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Vampire Descendants 3

Page 11

by Pet TorreS

  “All right, we will only be good friends.”

  His voice denoted he had quickly resigned himself to my wish. He seemed to wait for the proper time to try for another kiss.


  I walked into the enormous rooms of the castle and remembered the first time I stepped in that place. I was asleep in Eros' arms. Then Valeska and Bizak were introduced to me by my father, informing me they would be my servants, too.

  I also remembered the night I got the bite from Eros into my neck and from that day I was not human anymore after I had drunk my father’s blood.

  Another great moment was just when Eros helped me to play violin on the castle balcony.

  That cute day in the past.

  Eros ended up looking over his left shoulder and his gray eyes saw me there, standing behind him.

  His hand descended the bow and the violin as well, that way, the song ended.

  “I think that this was nothing necessary for you to know.” He made a short pause. “I like playing violin alone.”

  “I am sorry.” I offered him my sincere apologies. “I think I must leave you alone. After all, I brought to an end your adorable song.”

  His lips almost broke into a modest smile and his voice insisted on civilization.

  “That is not needed.” Looked at me again. “Please, stay.”

  Hearing that from him, my lips approximately released a locked smile, I felt a little happy with his words. Eros really wished me there so close to him.

  “Thank you.” My voice thanked him, and my steps were in front as I stopped walking beside him. Our bodies got facing the balcony parapet.

  “When did you learn to play the violin?”

  “I learned after I turned into a vampire.” declared then. “I think that makes me less miserable and solitary.”

  “You play it very well.” gave him a smile. “I am fascinated by your song.”

  Eros looked at me from the corner of an eye. “Tell me what from me does not fascinate you?”

  Before I could respond his answer, he insisted with his mocking voice.

  “I think that everything in me captivates you.”

  I was against his assenting.

  “No, not all in you captivate me.” made a break in my voice. “Your irony is something that I hate in you.”

  His eyebrow rose a little on his face. “Finally something in me does not please you.”

  We were into a long silence. But after some seconds, I decided to break it up.

  “I think that sounds to be very hard to play violin.”

  “Don’t you want to risk a trial?” His voice tried to impulse me.

  My head shook from side to side gradually.

  “No, No. I think I had no inclination to do that.”

  “Do a trial first and you will have this confirmation.”

  Now his charming voice influenced me in fact. I ended up agreeing. “Okay, I am going to do it because you are insisting about it so much.”

  He offered me the bow first. I touched it with my right hand and said him during that, “But if I play badly the violin, please don’t make fun of me after that, right?”

  “Right.” Eros presented me a smile.

  Soon I held the bow with more determination. I felt Eros walked slowly to a side and stopped behind me. His body almost touched my back. That was an outstanding sensation. I almost closed my eyes to feel everything better. But Eros’s hands brought the violin in front of my chest and his voice advised with calm.

  “Hold it firmly over your left shoulder.”

  His hands helped me do it with no error. I was really secure that I could do it with his help.

  “What must I do now?” asked him.

  “Now you touch the bow on the string and a sound will come out of it. But remember this sound must be controlled by you.”

  “Okay, I got it, my tutor.”

  Subsequent to that, I had done everything that Eros had told me. So I started to play the violin with his help. An incredible song came over there and I smiled at all.

  “See it! You are capable to play the violin better than me.” Eros confessed with humor.

  “But your song is really more attractive.”

  “These are your ears that utter this.”

  A brake removed these scenes from my mind.

  Several memories from my past invaded my thoughts. A few of them left me with a deep longing and others only sorrow.


  I stopped walking before the castle balcony and looked up until the dark immensity in front of me. There was a great emptiness in my chest and also a vast mystery in the middle of the darkness with scenery that involved soft winds, white snows and a fabulous sky adorned with not many stars.

  I had really lost counts about as many times I had been there, just to admire a landscape that did not belong to me, but it was an important part of my day by day.

  My pale fingers slid by the stone parapet, while I wondered where the vampire Eros should be at that moment, or what exactly he could be doing at one of his solitary nights?

  At the end of these thoughts, I felt a cold puff of air coming in the direction of my left ear. I turned my body back and faced something that made me tormented at all.

  So I descended my head, swearing to see the vampire Eros before me.

  “Don’t you be sleepy?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  From front, he stooped on the parapet and gazed at something much away from us. I continued standing and looked at him for a second time, still confused by that male image that brought me lively remembrances of the vampire Eros. Really I perceived his voice was identical to Eros’s tone of voice.

  “I have no sleep as well.”

  He confessed without looking at me. I approached him more and continued straight, holding my hands in the direction of my groins. My telepathy didn’t work at that instant, so sometimes I thought Lyon was really Eros, and didn’t exist two vampires that were so similar to each other in the universe.

  “Have you the habit of sleeping upside down?” asked him while I looked to one side and recalled the way like Eros always slept in his room in the castle. “Like a bat upside down?”

  Lyon raised his body and got away from the parapet. He walked slowly in my direction and interrupted his soft movements before me. His gray eyes observed my expression for some instants, while I faced him in the face with a pair of great expressive eyes. I looked to be a little scared with that scene, just with the next question vacating in my brain.


  At last, the vampire Lyon released a diminutive smile at himself, exactly looking like the ironic smile of the vampire Eros. Soon his voice questioned with a pinch of humor.

  “How do you know that?”

  His head curved little by little to the left and he continued saying with an astonished tone.

  “No one knows I sleep that way, except myself.”

  I got even more confused in that affirmative. My supernatural look ran to one side and I remained suffocated by my own words. I could not be hearing that. Approximately it made me sound like no doubt that Lyon was just a character performed by Eros.

  He was a smart vampire and should have many tricks to be utilized by himself, being a vampire that was identical to him, that would be a great tact for him to remain in Neptune, at my side, mainly after he had been expelled from the Eighth Planet, by my father.

  “Eros sleeps that way as well.”

  I affirmed after some time, just after Eros’s image became evident in my mentality.

  But the vampire Lyon held back a smile, put his hands into his dark pants’ pockets and took some steps backside. He looked directly at my face and his voice came up softly.

  “I and this Eros have something in common.”

  Seconds after, his image disappeared from the balcony. He became invisible and submerged in my presence. My body turned aside, thinking he could return there and continue our conv
ersation. Maybe I needed to know more about Lyon and have the certainty of my suspects.

  But the vampire didn’t revisit there and I ended up curving my body on the balcony parapet, having with me the strange and fantastic sensation at the same time, that Eros was closer to me than I could really idealize.


  I walked into my bedroom and closed the door behind me. I walked slowly to the open window and pulled the curtains. I wanted to repose in peace, since everyone in the castle was doing the same thing.

  I was discouraged as I walked to my rock bed. I was dizzy and it was not due to my necessity for fresh blood. I had fed enough.

  That ill was connected to the telepathy I still possessed with Eros. For one moment I put my hands on my head and saw his image.


  I was walking on the planet Uranus, under the strong wind and on the snow. In his dark cape his movements were slow and dim. Eros seemed to be very weak. His body curved on the ground and he didn’t even have enough energy to stand up again.

  I also saw he needed help.

  He needed me.

  My despair made me come back and then walk in the direction of my bedroom door.

  “Eros needs help!” I yelled loudly at myself. “He needs me!”

  My hand opened my room door and hastily left my bedroom, trying to get to him in time.


  I opened another passage. It took me to a great empty room and in the midst of it there was a circle.

  I knew that place. I had been there one time to return to the planet Earth.

  I stepped forward and carefully entered the circle on the ground. The next instant I looked up at the dark ceiling with the engraving of the symbol of Neptune.

  The symbol lit up. A blue light invaded my face at the same time wherein a blue energy surrounded me completely and drew me in the direction of the engraving on the ceiling. A passage emerged and my body was thrown through it.


  The symbol of Neptune had carried me to another planet. That is where I desperately wanted to be that moment.


  Planet Uranus bore some resemblance to the planet Neptune. It too was composed of rocks, snow and strong winds.

  I walked into that darkness, trying to fight against a quick wind which appeared as soon as I arrived there. My eyes looked in all directions in the hope of seeing Eros. I was sure he was there.


  My malleable voice was interrupted by the force of the strong wind over it.


  My cry was insistent, keeping time with the seconds. I needed to find him somehow. I needed to help him.

  Gigantic bats flew around me and they sat on a dry tree. I felt Eros was near and I was about to meet him again.

  My footsteps took courage and stepped forward. Then I saw a grotesque rock and on it there was a dark shadow. It looked like a creature, that is, a vampire of the lineage of my father.

  My body floated over the white snow quickly. Within moments I stepped on the gigantic rock. The creature, in dark clothes, was now standing.


  My voice betrayed the stunning emotions within me. I felt as if my heart could beat fervently, even though I was a real vampire.

  His dark cape flew according to the velocity of the wind. At the same time his hood covered his head. I didn't see his face yet, but my body reacted as if I had seen his gray eyes.

  Several years were gone since I had seen him. It was just when we kissed each other for the first and one unique time.

  He turned slowly to face me and a ray emerged in the cloudy sky. That phenomenon seemed to celebrate our meeting. Our eyes locked through the flashes over our faces.

  But silence took hold of our longings.


  I ran to embrace him and my arms went around his waist, which was protected by his black cape. Nevertheless, my actions had been anticipated by him.

  His hands separated me from his hard, cold body.

  “What are you doing here?” He asked after his eyes travelled over my body dressed in a black dress, with its length to my ankles.

  “I came after you.” My eyes met his. “I saw you need me.”

  “I don't need your help,” he said as his face was ambiguous.

  “Eros, you are weak! I know it!” I said and held his arms, trying to make him see he needed me beside him.

  “I don't need you!” His words sounded stronger and his voice was ruder than his gesture, which separated me from him again.

  “Eros, you need me, just as I need you.”

  “I don't need you!” He stood back. “Return to Neptune!”

  “I will return to Neptune taking you with me.”

  “Are you crazy?” His gaze reached into the sky.

  “I need you on Neptune.”

  “I will not go back to Neptune! Never again!” he affirmed, decidedly.

  “Forget the quarrel with my father and come back with me!”

  “No, Valkyrie!”

  “Please, Eros! Without you, that planet doesn’t make any sense to me!” I looked at the ground. “It is as if I was there without me being myself.”

  “Forget I exist! Forget that at one time existed a vampire Eros in your life!” uttered with his eyes at the ground.

  His words were hard again and my heart didn't resist much coldness. A blood tear welled up in my right eye and moved down on my face. My gray look was plain as I was upset and feeling a deep sorrow.

  “Go back to your planet Neptune!”

  His voice sounded heavy and his gaze investigated the bloody tear on my face.

  He turned his back to me and changed into an owl and flew very far away from me, disappearing into the darkness.


  My willfulness made me stay on that planet. I had not obeyed Eros’s commands, as I had always done in my life. I was once more there, in the hope that I could change his mind and he would want to go back to Neptune with me.

  I was asleep on a rock and when I woke. I knew it was another day, due to the sky which was less gloomy. Some giant bats flew from side to side. I stood up and looked at the immensity of that planet. I didn't know how or where to find Eros again.

  He was probably very far away from me and this way I could not find him for a second time. I concentrated hard and my body became a black panther. This way, it would be less tiring for me. I could look for him in several places on the rocks.


  During the day I went in search of Eros. However, I was about to give up the quest. But I needed to see him again, even if I would hear all that barbarity. This had always harmed my heart.

  The Black Panther stopped walking in the midst of a gloomy jungle and my body came back into the form of vampire. I rested on a tree which was sustaining my back.

  Then I closed my eyes, accepting my defeat. I was resolved to go back to Neptune without Eros.

  However, my eyes opened when I heard a noise after an owl had flown against a dry branch of a dead tree. It returned to the soil and then turned into a vampire.

  “You don't give up!” He grumbled as he walked slowly in my direction.

  “I promised myself I will only go back to Neptune if you come with me.”

  “In that case, you will have to break your promise, because it will not be possible.”

  As he said this his voice was distant, just as his thoughts and his look were.

  “Why are you acting this way with me? Have I done any harm to you?” I asked after his indifference and my voice was depressed. Soon, I lowered my eyes, averting my gaze.

  “Do you want even to know?” he asked, impatient at me.

  “Yes, I do,” I answered, looking at his gloomy face.

  His hands touched my arms and his fingers pressed my skin without compassion.

  “That bloody kiss made me lose part of my power!” His gaze oozed resentment regarding that day. “I cannot become smoke a
ny longer!”

  My eyes were frightened, due to hearing his confession that our kiss had represented something significant to me and bad to him.

  “Are you satisfied now?”

  He abandoned my arms and took two steps back. He was still looking at me.


  I managed to say nothing, not even to pronounce his name, while I was watching him turning his back to me and walking away and leaving me alone. Describing my destiny in which he could never be present.


  I returned to my father’s castle while everyone was still asleep in their beds. I walked quickly to my room and closed the door behind me. I stepped dejectedly forward and went to my marble bed and sat on it.

  My thoughts were not on that castle, much less on someone there. My thoughts were on Uranus, along with Eros and his harsh words.

  I was feeling deeply guilty because he lost part of his vampire powers. This was all because of a kiss from a vampire who was in love with him.

  I thought to myself:



  I looked at the ground, believing that my thoughts were incoherent. Vampires should be happy beside the beloved person. Even I knew that this might come at a cost. What would my price be? Would my price be my own destruction?

  I stood and walked from one side to the other, trying to find a way to reverse that game. I could not stand idly by, watching the unhappiness walking in front of me every day, every moment.

  I had to combat that feeling that was consuming me slowly every day.


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