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Vampire Descendants 3

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by Pet TorreS

  A chaos of resentment

  Book 3

  In the Vampire Descendants Series


  Orders of Books in the Vampire Descendants Series

  Enter into this fantastic world just where all the protagonists are Vampire Descendants.

  ~Available Now~

  Vampire Descendants 1: A promise of Night (Valkyrie and Eros’s story )

  Vampire Descendants 2: A bite of bitterness (Valkyrie and Eros’s story)

  Vampire Descendants 3: A chaos of resentment (Valkyrie and Eros’s story)

  Vampire Descendants 4: A recompense of Love (Valkyrie and Eros’s story)

  ~Coming Soon~

  Vampire Descendants 8: A request of innocence (Vaer and Enzo’s story)

  Vampire Descendants 9: A test of deception (Vaer and Enzo’s story)

  Vampire Descendants 10: A sacrifice of Love (Vaer and Enzo’s story)

  Vampire Descendants 11: A prince of obstinacy (Valmont and Aphrodite’s story)

  Vampire Descendants 12: A successor of loyalty (Deron and Enna’s story)

  Copyright © 2018 by Pet Torres books

  For more information, visit my


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  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental

  All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.


  Valkyrie returns to the planet Earth.

  She goes back to live together with her mother and with human kind.

  What she doesn't know is that her existence on Earth will never be the same after she has become an immortal.

  She’ll have to choose between remaining on planet Earth or returning to the planet Neptune. That is, where her father the Vampire King, reigns.


  My return to the planet Earth happened on a Sunday morning.

  Time had stood still for my mother since my journey to Neptune. While she slept tranquilly, I could only think of one thing.

  I remembered the Rock and Roll concert night. It had happened before my departure. Eros did something and my mother fell asleep. She didn’t suffer from my absence. It was fine because I would never want to see my mother sad or suffering because of me.

  So I thought.

  If I would never return from Neptune, would my mother sleep forever? Would she pay a high price for my choice?

  As soon as I realized that, I appeared in my mother's bedroom. Nothing looked out of place, that is, her dresser, closet and bed were all in order. Her bedroom was in entire silence. But that silence looked agreeable and full of peace. Maybe I was feeling like this because I was seeing her again after a long time.

  At this instant I was standing next to her couple bed and I watched her kindly. My adorable mother was in an intense sleep. She could never imagine I was there, observing her as I had never watched her that way before.

  At that moment I had eyes for nothing but her sweet and innocent face. She didn’t really know what had happened to me, I had transformed into a monster.

  My first reaction was that my hands were in her hair, moving it softly as I tried not to wake her up.

  My nostalgia had died at that moment.

  It was because I was together with my mother again.

  A blood tear welled in my eyes. This time it was an intense emotion I couldn’t explain.


  I had changed my dress after I had mixed over again my wardrobe while looking for just dark clothes. Now I was in black panty hose and a black dress. But I put out another dress which I had worn when I came from Neptune.

  Since, I didn’t want my mother to see my dress in a deplorable state. She would trouble about me and would ask me tedious questions regarding what happened to me. So I thought that would be nothing comfortable in my new life as a vampire.

  Almost immediately, my mother opened her cute eyes and gazed up at me as I was standing at her side. I stood motionless as I was waiting for her reaction. My eyes were fixed on her serene image.

  That moment looked to be so perfect in my view while I noted how much I had missed my mother on Neptune, and seeing her there, before me, that had only reinforced my feelings.

  Then she sat on her gradually and looked straight at me. Her eyes brought a cloud of doubts. Her forehead packed together and she asked me with her voice awaked from a deep sleep.

  “How was your Rock and Roll concert?”

  Her mind had stopped functioning that night. As far as she remembered I just went out for a Rock and Roll concert.

  I breathed a sigh of relief as I was sure my mother didn’t witness my absence in her life.

  My human eyes kept glued to her image as I had in mind I could never show her my supernatural eyes, my new famous gray eyes.

  “It was so cool...” my voice declared and my lips smiled at her, as I was happy for me and her. That was our great moment, like mother and daughter. “I am really glad to see you again!”

  “I tried to be out of bed to wait for your arrival from the concert, but I was so tired,” she explained then, trying to find responses for her sudden sleep that night. My mother knew herself and imagined she would never fall asleep without my regress home.

  “Don’t worry! The most important is that you are okay,” I said with a soft voice, my eyes remained looking into her eyes. My mother needed to know she was the most important thing in my life. I also loved my father, but he was a powerful vampire and didn’t need me at his side like my mother did. Things were very different in their worlds.

  “You speak as if you have not seen me for a long time!” she supposed and frowned in my direction. I ended up glancing to one side, because that an escape was needed in that moment. I ended up getting a little confused during our converse. My own image like a vampire made me tormented all the time since I returned to the planet Earth.

  “The hours were eternal... and it seemed this moment would never come,” I said subsequently after I had looked back to her and almost offered her a short smile.

  “Come here!” she said as in the older times. “I want a hug!”

  My mother extended her long hands to me. I turned my body back rapidly, avoiding her physical contact. For the first time, her maternal gesture frightened me. I opened my eyes wide in her direction and my mind blocked, that way, making me run a hand on my forehead. I really looked to be very nervous.

  “I think better... No,” I said confused and glanced at the sides.

  Her room walls looked very clear before my eyes. They were lilac. My mother always loved the light purple color.

  In great deception by my cold act, she ended up lowering her arms.

  “Why are you acting this way? Are you angry at me? She asked, concerned and her question made me even more confused at all. I gazed down like a poor girl.

  “No. I am not angry at you. I only don’t want your hug, no...At this moment,” I said as I walked quickly in the direction of her door. I had to leave her bedroom in that moment or things could ruin our relationship as mother and daughter.

  “Valkyrie! Where are you going?” asked at my back with great authority.

  “I’ll sleep a little... I am very exhausted,” I responded without looking back, walking on the double to my room. All I wanted was stay alone for some instant. I needed to get accustomed to my life there, after I turned into a vampire. My life looked to lose its perfect course. I also had lost my way of working with my mother. Everything was so strange in my existence there. That sounded that I was really adapted to Neptune and my life at my father’s castle.

  “We didn’t finish our conversation yet.”

  She shouted back.

  “We’ll finish it after,” I said resolute and locked myself in my loved bedroom. During that, I touched my back against my room door and gazed up at the top. A puff of air was left up because things looked to be under control now.

  Just because all I wanted at that moment was to be alone.

  Only that.


  However, I couldn't sleep. I was locked in my bedroom. So I sighed long and deep and stared out my window. The deep black of the night was just beginning to emerge.

  That was my first night back on planet Earth.

  I got up and walked toward my window and gazed at the tenebrous sky. Some stars insisted in shining to me. I almost smiled to them. Trying to thank them for that celestial gift.

  What a good sensation!

  Before I had always preferred the daytime but now and forever I couldn’t stand the daylight. My visibility at night was more precise. I could always see something away from me. It looked amazing, my vampire power.

  I could tranquilize my supernatural face as I was looking up at that immense, black sky. I took a deep breath. The air was so pure and it had come from the garden.

  But I stared toward my room’s door as soon as I heard noises. It was my mother slamming the door.

  “Valkyrie, come to have dinner!” my mom hollered.

  “I'm coming, mom!” I answered back and looked to the sky another time.


  My mother and I sat down at our small dining table. I stared at our food for a moment as I remained silent. It wasn’t having any effect on me. I‘d be just acting as a social person in my mother‘s presence. My hunger would never again be satiated by human food.

  My palate wished only one thing...


  So two spoons were enough for me to reject the rest of my meal. I wasn't used to that menu. That food was touching my stomach as if it was nothing inside me. Soon I raised my eyes looked over the table. So I remembered the big table in my father’s castle and our dinners every night. Now he and his servants should be having dinner without me. I wished Eros could miss me during his meals and everything he did in his life in Neptune.

  “You didn’t eat enough,” my mother whispered as she had just placed her plate into the kitchen sink.

  “I have no appetite,” I said, without looking at her and fixed my eyes on my plate.

  “You need to eat...and talking about that, I have to get your blood count.”

  “Blood count?” I asked as I remembered the doctor who chased me that night. He was dead and my mother didn't know that yet.

  “Yes... your blood count,” she said and tried to look to me as she put on her apron.

  “I won’t go back to that place!” I said startled.

  “You really don’t need go back there... I’ll go alone to get your blood count,” she informed me and started to wash some plates. The sound of water going down didn’t perturb our converse.

  “Okay.” I agreed with her as I nodded.

  After that I kept my eyes on the white plate. I was not expecting my mother’s reaction. Suddenly she held my arm gently and consequently I stared into her eyes as I looked frightened and then I let my plate go down, before I could put it on the kitchen sink.

  “Why are you... frozen?” she asked and faced me.

  I shook my head at her as I was confused at all. My mother should not have done that to me. She should not have touched me without permission.

  “I didn’t want you to know about it...” I confessed, looking down at the floor. My words were weak as my courage to face my father in the face.

  “To know about what?” she insisted, looking not obtain my terms.

  “I am sick,” I confessed to her and bit my lips after that. I felt my mother was shocked, even without looking in her image before me. I really didn’t wish for that converse and my confession full of lies. I imagined my mother hadn’t educated her one and only daughter to tell a lie.

  A father or a mother would never expect it from their children.

  “Sick?” She asked and her eyes widened. “What are you talking about, Valkyrie?”

  “Take it easy, mother... It’s nothing serious,” I said after I saw her stare in my direction. A tear had trickled down her cheek. She was so nervous after my confession. My disease looked like a bomb in her life.

  “How is it nothing serious?” she insisted and her eyes met mine.

  “I suffer from a rare illness... It’s the same as Eros’s illness.”

  “You weren’t like this until last night!”

  “That’s it, it appeared this morning. It has been some time that I have known about it.”

  Once again, I was lying to my mother. So I looked to one side, with my lie weighing my thoughts. My mother should know all the truth about me, but I had no bravery to talk about all. My mother would never comprehend she had a vampire daughter. That should be the bigger disgust of her life. Maybe she would never see me like her daughter but like a monster.

  “I don’t believe it!” my mother exclaimed, shocked and her hand touched her lips. She tried not to cry before me.

  “That’s why I didn‘t want to hug you back,” I said, relieved.

  “This might be hereditary! Your father was also like this,” she said oddly.

  “See...there is more than one reason for you to not be so nervous, mother.”

  At this moment I made an effort to smile to her, but my smile failed on my lips. I ended up looking to one side and seeing the empty seats next to the table.

  “I’ll always be at your side, daughter....”

  My mother hugged me, but she seemed distracted at something. Soon I raised my head and felt her shoulder under my chin.

  My skin’s coldness bothered her, I could sense it. Even so she tried to keep her body firm and show me her disposition to support the touch of my cold body. She exhibited to me her immense motherly love.


  As soon as I entered my schoolyard, I felt emptiness inside me. Eros was no more a part of this place, where it all began. Where I met him and fell in love with him.

  Now he was the farthest from me. He was situated on the planet Neptune.

  I tried to convince myself of that this was better - being apart from him. Nothing could link us.

  So I was determined to not to suffer any longer for a love condemned by immortality and it would never live up to my expectations.

  I reasoned there wasn’t any need for me to be going to school. I was a vampire. I wouldn't need any study. However, I should keep my normal attitude for the benefit of my mother and all other people.

  Since I decided to be among humans again, I would have to behave like them, or at least, try...

  At this occasion my thoughts were reprehended after a lyrical voice screamed at my back.


  It was Mirta, my only girlfriend. Her voice was unmistakable. Soon I turned to face her and was surprised by her huge hug. I had no time to avoid it. Due to it I ended up frowning at something.

  “I missed you... friend! You disappeared!” she said with a naive smile.

  I turned my body, refusing her return her hug.

  “Did I disappear?” my face was abruptly confused.

  “Are you okay, Valkyrie? You’re so cold!” she squeezed my hand for some time. I looked up in her face and thought of some apology in behalf of my coldness.

  “I am sick,” I said and lowered my head almost imme

  “Sick? What wrong with you, friend?”

  Inside her eyes there was an apprehensive expression. She seemed worried about my illness.

  “I discovered I have an unusual illness, where I have several symptoms and coldness is one of them.”

  I only smiled awkwardly and shrugged my shoulders at her. Forcedly I was trying to be a little persuasive. The success of my fiction depended on it.

  “That's why you didn’t attend school?” she asked after some instant.

  “Pretty much” I said, avoiding extending our conversation. Actuality I needed to be objective.

  “I went to your house and called you two times. But no person appeared. Your front door was closed. Then I imagined that maybe you had traveled,” she completed.

  “I went to a clinic out of town. I had a medical examination. It was so fast... I haven’t had any time to tell you,” I said and grimaced.

  The time really had not moved for my mother. But Mirta perceived my absence on the planet Earth and also at school.

  “After the rock and roll concert... several people disappeared,” Mirta said, holding her books against her chest.

  “Several people disappeared?” I asked and panic grew into my huge black eyes.

  “You disappeared... Christian... even Eros doesn’t attended school anymore,” she informed me and sighed.

  “Why has Christian disappeared?” I asked confused at Christian’s disappearance that night.

  What did he have to do with that night?

  I knew the reason for the Eros’ disappearance.

  “They found Christian’s father’s car parked next to his house, but he wasn’t there. They suspect something terrible happened to him,” Mirta added and following became silent.

  “And who would harm him?” I asked, trying to find answers.

  “No one knows.” She looked down at the ground. “Oh, I am so unhappy after his disappearance. I cry every night.” Her tears streamed down her cheeks and she slid her forefinger on her nose.


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