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The Seren Trilogy

Page 10

by Darren Lewis

  “Told you it wasn't a stick.”


  The ground shook and a dust cloud swept through the woods. Ellie and her friends put their heads down as it passed. All three coughed when the worst had gone and Rox pulled Plume's staff from under her body.

  “Well, I hope that worked.” She said, blinking dust from her eyes.

  “What now?” Cole asked.

  “We wait.”


  The dragons were all tangled together at the bottom of the crater. The fall hadn't been fatal but twelve had suffered broken wings as the result of the weight of the others crashing on top of them. Another three had been knocked unconscious, including Corvus, their leader. Malachite unwound his body from various legs, wings and tails. The remaining five looked at him.

  “Well.” He growled. “What are you waiting for?”

  Standing on the broken bodies of the injured he launched upwards towards the sky.


  Plume and his group were knocked backwards by Malachite's updraft as he escaped the crater. The green dragon was swiftly followed by the five uninjured dragons. The ground shook as they landed near the temple, causing more of the crumbling hillside to break away. Plume stood and leaned on Seren, grinning, pleased that Rox's idea had put so many of their new enemies out of action. Malachite advanced, opening his maw to send fiery death the rabbit's way. Now Plume had only one plan.

  “Run!” he yelled.

  The rabbits instantly sped off down the surviving hillside towards the woods. Malachite sent his scorching flame after them. It was fast and hot enough to singe the fur on Plume's tail, but on he ran, Seren tucked under one leg.

  The dragons gave chase. The distance to the woods was short so they stayed on the ground. Despite their large bodies, they moved fast. As the rabbits entered the boundary of trees, the dragons were close behind.

  Malachite roared his anger as he quickly realised the tight squeeze the dragons would have if they all went crashing into the woods. He ordered two, a grey and a blue, to give chase, while he remained outside.

  Inside the woods, Plume sent his group on ahead while he waited for the chasing dragons to come into view. He was breathing heavily, enjoying the thrill of the chase. But his excitement was dampened by the thought that just one of these creatures could hurt or kill them all.

  A crash brought his attention to the trail and Plume saw two dragons walking towards him, heads swinging on their long necks as they searched around them. Plume certainly didn't want to hide, he wanted to be seen. He hopped back down the trail a ways and stood tall.

  “Hey you big, smelly lizards!” he shouted. “Lost something?” and he waggled Seren at them. The dragons growled and lumbered after the brown rabbit. Plume turned and set off once again.


  Ellie was too nervous to smile at Plume insulting the dragons. She just hoped that the plan Rox had devised would work. If not, then they were in trouble.

  Ellie stood, followed by Cole and Rox and all three faced the trail. Small, fast thumps came from their right and Ellie peeked out for a look. As she did, Plume flashed past and headed for the opposite side of the trail, making sure he was positioned behind a gnarled, twisted, rhododendron bush.

  The blue and the grey dragon crashed into view. The blue looking at Plume, the grey, who had been guarding Ellie and Cole in the cave, looking hungrily at the two. Plume started to back away from the blue dragon. Ellie, Rox and Cole followed suit and began moving away from the grey dragon. Both dragons advanced on their prey. Ellie glanced at Plume, who nodded at her. With that signal, she turned and ran, closely followed by Rox and Cole. Plume also ran from the blue dragon who was stalking him. The dragons roared and plunged into the bushes after them. Both desperately reaching and straining through the crooked network of branches. Rox slid to a halt and saw both dragons, though immensely strong, were having trouble forcing their way through the rhododendron bushes. It was what she had hoped for.

  “Now! Drop now!” she commanded.

  Like massive furry balls of hail, eighty rabbits, forty on each side of the trail, dropped to the ground from the overhanging trees in unison and landed around the dragons. Normal rabbits would've been killed or seriously injured from such a fall, but not these. Using their world turning jumping power, when they landed the ground heaved at such an impact. The bushes were uprooted violently, with the dragons still inside them. They were tossed high into the air, becoming more entangled as they sought to free themselves. The only parts of the captured dragons that still remained free were their tails. By luck or chance as they both thrashed around, the tail of each dragon became entwined with the other. Both dragons feeling yet another body part being wrapped up pulled hard. The effect was quite startling. Ellie watched in amazement as the dragons effectively pulled themselves together with great force. The dragons clashed with a great dull thud which knocked them both out cold and they both fell to the ground with a massive thump.

  The sound of settling leaves and cracked branches swaying were the only sounds that could be heard. But then there was a laugh, followed by another, then a cheer from the eighty or so excited rabbits. Plume hopped over to Ellie, Rox and Cole, who were not laughing or cheering. They all looked down the trail to where Malachite waited, on the outskirts of the wood.


  Malachite heard the fantastic eruption of soil, roots and bushes and looked expectantly into the gloomy woods. He wanted to see a girl and a dragon being dragged out of there. But he saw nothing. Then he heard laughter, then cheering. The cheering of these horrid, troublesome rabbits. He turned to the three remaining dragons.

  “Burn it, burn it to the ground. Force them out.” He said coldly.

  A green dragon, though a paler shade than Malachite looked nervously around.

  “We're too exposed!” The humans will know.”

  Malachite pounded the ground with a heavy paw.

  “So? We will still triumph. But I want that girl and her pet dragon!”

  The other green dragon nodded slowly. Each backed off and took to the sky. They hovered over the perimeter of the woods and then began unleashing their fire.


  Ellie watched, hypnotised, as three tremendous spurts of fire descended from the sky upon the woods. The three columns advanced as the hovering dragons moved inwards. Rox had immediately ordered all rabbits to the warren, underground they would be safe.

  “Ellie, come on!” she screamed.

  Cole nudged Ellie, who shook herself, but as she mounted Cole she could still not take her eyes from the advancing wall of flame. She heard trees and bushes crackling and spitting as they died. Cole pivoted and began running beside Rox to safety. As she bounced along on Cole's back, Ellie closed her eyes. She thought of the destruction and danger the dragons could bring. The woods were large and close to many villages. If the dragons continued chasing them with their fire then thousands of people were already at risk.

  Cole, stop!

  Shocked at Ellie's tone, Cole slid to a stop, knocking into Rox and causing Plume to bump into his backside.

  “Ow! Why are we stopping?” Plume asked angrily.

  Ellie jumped from Cole's back and turned to face her three friends.

  “We can't let them do this. They'll continue to burn the woods to find us. Too many could get hurt.” She explained. Plume looked frustrated.

  “But we'll be safe underground!” he argued. Ellie rolled her eyes.

  “I don't think Cole and I will fit in the warren, Plume.” Plume opened his mouth to speak and then quickly closed it. He nodded, embarrassed.

  “Ellie, what do you want to do?” Rox asked her quietly. Ellie placed a hand on Cole's shoulder and the dragon leaned in against her.

  “We'll lead them away from here.”

  “And then what?” Plume scoffed. “They won't stop chasing you!”

  “I know.” Ellie replied. “But you've all done enough and I won't risk you anymore.”

  Plume gro
wled with annoyance.

  “Plume!” Rox said and he quietened down. Rox looked behind them at the fire, it was consuming everything.

  “Ellie's thinking of us, I should…….” Rox was interrupted by a colossal crash as trees up ahead of them were flattened. Then came a large dull boom as something heavy landed on the trail in front of them. Ellie turned and saw Malachite standing there, blocking their path to safety. The three hovering dragons started scorching the woods once more. The fire would reach Ellie and her friends in a matter of minutes. Plume looked quickly back and forth from the fire to the dragon. He snatched his staff back from Rox so he now held Seren and his own. He bounded a short distance down the path.

  “Get out of here!” he ordered, without looking back.

  “Plume……” Rox started.

  “Now!” he shouted and launched himself at Malachite.

  Chapter 5

  Ellie didn't hesitate. As much as she hated to leave Plume alone to face the vengeful green dragon, she knew they had to escape, or they'd all be trapped. She grabbed a struggling Rox and jumped onto Cole's back.

  “Go!” she screamed.

  Cole immediately left the ground and headed for the gap Malachite had made in the trees. Malachite started running towards them. Plume brought Seren and his staff down hard on one of his paws. The dragon roared and reared back, giving Cole just enough room to fly past. Ellie looked down and saw Plume take a huge running leap at Malachite's face. Even over the sound of the raging fire and wind in her ears she heard the loud crack as Plume's paw connected with the dragon's jaw and Malachite went flying into the woods. Cole banked sharply and the last thing Ellie saw was Malachite regaining his feet and taking a swipe at Plume. Then they were lost among the trees.

  The three dragons above the woods were shocked by Cole's sudden exit and veered off to avoid a collision. But as Cole sped past, one was still close enough to viciously swing his tail. It connected with Cole's wing. There was a sickening crunch and a scream of pain from the red dragon. He bravely kept his wing outstretched, allowing them to glide over the fire, but he wouldn't be able to fly further.

  Ellie grimaced, as she could feel her friend's pain and she held on tightly to Rox as they descended wildly towards the hillside. Cole began chanting in his mind.

  I can make it! I can make it!

  Landing near the temple caused Cole to scream in agony and he collapsed at the foot of the temple stairs. Quicker than she thought possible, Ellie let go of Rox, dismounted and held the dragon's head.

  “Oh, Cole. I'm so sorry.” Her voice choked with tears.

  They all heard a roar from the flaming woods and Malachite burst out from the trees.

  “Plume….” Rox whispered.

  Seeing that Malachite was safe, the three dragons continued their destruction of the rabbit's home. Ellie, Cole and Rox watched as the green dragon located them and with a massive heave of his wings came flying towards them. Malachite set down and Ellie could see the green dragon's jaw seemed to be lopsided, the result of Plume's massive kick. Though clearly in pain, Malachite's eyes held anger and loathing.

  Ellie saw a black form in the sky behind Malachite and her heart fell further. It was a black dragon. Malachite followed her gaze over his shoulder and his eyes flashed in triumph His leader must've woken up.

  “This all ends now, little girl!” Malachite sneered.

  Ellie held on tight to Cole's neck as the green dragon reached for her. Rox jumped onto Cole's back, ready to defend her friends.

  “Malachite!” the black dragon yelled. The green dragon looked around again and the heavy bulk of the black dragon crashed down onto Malachite, forcing the green dragon to the ground. Pinned down and unable to move, Malachite began screaming and cursing. The black dragon passed an object from his back paw to the front and held it against Malachite's squirming head. It was round and glowed orange. Ellie thought it looked familiar.

  “Go to sleep.” The dragon said. The effect was instant. Malachite went absolutely still and to the astonishment of Ellie, Cole and Rox began snoring.

  The black dragon huffed and stood up. He looked at the three friends and smiled. Then to shock them all further, Ginger, Ellie's cat, jumped off his back. It was now clear this wasn't the leader of the dragons as Malachite had thought.

  The black dragon leaned down over them and gazed sadly at Cole.

  “Hello, my son.”


  Cole's father stared off into the distance towards the three dragons still causing mayhem above the woods. A low growl escaped from his mouth and he gave Malachite a look of contempt.

  “We don't have much time. When those three come back, they'll realise who I am.”

  Ellie still had her arm about Cole's neck. His body was rigid. He hadn't spoken or thought a word since the black dragon had called him `son.' Ginger, sensing everyone's shock, sauntered over and wrapped her body around Ellie's legs. Without thinking, Ellie released Cole and picked Ginger up.

  “Hello, Ellie. Hello, Rox.” Ginger said, between purrs.

  “Hi, Ginger.” Rox replied. Ellie smiled and brought the cat up to her face.

  “I guess I shouldn't be surprised by talking animals anymore. I am surprised that you're here though!” Ginger suddenly looked cheeky. Which was a strange expression on a cat. Ginger wriggled and Ellie let her down. The cat trotted over to the black dragon that was looking at Cole. Both dragons were so still they could have been statues.

  “This is, Eridan.” Ginger said simply. The sound of his name roused him from his thoughts and he took a deep breath.

  “In what time we have now, let me show you what I can.” He beckoned them all over and produced the glowing orange orb. For the first time since Eridan had appeared, Cole spoke.

  “That's the orb from the cellar. I found it when I was born.” A flash of pain crossed Eridan's face as he nodded.

  “All of you lay a paw or a hand on this.” The black dragon instructed.

  Ellie found that she trusted this dragon immediately. Not only because Ginger was with him but his manner and presence was trusting. Ellie nodded slightly at her friends and laid her hand upon the orb. To her surprise it was warm and soft to the touch. The others copied Ellie and Eridan said.

  “Show them.”

  There was a flash of warm orange light and Ellie found herself looking at a beautiful golden dragon.

  Chapter 6

  The war was over. The dragon's home was destroyed. Eridan and Celestine rose high above the land they had called their home for so long. Eridan gave his golden partner a sad look. She sensed his gaze and smiled at him. Despite the terrors they had suffered, her smile made the world a less dark place. Eridan never wanted her to suffer again at the hands of anyone or anything. He would find a way, he thought, to protect her, to protect all of their kind.

  Incredible, Ellie thought. But is this safe? We're all standing around, and those dragons are still out there!

  Shhhh now. Eridan's calming thoughts washed through her. This will take but a moment of time.

  Everything then seemed to flash by, as if watching a DVD on fast forward. Ellie picked up on images of life from day to day for the dragons. Travelling the world, educating themselves. Every subject possible was learned, nothing dismissed or ignored. Eridan and Celestine took a particular interest in science and how to use it.

  I conceived a plan. Eridan thought as the images sped by. A way to leave this world. Combining human science and dragon magic. But it required a high level of energy to work, dangerously high. I abandoned my plan. Celestine though, she thought it was possible. Ellie and her friends could sense the sadness coming from Eridan.

  The images slowed. Eridan was pacing the ground. Celestine was nowhere in sight. He was agitated, worried at the absence of his partner. There was a whoosh and the golden dragon appeared. She roared triumphantly holding the glowing, orange orb aloft. Eridan chastised Celestine before marvelling at their creation. They now had the power to do what they w
anted, to leave the world behind. Because of the closeness of Eridan's thoughts, Ellie and the others could sense the price had been too high. Celestine had travelled high above the Earth. She had left the protective atmosphere of the planet and used the sun's radiation to create the orb.

  Your mother thought she could bring the orb to life before any damage was done.

  Cole's sob in the real world was heard by them all and all of them wrapped comforting thoughts around their friend.

  Images flashed forward again and then Eridan was catching Celestine as she dropped from the air. They both went tumbling into a dense forest, the branches cracking and slamming into them, but breaking their fall. Eridan cared for his partner as best he could, but the damage was too great. She was dying.

  What I didn't realise was the power of what we had created. The orb could've cured Celestine….I just didn't know.

  “Eridan.” Celestine whispered.

  “Yes, dearheart.” Eridan replied, tears choking his voice.

  “I'm so sorry to leave you alone.”

  Eridan shook his head, causing the tears to shake loose and run down the dragon's cheek.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, my love. You'll be well soon. I'll go hunting. Bring back food so you can get you strength back.” Eridan stroked her cheek and then took to the skies. The images started moving forward much quicker than before.

  When I returned she had passed. I don't want you seeing that, son. So I left her and the orb. I no longer wanted anything to do with it. Then I left.

  As Eridan strove for height, not really knowing his destination, another dragon appeared in the sky. It was green. Malachite!

  I returned with him to the cave where he explained who he was and what he and the others had planned!

  “This is our world, not theirs! They squander and corrupt it!” Malachite spat. Eridan snorted in disgust.

  “It's not ours, or theirs. I've seen the best and worst of them. I had a rider. I've seen the heights they can reach and the depths they can plummet!”


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