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Blown Away (Rogues Shifter Series Book 4)

Page 10

by Gayle Parness

  Garrett and the vampire crew arrived at 5:45 PM. I asked everyone to meet in the living room so I could tell them about my afternoon adventure with Brina. When I’d finished speaking, I glanced at Liam, watching him glare daggers at Brina. She flinched as he mentally reamed her out. Keara looked amused.

  Garrett didn’t take it as badly as I thought he might. After what had happened with my trip to the Demon Realm, I guess he was just grateful that I'd taken someone along who was capable of protecting me. “A sorcerer. This is even more unexpected than the witch. Did he look like his mother?”

  “Yes, and his father, too. He’s their natural son.”

  “Liam, what’s your take?”

  “The Brownlow pack alpha, Fred, was born of a witch who’d been bitten but was able to carry the child to term without changing for the entire nine months. This seems to be the same situation. Karl must have also inherited Katrina’s genes to give him his sorcerer’s power on top of his werewolf abilities. Quite unusual. I’m looking forward to seeing him for myself tonight.” Liam sent to me, “Because of safety concerns, Brina won’t be accompanying you on any more walks. You should have been honest with me.”

  This time it was my turn to wince. “Don’t be mad. She was in control of the situation. She’s an excellent guard.” Liam gave me a look. “Sorry.” I knew there was no point in arguing with him about it now.

  Meanwhile, Sinc was still in a huff. “How could I not have picked up on any of this?”

  “You were fifteen. His entire pack is in the dark. According to Katrina, only the immediate family knows that she's a witch, but there must be others who know.”

  Sinc sat up suddenly. “Do you think Quentin kicked me out so fast because shifters are a little more sensitive to magic? Did he think I might have figured out that something was up?”

  Garrett nodded. “I think that’s extremely likely. It also explains why Katrina and Quentin were so adamant about your parents not contacting you.”

  “Don’t they have dealings with non-weres on a regular basis?” Kyle’s face was scrunched up in thought. “And why do they feel they have to hide it?"

  “Quentin’s pack policy has always been that only weres are allowed to be a part of the community. He enforces it without restraint. I know that a few of my friends dated humans and vamps and as soon as Katrina or Quentin found out, they were told to break up immediately. Make no mistake, this is a dictatorship. Quentin is the leader and Katrina is his true second in command. My dad is the enforcer, but Katrina has her mate’s ear.”

  “Maybe he’s—maybe he’s being Influenced by his mate and his sorcerer son, Karl. Influenced in a magical way. Coerced. Can an alpha be glamoured?” Will was deep in thought.

  “I think we’ll know more tonight after observing what goes on at the pack meeting.”

  We discussed the results of the forensic evidence, which only showed that there was a struggle and that there were werewolves in wolf form in the area of each disappearance. No help there. Garrett stood. “Let’s take a break for a couple of hours. You’ve all been working really hard.”

  Garrett wrapped an arm around my waist. “Feel up to a drive?” He was smiling, and my curiosity got the better of me. “Sure...where to?”

  “I thought maybe we could stop by Clarissa Bernard and Eric Gwynne’s homes. Liam interviewed them, so we’ll take Kaera or Brina with us. " We turned to look at the fae sisters, “whoever would like to come.” Kaera and Brina laughed.

  Keara stood, “She is easily bored. Please get her out of my path. I’ll contact father with a report.” Keara headed in the direction of her bedroom.

  “Should I stay as myself or would you like Ethan again?” Brina’s eyes were gleaming with anticipation.

  Garrett smiled. “How about Sasha?”

  “Fun.” Her blonde hair shortened and her purple eyes became a clear light blue as her facial structure changed from heart-shaped with soft lines to oval with sharper planes. Her body elongated and grew muscle, turning into our familiar 6’2” gorgeous vampire, dressed exactly as he had been while we had our meeting. Br/S stretched her arms over her head, trying to settle into her new body as the real Sasha walked in through the kitchen.

  “What the f...?” He grinned as he walked around Br/S. “So who’s this good looking guy? My evil twin?” He took his time checking himself out. “This is pretty good, but are you sure you got me exactly right?”

  Br/S spoke back in Sasha’s own voice. “I wondered what you were overcompensating for with your attitude. Now I know.”

  Sasha grinned at her, or at himself. “Very funny. I’ll be happy to clear up any issues regarding my proportions privately when you get back.”

  “Do you have a Narcissus complex?” She reached out and took his hand to pull him closer and he played right along, grinning and grabbing her (his) waist “Would you like to kiss yourself now, or do you prefer to wait?”

  I was laughing so hard at this point that I was clutching my stomach, tears flowing down my cheeks. Garrett was chuckling and even Sasha was laughing loudly. He pushed her (him) away. “Yeah, yeah, go have fun children. Just don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, Brina.”

  “I believe you’ve just told me to do anything I want, Sasha.”

  “Later, Bri.” He turned on the flat screen and settled in to watch a baseball game, still smiling. It could never be said that Sasha couldn’t laugh at himself. Literally.

  “Later Sash.” She answered in his rich voice with the very slight hint of a Russian accent, matching his perfectly. I was still wiping tears from my face and blowing my nose when we got into the borrowed car and Garrett turned on the GPS.

  “Brina, you and your sister are like night and day. Do you have anything in common?"

  “She is more subdued. As the older sibling and the heir, she must take her responsibilities very seriously. I enjoy a laugh and Sasha is so easy to mock. Where we are alike is on the battlefield. Very few of the male teams in Faerie can win against us when we pair up.” I’d seen Brina take down wolves at lightening speed so I didn’t doubt her word. "We are both attracted to the best male warriors, and often share."

  A little too much information for my taste. My face heated up as Garrett sent, "You asked, my love." There was laughter in his eyes. The bum.

  Unfortunately, no one was home at either location, which was probably all for the best since we were being followed by a black Jeep. The driver behind the tinted windows wasn’t even trying to stay hidden, as if Quentin sent him to let us to know that ‘big brother’ was watching. When they saw that we were headed back to the house they took off, and Brina chose to switch back to her true form.

  Garrett suggested that we stop at a diner where Brina and I could eat something while Garrett had his usual black coffee. There were a lot of families with small children sitting nearby and while Brina made faces and mumbled comments regarding undisciplined rug rats, Garrett smiled and laughed when one of them would say something cute or pull his sister’s hair. We picked up pizza for the rest of the crew, figuring that they’d all be hungry, and we definitely wanted everyone in good shape for the meeting in two hours.

  When we got back, Garrett and I shared a shower and then dressed in comfortable but professional clothes, not wanting the wolves to think that we were disrespecting them or taking this meeting lightly. We were all a little bit keyed up as we drove to the meeting hall.


  The pack meeting was held in a room that was a cross between a theatre, a small arena and a restaurant. It was fairly large, with rows of seats, benches and tables in graduated levels set out in a letter ‘U’ shape with a small stage at the open end of the ‘U’. On the ground level, in front of the stage was a cleared out area with a wooden floor: great for dancing or maybe even fighting. On the stage were a couple of tables and some chairs, the two in the middle looking just a little too much like thrones for my taste. Garrett and I were led on stage to sit behind the table to the right of the ‘throne
s’. Liam followed us up, taking the chair next to Garrett and Sash moved into place behind us as he had at last night’s meeting. We weren’t taking any chances with anyone’s safety, including our own. The rest of our team sat to our right, not actually on the stage but in the closest chairs and tables to our location. We could always converse mentally with the fae sisters and Garrett’s nest if there was trouble, and they could tell the shifters what was going on.

  As the wolves were filing in, I leaned over to Garrett and sent, “Feels like we’re at court.”

  “Let’s hope the guillotine isn’t set up in the back yard.”

  “Cute. I’m already nervous and that wasn’t helpful.” Garrett snorted out a laugh. “What?” I was annoyed that he didn’t take me seriously. “There’s a witch and a sorcerer in the pack.”

  “I wouldn’t stress too much, mon petite demon.”

  “I don’t know how to use those powers yet.” I looked around at all the wolves staring at me and Garrett. “There’re at least fifty male wolves here.”

  “Yes but we have three fae warriors. Alone, they could take out fifty wolves.”

  He looked serious. I shrugged. “Okay, but I want Karl. You can have Jake and Quentin.”

  “What will the rest of the team do? Question the survivors?”

  “Good, we have a plan.” Kaera and Brina started to laugh, then leaned over to talk to the rest. Apparently, Garrett was letting the three fae hear my nervous banter. “You’re paying for this later.” I'd sent that message only to him.

  He took my hand and gave me a flirty grin just as Quentin, Katrina, Gabriel, Karl, Jake and Sharon walked in. Of course the Alpha and his mate took the central 'thrones' and Karl, Gabriel and Sharon sat at the table on their left. Jake stood silently to Quentin’s left.

  Liam sent to us, “There's a block on the lines to keep us from accessing the energy. I’ll take care of it.”

  “Let me try first.” I pushed the energy of my aura toward the block, the way Isaiah had shown me, and after only a minute of untwisting the puzzle pieces of someone else’s spell, the magic opened to us again. The block was of mediocre strength, set in place by someone with only a small amount of skill. Compared to Kennet’s steel door, this was a block made of oak tag.

  “Jacqueline, that was expertly done.” I leaned forward to smile at Liam, noticing when I twisted back that Katrina and Karl were scowling at me. I smiled sweetly in their direction.

  Food and wine was served to Quentin and Katrina and then to us by young females who spoke very softly when they spoke at all. After we were served, food and beverages were brought out to everyone else in the arena. Garrett only took a glass of red wine, but I was happy to see a nice piece of prime rib and plenty of side dishes. Unblocking the lines had given me an appetite.

  Quentin nodded to us, then stood. The large room instantly grew quiet. “The Los Altos pack would like to welcome Garrett Cuvier and his mate Jacqueline Crawford Cuvier, along with three representatives of the Fae Seelie Court, his team of shifters and his nest of vampires. We’re pleased to have all of you as guests at our monthly pack meeting and we’re anxious to hear any news you might have regarding our missing boys later in the evening. Right now, we have some pack business to take care of, so please sit back and enjoy your meal.” Karl stood quickly and jumped off the edge of the stage, landing gracefully and moving toward the center of the floor.

  One female wolf was led out onto the area directly in front of the stage by two large male weres. She was bruised and bloody and was thrown down onto her knees in front of Quentin. “You’ve been accused and found guilty of theft, lying to your Alpha and the Pack and attempted escape. Your sentence will be carried out tonight in front of your pack and our guests. Jake, please continue.”

  Jake motioned to the two guards to move in behind the female. “Do you admit your guilt?" She nodded. "Speak up so everyone can hear you."

  "I am guilty of all charges."

  "Do you submit to our justice?” he asked. She nodded and started to tremble. One of the guards held her around her waist, pinning one arm tightly against her body. Jake said, "Extend your left arm." She lifted it shakily, so the other wolf stepped up to hold it steady, supporting her elbow.

  I was surprised to see Jake, who was their enforcer, step back and Karl move forward. As he walked toward the female, Karl allowed his steel grey gaze to take in every single pack member, making sure that each one of them was watching. He leaned down and whispered something in her ear and she nodded again as tears raced down her cheeks.

  “What is this? Some power play?”

  “Much more I’m afraid, my love. This is one of the females who lied to Liam and Heinrich.”

  Liam sent to us. “Yes, Clarissa Bernard. This is a warning to us and probably to the couple that I interviewed as well.”

  I felt my shoulders sag. They’d followed us to her house so they knew we suspected that she had information about the boys. “This is our fault.”

  “No. This is Quentin’s decision. Or perhaps Karl’s. You don't have to watch."

  "I think I do. None of us can appear weak." He placed his hand over mine on the table, but didn't make any other gesture which might suggest that this was upsetting us.

  The wolves had grown very quiet as Karl pulled out a Katana from the sheath on his belt and turned slowly in a circle to look at the crowd. “Shall I dispense justice on Clarissa Bernard, who betrayed the Pack with her actions?”

  An all male roar went up from the benches and chairs around the stadium. “Yes!” They screamed. Karl's eyes locked on mine for a moment, erasing all doubts as to what this was really all about. Then as quickly as any vamp, Karl spun and brought down the blade to sever Clarrisa’s left hand from her arm in one clean cut above her wrist. Blood spurted out onto the floor as she screamed and then collapsed. More wolves appeared to take her away on a stretcher, hopefully to stop the bleeding and stitch up the dreadful wound. Karl picked up the grisly hand and held it out, showing the crowd the results of defying their alpha and his powerful son. The wolves on the benches were cheering and eating their meals with gusto, as if nothing strange or unusual had happened at all. Katrina, Sharon and Gabriel held their expressions neutral, with some effort, I noticed, while Quentin, Jake and Karl were grinning.

  Although the food smelled delicious, I’d lost my appetite. I wanted to get up and leave, but I knew that we had to behave as if this violent act had no affect on us. Garrett had draped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer so I leaned into him. He smiled and passed me a glass of wine so I took a few sips and noticed that Quentin was watching my reaction. I straightened up and forced myself to smile at him. “Is the food unsatisfactory, Jackie?” he asked.

  “It’s delicious, thank you.” I took a bite of the bloody prime rib, chewed and swallowed, trying to look as content as I could manage. Garrett gave my hand a squeeze and stood, walking the few feet over to Quentin and Katrina for a word regarding the rest of the meeting.

  I played with my food for a few seconds, not really able to force down another mouthful. That girl lost her hand, which meant that in wolf form, she wouldn’t be able to hunt. I heard a noise and looked up. Karl was standing in front of me, his bloody Katana back in the sheath at his belt. “I hope that you weren’t upset. Punishments take place at pack meetings.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that you have so many pack members trying to leave.”

  “Our pack is content here.” He frowned.

  “Yes, it seems like such a happy environment, especially for the missing young men and their families.” I made no effort to hide my sarcasm.

  He ignored my jibe and looked at Sinc who was seated on the side talking to Kaera. “Sinclair was once content here.”

  “Until your dad threw her out.”

  “He was required by law. Only weres are permitted to live here.”

  I pulled up some magic, letting him see how easy it was for me. His eyes widened slightly. “And witches. And sorcer

  Frowning, he looked around to see if anyone had overheard me. “We are wolves.”

  “You're also part of the alpha's family.”

  He stared at me for a moment, taking my measure. “Did you know that Sinclair and Gabriel were promised to each other?”

  “I wasn’t sure, but I’m not surprised.”

  “He’s the heir, but he’s never chosen a mate because he still wants her.” He turned to look in her direction. "She is lovely."

  “A relationship between them isn’t possible, right? She’s only a shifter, like me.” My voice dripped with the scorn I felt.

  “Oh, no, nothing like you. Your aura pulsates with magic. Cheetah and healer and—and something else?” His eyes grew suddenly wider. He took a step backward.

  “Not a wolf, Karl.” My cold tone was in stark contrast to the hot fury I felt for this sadistic asshole. I was tempted to let my eyes flash orange. Fortunately, my common sense stepped up in the nick of time.

  He whispered in a voice tight with excitement, ignoring my anger and lost in his own fantasy. “Perhaps a new alpha will emerge. He would need strong allies and he'd be very generous to his supporters. Especially those who helped him take what should rightfully be his.” He glanced at his father and brother with bitter hatred etched across his face.

  When he turned back toward me, his eyes burned dark with lust, not for physical pleasure, but for power. He was the second son—not the heir—and yet twice as powerful as the alpha himself. However, Quentin had his pack behind him and Karl had only his magic and perhaps his mother. There were too many for him to overcome on his own, even with his dark spells.

  I pulled in more magic, sat up straighter and asked again, “Where are the boys, Karl, and why have you taken them?” He only smiled and leaned in closer, pulling in more magic as he did.

  Suddenly Liam was standing next to me, his eyes a golden fire. “Back away, sorcerer. Your magic smells tainted. Are you using the blood of the kidnapped boys?” He'd spoken in a whisper, only loud enough for the three of us to hear, but there was nothing friendly in his tone.


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