile and is excited. We’re going to be... CHRISTINA Dead.

  Gina instantly frowns and turns towards Christina, seeing her back. GINA

  Come on, Christina, we saw the spaceship and it left. We caught it on film. We’re going to be...

  Christina slowly raises her arm, pointing away from the camp. Gina slowly looks in the direction that Christina is pointing.

  Gina sees BLURRED SHAPES. Gina slowly turns around, seeing BLURRED SHAPES surrounding the camp. Anthony is still looking at the camera. ANTHONY

  I can make a short clip, throw it up on you tube and then start amassing hits. When the clip goes viral, then we can contact the media. This is so...

  Anthony stops and looks up. He sees Christina and Gina slowly turning in a circle, pointing. Anthony follows their gaze, seeing the BLURRED SHAPES.

  The BLURRED SHAPES start to move. Anthony quickly removes the camera, then runs to the next camera, grabbing it. ANTHONY (CONT’D) Get our stuff. Get to the car. Christina and Gina seem to be mesmerized by the BLURRED SHAPES and just continue to point towards them. Anthony looks up from the last camera, seeing that girls haven’t moved.

  ANTHONY (CONT’D) (almost SCREAMING) Gina? Christina?

  Gina breaks from her trance and turns around, looking at Anthony.

  The car, get to the car. Gina grabs Christina and pulls her towards the car, as Anthony finishes getting the camera off of the tripod. He starts to move after the girls, but drops a camera.

  Anthony struggles, dropping down to his knees, trying to pick up the camera, while maintaining his grip on the other cameras. He struggles and gets back up to his feet. He hurries towards the car, just as Gina rips open a rear door and pushes the dazed Christina inside. Gina rips open the driver’s door and jumps inside.

  INT. CAR Gina turns, seeing Anthony making his way to the car. Gina smiles, then reaches down to the ignition. She instantly frowns. THE KEYS ARE GONE.


  EXT. CAR - DUSK Gina, holding the keys to the car, starts to open the door, when she comes face-to-face with Christina. They both SCREAM, with Gina dropping back to the ground and dropping the car keys.

  Christina opens the door, as Gina starts to get up from the ground, with Chaz having moved up to her. Chaz looks down at the car keys and picks them up, putting them in a pocket.


  INT. CAR Gina looks out of the window, seeing Anthony running up to the car. Anthony moves around the other side of the car, struggling to get the door open. He gets the door open and gets inside.

  ANTHONY Go. Anthony is putting the cameras down on the floorboard, as he closes the door, looking out of the window, seeing the BLURRED SHAPES.

  ANTHONY (CONT’D) Go, damn it.


  If him and Yasmine didn’t make it back, then...well...

  Anthony turns towards Gina. ANTHONY (CONT’D) We have to save ourselves. GINA Chaz...


  (instantly angry)

  Forget Chaz. Start the car. Anthony looks out the back window, seeing approaching BLURRED SHADOWS. Anthony turns back around and SLAMS his hands on the dash.

  ANTHONY (CONT’D) Get us the fuck out of here. GINA

  Chaz...He has the keys. Suddenly, the car is engulfed in brilliant, blinding BRIGHT LIGHT. CHRISTINA

  (almost sobbing)

  They’re, they’re going to take us. I, I don’t want to...

  Gina and Anthony shield their eyes from the blinding BRIGHT LIGHT, coming in through the front windshield.


  This, this can’t be... WHAM!!! Everyone almost SCREAMS, as Gina jerks to the side, seeing a figure at her window. OFFICER

  Mam’? Would you roll down your window?

  Gina blinks her eyes and sees OFFICER (45), dressed in a PARK RANGER uniform. Gina swallows.

  OFFICER (CONT’D) Mam’? Are you okay? Gina controls her fear and starts to lower the window, but then realizes that the car isn’t turned on. Gina steadies herself and starts to open the door, with Officer stepping back.

  Gina steps out of the car and looks towards the blinding WHITE LIGHT, seeing that it’s coming from the spotlights of a marked PARK RANGER vehicle. Gina takes deep breaths of relief, as Anthony and Christina get out of the car and join her.

  OFFICER (CONT’D) You kids okay?


  No, we, our friends... Gina looks towards the slight hills and slightly points. GINA (CONT’D) They were over there, but... ANTHONY

  A U-F-O. It hovered over there... Anthony points. ANTHONY (CONT’D) And, then there were these, these...



  That surrounded us and... They stop and look at Officer, who is trying not to smile. OFFICER

  Okay. I saw the glow of your campfire and stopped to tell you that campfires are prohibited.


  And, Yasmine. They took them. Please, you have to do...


  Your friends are in my patrol car. Found them wandering around.

  Gina shields her eyes, looking towards the patrol car. GINA Chaz and Yasmine? OFFICER

  Yes, mam’. They’re a little tired, but they’re fine.


  This really is no place to be camping out. We’ve had some

  coyotes killing goats and pet dogs. Don’t think they’d harm humans, but you never know.

  Officer looks at the students, who appear to be in shock. OFFICER (CONT’D)

  Why don’t I get your friends and then maybe you should pack up and head on back into the city.

  Officer looks at the students. OFFICER (CONT’D) Okay?

  GINA But we saw... OFFICER

  A lot of people see a lot of things that turn out to be nothing but their imagination playing tricks on them.

  Officer looks at the students, then walks back to the patrol car.

  BRIEF PAUSE and then Officer returns with Chaz and Yasmine, who both look very subdued.

  ANTHONY Chaz, we thought... CHAZ

  We’re fine. We just got lost. GINA

  The keys? Do you have the keys? Chaz searches his pockets, then holds out the keys. Gina grabs the keys. GINA (CONT’D)

  (to Chaz)

  Get the tripods. We’ll get the sleeping bags and other stuff.

  Gina turns to Officer. GINA (CONT’D)

  Thank you. We’ll be leaving, just as soon as we get packed up.


  Good. Oh, and put out that fire. ANTHONY Will do.

  Officer looks at the students, then lightly nods his head, and walks back to the patrol car.

  BRIEF PAUSE, then the lights dim, as the patrol car backs up, and then turns around, leaving the area. POV switches to the surrounding hills, watching the headlights of the patrol car move away and then silhouettes of the students, as they move up to the camp site and then back to the car.

  INT. CAR The students get into the car, with Gina quickly locking the doors.

  ANTHONY Lets get out of here. Gina puts the key in the ignition and turns the key. Nothing happens. Gina looks over at Anthony. She turns the key again. Nothing happens.

  ANTHONY (CONT’D) Pop the hood.

  Gina reaches down and pulls the hood lever, as Anthony grabs a flashlight, gets out and runs to the front of the car, raising the hood.

  EXT. CAR - NIGHT Anthony shines the flashlight into the engine compartment, sweeping the area. He stops, shining the flashlight on dangling spark plug wires. He stares at an empty place, where the distributor cap is suppose to be.

  INT. CAR Anthony drops into the car seat, with Gina looking at him. GINA What’s wrong? ANTHONY

  Someone stole the distributor cap. GINA Can’t you fix it? ANTHONY

  No...We’re not going anywhere. Gina looks in the rearview mirror, seeing Christina, Chaz, and Yasmine, who are very subdued, almost in a trance. Gina looks past the students, through the rear window and sees BLURRED SHADOWS.


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